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Laughton and Lindblom on Protocol


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Well, the mess continues:




Granted, these guys are in their prime and in good shape but Lindlom's situation scares me.  The kid hasn't gone five years since being cancer-free.  


Meanwhile, I am reading about a 48 game schedule.  Given what's happened the last two weeks, that may be reasonable or maybe even doable. 


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It doesn't matter how short they make the schedule if US teams keep getting infected with covid. They're not taking it seriously down there like we are. Why should fans up here have to suffer because of it?  Nobody has missed a game in the North division. 


I say play on, and if your team loses games then they lose games. Too bad. The NHL can do the standings by points percentage if need be but all of the other awards would be based on the raw totals.  :) 

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12 hours ago, Howie58 said:

Lindlom's situation scares me.


Yes very concern with his health.


The other too but with him recovering still i would believe his immune system is not fully up for this yet.


I a praying for all the guys.

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10 hours ago, CoachX said:

What a sad opinion.


No. It's the opinion of a hockey loving population that has been in a nationwide lockdown since December. We haven't been going out to bars or restaurants, or attending sports games in person, or doing anything. We've all been shut in for months and months. The fact that we get to watch hockey games right now is a reward for all the hard work we've done to contain this virus. 


And we'd be doing even better if our vaccine shipments weren't being held back. Canada is ranked ~50th in vaccinations because all the supplies are going to other countries but not us. America is vaccinating 1 million people per day now. We've vaccinated about 1 million people total. 


So despite us always being at the back of the line for everything, we have 1/10th the infection rate for covid per million people because of strict measures being implemented from day one a year ago. 

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13 hours ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

It doesn't matter how short they make the schedule if US teams keep getting infected with covid. They're not taking it seriously down there like we are. Why should fans up here have to suffer because of it?  Nobody has missed a game in the North division. 



What the hell are you talking about.  EVERY TEAM  has to follow the same rules.  It has nothing to do with the division they are playing in or which side of the border they're on.  If someone breaks those rules they pay the price, i.e., the 4 Russians that play for the Caps that were put in COVID Protocol because they were hanging out together in a hotel room.

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49 minutes ago, AlaskaFlyerFan said:


What the hell are you talking about.  EVERY TEAM  has to follow the same rules.  It has nothing to do with the division they are playing in or which side of the border they're on.  If someone breaks those rules they pay the price, i.e., the 4 Russians that play for the Caps that were put in COVID Protocol because they were hanging out together in a hotel room.


Same rules for every team huh?




It's not just the players on the ice. It's everyone they come in contact with. It's the options they have when they're away from the rink. When everyone (players, coaches, staff) go out to bars and party like nothing is going on, obviously people are going to get infected with covid-19. Up here the players can't do any of that stuff. There's nowhere to go. Everything is closed. That's the point I'm making. 

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4 minutes ago, WordsOfWisdom said:


Same rules for every team huh?




It's not just the players on the ice. It's everyone they come in contact with. It's the options they have when they're away from the rink. When everyone (players, coaches, staff) go out to bars and party like nothing is going on, obviously people are going to get infected with covid-19. Up here the players can't do any of that stuff. There's nowhere to go. Everything is closed. That's the point I'm making. 


Players, coaches, & staff are NOT going to to bars.  That's an ignorant statement.  They are not interacting with the fans, most of their team meetings are on Zoom, and the press conferences are virtual.  They get put on the protocol list for GOING TO A TEAMMATES HOTEL ROOM, for f#$% sake!  When the teams are on the road they are sequestered in their hotel rooms.  When the team is at home they are at their home.  


There is no way to tell how someone got infected with this virus.  They could've been infected by the asymptomatic bus driver whose asymptomatic wife picked it up at the grocery store because she needed toilet paper.  It isn't like you can look at their shoes to see who tracked the mud into the house.  



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21 hours ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

It doesn't matter how short they make the schedule if US teams keep getting infected with covid. They're not taking it seriously down there like we are. Why should fans up here have to suffer because of it?  Nobody has missed a game in the North division. 


I say play on, and if your team loses games then they lose games. Too bad. The NHL can do the standings by points percentage if need be but all of the other awards would be based on the raw totals.  :) 


I think they should only let we fans outside of the GTA watch the games because we're dealing with the pandemic way better than they are. 


 And my brother who lives up on the Bruce Penninsula (they of 18 Covid cases) think we (Simcoe/Muskoka) shouldn't get to watch. 


 Kiwis laugh in mock gesture at Bruce County.

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11 hours ago, AlaskaFlyerFan said:

They are not interacting with the fans


What about the cities that are allowing fans into the arenas?  


11 hours ago, AlaskaFlyerFan said:

There is no way to tell how someone got infected with this virus.


We know how people get infected with this virus, we just don't know from whom.


11 hours ago, AlaskaFlyerFan said:

They could've been infected by the asymptomatic bus driver whose asymptomatic wife picked it up at the grocery store because she needed toilet paper.  It isn't like you can look at their shoes to see who tracked the mud into the house.


If nothing is locked down, then you have many more "contact points".  That's how the virus spreads. The bus driver going out shopping (because nothing was on lockdown) and then being in close contact with players. The bus driver's wife spending her day at the mall, or going to the salon, or watching a movie in a theatre, or whatever, and then being close to the bus driver.


In any event, the number of new cases in Canada has plummeted. Covid has become largely irrelevant here again, and we don't even have the vaccine going out to the masses yet. We're controlling the spread without the help of the vaccine. :) 

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5 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


I think they should only let we fans outside of the GTA watch the games because we're dealing with the pandemic way better than they are. 


 And my brother who lives up on the Bruce Penninsula (they of 18 Covid cases) think we (Simcoe/Muskoka) shouldn't get to watch. 


 Kiwis laugh in mock gesture at Bruce County.


Canada (overall) has done a pretty good job of controlling the spread. Toronto and Vancouver were hotspots because that's where all our foreign travelers land, especially from Asia and Europe, both in the case of Toronto. I remember when news of covid-19 first spread this time last year, we had daily flights coming into Toronto from Bejing, London, etc. It was here from day one.


My point about doing the standings by points percentage is a good one though.  It's a 56-game condensed schedule. If one team loses two weeks worth of games, those games won't be made up. There simply isn't enough time.  :) 



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On 2/13/2021 at 7:56 PM, WordsOfWisdom said:


No. It's the opinion of a hockey loving population that has been in a nationwide lockdown since December. We haven't been going out to bars or restaurants, or attending sports games in person, or doing anything. We've all been shut in for months and months. The fact that we get to watch hockey games right now is a reward for all the hard work we've done to contain this virus. 


And we'd be doing even better if our vaccine shipments weren't being held back. Canada is ranked ~50th in vaccinations because all the supplies are going to other countries but not us. America is vaccinating 1 million people per day now. We've vaccinated about 1 million people total. 


So despite us always being at the back of the line for everything, we have 1/10th the infection rate for covid per million people because of strict measures being implemented from day one a year ago. 

What are you talking about nationwide lockdown? Each Province handles their own lockdowns individually.  We hardly had any restrictions last summer. Our restaurants are open. My kids are back playing hockey.   My youngest hasn't missed hardly any school this year. I know BC hasn't shut down restaurants.  I mean it's not like before Covid but its not a nationwide lockdown.

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5 hours ago, albertaflyer said:

What are you talking about nationwide lockdown? Each Province handles their own lockdowns individually. 


Yes, and if all of them go into lockdown (which they did) then it's a nationwide lockdown.  Why is this so difficult for people to understand?  Each province went into lockdown one after another. Some sooner than others, but they all got there eventually. 🙄

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On 2/16/2021 at 9:29 AM, CoachX said:



When confronted with basic facts about WHY US based teams are getting covid and NOT the Canadian based teams, or the simple fact that a month's worth of lost games aren't going to be made up (because there's no time), you resort to throwing insults.


There's a reason why the NHL played the games last season up here. Edmonton and Toronto were the bubble cities, not Philly and wherever. You have more covid cases in the US than any other nation. Half your country still thinks covid is a hoax. You never went into any kind of lockdown to stop the spread that I'm aware of. 


Anyway, it'll be a nice quiet few weeks since you vanish whenever the Flyers aren't playing, and never bother to venture outside the Flyers section of the forum.  :) 

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17 hours ago, WordsOfWisdom said:



Anyway, it'll be a nice quiet few weeks since you vanish whenever the Flyers aren't playing, and never bother to venture outside the Flyers section of the forum.  :) 

Im not going to engage in a political discussion regarding covid. So ill just focus on this part of your drivel....


It is my right to comment whenever i feel like it. And you're right, my activity is higher when the Flyers are doing something relevant. I do not visit this forum to discuss hockey with fans of other teams. Their POV is irrelevant to me and I dont care what they think. I also dont really care about the NHL or what they are doing. ALL i care about is the Flyers, and the league provides the format for me to watch my team. This forum gives me the format to discuss that team with other Flyer fans (who are highly intelligent and interesting people). In fact, its my opinion that the NHL only exists to give the Flyers a place to play


The fact that I dont often engage with people like you is no accident

Edited by pilldoc
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1 hour ago, CoachX said:

Im not going to engage in a political discussion regarding covid.


Fair enough.


1 hour ago, CoachX said:

So ill just focus on this part of your drivel....


And this is where you lose all my respect. Immediately into the insults.


1 hour ago, CoachX said:

It is my right to comment whenever i feel like it. And you're right, my activity is higher when the Flyers are doing something relevant.


Perfectly fine. That's your right.


1 hour ago, CoachX said:

I do not visit this forum to discuss hockey with fans of other teams. Their POV is irrelevant to me and I dont care what they think. I also dont really care about the NHL or what they are doing. ALL i care about is the Flyers, and the league provides the format for me to watch my team. This forum gives me the format to discuss that team with other Flyer fans (who are highly intelligent and interesting people). In fact, its my opinion that the NHL only exists to give the Flyers a place to play


And people think LEAFS fans are bad? LOL.


This is precisely why I have ZERO respect for you on this forum (and many other Flyers-only folk like you). It's perfectly fine to root for your team, but when you act as though fans of other teams don't exist, and refuse to be part of the forum on general NHL issues that affect ALL teams, and make no effort to put topics of GENERAL NHL interest in an area where other members can find them (ie: outside the Flyers section) then you come across as a selfish, "head buried in sand", neanderthal prick.


If you want to play the "Flyers fans are the only intelligent fans" card, remember that you're an EXPANSION team. The league, and fans of the original six have been around a lot longer than your franchise has. If you want to play the "most knowledgeable fans" card, well that would be Habs fans and Leafs fans. (Sorry to burst your bubble/delusion.) They don't come to this forum specifically because of individuals like you. 


It would be like me as a Blue Jays fan thinking I'm somehow superior to Yankees and Red Sox fans lol. 


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1 hour ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

This is precisely why I have ZERO respect for you on this forum (and many other Flyers-only folk like you

Wont lose any sleep over this


1 hour ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

then you come across as a selfish, "head buried in sand", neanderthal prick.

Thank you! 


1 hour ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

If you want to play the "Flyers fans are the only intelligent fans" card, remember that you're an EXPANSION team

Since expansion Leafs have win ZERO cups


1 hour ago, WordsOfWisdom said:

They don't come to this forum specifically because of individuals like you

My work here is done 

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So it seems the covid lineup to look forward to next game....per Bill subject to change I guess...











Hart Elliott

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3 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:

So it seems the covid lineup to look forward to next game....per Bill subject to change I guess...











Hart Elliott


seriously????  looks like a pre-season line-up ....gulp......

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33 minutes ago, Samifan said:

Any word if any of those currently in protocol will be out and available in time for Tahoe?


Bruins vs tomorrow’s lineup could get ugly quick 




I don't think so see lineup above.


It is what is expected and the Lake Tahoe game is this coming weekend too vs Bruins.

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