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Summertime Reading: "Oh Zac, you are so funny..."

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   pffft, hockey sense is something you were born with or you were not. You can't wish it into fruition. There is not practicing it, it either exists or it does not. I wish Zac all the best, but this is poppycock. I do believe Boston is married to him as a 4th liner. When a brand new GM hand picks you and gives you over a mill a year, you basically have to play yourself off the team, which I don't think Zac will do.

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You guys really don't see any improvement in Rinaldo's game? I do. Admittedly it's something you normally take for granted in professionals, i.e. he doesn't take as many* outright stupid penalties anymore. (please don't quote his PIMs we watch the games we all know Rinaldo gets more than his share of reputation calls)


Other improvements? I thought he was perfectly fine on the PK. He got yanked around too often to ever develop chemistry or a sense of the unit he was playing on. Berube gave him a taste then pulled him off it, then put him back on. You can't expect a guy to learn a role when he's used like that.


Well...ciao Zac I'll miss ya. I hope he does well in Beantown and I bet he stays with the Bruins too.


* "as many." Obviously he still commits a few WTF hits. Some guys just can't resist even when the numbers are staring them straight in the face.

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@canoli   Most know, I'm a big Zac supporter, but even I have to admit he's limited. In the end, he takes away as many wins as he causes, which is about 1 to 3 games where he impacts the outcome drastically....ie knocking out 2 d-men with big hits, drawing a key penalty...that is always offset by the WTF hits, so it's give and take, but in general, you want a roster spot going to a guy who is permanently on the positive side of that ledger, and Zac will never be that.

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Rinaldo could be entertaining, I'll give him that. But I want Hextall to build a playoff team that will contend for a cup. Rinaldo does not fit in that picture. He isn't the only one. But Hextall is making those moves that need to be made...one by one.

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You guys really don't see any improvement in Rinaldo's game? I do. Admittedly it's something you normally take for granted in professionals, i.e. he doesn't take as many* outright stupid penalties anymore. (please don't quote his PIMs we watch the games we all know Rinaldo gets more than his share of reputation calls)

Other improvements? I thought he was perfectly fine on the PK. He got yanked around too often to ever develop chemistry or a sense of the unit he was playing on. Berube gave him a taste then pulled him off it, then put him back on. You can't expect a guy to learn a role when he's used like that.

Well...ciao Zac I'll miss ya. I hope he does well in Beantown and I bet he stays with the Bruins too.

* "as many." Obviously he still commits a few WTF hits. Some guys just can't resist even when the numbers are staring them straight in the face.

Strongly agree, especially the lineup juggling that affected the entire roster, not just Zac.

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@FC, Jammer -  I don't know if his ratio of positive / negative impact is worse than 50/50 but I guess I (reluctantly) have to agree, if you're building a modern Cup contender even 50/50 is not good enough: fwd spots are too valuable and they're reserved for guys who can score. There's no room for guys who's main contribution is hitting like a freight train, taking on anyone (and generally winning by KO) and scaring the bejesus out of the opposition. Nowadays you need finesse... Oui Oui!~! Poo Poo!~!


Seriously though I get it, why Hextall traded him - and a 3rd is more than fair. I just wish he wasn't expendable in the quest for the Cup because he's a Team guy through and through and losing Zac neuters the team yet again. First Hartnell now Zac. Great we lost some dumb penalties and we're left with exactly 1 guy who will scrap and fight down low: Wayne Simmonds. Of course Hextall can always add toughness down the road but Hartnell and Rinaldo were both (are) warrior types who other players rally around. Sure I'd rather have Toews to rally around too but there's only so many of those guys. !!

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1 guy who will scrap and fight down low: Wayne Simmonds.

Well let's not forget there are some guys who will drop them and defend themselves and teammates...Ryan White, Luke Schenn, Brayden, Radko Gudas and even Vinny will...the days of the goon who don't contribute much are gone it's a new era and the NHL is buying in.

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Well let's not forget there are some guys who will drop them and defend themselves and teammates...Ryan White, Luke Schenn, Brayden, Radko Gudas and even Vinny will...the days of the goon who don't contribute much are gone it's a new era and the NHL is buying in.



 I suspect that whenever Morin cracks the starting line-up, he will be looking to throw down quite frequently, if for no other reason than to establish a presence and putting opposing forwards on notice.....ie "there is a new Sheriff in town" kinda thing.....the other reason, he has anger management issues and is going to take out some frustration on opponents. Can't wait to see this famous mean streak in action!!

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I suspect that whenever Morin cracks the starting line-up, he will be looking to throw down quite frequently, if for no other reason than to establish a presence and putting opposing forwards on notice.....ie "there is a new Sheriff in town" kinda thing.....the other reason, he has anger management issues and is going to take out some frustration on opponents. Can't wait to see this famous mean streak in action!!

I agree with Morin in due time. However he will have to learn when and where to pick his spots and watch the boarding closer in the NHL and more importantly with the jersey he wears...he will be under that microscope we have seen time and time again the last decade plus, just from a reputation that was earned in the 70's right or wrong.

He will need to play smart.

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This latest Zac thread is only 3 pages! What's wrong with you losers? Where's all the hate gone?


Oh, I found it! http://nhlnumbers.com/2015/7/27/5-things-how-bad-is-zac-rinaldo


This is WAR!!



I thought i saw the horse switch.............................so one mo swing should do.......


Zac Rinaldo: Boston’s Odd Man Out




Despite that change of opinion, the trade for Rinaldo still stands out as the most puzzling move of the summer.


On the flip side, if Rinaldo starts the season as the 13th forward, he runs the risk of being passed over by the younger guys in Providence. Players like Khokhlachev and Griffith offer a lot more in terms of skill, albeit at the cost of some physicality. They will be playing night in and night out in Providence, while Rinaldo will be accumulating rust on the ninth floor of the Garden.


There might be some pressure from management to incorporate Rinaldo into the team’s plans, primarily because they spent a valuable asset (a third round pick) to acquire him



...remember Zac easy on the salt and butter!!!!!!!!



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This latest Zac thread is only 3 pages! What's wrong with you losers? Where's all the hate gone?


Oh, I found it! http://nhlnumbers.com/2015/7/27/5-things-how-bad-is-zac-rinaldo


This is WAR!!



From your article....


Yeah everyone knows Zac Rinaldo is terrible, but would you have believed he was the fourth-worst regular NHL skater of the last decade?


If you take those career numbers, it takes Rinaldo about 70 games to cost Boston two points in the standings. Which may not seem like a lot, really. But when you consider that this is versus the average AHL call-up — a guy Boston brings up in an emergency situation, basically — that's telling. An AHL journeyman saves the Bruins two-plus standings points versus Rinaldo.


That number probably gets even worse if they expand his role, which it seems like they will. And the Bruins gave up a third-round pick for him.

This trade was such a disaster. Holy hell.




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  New GM's do not usually admit mistakes, especially early on in their tenure. Zac will literally have to play himself off the team. If it's a tie between Rinaldo and a young up and comer, Zac will win, if for no other reason than the new GM will save face and not have his moves criticized.

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the new GM will save face and not have his moves criticized.


I think that horse has left the barn... and gone down the road, been killed and then beaten repeatedly.


Did you see the Bruins' draft!?



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@radoran  Yeah, but it's one thing to second guess a draft pick that has never played in the NHL....quite another to sign a proven NHL player and have it fail miserably.

"Proven NHL player"? We are talking about Rinaldo, yes?


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