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Dumb n00b question re Hockey Stats lingo!


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Hi (again) it's been a long time :-)


My interest in Hockey never faded but I've been concentrating in the Summer on Cricket (yes I'm in England) and watching live Ice Hockey in the Winter in our domestic leagues. So haven't been much exposed to the jargon of NHL commentary. Until now.


Freesport are broadcasting regular NHL games in the UK and that's just great, I'm watching a re-run of the Winter Classic as I write.


Anyway example: "Rangers are oh for one on the Penalty Kill"


Are they, that's nice? I'm sure they never said that in the game but I hope that's a good example of my problem. Is there a guide for all these stats terms they commentators throw out?


I did a google search but all the beginners stuff for Ice Hockey is about rules etc and I am good with that.


Cheers & Happy New Year Hockey Fans :D

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If somebody is said to be "oh for" in anything, that means they've unsuccessful so far in the number of attempts given. A power-play which went 1-for-3 scored once in three different power-play opportunities. In this case, "Oh-for-one on the penalty kill" would mean that the Rangers have had to kill one penalty, and weren't able to do it.


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Well, it's not really "ultimate" (lots of stuff still missing), but this might be as good a place as any for some of the jargon used in the game:





Also, you can go here for stat meanings. Hockey reference overall is a pretty good site for just about anything hockey numbers related.



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