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Meltzer's Clean out Day Tweets


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18 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

Some of the worst part about Coots shoulder is once again in the offseason he won't be able to do much heavy lifting. And that is the only way he is going to get stronger.


Jake doesn't need to play in the World Cup he needs to rest and prepare for next season.


Read's excuse is garbage regardless of his role i'm sure Hak never told him "Don't try to score!" He's done time to move him for whatever you can get for him.

If couturier was planning on playing in game 7, he was probably a couple weeks from being completely healthy.  He should be able to get back in the gym by early summer I would think.


I think Jake hasn't been keeping up with the routine with what made him a great player last year.  He was committed to improving his speed and strength, and that gave him a big edge in games.  He didn't have that edge all season.  Maybe he got burned out from his "no-pasta" diet.  If he was a 45 year old stay-at-home mom trying to get ready for the beach, staying away from carbs is a good idea.  As a professional athlete, he needs carbs to burn.  If not, he'll get burned out.


I thought read's comments were just an excuse for poor play.  He can say he's a defensive player which excuses his poor offensive output.  I've been using this same line of thinking with couturier too though.  Everyone tells me "he's never been put in an offensive role".  And I've always replied "really, the coach tells him to not try to score?"  Maybe read is onto something.

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