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Must it be the final year for our 1/1A Goaltenders?


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4 minutes ago, murraycraven said:

 It would be cheaper for sure but I have concerns around his ability to stay healthy.


Quite a valid concern, I think.   With Mason, too, actually.

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6 minutes ago, radoran said:


Fixed it for you.


Carey Price says "hello" "ow, my groin!"




It's Monday, and I'm struggling with English.   I first read this, "Carey Prices says hello to my groin!"     I didn't know what to do with that.

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2 hours ago, ruxpin said:

  But yeah, at some point, given Mason's age, etc., it may be time to slowly be transitioning to whatever the future is post-Mason (after this coming season).


Mason's 28. That's very young in goalie years. Goalies can play at a top level well into their 30s, so his age doesn't concern me at this point.


I just wanted to add that a 'transition' is likely to take YEARS (i.e. the slow transition to which you allude), especially considering that goalies really are a crapshoot and that all our goalies are ranked 7ish at HF - examples of which are Dubnyk, Halak, and Mike Smith. 


Of course we have increased our odds of having at least one of them reach their potential, and perhaps even exceed it.


Or, you know, Lyons might be given a shot due to injury and play lights out this season! Who the heck knows?


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On 8/5/2016 at 8:41 PM, canoli said:

I guess one or the other - maybe both - will need to find a new team next summer. Can you envision a realistic scenario that keeps both guys in Philly past the 2016-17 season?


I realize NHL teams don't generally spend $12 million on goaltending. But given the Flyers' depressing history of filling the position maybe it's time to try something radically different. Maybe this is a unique situation and calls for a unique solution. Assuming there's no personal reasons to separate them the smart move could be to keep those 2 together and lock up the goaltending position for the eventual (legitimate) Cup run in a few years.


Maybe it's a stretch to call it a unique situation simply because the Flyers have been so spectacularly bad at finding goaltenders. Certainly Hextall's not to blame for the Bryz-aster. He didn't sign Biron or waste (and probably ruin) Bobrovsky. He's not responsible for any of the pretenders and washed-up veterans the Flyers trotted out over the years to try and stop pucks. He can't be expected to take those failures into account. OTOH the Flyers are sitting pretty right now with 2 guys who work well together. Can they afford to go with the usual tandem, the ~$6 mil starter and the ~$1-2 mil backup, in the process breaking up an excellent one-two combination?


If they're willing (even better if they're eager) to stay for the right price ... should the Flyers offer attractive contracts to both of them and what is that right price? [assume they both stay reasonably healthy this year and have average (for them) seasons.]



They shouldn't have to protect Stolarz as he doesn't have the 2 years of NHL experience to make him eligible, right?


My guess is that unless Stolarz has an amazingly lights out year and has to come up to the big club and leads the Flyers to the finals, They'll be resigning and protecting Mason for around 4-4.5 million per.  If Vegas tries to sign Mase for a longer term deal out of the gate, the Flyers might lose him, but my suspicion is they won't.  


I think the chances are really high that the Penguins trade Fleury to Vegas for a high draft pick  (if they don't trade him to Carolina or Dallas).  Fleury's won a cup and got credit for showing up for a second.  My guess is he'd probably rather play somewhere than ride the pine, and I don't se them trying to buy him out, so he'll most likely waive the NMC.  He wouldn't likely waive it for the draft though.  

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2 minutes ago, brelic said:

Mason's 28. That's very young in goalie years.


Agreed.   It's not a big concern, but he'll be 29 at the end of the current contract and 32 at the end of a hypothetical 3-year contract.   My biggest concern is any of this against a $6M/year contract, which there's no way I would do.


Plus, if not "injury prone," he is becoming an injury concern.  I don't think that will improve with age.


If -- IF -- he were to demand $6M/yr, it's "thanks for the memories, Steve."  If he's going to stay in somewhat the same ballpark as now ($4.1M), I'm still not thrilled with the amount but it's acceptable.  I just think there may be other, cheaper options, to bridge to whatever/whomever eventually comes out of the system.

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41 minutes ago, ruxpin said:


Agreed.   It's not a big concern, but he'll be 29 at the end of the current contract and 32 at the end of a hypothetical 3-year contract.   My biggest concern is any of this against a $6M/year contract, which there's no way I would do.


Plus, if not "injury prone," he is becoming an injury concern.  I don't think that will improve with age.


If -- IF -- he were to demand $6M/yr, it's "thanks for the memories, Steve."  If he's going to stay in somewhat the same ballpark as now ($4.1M), I'm still not thrilled with the amount but it's acceptable.  I just think there may be other, cheaper options, to bridge to whatever/whomever eventually comes out of the system.

Agree if he asks for 6 million I walk away. That type of money hurts us elsewhere in the lineup when new contracts are due.  Ideally 4.5 max if not less for 2 years.  Deal Neuvy.   Stolarz or Lyon backup.  Groom the kids Hart etc.   

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1 hour ago, King Knut said:


They shouldn't have to protect Stolarz as he doesn't have the 2 years of NHL experience to make him eligible, right?


My guess is that unless Stolarz has an amazingly lights out year and has to come up to the big club and leads the Flyers to the finals, They'll be resigning and protecting Mason for around 4-4.5 million per.  If Vegas tries to sign Mase for a longer term deal out of the gate, the Flyers might lose him, but my suspicion is they won't.  


I think the chances are really high that the Penguins trade Fleury to Vegas for a high draft pick  (if they don't trade him to Carolina or Dallas).  Fleury's won a cup and got credit for showing up for a second.  My guess is he'd probably rather play somewhere than ride the pine, and I don't se them trying to buy him out, so he'll most likely waive the NMC.  He wouldn't likely waive it for the draft though.  

It's two years of professional experience. So they will have to protect stolarz

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20 minutes ago, AJgoal said:

It's two years of professional experience. So they will have to protect stolarz


They'll have to play Stolarz as much as possible with the Flyers then.  

Either way I think they'll be keeping one of Mason or Neuvy.  They'll have an idea of the landscape by the end of the season.  


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I think the trade deadline will help shape the Flyers' future at goal. Depending on what young or old goalies move around or don't (Fluery/Murray, for example), the Flyers may be willing to risk exposing Stolarz, figuring that he'd be lower on a team's list. It's going to be a gamble no matter what they decide to do. 

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Neuvy has a career history of being injured. That's scares the crap of me if I'm Hextall. Kid can play goal, no doubt. But if they commit to him, lose/trade Mason, and he gets hurt; they literally have no one with NHL experience to fill the roll.

Now maybe the thought is to protect one, lose one and sign an experienced back up before next season, if a kid doesn't prove himself.  


On on a side note; does anyone know what Mason's personal issues were this year. Parents/kids/etc?  Just curious as I've been reading it for 10 months but haven't read the issue. 



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13 minutes ago, DaGreatGazoo said:

Neuvy has a career history of being injured. That's scares the crap of me if I'm Hextall. Kid can play goal, no doubt. But if they commit to him, lose/trade Mason, and he gets hurt; they literally have no one with NHL experience to fill the roll.

Now maybe the thought is to protect one, lose one and sign an experienced back up before next season, if a kid doesn't prove himself.  


On on a side note; does anyone know what Mason's personal issues were this year. Parents/kids/etc?  Just curious as I've been reading it for 10 months but haven't read the issue. 





He'd heard Millers game was on the slide and a certain Buffalonian was looking for a new messiah....so he went into hiding.

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15 minutes ago, DaGreatGazoo said:

Neuvy has a career history of being injured. That's scares the crap of me if I'm Hextall. Kid can play goal, no doubt. But if they commit to him, lose/trade Mason, and he gets hurt; they literally have no one with NHL experience to fill the roll.

Now maybe the thought is to protect one, lose one and sign an experienced back up before next season, if a kid doesn't prove himself.  


On on a side note; does anyone know what Mason's personal issues were this year. Parents/kids/etc?  Just curious as I've been reading it for 10 months but haven't read the issue. 




Everyone that has claimed to know has said, "We can't talk about it."

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Apparently he's been hiding out in California but there's been a lot of Lumina sightings there lately...especially in the San Diego area. 


And for some reason all the Applebees in San Fran and LA have closed for the next week.

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6 hours ago, ruxpin said:

But yeah, at some point, given Mason's age, etc., it may be time to slowly be transitioning to whatever the future is post-Mason (after this coming season).


At 28 he's pretty much in his prime and will be for the next few years. If we expect the Flyers to be legit Cup contenders within 3 or 4 years Mason's age shouldn't be a factor. But the young goalies, how ready they are is a big factor. I'm leery of scrapping the "build from the net out" plan the Flyers have in place.


The good news is it doesn't have to get solved this year or even next year. The Flyers' D won't be good enough to win 4 PO rounds until there's been a substantial overhaul on the blue line.

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On 8/7/2016 at 9:58 AM, canoli said:


What can I say to someone who wouldn't re-up the guy at his current $4.1 mil.? To me he's clearly an excellent goaltender who could take the Flyers to the Cup. The one "but" I'd add is that he appears to truly need (or, I should say, his team truly needs) a capable backup who won't leave too many points on the table while Mason goes through his annual whatever-he-goes-through.


I know I'm not objective w/r/t Mason. As a Flyers fan I've been beaten down by 40 years of mediocre goaltending with maybe 2 bright spots during all that time (Pelle and Bob). We finally have a winning combination and apparently the hockey gods plan to shaft us again - NHL expansion - so we're bound to lose at least one of them.


Good point about not needing a superstar to win the Cup. You do need some serious luck though when you bank on (or are forced to go with) a Niemi or Murray (or Leighton) to take you there. So far ... and it's 40+ years and counting ... the Flyers have had some serious luck - all bad - when it comes to goaltending.

You need serious luck for sure, but it helps to have a Pronger and Timonen or a Keith and Seabrook combination in front of your goalie. If you're going the route of only average to slightly above average goaltending, your defense better be lights out.

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19 hours ago, ruxpin said:


Quite a valid concern, I think.   With Mason, too, actually.



Yeah, neither one fills me with confidence long term health wise.  Frankly that's why it works to well to have both and probably why neither one should get more than 3.5-4 million in a new deal and that new deal shouldn't be terribly long.    I think Mason's invested, feels some ownership of what they're trying to build and wants to stay long term based on general impressions.  But that only goes so far.  Someone's offering you a lot more money for a longer duration to go play in the desert, I think you do it.


I also think however if I'm that team in the desert, I'd be trying to grab Fleury instead.  Not because I think Fleury's better, but because if I were trying to start a hockey team in the desert in a city with no industry that isn't a competing attraction of some sort or another and only half a million people, I have to think I'd be pretty dumb... So taking of Fleury seems like exactly the kind of thing I'd be doing.


As for the Hextall, If I'm him, I'm talking to both their agents and getting a handle on what they're both looking for and keeping a close eye on Stolie and the other goaltening prospects that I hired that dude from LA to help develop with the end game of keeping one of Mason and Neuvy on a 3 year deal that costs under 4 mill per.  

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16 hours ago, ruxpin said:


For really good reason.   It's safe to feel really bad for him. 

I respect his privacy, but it is so provocative to leave it like that. 

I'll just assume that if I learned what it was, I'd feel really bad and probably wish I hadn't learned it.  

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On 8/7/2016 at 8:02 PM, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:

I still don't understand the hated for Martin Biron. I thought he was fantastic and only asked what other starting goaltenders were making at the time. Let's face it - Holmgren cheated our when it came time to re-up Biron. He was well-liked and he came prepared to play.


He asked for what other starting goaltenders at the time were making... the problem is that everyone in the world except for Homer and Marty Biron new that Marty Biron wasn't really a starting goaltender.  

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On 8/7/2016 at 8:13 PM, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:

I hope they keep Mason. If they let both Mason and Neuvirth walk, that leaves Stolarz and Lyon as the goaltenders. That's franchise suicide. As for free agency, do you not think Ben Bishop is going to cost? Do you want someone like Craig Anderson manning the fort? Exactly. The Flyers are best if keeping Mason and then grooming Stolarz or Lyon to take over, which is why I'm surprised Neuvirth was dealt. The grooming process needs to start soon.


I wish Ben Bishop the best of luck, but I don't think this team should be spending that much money (assuming he'll get more than 6.5 mill in free agency) on a soon to be 31 year old goaltender.  

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