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If You're VLC or Mike Richards, would you rather...

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Get paid 4.75 million to play in the minors or renegotiate your contract for less money but stay with a big club?

I think they should have that option. Maybe they're not allowed to stay with their current team, but if their current team can negotiate a trade they can agree to restructure their contract for the sake of staying in the NHL.

Richards is going to get paid almost 5 million to be an AHL center for five more years. I don't think Hextall can even do that with VLC thanks to the NMC, but unless the new coach cracks that nut, we'll pay him 4+ to ride the pine.

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Get paid 4.75 million to play in the minors or renegotiate your contract for less money but stay with a big club?


Renegotiate, I would imagine. There should be an option to sever the contract, like in any other industry in the world.


I would guess you'd see even crazier contracts being offered if teams knew they could cut them loose. A penalty is needed. I don't think the regular buyout is a great tool as it is now.

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Renegotiate, I would imagine. There should be an option to sever the contract, like in any other industry in the world.

I would guess you'd see even crazier contracts being offered if teams knew they could cut them loose. A penalty is needed. I don't think the regular buyout is a great tool as it is now.

But wouldn't the regular buyout be better for the Kings in this instance?

I can only imagine they want to see if he sharpens up for next year. Does he have to pass through waivers if he makes the team out of camp?

Otherwise I'd assume the Kings goal would be to have someone claim him off waivers and only be on the hook for half his cap hit?

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But wouldn't the regular buyout be better for the Kings in this instance?


Well, he would represent dead cap space for the next 10 years (5 years remaining x 2). Some of the later years would probably be negligible, but it's probably a few million in the early years. Too bad capgeek isn't around.

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@brelic  I'm really shocked some of these declining vets like Mike Richards don't retire. The org can give them a nice scouting gig, even up the ante and give him an extra million just for the hell of it. He signed the deal when he was under 35, so he comes right off the cap when he retires. Mike does not have to ride the AHL buses, gets to retire with some dignity and the Kings gain valuable cap space....it's a win-win for both parties. I honestly don't know why more teams don't pull this off, seems like a logical outcome to a potentially ugly situation.

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I'm really shocked some of these declining vets like Mike Richards don't retire.


I'm thinking it's pride.  These guys have been praised, rewarded, and valued for pretty much one thing their entire life... like age 4 and up for many of them.  You try and yank that away from a guy who's only 30'ish... pretty tough to swallow for them I'd think.

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I'm thinking it's pride.  These guys have been praised, rewarded, and valued for pretty much one thing their entire life... like age 4 and up for many of them.  You try and yank that away from a guy who's only 30'ish... pretty tough to swallow for them I'd think.


 True enough Bulbster, but I also think Mike's pride would be hurt riding the buses in the AHL just as much, if not more. Going from a captain and being a top 3 scorer in the playoffs to being relegated to the AHL.....that would be just as tough of a pill to swallow I would think.

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Otherwise I'd assume the Kings goal would be to have someone claim him off waivers and only be on the hook for half his cap hit?

There is no "half of his cap hit" anymore. Players pass through waivers on the way down to the AHL only. No more re-entry waivers for half the cap hit. If claimed, the team claiming picks up the whole cap hit.

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The NHLPA will never let players take less money than the contract they agreed upon. That just opens the door for management to do it. I wish contracts weren't guaranteed, theres a lot more incentive to earn it then.


There are also worse things in the world than making $5 million a year playing in the A. Richards will live. Heck I'd love to do it for ONE year, at 1/5 the money.

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@brelic I'm really shocked some of these declining vets like Mike Richards don't retire. The org can give them a nice scouting gig, even up the ante and give him an extra million just for the hell of it. He signed the deal when he was under 35, so he comes right off the cap when he retires. Mike does not have to ride the AHL buses, gets to retire with some dignity and the Kings gain valuable cap space....it's a win-win for both parties. I honestly don't know why more teams don't pull this off, seems like a logical outcome to a potentially ugly situation.

A) I could handle a lot of embarasment for $20 million. A LOT! Boatloads actually. Just Playing easier hockey would be a vacation!

B) He shouldn't even have to consider retiring at his age unless something's seriously wrong with him.

So what's wrong with him? Seriously? Is he chronically injured? Is it alcoholism? Whats cribbing wrong with him?

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True enough Bulbster, but I also think Mike's pride would be hurt riding the buses in the AHL just as much, if not more. Going from a captain and being a top 3 scorer in the playoffs to being relegated to the AHL.....that would be just as tough of a pill to swallow I would think.

You'd think. So what's wrong with him? What happened? It's weird right?

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@King Knut


I wouldn't be surprised if riding the buses for a few months serves as a huge wake up call for Richards. If he takes his summer workout seriously, there's no reason he can't be a contributing member for the Kings on the 3rd line, PK and 2nd PP, right?

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@RJ8812  Who knows, maybe there is something illegal about the scenario I put forward....it would be real hard to prove there was a wink, wink nudge deal under the table though. If it was legal, you'd think other teams would have tried it already....like the Rags and Wade Redden for example, but the rules didn't change until Wade was done with the Rags, so maybe not a good example there. They could still bury his deal in the AHL.

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I guess they should either allow for renegotiation or cap contract length, particularly for players past a certain age.  To me, these multi-year deal are basically intended to either beat the cap or front-load payments.  They have consequences nobody can foresee. That's why they probably shouldn't be allowed in the first place.  


My gut says VLC would retire within a year of demotion.  It will become clear to him and others that there isn't anything left in the tank and he won't be able to blame Berube.  Richards may be different but the pride thing has to be a factor.



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I guess they should either allow for renegotiation or cap contract length, particularly for players past a certain age.


The new CBA actually does cap contract length. Seven years, or eight if re-signing with your own team.


The CBA also prevents stashing contracts in the AHL. The Flyers could send VLC to Lehigh Valley, but they would only get something like $950K in cap benefit - with $3.5M or so remaining on the cap. Not a great scenario for the Flyers.


I could maybe see VLC walking away from the last year or two ($3M apiece) but he's due $16.5M still on his contract. I don't see people just walking away from guaranteed millions.



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So what's wrong with him? Seriously? Is he chronically injured? Is it alcoholism? Whats cribbing wrong with him?


 Like we have been saying for years, Mike plays a real tough physical game, but his body is not big enough to take the beating that his kind of game requires. I believe his shoulders are shot, the many surgeries have taken their toll....PLUS, he was never a burner to begin with, but he has lost a step, and he could not afford to...he was already a tad slow. Those are the two major factors I believe....well, that and the Coke in LA is not cut as much... :)

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The new CBA actually does cap contract length. Seven years, or eight if re-signing with your own team.


The CBA also prevents stashing contracts in the AHL. The Flyers could send VLC to Lehigh Valley, but they would only get something like $950K in cap benefit - with $3.5M or so remaining on the cap. Not a great scenario for the Flyers.


I could maybe see VLC walking away from the last year or two ($3M apiece) but he's due $16.5M still on his contract. I don't see people just walking away from guaranteed millions.





Thanks for the information.  Seven or eight years is still a long time in my mind. VLC has little incentive to walk other than possibility of ending his career on a real down note.  It makes me think of Steve Carlton's last days....or Jacques Plante.





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Thanks for the information. Seven or eight years is still a long time in my mind. VLC has little incentive to walk other than possibility of ending his career on a real down note. It makes me think of Steve Carlton's last days....or Jacques Plante.



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Seven or eight years is still a long time in my mind.


It is, but it's not the 10, 12, 15 years that were being bandied about.


VLC has little incentive to walk other than possibility of ending his career on a real down note. It makes me think of Steve Carlton's last days....or Jacques Plante.


Lefty is still my all time favorite baseball player. It was painful to watch the final years of the career, but it does point out that guys will tend to stick around.


Especially if they have guaranteed millions on the table.

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@radoran  It was a sad day when Lefty retired....even though he hung around a few years to long, kinda tarnished what was a FANTASTIC career, man oh man...was he an all time GREAT....miss that guy. What a wicked competitive spirit he had!!!  His location was masterful!!  Terrific athlete!!  At the time, the Phillies were my NL team, before interleague play forced me to chose a side.....lol. Watched a lot of Phillies baseball in my time, really enjoyed the 80's and that team!!

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