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Must it be the final year for our 1/1A Goaltenders?


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1 hour ago, King Knut said:

I respect his privacy, but it is so provocative to leave it like that. 

I'll just assume that if I learned what it was, I'd feel really bad and probably wish I hadn't learned it.  


Yeah, sorry.  I really agree with the first sentence.  I shouldn't have chirped in, to be honest.  It only serves as self-aggrandizement (like "I know and you don't, nanny nanny boo boo").


It wasn't intended that way when I wrote it, but if someone else wrote it I'd think "what a schmuck!"   You were much nicer about it.

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15 hours ago, canoli said:


At 28 he's pretty much in his prime and will be for the next few years. If we expect the Flyers to be legit Cup contenders within 3 or 4 years Mason's age shouldn't be a factor. But the young goalies, how ready they are is a big factor. I'm leery of scrapping the "build from the net out" plan the Flyers have in place.


The good news is it doesn't have to get solved this year or even next year. The Flyers' D won't be good enough to win 4 PO rounds until there's been a substantial overhaul on the blue line.


All great points.  Well said.

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20 minutes ago, ruxpin said:


Yeah, sorry.  I really agree with the first sentence.  I shouldn't have chirped in, to be honest.  It only serves as self-aggrandizement (like "I know and you don't, nanny nanny boo boo").


It wasn't intended that way when I wrote it, but if someone else wrote it I'd think "what a schmuck!"   You were much nicer about it.


Nah, I respect your position if you're on the inside of it.  How do you tell fans like us who aren't, that "Trust me, it's legit and deserves your sympathy... but I can't talk about it" without seeming like you're dangling gossip scraps to hungry wolves?    I'm good to leave it alone.  Mase has my respect.  Would love to see him sign a respectable contract to keep him here for a few more years and hopefully transition to a new #1 by the time he's nearing the end of his next contract at 32 or so.  


Just his health I worry about.  Ever since the Berube/Reese incident where they made him play when he wasn't ready I've been really concerned.  

It seems like Hextall needed to dress him for cap reasons, but that Berube should have known better than to play him and only did so in desperation for a few more wins that might help him keep his job.  All in all just general ugliness and I wasn't proud of the way it was handled.  Mase is a competitor and I can't think of a player in this league you'd want on your team at all who wouldn't prefer to be in games to sitting them out, so if he says he probably shouldn't play, I'm really apt to take him at his word. 

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1 hour ago, ruxpin said:


Yeah, sorry.  I really agree with the first sentence.  I shouldn't have chirped in, to be honest.  It only serves as self-aggrandizement (like "I know and you don't, nanny nanny boo boo").


It wasn't intended that way when I wrote it, but if someone else wrote it I'd think "what a schmuck!"   You were much nicer about it.


I don't think it really comes across that way, Rux. I've heard some rumors which may or may not be valid, and I know I hope they aren't true. But I respect people who know and keep it to themselves, and I think saying, "yeah, it was really bad, but the world doesn't need to know what really happened," is a perfectly fine statement to make. I mean, I know fans aren't actually badgering him, but how else are you supposed to encourage people to let it lie?


Regarding Mason, he ranked third in 5 on 5 save percentage among goalies with 1500+ minutes. Among goalies with 1250, he ranked 4th. Neuvirth was 13th (Neuvirth played 1400 minutes, so I chose the first tier they were both represented in). What I wonder about it his PK save percentage. He is third from last among goalies with 100 pk minutes. He drops almost 12 points when shorthanded. Neuvirth, on the other hand, only drops three percentage points and is eighth overall. I don't have an explanation for those numbers - if it was just awful PK play, both would see similar substantial drops. The pattern was similar last year, though Emery was even worse on the PK. I could see a scenario where Mason may not trust the penalty kill given the last few years and has gotten into the habit of overcommitting (Which Neuvirth didn't develop because he hadn't been exposed to the PK previously), but that is a troubling pattern. That said, Mason was #3 this year and #1 last year 5v5. That's pretty good considering the number of minutes spent on each and the shots faced, and fixing the disparity should be more than doable.

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On 8/7/2016 at 9:59 PM, ruxpin said:

The only thing I'll maintain is that $6M for Mason would be an inexcusable mistake. 

The only goalie that should get that kind of money is Ryan Miller. :hockey-goal-scoring-smiley-emoticon:

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12 minutes ago, ruxpin said:


What an awesome post (the Mason thing was funny, but I mean just the picture in general).


Jeebus - Hoffort? HOFFORT? I had to look him up.


Played nine games.


Pelletier played one game and had a 5.00 GAA and a whopping .828 SV%.


I can't tell from the photo, but does the Snow jersey have the little wings on the shoulders? :hocky:

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2 minutes ago, radoran said:


Jeebus - Hoffort? HOFFORT? I had to look him up.


Played nine games.


Pelletier played one game and had a 5.00 GAA and a whopping .828 SV%.


I can't tell from the photo, but does the Snow jersey have the little wings on the shoulders? :hocky:


I swear to God I remember Hoffort.   I bet he doesn't even still have a jersey.   


Snow was huge in his jersey.  Kind of a maxi with wings.

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20 minutes ago, radoran said:


Jeebus - Hoffort? HOFFORT? I had to look him up.


Played nine games.


Pelletier played one game and had a 5.00 GAA and a whopping .828 SV%.


I can't tell from the photo, but does the Snow jersey have the little wings on the shoulders? :hocky:


Sadly, I CAN remember Hoffort (Bruce, right?)

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The problem with Neuvirth it's that the guy is so brittle. He farts and ends up on the injured list. You can't tie the team to him because every year, he misses long stretches of time with injury. 


I still think the Washington series would be completely different if Del Zotto played. His presence was sorely missed.

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25 minutes ago, murraycraven said:


they should just make Miller play for every team!!


B-b-b-b-b-but I thought they were trying to increase scoring?


I mean, 82 0-0 ties isn't going to be very exciting hockey.



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1 hour ago, radoran said:


B-b-b-b-b-but I thought they were trying to increase scoring?


I mean, 82 0-0 ties isn't going to be very exciting hockey.




If anyone could score on Miller...it'd be Miller.

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On 8/8/2016 at 4:39 PM, AJgoal said:

It's two years of professional experience. So they will have to protect stolarz


Yes this season will be Stolarz's 3rd in Lehigh so he's not exempt from the Vegas roundup.


generalfanager.com has the protected / unprotected players listed by team - nicely done I think.




Echoing @King Knut (i think it was him) I guess the Flyers will re-sign Mason (at $18-20mil over 4 years) and then protect him. Maybe Stolarz could earn protection if he has an amazing year while at the same time Mason has a bad one.


Where Neuvirth figures into the Flyers plans...I wish I knew. He impressed me this year not only for his play but for his ability to summon his A-game at will. I wish I could better remember his Wash years. I know he rode the bench behind Vokoun one year...then Vokoun got hurt and suddenly it was all Holtby all the time. Is it fair to say Neuvirth can't stay healthy? Or has he logged mostly 20- or 30-game seasons because he's largely been used as a backup?

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On August 5, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Howie58 said:

Canoli and Colleagues:


I'll repeat my prediction--I think both Mase and Neuvy are gone in 2018.  If both play well, they become too expensive, particularly Mason who has never shown himself as a playoff goalie.  If Neuvy plays well...he will want more money or jump ship for a starting job somewhere.  I agree we have a good thing going but like all good things--I suspect this will come to an end. Neuvy has never done more than 48 games. He may be a super sub and no more.  But Canoli is right....at least this duo seems to work. That has been a rarity for the franchise.  I guess Stolarz's progress and/or injuries will factor.  Jeepers...it's depressing to think that other than Nitty, Bobo, and Boosh...who have we grown in recent years?  


its a nice pipe dream but Mase will get at least 4 and 4.  I'm guessing 4.5 over 4 years.  If we're lucky over 3. 


I'm still confused on the UFA situation. 

Both players will technically be flyers at the time of the expansion draft... For a few hours.   Then they're UFA the next day right?


Those players who are UFA can't be draft elliible right?  I understand there's some early bird access to UFA guys for Vegas?  They get to try to sign them the day before the draft? 


is that right? 


I honestly just don't see Vegas drafting Stolarz out from under us.  Not unless he's ridiculously just lights out for the phantoms... Which frankly didn't seem forthcoming exactly. 


You can draft a single player from every team. After the flyers lay out all their protections, it won't leave much, but is a minor league goalie who may or may not someday be ready to be a backup in the pros... Is he really your guy?  


I know I'm down on him, but if I'm Vegas I'm taking Read or Cousins or Laughton or Raffl (at least two of whom won't be protected). Even Manning or Macdonald would probably be more helpful to your brand new team.  With those guys on the table, there's no way I'm taking Stolarz over them unless he makes great strides and sees s lot of NHL ice time this year to boot!


They could sign Mason or Neuvy (or another UFA goalie Bishop for instance) to anchor your back end.  Stolarz is economical, but it Is a big gamble to waste one of your 30 professional picks on an utterly unproven minor league goalie. 


I know i said elsewhere that they might trade for Fleury, but they won't trade picks to Pittsburgh for him.  They need those picks.  


Side note, it looks like the flyers will have to choose between protecting Laughton and Cousins... Which do you keep?   




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12 hours ago, canoli said:

I wish I could better remember his Wash years. I know he rode the bench behind Vokoun one year..

There always seemed to be a "hotter hand" than Neuvirth. He was in Hershey when Varlomov was looking great but he was used as a capable back up.... when he was in Hershey the only guy I saw better than Neuvirth was Carey Price... So his career has been sort of snake bit, he's been stuck behind some talented guys, gotten hurt when he's had his chance and usurped by more consistent younger players.   The biggest issue has been he's been injured and has then had the misfortune of having young guys play great when they've gotten their chances...he's like a goalie version of a traveling Wally Pip.

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Just now, mojo1917 said:

There always seemed to be a "hotter hand" than Neuvirth. He was in Hershey when Varlomov was looking great but he was used as a capable back up.... when he was in Hershey the only guy I saw better than Neuvirth was Carey Price... So his career has been sort of snake bit, he's been stuck behind some talented guys, gotten hurt when he's had his chance and usurped by more consistent younger players.   The biggest issue has been he's been injured and has then had the misfortune of having young guys play great when they've gotten their chances...he's like a goalie version of a traveling Wally Pip.


Neuvirth won the Calder (as MVP) in the AHL and then beat out Varlamov to be starter for the Caps.


The Caps the next year signed Vokoun, dealt Varlamov and made Neuvirth the backup.


Vokoun got injured before the playoffs, but so was Neuvirth and that opened the door for Holtby.


Holtby took the ball and ran with it. Neuvirth got dealt to Buffalo and then to the Isles before signing in Philadelphia.


He's really had one full season as a NHL starter and still only got 48 games in. And he has had a record of injury which is certainly cause for concern.

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@mojo1917 & @radoran


Grazie! Google is all well and good but reading your posts beats sifting thru websites any day.


Neuvirth's an interesting player. If he has another good year backing up Mason and decides to test the market I wonder how much interest he'll garner.


@King Knut


Ya that's a good point re: Stolarz. Vegas will certainly have other priorities in the Poaching Draft and they'll get picks in the regular NHL draft too. No sense "wasting" one of their picks on an AHL goalie.

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