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Berube is selfish and salvage his job, instead of playing young dmen


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The Flyers are out and have been for quite a while in spite of Berubes delusions that we had a shot at the playoffs. Berube could do the organization a big favor and bench the 3 dmen who we plan on keeping next year and let them know they just want to take a look at the young guys. He should play Manning, Alt and Lauredsson big minutes against NHL competition that way we have a better idea at who can be penciled in for next year. If any of the young guys look good, we have a better idea of if we need to hang on to Schenn or Grossman, etc. This can help us at the draft so we can offer up some dmen in trades .


The young guys might make more mistakes and cost us some wins,but that only helps us to get a better pick. He should also let Stolarz play the 2 games against Carolina. Of course this selfish tool Berube is hoping to salvage his job and thinks if he wins a few of the remaining games it solidifies his chance to keep his job. This is a perfect oppurtunity to really figure out if any of the AHL guys can play in the big leagues. If Manning and Alt are no worse than Grossman and Schenn,t hen we can free up 8 million in dumping those guys. Of course Berube wont do that ,he is trying to save his job.



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The Flyers are out and have been for quite a while in spite of Berubes delusions that we had a shot at the playoffs. Berube could do the organization a big favor and bench the 3 dmen who we plan on keeping next year and let them know they just want to take a look at the young guys. He should play Manning, Alt and Lauredsson big minutes against NHL competition that way we have a better idea at who can be penciled in for next year. If any of the young guys look good, we have a better idea of if we need to hang on to Schenn or Grossman, etc. This can help us at the draft so we can offer up some dmen in trades .

The young guys might make more mistakes and cost us some wins,but that only helps us to get a better pick. He should also let Stolarz play the 2 games against Carolina. Of course this selfish tool Berube is hoping to salvage his job and thinks if he wins a few of the remaining games it solidifies his chance to keep his job. This is a perfect oppurtunity to really figure out if any of the AHL guys can play in the big leagues. If Manning and Alt are no worse than Grossman and Schenn,t hen we can free up 8 million in dumping those guys. Of course Berube wont do that ,he is trying to save his job.


Well supposedly the Phantoms are stilling fighting for their playoff lives...combined with the fact of to many bodies on the roster and needing to waive some people being the main issue...but he could/should sit Mason and just let Emery play out the season.

But like you said for selfish reason he won't...but who should over ride all this and protect their starting goalie is Hextall yet he just stands by and let's Berube jepordize his starting goaltender for next year.


I'd like to see one of these reporters ask him why he risk Mason in meaningless games...love to see his excuse.

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The Flyers are out and have been for quite a while in spite of Berubes delusions that we had a shot at the playoffs. Berube could do the organization a big favor and bench the 3 dmen who we plan on keeping next year and let them know they just want to take a look at the young guys. He should play Manning, Alt and Lauredsson big minutes against NHL competition that way we have a better idea at who can be penciled in for next year. If any of the young guys look good, we have a better idea of if we need to hang on to Schenn or Grossman, etc. This can help us at the draft so we can offer up some dmen in trades .

The young guys might make more mistakes and cost us some wins,but that only helps us to get a better pick. He should also let Stolarz play the 2 games against Carolina. Of course this selfish tool Berube is hoping to salvage his job and thinks if he wins a few of the remaining games it solidifies his chance to keep his job.


The future is too fragile to actually be deveopled.

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if hexy keeps berube i lost complete faith in this fo until a new owner takes over, that's all i got to say. they dont want to change something that's never going to work. if you win a cup give the coach the keys to the roster and get the players he wants fit with the roster, that's what a new owner should do. snider wont, he's too stubborn and delusional, that's why we are never going to win a cup because of snider's refusal to change.

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if hexy keeps berube i lost complete faith in this fo until a new owner takes over, that's all i got to say. they dont want to change something that's never going to work. if you win a cup give the coach the keys to the roster and get the players he wants fit with the roster, that's what a new owner should do. snider wont, he's too stubborn and delusional, that's why we are never going to win a cup because of snider's refusal to change.



I sure hope not i'd rather the Flyers just stay were they are at with the #8 pick than just win out and give Hexy some inkling of an idea that maybe they can turn it around with Berube...of course they win now there is no pressure....there is nothing on the line anymore.


Hexy should just do the right thing and shut Mason down and let him rest and concentrate on getting him healthy for next year. Let Emery play out the season...i hope it's his last in Philly too. The rest of the games should be used to evaluate the remaining players in preparation for next year. I'm starting to question Hexy competence and strategy.  

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The more stupid things Berube does, the more ammo it gives Hextall to fire him. I get that Hextall should have let him go mid season, but who does Ron replace him with - Terry Murray? Nope, it was best for Hextall to let this season ride out, make the change in the off season and then bring in his own guy. I think Berube knows he's dead man walking, especially when you consider that his contract expires after this year and the Flyers still haven't given him an extension. That right there has me feeling good that Berube won't be retained. Now, once Berube's gone, the next head coach really has his work cut out for him, especially when it comes to how he can get Schenn and Couturier to the next level of their respective games (I still believe Schenn can be a 35/35 guy and I believe that Couturier has 20/40 upside while playing stellar defense).

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The coach decides who's playing, not the gm.

Don't pretend Hextall can't over ride him and shut him down for the season just like they did Ghost....you think Terry Murray made that call...no he Hextall needs to do the same thing here.

It doesn't make sense they don't want to risk the health of Ghost but Mason it's ok. Bottom line there is nothing to be gained by playing Mason except further injury risking him for next season....now.

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I'd prefer they sat Mason. But the gm supplies the talent, and the coach chooses who plays. Yes I'm sure Hextall could demand Berube sit him, but it's supposed to be the coaches call.

Well one thing is for sure they keep playing him and they may fall back to 10th in the draft...the Avs are only 3 points behind.

These bone heads are going to screw it up...i know they can still get a qualify player @ #10 but #8 or #7 looks like better options.

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These bone heads are going to screw it up.


It takes a Philly team to screw up losing.  The good news is that the only play two more playoff teams out of five games, so that's a max of 4 points right there. 

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It takes a Philly team to screw up losing.  The good news is that the only play two more playoff teams out of five games, so that's a max of 4 points right there.

Yep leave it to Philly to screw up screwing up....

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Flyers can still be passed by the Blue Jackets. They have a game in hand and have both Toronto and Buffalo among their last 4 games. Shirley they can win those...Flyers control their own destiny though, and can stop winning any time now and embrace the horror.

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Unless Snider interferes, no way Berube comes back. I think Hextall wants his own guy as coach. His style worked for about 6 months, and then everyone figured out how to play them, and he couldn't adjust. The constant line juggling drove me nuts. He is in over his head and needs to go back to the AHL for "seasoning".

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if hexy keeps berube i lost complete faith in this fo until a new owner takes over, that's all i got to say. they dont want to change something that's never going to work. if you win a cup give the coach the keys to the roster and get the players he wants fit with the roster, that's what a new owner should do. snider wont, he's too stubborn and delusional, that's why we are never going to win a cup because of snider's refusal to change.


Who would you replace him with as HC?

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Who would you replace him with as HC?


 i dont know but as long the coach doesnt play favorites, keeps the lines intact, not throwing mason under bus, knows how to make these players better, that's what i want. there's no excuses for berube, he's nothing special, it's not like he won stanley cups or championships in the ahl, i dont even know why he should be kept at all?


 if you want to break the 40 year drought then get someone that knows how to win a championship, it's that simple.

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 if you want to break the 40 year drought then get someone that knows how to win a championship, it's that simple.


The Flyers tried that with Laviolette and Hitchcock and it didn't work. As long as the Flyers were content at throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks, the same issues will remain.


You want to win a championship? Simple - build a championship team first and then get a coach to coach it. You can have the best coach in the world, but if you don't have the players, you'll never win.

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The Flyers tried that with Laviolette and Hitchcock and it didn't work. As long as the Flyers were content at throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks, the same issues will remain.

You want to win a championship? Simple - build a championship team first and then get a coach to coach it. You can have the best coach in the world, but if you don't have the players, you'll never win.

What Hextall should have done is targeted himself a young canidate as soon as he stepped into the role.

Just can Terry Murray from the get go, put your backup plan coach in waiting in the AHL to start like Hitcock and and Babcock did with the Stars and Ducks respectively...then when the time was right...like maybe this offseason ax Berube and promote your AHL coach.

Hitcock won it all in his 4th season Babcock his 3rd however with a different team yet he went to the finals his first year with the Ducks.

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With both clubs missing the playoffs i think it would be the perfect time to fire both or all the coaches and start fresh.

Target your guy with your vision and bring him in give him what he wants/needs to succeed...they have some of the frame work laid out with some decent guys already, some decent prospects on the way soon. Let the new guy come in and help fill out the rest of the lineup maybe let him get a player or two already familiar with his system and concepts...

....strike while the iron is hot!!!!

If not now then when?????

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Jack Capuano is another guy who started out as the head coach for my local ECHL team the Pee Dee Pride did some GM work for them bounced around a little and then got his chance when the Isles fired Gordon, they promoted him from the Bridgeport AHL club.

He hasn't looked back he turned around a young squad and with some retooling from Snow mostly on the blueline and finding a starter in net they look damn good also with some solid drafting and developing of the prospects.

In todays salary cap era it is crucial to have young guys contribute on ELC to mesh with free agents...they have to be the right mix of the two with a solid sytem and everyone buying in.

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Jack Capuano really surprised me. I didn't really think he was much of a coach at first, but he's really got the Islanders playing well and he's really helped turn things around there. Also, kudos to Garth Snow for putting together the club. This Islanders franchise should be good for a long period of time under their watch.

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Jack Capuano really surprised me. I didn't really think he was much of a coach at first, but he's really got the Islanders playing well and he's really helped turn things around there. Also, kudos to Garth Snow for putting together the club. This Islanders franchise should be good for a long period of time under their watch.

Whatever they do i don't want to see another year of Berube. I want the upcoming year to be utilized as a learning curve year towards the ultimate goal a Cup...with Berube it would be just spinning your wheels in the mud.

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