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Hextall rips Flyers after loss


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That show...it's like it is reading my mind. They made an Over the Top reference last week. Yeah, Over the Top. I have no words for how awesome I thought this was.



great episode...


I was just reading that they reached out to the Phils about doing a Phillies based show and the Phils/MLB rejected them.   

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Honestly... it's going to sound like a cop out, but I honestly just don't think Berube is a good enough coach.  Berube is an AHL coach at best. 

He needs the GM to come in a rip them new ones?

I'm all for good cop/bad cop, but when a team plays that cluelessly, ripping them isn't going to do a damn thing.

They are poorly coached.  They are utterly clueless out there.


It looks relatively the same as when Barber was the coach, only that team at least knew enough about how clueless they were to never even try leaving their own end.


The Flyers today have no system.  No outlet strategy.  No Transition game. NOTHING.  Inside their own end, they're pretty much as clueless on positioning and creating an umbrella.


They're lost in the woods.  Adrift at sea and any number of other metaphors you want to use.


Any team with any degree of veterans on it who looks this lost is simply poorly coached.  I really think there's very little more to it than that.


They don't want to suck.  They're not "not trying" on purpose.  They have no idea what they're supposed to be doing. 


What is the issue here?
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Honestly... it's going to sound like a cop out, but I honestly just don't think Berube is a good enough coach.  Berube is an AHL coach at best. 

He needs the GM to come in a rip them new ones?

I'm all for good cop/bad cop, but when a team plays that cluelessly, ripping them isn't going to do a damn thing.

They are poorly coached.  They are utterly clueless out there.


It looks relatively the same as when Barber was the coach, only that team at least knew enough about how clueless they were to never even try leaving their own end.


The Flyers today have no system.  No outlet strategy.  No Transition game. NOTHING.  Inside their own end, they're pretty much as clueless on positioning and creating an umbrella.


They're lost in the woods.  Adrift at sea and any number of other metaphors you want to use.


Any team with any degree of veterans on it who looks this lost is simply poorly coached.  I really think there's very little more to it than that.


They don't want to suck.  They're not "not trying" on purpose.  They have no idea what they're supposed to be doing. 



KK... good post.   I agree and I like the "lost in the woods" part!  LOL!!

I am not sure what to make of it...  I *hope* there is more to what is said by The Cheif in interviews.   The problem is there is no indication that they are being coached and playing a system on the ice.  


I just saw an interview w/ Hextall after the game last night and he was seething.   It appeared he had more of a "compete level" than the players.   He looked like he just witnessed Propp getting an elbow from Chelios...


It will be interesting to see how they come out tonight.

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R.J. Umberger buyout from CapGeek.com - cap hit

  • 2015-16: $1,600,000
  • 2016-17: $1,600,000
  • 2017-18: $1,500,000
  • 2018-19: $1,500,000




Vincent Lecavalier buyout from CapGeek.com - cap hit

  • 2015-16: $2,888,889
  • 2016-17: $2,888,889
  • 2017-18: $2,388,889
  • 2018-19: $888,889
  • 2019-20: $888,889
  • 2020-21: $888,889

They get out from under Umburglar for $1.6M, "saving" $3M right off the top.


VLC "saves" them just $1.7M.


I'm not saying it won't happen - $4.7M between the two of them could garner a legit 20/50 player.




Which comment? Because I haven't advocated Berube's firing, I'm just asking what the heck it is that he's trying to have them do out there.


Answer that, and we can get on to whether or not that's a reasonable approach.


FWIW, the Flyers got to the Conference Final two seasons after firing Barber and went further in the playoffs than they had under Barber. And it was largely the same base of a team that they had under Barber.


Then the lockout and the wheels came off again.


Keep in mind that I'm a "Barber apologist" who does think that the 01-02 team absolutely quit on him. That Ottawa series is one of the darkest moments in Flyer history IMO.


Are you allowed to buy anyone out at any time you want?


I think that team quit on Barber too. It was disgusting. My feelings about Mark Recchi changed because of things like that. I also happen think Barber wasn't a very good coach. It wasn't the worst thing in the world that he was fired, but the timing and way it was done was just awful. It's too much blame placed on one man - and a man who doesn't even suit up. I don't want that to happen with Berube. I don't think he's proven to be anything great yet, but I also don't think it's time to get rid of another coach, but I fear it's looming. That solves nothing imo.

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this has a been a problem before hitch was fired, the 2004 team was actually the last time this team played consistent hockey, if im not mistaken, that team had no overpaid contracts, yes we had old players but none of them were overpaid(if im not mistaken) and they were playing with fire, they didnt quit because they wanted to win and not about the money, yes they came up short to another finals appearance but there was no quit in that team, after the lockout, that's when everything started to go south although they got to the playoffs and make one stanley cup appearance,


clarke started overpaying players like rathje, hatcher, forsberg, they didnt play consistent in that year and in the disastrous 2007 season, then homer started overpaying for briere, pronger, hartnell, richards, carter etc, the team kept playing inconsistent every year and changing coaches, i mean yes we got to the playoffs and make a cup appearance but they never seem to play a sixty minute game.


the point im trying to make here is that hextall has to get rid of overpaid contracts and try to sign players to one year deals and not overspend so they can show they have fire and if it doesnt work out, there's nothing to lose, plus he has to get his own coach that understands how to win,what players he wants, and hexy gives him those players that fit the system. Nothing is going chance until he makes serious changes.

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Honestly... it's going to sound like a cop out, but I honestly just don't think Berube is a good enough coach.  Berube is an AHL coach at best. 

He needs the GM to come in a rip them new ones?

I'm all for good cop/bad cop, but when a team plays that cluelessly, ripping them isn't going to do a damn thing.

They are poorly coached.  They are utterly clueless out there.


It looks relatively the same as when Barber was the coach, only that team at least knew enough about how clueless they were to never even try leaving their own end.


The Flyers today have no system.  No outlet strategy.  No Transition game. NOTHING.  Inside their own end, they're pretty much as clueless on positioning and creating an umbrella.


They're lost in the woods.  Adrift at sea and any number of other metaphors you want to use.


Any team with any degree of veterans on it who looks this lost is simply poorly coached.  I really think there's very little more to it than that.


They don't want to suck.  They're not "not trying" on purpose.  They have no idea what they're supposed to be doing. 


That's because it is.

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He should be yelling at Homer for building this atrocity and hamstringing the team with regard to cap.  I think Hexy is just taking his frustration with not being able to do much on the players.



there is a lot of truth to that...   at this point, and with this group, what else can be done?

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there is a lot of truth to that...   at this point, and with this group, what else can be done?


The depressing reality is, not much CAN be done.  Can this group of players be playing better?  Maybe a bit.  But they are what they are.  They lack depth.  The goaltender who got hot last year is playing substandard goal this year.  And the defense is more of an AHL-caliber. 


Hexy can get upset at players all he wants, but they are what they are. 

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great episode...


I was just reading that they reached out to the Phils about doing a Phillies based show and the Phils/MLB rejected them.   


I absolutely lost it the second he turned around his hat for the first time. Before he even said the words, I knew exactly what he was doing. My wife was laughing at me just as much as the show. She's never seen the movie, but knows of it and my appreciation of it. It's easy to reference Indiana Jones or Star Wars, but the fact that they included a movie that was a critical and commercial failure, but has a cult following, is why I love this show.



you know that is a very good question... just wich I could give an answer. 



It's such a temporary fix. Don't get me wrong, there's good coaches and there's bad coaches; the latter of which deserve to be fired. But does it ever really change anything?

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I absolutely lost it the second he turned around his hat for the first time. Before he even said the words, I knew exactly what he was doing. My wife was laughing at me just as much as the show. She's never seen the movie, but knows of it and my appreciation of it. It's easy to reference Indiana Jones or Star Wars, but the fact that they included a movie that was a critical and commercial failure, but has a cult following, is why I love this show


The Big Tasty!

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It dosen't matter who the players are...it is the same M.O. over and over for this club year in and year out.  For whatever reason they take whole games off and skate with little or no heart. Is it the culture? Is it the typle of players they draft / sign to this team? Is it coaching (or lack of)? Management? Both? All the above?


We have all gone down this very same road last  year, the year before that and the year before that.........


Jeezus it is like a broken record and groundhog day for this team every year.


Hindsight being 20/20...I had no idea Bumbberger would be this bad.  Yeah maybe in hindsight moving Hartnell was the wrong move, but Christ somebody step and and lead this team.  I for one am getting pretty pisssed off seeing this same crap year after year.


Agree...this team needs EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP!


This team is always so reactionarry and knee jerking...hence the firing of Lavy last year.


Truthfully if not Berube...who is out there????


I've said it before. I've even created threads about it specifically. This team is in desperate needs of some legitimate tried and true veterans. They need a few, but if I could only have one, it would be a defenseman.

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But does it ever really change anything?


As much as it pains me to say this, the Pens won the Cup the year they fired Michelle Theirrien mid season and hired Bylsma. Granted that team was 2 games above .500 when they did it, but IIRC the team was trending downwards when it happened.  I'm sure a Pens fan can clarify.  


So, yes, it CAN change things.  Not saying it always does, however.  

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The Big Tasty!


I think every character on the show is funny. Erika is funny, Pops is funny, Adam is funny, and so is Murray. Wendy McClendon is absolutely hilarious as Bev, the mother. She is hilarious. Better than the ones I just named. But the kid who plays Barry is seriously ridiculous. The character is a complete and total spazz and references just about everything I loved growing up. His delivery just puts me in tears. Like I said, the second he turned the hat around, I just totally lost it.

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As much as it pains me to say this, the Pens won the Cup the year they fired Michelle Theirrien mid season and hired Bylsma. Granted that team was 2 games above .500 when they did it, but IIRC the team was trending downwards when it happened.  I'm sure a Pens fan can clarify.  


So, yes, it CAN change things.  Not saying it always does, however.  


Yeah and we've done it how many times and it hasn't worked? The odds are very good that if the only big move they make in the next couple of weeks to a year is to fire Berube, nothing changes.

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My guess is Hextall will bring in his own coach when he's got the right pieces in place. Until then, there's no reason not to stick with Berube.


Isn't this pretty much what many of us expected? An up and down team that would end up on the playoff bubble? THey'll have stretches where they look great, and stretches where they look awful and a bunch of mediocrity in between.


The key for me is seeing growth in the individuals and in the team.


I definitely see it in individuals - Voracek, Raffl, Giroux, BSchenn, Rinaldo, Del Zotto, Couturier, Mason (despite a 3-6-1 record due mostly to the team in front of him, he's sporting a .914).


That's the core of this team. And I see progress in their individual games.


When Hexy has the right pieces in place (i.e. moved the bad contracts/deadweight, has a few defensemen and forwards up from the farm, has a few wily vets), he'll bring in a better coach.

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I think every character on the show is funny. Erika is funny, Pops is funny, Adam is funny, and so is Murray. Wendy McClendon is absolutely hilarious as Bev, the mother. She is hilarious. Better than the ones I just named. But the kid who plays Barry is seriously ridiculous. The character is a complete and total spazz and references just about everything I loved growing up. His delivery just puts me in tears. Like I said, the second he turned the hat around, I just totally lost it.



Barry is the best and Bev is hysterical... she reminds my of one of my friends mom growing up too...





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The last time firing a coach did anything?

It's "Done Something" every time they've done it.


Firing Lavvy and bringing in Chief changed everything last year.

Firing Stevens and Bringing in Lavvy changed everything in 2009.

Firing Hitch and bringing in Stevens changed everything in 2007.

Firing Barber and bringing in Hitch changed everything in 2002.

Firing Ramsey and bringing in Barber changed everything in 2001.

Bringing in Ramsey because Neilson was dying didn't change much of anything.


Of these guys, Hitch is the one who whose success seemed the most sustained... not that I miss him because well Ruslan Fedotenko, Justin Williams and the 6 or so cups between them say hi.


Do I love or miss any of these coaches?  No.

Of all of them, I do tend to think Barber was the most out of his league. 

Coaching the Phantoms well does not mean you will coach the Flyers well.

Between Barber, Stevens and Chief, it sounds weird, but there really can't be any delusion that Stevens was the most successful as an NHL coach.  He brought a non playoff team to the conference finals in a year.  A first round exit the next year (albeit to the cup winning team) and he was fired mid season the following year.


Barber took a conference finals team to a first and second round exit.

The turn around for Chief last year was pretty impressive, but Cheif had no answers for the playoffs and looking at the team now they look as unmotivated and lost out there as they did the first game he took over last year.


What's going on?  I have no idea.  But the pattern has persisted regardless of who is on or behind the bench.


Right now, I just don't see any comprehension for THIS particular coach as to what needs to be happening out there.

I'm glad Hexy's going all Hexy on them though.  Someone needs to.








Keep in mind that I'm a "Barber apologist" who does think that the 01-02 team absolutely quit on him. That Ottawa series is one of the darkest moments in Flyer history IMO.
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No system can help this team. I never thought Lavy should have been axed after three games either. I think he actually was/is a good coach, but the team make-up is junk. Too many players that think or want to be the stars and not enough that are willing to be a complementary piece. 


Roster shake up will probably come before the coach gets canned. I also think Umberger should be riding the bus in the A, 


Yeah, but Laviolette had a say in those player acquisitions. People might say that it's the coach's job to coach the team and a it's the GM's job to build the team, but don't think for one second that the coach doesn't have a say in what players a GM should go after.


In terms of retooling/rebuilding the club, this is a situation that shouldn't take very long. There's already some very good and great pieces in place. The big thing is going to be trying to move the dead weight without retaining too much salary or having to give up a significant piece of the puzzle in order to get rid of a contract that's deemed an albatross by the organization. I know people talk about the Lecavalier and Umberger contracts, but there's one more contract that needs to be talked about - MacDonald. Horrible contract for a horrible period of time. No one is going to touch that deal with a 10 foot pole. That's going to be the toughest contract to get rid of.

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well, actually they did... they bet the house on landing one of Weber and/or Suter.   The problem is there was absolutely no backup plan for that ;)


and they have been chasing their collective tails ever since.

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I know people talk about the Lecavalier and Umberger contracts, but there's one more contract that needs to be talked about - MacDonald. Horrible contract for a horrible period of time. No one is going to touch that deal with a 10 foot pole. That's going to be the toughest contract to get rid of.


hey thanks for that ray or sunshine !


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The depressing reality is, not much CAN be done.  Can this group of players be playing better?  Maybe a bit.  But they are what they are.  They lack depth.  The goaltender who got hot last year is playing substandard goal this year.  And the defense is more of an AHL-caliber. 


Hexy can get upset at players all he wants, but they are what they are. 


and we all knew this going into the season..... I think I posted back in September that there wil be cycles we will praise this team and there will be cycles in which this team will absolutely infuriate us.  Well we are in one of those cycles and sadly the cycles seem to be longer and longer.......

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