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2 top line caliber players in G and Jake and then the rest of the forwards are 3rd, 4th liners and fringe NHLers.

let's be honest... 1 top line caliber player in G. at least Read has scored 3 this year while Mr 8M/8yr has one lowsy goal. Jake is a way bigger issue than read right now... Not sayin Read does not deserve criticism but this Team is built around G and Jake - and Jake right now just ain't cutting it.

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let's be honest... 1 top line caliber player in G. at least Read has scored 3 this year while Mr 8M/8yr has one lowsy goal. Jake is a way bigger issue than read right now... Not sayin Read does not deserve criticism but this Team is built around G and Jake - and Jake right now just ain't cutting it.


I still think Jake is capable of being a top line player even with his struggles through the first quarter of this season.  I know sports is a "what have you done for me lately" business and I'm not trying to give Jake a pass but we are talking about a guy struggling to score over the course of a quarter of a season versus Read who has now struggled to score for 1 1/4 seasons.   Yes they need Jake to be more productive than Read, no argument there.  However, I think Read's struggles offensively have gone on long enough now where it is fair to question if he is ever going to get it back.  While I am concerned about Jake being able to live up to his contract it hasn't gotten to the point of no return.  At 29, Read may have gotten to that point.

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Milan Lucic at 6 million for 4 years -- Do you sign him?


Of course, this assumes Hextall could somehow shed salary to get him, which is very unlikely. I'm just going out on a limb. My guess is 6mil/4yrs is the type of contract he'll get as an UFA this year.


I'm putting this in the Raffl thread, because I'm tired of seeing Raffl ruin G's sick plays. Lucic would be the top line LW for most if not the whole 4 years (he's 28).

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milan lucic at 3 dollars for 4 years, still don't sign him.


I take it you're not a fan.


For the record, I also wouldn't sign him. I've enjoyed Lucic for some time now, but he's not going to be worth 6 million for much longer.

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to my mind, there isn't a player worthy of less respect in the league right now than milan lucic.  he's never been worth even close to $6mil, and as you say, is only going to get worse.  honestly, i don't know how i would react if he were to become a flyer.  it'd be the first time i'd actively and energetically hope to see a flyer get knocked out each time he fought.

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The guy is Simmonds times 10 when he's on his game.


in what way?  simmonds has outscored lucic for the last three seasons.  lucic can and will hit like a freight train, i'll give you he has more impact there than simmonds, and probably wins more of his fights, i guess.  if those things are more important than helping the team on the scoreboard.  a power forward needs to be a guy that works through contact and pressure to force the play to the net, though.  lucic does not do that.  if he gets hit, he abandons the play and goes after the guy that hit him.  lucic's potential as a power forward is squandered by his tiny-penis syndrome that has to get revenge for every bit of contact he receives. 


really hate that guy.

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a power forward needs to be a guy that works through contact and pressure to force the play to the net, though.  lucic does not do that. 



In today's game he also needs to be able to skate better than Lucic can skate, IMHO

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In today's game he also needs to be able to skate better than Lucic can skate, IMHO


Lucic is an underrated skater. He learned a long time ago how to use his strength and balance to get to where he needs to be. He's not mobile the way someone like Gost is, but he doesn't need to and is very effective at what he does.


I agree with @RJ8812. When he's on his game, he's one of the best power forwards in the game today.


As for the Simmonds comparison, I think that's probably a justified one. Lucic is not as grindy though and has a more accurate shot. He's not a net front presence so much as a guy who will create space for his linemates whatever the cost.


As far as scoring the last few seasons goes: Krejci is good; Giroux is great. He would definitely see a bump in production playing with someone like G, and that's without mentioning Voracek.


I do get the Lucic hate. He's a polarizing guy mostly because he's mean and aggressive and volatile. He plays like he could snap at any moment. People don't like that. Still, in my mind, that only makes him even more dangerous.


I'm not sure he's the best power forward in the game today. I can think of a number of better ones. I think he's definitely the meanest, which can be valuable in many contexts.


That said, as others have mentioned, he will be overpaid for his age at this point. He wouldn't be worth the price tag.

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Both Raffl and Read are undrafted players. There is a reason for that. Both are hard workers and seemingly decent people, but what you see is what you get.

Raffl is a tweener who has stayed around longer than his ability dictates because frankly this organization absolutely does over-value its players and because, frankly, this is a ridiculously constructed team being forced to play someone who has no business above the third line on the FIRST line. Raffl is honestly barely third line material. If he were no longer on the team, I would forget him (a la Thoresen) in about 20 minutes.

Read played above his head for a bit and was a bit faster than he is now. He was able to capitalize on that. He does not have nearly the same speed he did. I agree with those who say his place should be the third line. On any team that wasn't put together by a vegetable, he doesn't sniff the top six.

Move Raffl if you can but, like Potulny, you're getting nothing for him. Keep Read but you have to go get some top six wingers so he can play on the third line where he belongs.

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let's be honest... 1 top line caliber player in G. at least Read has scored 3 this year while Mr 8M/8yr has one lowsy goal. Jake is a way bigger issue than read right now... Not sayin Read does not deserve criticism but this Team is built around G and Jake - and Jake right now just ain't cutting it.

I think these are all symptoms of the same ailment. The team is trying to learn a new system. Actually they're going from no system of a new system that is still under co strict ion because they guy designing it is also green.

We see flashes of guys starting to get it.

coots' line (especially Simmer had a good week, Schenner looked like adam friggin Oates last night, etc) it's going to take a while before it all coalesces. It ain't pretty but it's getting better.

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