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Is it End of the Line for Morin?


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This is an interesting piece.  




I am pulling for the kid--he has shown perseverance. And I would probably take a chance on him relative to Hagg at this juncture.  That said, it does appear the window is closing.





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There's no news on the team and these guys are paid to create content;  So I understand, however...

corsi based on 5 games...? they can **** right off with that.


Also, and i'm paraphrasing, we definitely know what kind of player Hagg is since he's played for almost 2 years now.  Again, shut up with this. 

Defensmen take longer to develop, I for one would like to see Morin push his way into the line up. If he starts in Lehigh Valley and is lights out...Good, he becomes an asset. He's had terrible luck with injuries, the two off-season vet acquisitions, give the organization time to make a judgment on the talent in the system. This is me only but, a guy that big, with a bit of a mean streak who skates as well as he does...I think smart people see that through. I don't think at 24- Sam Morin is through. 




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2 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

So I understand, however...

corsi based on 5 games...?


I didn't read the article so i'm being lazy and asking so they are using the 5 games he played this past season when the team had already quit???


Everyone except maybe him, NAK and Hart?? If that's the sample they are using i'm glad i didn't read it.


Morin will get hi shot this coming season he will be either in the lineup or the 7th D man and is on a team friendly deal for 700K this year and next hard to beat that. We will know more about him at the conclusion of next year till then we can only guess.


He has a lot of tools to work with i hope he brings them to the forefront with Gudas gone some grit and toughness will be needed.



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3 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

There's no news on the team and these guys are paid to create content;  So I understand, however...



It does suck that Morin is caught in a numbers game right now.  Doubtful he makes it through waivers, so he's stuck as a 7 or 8 on the Flyers and probably won't play that much.  I could see him (or Hagg or Ghost) getting moved for a piece that makes them stronger elsewhere, but I really rather they not move him.  I could also see them moving him if they feel he's being blocked here and want to do him a solid and move him to a team that has a spot for him.  


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I would love to see someone with snarl on the back end.  We will see in if he survives.  Vis is right...we might move him for his own opportunity.  Franchises don't like to sour on 1st round picks.  Maybe he blooms late.

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2 hours ago, vis said:



It does suck that Morin is caught in a numbers game right now.  Doubtful he makes it through waivers, so he's stuck as a 7 or 8 on the Flyers and probably won't play that much.  I could see him (or Hagg or Ghost) getting moved for a piece that makes them stronger elsewhere, but I really rather they not move him.  I could also see them moving him if they feel he's being blocked here and want to do him a solid and move him to a team that has a spot for him.  



Could be used as a chip to get Hoffman

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2 minutes ago, brelic said:


Could be used as a chip to get Hoffman


They'll need to move more salary than Morin's to fit Hoffman especially with TK and Ivan not inked yet no way I paint myself into a corner making a move like this.

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1 hour ago, brelic said:


Could be used as a chip to get Hoffman

I've seen some chatter.  Is that realistic?  Any concern that this would be his 3rd team (or, technically 4th) in a short period of time?  He had all that drama in Ottawa.  Why is Florida interested in moving him?

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2 hours ago, Howie58 said:

I would love to see someone with snarl on the back end.  We will see in if he survives.  Vis is right...we might move him for his own opportunity.  Franchises don't like to sour on 1st round picks.  Maybe he blooms late.

Moving Morin at this point,  even for his own sake, is a mistake.  Due to injuries we would be lucky even get a second round pick for him. He needs to play . We need to get him into the lineup one way or another. His game will not improve sitting in the press box and his value will not increase either.


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3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


They'll need to move more salary than Morin's to fit Hoffman especially with TK and Ivan not inked yet no way I paint myself into a corner making a move like this.


It would likely have to involve Ghost too.

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I've watched Morin in Allentown the past three years.  He is nothing more than Ollie Lauridsen 2.0.  He's slow and not particularly belligerent like everyone wants to believe.  He isn't the kind of guy to try to ignite a spark by gooning it up and I never saw him come to the aid of a teammate.  He certainly can fight (or at least wrassle a guy to the ground) but he isn't ornery and is often out of position.  His size helps a lot but he is not the second coming of Chris Pronger or even Chris Therrien.  Let him play for a few games then trade him.  They have much much better prospects waiting in the wings.

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1 hour ago, Poconono said:

I've watched Morin in Allentown the past three years.  He is nothing more than Ollie Lauridsen 2.0.  He's slow and not particularly belligerent like everyone wants to believe.  He isn't the kind of guy to try to ignite a spark by gooning it up and I never saw him come to the aid of a teammate.  He certainly can fight (or at least wrassle a guy to the ground) but he isn't ornery and is often out of position.  His size helps a lot but he is not the second coming of Chris Pronger or even Chris Therrien.  Let him play for a few games then trade him.  They have much much better prospects waiting in the wings.


I wish I could be mad at this, but I think it's fairly accurate.  Slightly (I said slightly) on the harsh side, but fairly accurate.

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I haven't seen very much of Morin and knew him to be a "project" from the start...The part that I don't get from Pocono's assessment is this, when his draft position skyrocketed it was because of his skating, have his injuries deteriorated that part of his game ?

Do people routinely blow by him ? get past him in the A by going wide ?


He's a big dude so it might not look like he's going fast.

Because of his stride, Jeff Carter looked slow until you watched him in relation to good players that couldn't keep up, could there be some of this happening with Morin's frame ?


Everything you've written may be true, there is a part of me that would hate to see the investment of time in the kid go to waste, in a trade for a middling prospect, only to have Morin's career take off... and he becomes a 20 minute a night player that no one wants to play against. 


So you're pretty sure, that's not going to happen ?

He'll be lucky to catch on in the Dutch top division ?

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8 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:

Do people routinely blow by him ? get past him in the A by going wide ?


No..he looked fine in the 5 games he played for the Flyers at the end of last year....well as good as he could have we the team he was on just going through the motions after being eliminated...


...i wouldn't pay Poconono's opinion any mind he has ripped the guy every chance he has had since the Flyers drafted.


There are plenty of clips where he has stood up for teammates...but he had been instructed by the coaching staff to not get involved in the goonery and concentrate on playing defense.


Someone forget even though he is huge and skates well he is a stay at home defenseman. I think he needs to concentrate on playing defense first and the rest will come in time. He will get his chance to play this upcoming season and we will know more about how good he can possibly be. Right now he just needs to keep it simple and stay healthy.

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I don't think he's Hal Gill slow but he isn't a fluid skater either.  He seems to lack hockey sense in recognizing where the opposition is headed in the defensive zone.  Having a long reach helps him cover up his being in the wrong position.  To me he is a tweener: a good AHLer and a mediocre NHLer.  He won't be a top four guy.

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2 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

Do people routinely blow by him ? get past him in the A by going wide ?

No. He's decent positionally, with caveat that he's still young so young mistakes.  And he makes up for deficiencies with wing span.  He'll be fine as third pair. Second in a pinch. He can still grow into his game. 


But at this stage he's not the ferocious hitter/fighter that some are imagining. Ferocious or not, his size can do damage against the smallish forwards, for sure. 

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1 hour ago, Poconono said:

To me he is a tweener: a good AHLer and a mediocre NHLer.  He won't be a top four guy.


 Provorov/Sanheim/Ghost/Myers...he doesn't have to be top 4. That's not counting the "vet presence" they brought in.

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a) He's 24 and barely played hockey for the last two years, and

b) He's not one of Chuck Fletcher's picks, so

c) If he becomes a regular NHL player, I think it will probably not be as a Flyer.


Of course, I could be very very wrong about that, but history shows us that's the likely outcome.




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46 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:

this carries a lot of weight. 

he's not from Minnesota either so...


It's really true. GMs are much quicker to move on from draft picks who aren't their own.


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10 minutes ago, flyercanuck said:


Or NOT from Minnesota....which is an asinine way to build a team.


Yeah, I agree completely. I just want the best players that I can get, regardless of who picked them. If the last guy is canned, but the pick works out for me, I'm happy.


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It is do or die time for Sam. He does not have to be stunning but solid and dependable are a must at this point. There comes a time in every prospects time line that demands progress, regardless of d men taking longer and injuries in this case. We have reached that point. He simply has to put it all together this fall. Another injury would spell his inevitable end in the org...his fault or not. There comes a time when you have to pull the plug. I have been a big proponent of patience with Sam..but the time to deliver has indeed arrived. 

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