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Game 2 - Flyers did what they had to do


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And that was to win a game on the road. It is impossible for the Flyers to win the series otherwise :) So, they got that out of the way.


All they need to do now is hold serve :)


Seriously, though, what did you guys think of Game 2?


I missed most of the 3rd - how did they look? I'm happy they were able to hold on to the lead and get the W.


Here are a few observations based on 2 periods today (and the 3 from the other day):


1. Emery kept the Flyers in this game, no question. He continues to be peppered, and did what he had to do. That being said, I still go to Mason if he's ready. He got us here in the first place and deserves to play.


2. G has been a complete non-factor. And he looks like it to. There's no fire in his eyes, no extra gear or extra jump in his step that says "I WANT THAT PUCK." For the Flyers to be successful, he needs to be special G. So far, that has not been the case.


3. Happy for Akeson. Again, he was one of the most effective forwards on this team. Glad he got the goal to redeem himself. And a big goal it was!


4. Berube needs to adjust how we defend the blueline and how we enter the attack zone. Time and time again, the Flyers get stymied when trying to enter the Rangers zone, and the Rangers manage to gain our zone with ease. 


5. Penalties, penalties, penalties. Man, will this team ever learn? 


6. Secondary scoring - we got it, and it won us the game. 


Now let's hope we see a different, more energized team at the WFC!


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Seriously, though, what did you guys think of Game 2?


It was nerve racking but better. TheY won the puck possession battle or did better...less shots but better quality shots that also helps you in the puck possession battle.


They got lucky on some but so did the Rags.


I'd lean toward starting Emery in game #3.


Akeson had a nice timely goal. That is why i've been lobbying for him since mid season once i tired of Downie.


I'm not commenting on the refs i don't feel like getting angry.


It's a win an ugly win but none the less a win. Exorcise the demons in NY.


And they won without G getting a shot WOW!! I'll take it and if they can get the 1st line clicking i'll like it better. Better puck pursuit always helps.


Overall good job still work to do and tighten up. Lunqvist once again gave them a chance. Now they can work on getting G away from Girardi and McDonagh.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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We won. That's about all I can say about it. Was not even close to a great game by them and they still pulled it out. Emery was great and avg at the same time, but he made some huge timely saves. I still go with Mason as well, however, I'm feeling less bad if Mason needs another day to be perfect. 


Real classy move by Berube how he handled the kid Akeson. Putting him out to start and having him on that PP unit, I mean.. you just can't buy that kind of class. 


We're in the driver's seat now, going back home, but we need to play a lot better from here on out. 

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It's a win an ugly win but none the less a win. Exorcise the demons in NY.


Yes, it was an ugly win! It was so frustrating to watch, I went outside instead of watching the 3rd period! Much better for the blood pressure :) I was saying in the game chat how the Flyers haven't been fun to watch in Games 1 and 2. 


Do you think they've figured out the Rangers? In other words, can we expect a more coherent (and confident) looking Flyers team in Game 3?


And they won without G getting a shot WOW!!


Yeah, that's pretty impressive. The coverage on him has made him ineffective, but he's gotta rise above it. That's what top players do.


Real classy move by Berube how he handled the kid Akeson. Putting him out to start and having him on that PP unit, I mean.. you just can't buy that kind of class.


I agree. It's not even that it's a classy move, it was the right move. An emotional coach would have kept him out. A rational coach, like Chief, realizes that he helps more than he hurts. Something tells me Laviolette wouldn't have reacted the same way!

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anyone calling for Mason to start G3 should have his head examined - lol! sorry. But seriously? You would change goalies now...after a performance like that? Aye carumba...that's gotta be either hate talking or man-love for Mason... something weird ... because Ray Emery (with some help from a very average-looking Lundqvist) stole that game for the Flyers today.


Mason could've done it too when he's on his game, I'm not saying he couldn't. All I'm saying is when your goalie is hot, when he comes off a 33-save performance like that you stay with him. Especially in the POs. There is just no reason on Earth to change goalies now.

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anyone calling for Mason to start G3 should have his head examined - lol! sorry. But seriously? You would change goalies now...after a performance like that? Aye carumba...that's gotta be either hate talking or man-love for Mason... something weird ... because Ray Emery (with some help from a very average-looking Lundqvist) stole that game for the Flyers today.


How about I take a position in between the two extreme positions you left me with? Mason is the starter, he's the reason we're even in the playoffs, and he's earned the right to tend goal for us in the playoffs. For Emery, he did exactly what a backup goaltender is supposed to do, and then some. He came in and gave us a chance to win in both games when the team in front of him was subpar.


Mason is, hands down, the better goaltender on this Flyers squad, and I want my best players dressed when they're healthy.


It sounds like you believe Emery should start until he falters. Is that how you see it?

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I think if Mason is healthy he starts. I am happy we got a good performance from Razor. 


Giroux was working and did get a point. He may be forcing Vignault (sp) to waste coverage allowing the lesser lights to score.  This was a must win and the boys showed grit.  We may have found a good young forward in Akeson.  His goal showed good hands and quick reflexes.  Maybe toiling in the A is giving him some hunger and training. Agreed he might be a better fit than Downie for next year.



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Mason should start, if he is well.  Emery did play four periods of excellent Hockey, but he also played two pretty poorly.


Once again, I was pretty disappointed with the officiating.  The Rangers started off Game 1 with a blatant interference, a trip and a slash/hook in the first two minutes and nothing called.   Them Simmonds taps a guy on the shoulder and his calle for "holding."  Grossman getting called for getting skated into was a terrible call.  Timmonen getting called for Giroux falling on a guy's stick shows the refs really weren't paying attention, unless it was for something less obvious.


15 penalties to 6. 


Doesn anyone know if any of the Rangers' coaching staff came via the Penguins?  Two separate players called for diving suggets this is so.

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Oh, I almost forgot:  THANK YOU NBC for not making us suffer through another Doc Emerick & crew broadcast.  Albert, etc. might not know as much about Hockey, but they are less annoying by a large margin.

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15 penalties to 6. 
Doesn anyone know if any of the Rangers' coaching staff came via the Penguins?  Two separate players called for diving suggets this is so.


Regular season:


NYR, 10 PIM/game (9th overall)

Flyers, 14.4 PIM/game (30th overall)


Playoffs through 2 games:


NYR, 8 PIM/game (1st overall)

Flyers, 16 PIM/game (14th of 16)


I'd say that's pretty much par for the course. The Flyers are an undisciplined hockey team, and the stats bear that out year after year.


I agree that some (many?) of the calls - against both teams - are ticky tacky. It gets annoying to watch... but man, you'd think the team would learn.

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Doesn anyone know if any of the Rangers' coaching staff came via the Penguins? Two separate players called for diving suggets this is so.

Which, really, were the second and third worst calls I've ever seen. After the timonen / giroux one.

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There is just no reason on Earth to change goalies now.


I'll give you one reason...Mason is your goalie of the future and you want to see how he plays in the playoffs. You gotta see what you have and get him some valuable experience.  If he falters, I've no problem putting Emery back in as he did do a great job so far and gave the team a chance to win both nights.

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anyone calling for Mason to start G3 should have his head examined - lol! sorry. But seriously? You would change goalies now...after a performance like that? Aye carumba...that's gotta be either hate talking or man-love for Mason... something weird ... because Ray Emery (with some help from a very average-looking Lundqvist) stole that game for the Flyers today.


Mason could've done it too when he's on his game, I'm not saying he couldn't. All I'm saying is when your goalie is hot, when he comes off a 33-save performance like that you stay with him. Especially in the POs. There is just no reason on Earth to change goalies now.


I'm completely the opposite and think anyone who starts Emery over a healthy Mason is certifiably nuts is where they should be kicked.


Mason is our #1 goaltender and has done well in that role this year.  He has done nothing to lose that role. 


Emery has done his JOB.  That is a backup goalie who fills in when the starter is hurt.  This is not Leighton/Boucher where you ride the hotter of two lousy goalies, and I want nothing to do with that sheer lunacy.  Maybe it's years of not having a goalie talking, but that's so ####ing insane.  You put the fricken starting goalie in because he gives you the best chance of winning the damn game.  When the starter is healthy, the backup goes back where he belongs:   To the bench with a big thank you and a pat on the head and a "be ready if we need you again."


  Emery was good.  He was NOT great.  Your unquestioned STARTER who started 60 games to 21 and had vastly better everything goes in net if he's healthy.  This is such a no brainer that it actually is infuriating that it's even being discussed.  Good lord.


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Mason is your goalie of the future


Mason is your goalie of NOW.  This discussion is so ####ing insane it's giving me  a headache.  Emery was good. He was doing exactly what he's supposed to as a ####ing BACKUP.  And he gets the hell out when the starter returns.  It really is that simple.


.917 SV% vs. .903

.250 GAA vs.  .296

60 starts vs. 21 starts.


Why is ANYONE even discussing this?  It's ####ing insane.  If Mason isn't 100% it changes the equation a bit, but a 100% Mason has better lateral movement, better puck control, better everything.  Oh my god.  And someone ACTUALLY typed "if some thinks Mason should start they should have their head examined."


I've entered bizarro world where grass is up and the sky is down and pink.  It's not about hate or Mason love or any of that nonsense.  Insert any other names into the exact situation and the math is the same.  I like Emery.  Way back when we were first signing him (the first time around) I was a little concerned about his head but never his ability.  He's proven here and in Chicago that he can be a good team guy.  I don't have any reason to hate the guy.


And then there IS your goalie of the future thing.  You don't play a guy 60 games and have him be the clear number one; have him signed to a three year deal, and #### him off when he gets injured for a couple games and put him on the bench in favor of a guy with clearly worse numbers, who is NOT signed, and wasn't good enough to start more than 25% of your games.  Sorry, it bears repeating:  THE COUNTER ARGUMENT IS TOO ####ING INSANE FOR WORDS.


Again, if Mason is NOT 100% it changes the equation.  One thing Emery has shown, at least so far, is that he is capable of holding the fort.  So no need to rush Mason back too soon (at this point).  But if 100%, this really shouldn't even be a discussion.

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The other side is that emery has seen these shooters twice in a row, knows what kind of game they are playing, individual tendencies, favorite shooting holes... While mason hadn't seen a game in a week, and is coming off a wonky something.

I tend towards starting mason, but don't really see either as the wrong answer.

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I am with Rux on this one.  If Mason is 100% I go with him as a 100% Mase gives you a better chance to win the game.  Look at the 2 Rags goals they totally exploited Emery with that lateral passing.  I dont know why they got away from it but thank goodness they did.  This is not to take away from Emery he did play up to his potential in both games but if we are talking potential here, a healthy Mase has much more of it.  I roll with my starter if he can go.

Edited by Poulin20
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The other side is that emery has seen these shooters twice in a row, knows what kind of game they are playing, individual tendencies, favorite shooting holes... While mason hadn't seen a game in a week, and is coming off a wonky something.


I see this as at least a rational argument, but I really think it's overstated.  Enough that it wouldn't even enter the discussion for me.  Primarily because, for me, if Mason is 100% there isn't even a discussion.


The game they are playing is trying to shoot the puck in the net.  The shooters have  had two games to know what kind of game the goalie is playing, individual tendencies, and shooting holes.  Changing this up makes this aspect a complete wash.  The Rangers were clearly trying to exploit Emery's slower lateral movement and succeeded, particularly on the MSL goal.  The problem is that in real time, this isn't always an easy thing to accomplish.  But in the end, the "knowing the game, individual tendencies" thing works both ways and is, therefore, a wash so it's back to the fact this is not a debate between two goalies who were used somewhat evenly and had somewhat similar numbers, etc.  It's between a clear starter that has missed a handful of games for embellishment and a guy who has been a clear backup (and for a reason).    It's Wayne Stephenson vs. Bernie Parent for me (Emery is not Stephenson and Mason is certainly not Parent, so I'm just talking defined roles--before someone retorts with some sort of other comparison).


If Mason is not 100%, no reason to rush him based on what we've seen.  But at 100% I don't see a merited argument.  I do see it as a right and a WTF??

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I am with Rux on this one.  If Mason is 100% I go with him as a 100% Mase gives you a better chance to win the game.  Look at the 2 Rags goals they totally exploited Emery with that lateral passing.  I dont know why they got away from it but thank goodness they did.  This is not to take away from Emery he did play up to his potential in both games but if we are talking potential here, a healthy Mase has much more of it.  I roll with my starter if he can go.



This.  Nice job saying it without my expletives.

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Do you think they've figured out the Rangers?


It's not so much that they've figured the Rangers out more is they have changed their game some, for example not worrying about shooting from everywhere instead choosing to keep the puck and skate around within their zone with it and look fro better higher percentage shots on net instead of just firing from all over.


The shots need to be quality and need to count so hold onto it a little more an not look to pass so quick.


Get them running around in their end some and watch the confusion set in with them. Puck possession got to have the puck in order to score. They still have work to do but its improvement. Now they get last line change at home so now they can get G  away from the match up Rags want and if they can get him going and win these two games a lot of pressure will have been relieved.


I'm excited they finally got that monkey off their back now back to the drawing board...

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I think if Mason is healthy he starts. I am happy we got a good performance from Razor. 


Giroux was working and did get a point. He may be forcing Vignault (sp) to waste coverage allowing the lesser lights to score.  This was a must win and the boys showed grit.  We may have found a good young forward in Akeson.  His goal showed good hands and quick reflexes.  Maybe toiling in the A is giving him some hunger and training. Agreed he might be a better fit than Downie for next year.



I feel that G is working hard too...his game seemed a lot more physical today than game one, and while he's not finding "his" space he is hitting and taking the game to Mcdougnah ...it has been an interesting game within the game twixt those two. I think with last change we'll see A more effective 28. He's got to start winning some draws too...

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Voracek had a massive game today. Scored a nice goal and was involved heavily . One of the best games I have seen him play .

I liked how the flyers didnt sit back with the one goal lead but kept playing and spent a lot of time in the rags end

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But in the end, the "knowing the game, individual tendencies" thing works both ways and is, therefore, a wash so it's back to the fact this is not a debate between two goalies who were used somewhat evenly and had somewhat similar numbers, etc.


i don't really agree there.  half (more, really) of a goalie's game is anticipation, and 120 minutes of working against a team gives a lot of insight that isn't there from zero.  a goalie sees a puck carrier looking at the net, and has to have the full list of that puck carrier's possible next moves running through his head.  seeing that particular puck carrier in that same particular position 5 or 6 times over the last 72 hours lets him focus on a smaller list of likely next moves.  that lets him filter, recognize the small signs that confirm how the play will develop and be ready as it does rather than catching up.  i think that some amount of emery's success today was specifically because he had seen (and been beaten by) the rangers' cross ice plays.  notice how he was suddenly ahead of those attempts, rather than a step behind?  he knows where they like to go with the puck, and is putting himself in a continuously better position to handle those plays.  


i dunno.  emery is only so good, and if the flyers are going to go anywhere in these playoffs, it is going to be with mason.  i can definitely see an argument to let emery have the rest of the rangers' series, though.  he has an understanding of the opponent that mason just can't have.  doesn't mean that mason can't win, but emery has an advantage.

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For me - and I'll bet (i hope) for Berube - it's a no-brainer, you play the hot hand until he goes cold. Emery has the Rags dialed in right now. Maybe he isn't as technically sound as Mason - though as I've said before I think they've given up exactly the same type of soft goals this year. But Emery is ready for the Rangers and Mason is playing catch-up. That's just a fact. (and thank you Aziz for saying it better than i could)


Look at the 2 Rags goals they totally exploited Emery with that lateral passing. I dont know why they got away from it but thank goodness they did.


The Rags didn't suddenly forget how to pass the puck cross-ice. What happened was the Flyers and (mostly) Emery adjusted. They started anticipating that play and covered the weak side more closely. After the 2 goals, which were basically identical except one was a PP goal, the Rags continued to hunt for that seam and it wasn't there. The few times it was and they made the pass Emery was ready.


I just don't see any sense in benching a guy who stole you G2 (and could've won G1 as well if the Flyers had competed the way they did today). But...whatever. If it's Mason that's okay too. :)

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