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what a no-show effort.


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My three themes for Game 2, in case Berube is interested

Shoot from everywhere

Stick with safe plays to exit the zone and up neutral ice.

Swarm the Rangers in their zone.

I also think that any player who does a behind the back pass or drop pass at the blueline should be punched in the throat by Berube (ala Melissa McCarthy in Identity Thief)

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I also think that any player who does a behind the back pass or drop pass at the blueline should be punched in the throat by Berube (ala Melissa McCarthy in Identity Thief)


LOL, I agree! Vinny has been especially bad for putting blind passes in dangerous areas.

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LOL, I agree! Vinny has been especially bad for putting blind passes in dangerous areas.


VLC isn't the only one and I get enraged when they do that **** while on the PP. I damn near broke a wine bottle over my wife's head last night when I saw Hartnell make such a pass on the 3rd period PP.

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Seravalli's take is interesting: Has Berube effectively neutered the club's offense to be better defensively against the Rangers?  Playing not to lose may not be a winning strategy.  Akeson's penalty was an unfortunate swing, not some dumb penalty like Rinaldo.





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Howie... It was an unfortunate penalty for Akeson. He has to be better with his stick but putting penalties aside the Flyers were outmatched in every way last night...



I agree.  I suspect he will learn.  I missed the first period but my assessment of the final two was that we were getting run over.  Maybe that is an overstatement but it almost looked like we didn't belong on the ice with NY. 


This is where I get upset with all the talk of our "balanced scoring."  Is "balanced" mucking-grinding really a good thing. We don't attack well.  It is the best defense. If we can't get into the opponent's end it won't matter if we have six all-star defenders. 





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"plenty of effort" - a "close game until Ak's bad penalty" ??


That was Men against Boys. Just a horribly-executed game plan in every respect. Chief had the right idea, you have to get pucks deep before you can 4check and he told his top line, basically "forget the N zone cute stuff just dump n chase." Nothing wrong with the plan.


So what did they do instead? They tried to outmaneuver the Rags in the N zone. They tried 90-foot cross-ice passes. The line changes told the story imo - leaving too soon, stranding guys - guys coming on didn't hustle to replace the men coming off. To me it truly looked like Pros against Amateurs (in general). Only Emery made it look close after 2.


The good news is we can only go "up" from here. G2 will almost certainly look like 2 professional hockey teams competing instead of 1.

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where's my EDIT button?


oh well - only wanted to add a Memo To Claude: Your team needs a "Watch This Shift" attitude on Sunday - and for the rest of the series. It's up to you (mostly) Captain!


Giroux "struggles" with tight-checking teams but if he's going to take the next step toward greatness ... he's got to find a way to break through. I would suggest being a little more "selfish" (for lack of a better word) and take it to the net more. Force them to chase you more. I know it's easier said than done. I know Chief doesn't want to use that "slingshot" play to enter their zone. What I'm saying is - if you cross their blue line and you're 1 on 3 - take it to Lundqvist hard anyway. Show some moves, snap that wrister. Don't automatically think "pass" - think "SCORE!"

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I saw plenty of effort from the Flyers. The Rangers were clogging the neutral zone like there was no tomorrow and the Flyers had no answer. Berube wanted to dump and chase but the Flyers couldn't even gain the red line consistently. You can't chase if you can't dump. Berube needs to come up with a better strategy for game 2.



that's what kinda worries me about this series. we simply got beat by a better team last night. if the Flyers have any hope, they're gonna need to find another gear... raise the bar and take it to another level. the Rangers won, what seemed like, every single puck battle. To a man, the Flyers were just beat to the puck all game long. Which, is pretty much what the last game against the Rangers looked like. 


Berube playing Akeson 5+ min more than Vinny is a serious head scratcher. I mean, I don't care that the kid didn't look out of place and had jump... this is his first playoff game(3rd NHL game) and the 4 min double is the risk you run by overplaying him. To basically lose a playoff game due to a rookie mistake... to me, gm1 is largely to blame on Berube. 


He also needs to find  a way to get G some room out there. But, overstaying shifts is not gonna do it. There was at least a few occasions where guys stayed out there waaaay too long causing them to get pinned in for large stretches. Again, that's on the coach to manage the line changes. 


The players who disappointed me the most last night were Read and Couter. Both can be seen literally standing around watching the puck and not taking their assignment on goals. 

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He also needs to find a way to get G some room out there.


I don't see how you can fault the HC. This "struggles with tight-checking teams" thing is on Giroux and only Giroux. Maybe that cross-check he took right after AndyMac scored hurt him bad. Maybe he was hurting all game. Whatever. The point is he's got to break thru those double-teams on his own. Speed - which he has - is the cure for double-teams. Faster decisions with the puck, more movement without the puck. Guys like him are capable of creating space. Up till now he's been a master of exploiting the space teams give him. Now they're not giving it to him - even on the PP they're going right after him. He's got to get quicker. While he's at it - take it to the net more, don't always wait for help, be the All-Star and put on a show. He's got the talent to do it.

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that's what kinda worries me about this series. we simply got beat by a better team last night. if the Flyers have any hope, they're gonna need to find another gear... raise the bar and take it to another level. the Rangers won, what seemed like, every single puck battle. To a man, the Flyers were just beat to the puck all game long. Which, is pretty much what the last game against the Rangers looked like. 


Berube playing Akeson 5+ min more than Vinny is a serious head scratcher. I mean, I don't care that the kid didn't look out of place and had jump... this is his first playoff game(3rd NHL game) and the 4 min double is the risk you run by overplaying him. To basically lose a playoff game due to a rookie mistake... to me, gm1 is largely to blame on Berube. 


He also needs to find  a way to get G some room out there. But, overstaying shifts is not gonna do it. There was at least a few occasions where guys stayed out there waaaay too long causing them to get pinned in for large stretches. Again, that's on the coach to manage the line changes. 


The players who disappointed me the most last night were Read and Couter. Both can be seen literally standing around watching the puck and not taking their assignment on goals. 





Great post bak

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I don't see how you can fault the HC. This "struggles with tight-checking teams" thing is on Giroux and only Giroux. Maybe that cross-check he took right after AndyMac scored hurt him bad. Maybe he was hurting all game. Whatever. The point is he's got to break thru those double-teams on his own. Speed - which he has - is the cure for double-teams. Faster decisions with the puck, more movement without the puck. Guys like him are capable of creating space. Up till now he's been a master of exploiting the space teams give him. Now they're not giving it to him - even on the PP they're going right after him. He's got to get quicker. While he's at it - take it to the net more, don't always wait for help, be the All-Star and put on a show. He's got the talent to do it.


No doubt... G has to elevate his play and find his own holes in the Rangers D. My problem with Berube from last night is I only saw G 'sneaked' out there on different lines maybe once? And I'm not sure it was even intentional, I think it was an early line change. 


Clearly, nothing was working last night. I would have liked to see the coach try to juggle some line combos, at least, to try to get G out there against different D combos. He didn't seem to do this... correct me if I'm wrong. 


Maybe there is a whole meta game theory thing going on, but if so... maybe Berube is over-coaching here. Maybe there would be criticism of not having faith and juggling line combos too soon? who knows, but I think he should have tried to be more creative. I realize we have the away disadvantage there, but there's always ways. 

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if the Flyers have any hope, they're gonna need to find another gear... raise the bar and take it to another level.


we have a winner for the most cliches in a sentence !

Bak ! enjoy your your 1979 chevrolet monte carlo with am -fm stereo and california emissions !


I can tell you've watch a few post game hockey pressers in your day...


 that was awesome. !

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I wasn't feeling dread after the second period, i didn't think the Rangers looked particularly dangerous .  they had possession but a lot of the shots were from the way outside, there wasn't gobs of great scoring chances that Emery turned away it was a tight checking , typical eastern conference playoff game.  it wasn't until the flyers power(less) play that things got bleak.


i guess the rout is in the eye of the homer  or something.  


I hate the Rangers.

f' them

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I wasn't feeling dread after the second period, i didn't think the Rangers looked particularly dangerous .  


I didn't think they looked particularly dangerous either. That would have been fine if the Flyers were able to sustain an attack. When the Flyers come into the zone 5v5, they try the same entry as on the PP, and the Rangers are lined up 5 across on the blueline. Problem is at regular strength, there's a man for each player, and that kind of entry didn't work so well last night.


They also tried dump and chase quite a bit, but the Rangers were really quick to gain possession and get it out safely.


For the Rangers attack, they relied a lot on stretch passes to get behind the forwards who were hustling back or going off on line changes.


And for those who mentioned that Giroux needs to step it up, sure, he needs to find a way to break the coverage that's on him. The thing is, it's no different than the coverage Coots put on the best guys night in and night out. So in those cases, when your top line is neutralized, that's where our depth is supposed to come in and tilt the ice in our favour. I honestly thought that Akeson was one of our best and most effective forwards last night. That double minor could have happened to anyone; he lost his balance after trying to hit a Ranger, and the stick came up. I'm sure no one feels worse about it than him. So far, I really like his game. 


One of their goals for next game absolutely has to be to be less selective about their shots. Akeson was great in this department too. You won't win many games with 15 SOG, especially in the playoffs. 


I'm not worried yet. The game certainly wasn't reassuring, but I won't worry until they lose one at home.

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I honestly thought that Akeson was one of our best and most effective forwards last night. That double minor could have happened to anyone; he lost his balance after trying to hit a Ranger, and the stick came up. I'm sure no one feels worse about it than him. So far, I really like his game.



Thank you!   He was one of our best forwards hands down last night.   Should he be more careful and in control of his stick - yes.   It was an unfortunate event but if the people citing that is the reason for a loss are completely uneducated fans IMO.   It hurt but we were getting schooled in every part of that game - faceoffs, shots, battles, possession, defense, offense, coaching, etc...

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My thoughts: I thought a lot of the problems we had were mental. Poor choices on dumps, weird decisions all over the ice, either because of nerves or whatever. It was just a strange game. I saw effort but most of it was misplaced and wasted.


I expect a better performance on Sunday now that that stinker is out of the way. I don't think it's panic time at all. It was one game. The goal of a split at MSG is still attainable.


If I'm Berube I tell the guys to relax, enjoy the moment, they are the better team. Now go prove it.

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My thoughts: I thought a lot of the problems we had were mental. Poor choices on dumps, weird decisions all over the ice, either because of nerves or whatever. It was just a strange game. I saw effort but most of it was misplaced and wasted.


I expect a better performance on Sunday now that that stinker is out of the way. I don't think it's panic time at all. It was one game. The goal of a split at MSG is still attainable.


If I'm Berube I tell the guys to relax, enjoy the moment, they are the better team. Now go prove it.



Good point Pods...  


Once bonus is every time this Team has a stinker they get on a roll...   hoepfully, that is the case.

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My thoughts: I thought a lot of the problems we had were mental. Poor choices on dumps, weird decisions all over the ice, either because of nerves or whatever. It was just a strange game. I saw effort but most of it was misplaced and wasted.


I expect a better performance on Sunday now that that stinker is out of the way. I don't think it's panic time at all. It was one game. The goal of a split at MSG is still attainable.


If I'm Berube I tell the guys to relax, enjoy the moment, they are the better team. Now go prove it.


it's never time to panic.. until it's 0-2 and you go on the road. luckily, we're going home after next game. we get a win on sunday and we're golden. 

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Once bonus is every time this Team has a stinker they get on a roll...   hoepfully, that is the case.


Yeah, I'd rather lose a game like that, where some commentators were saying we were totally dominated, then a 1-0 triple OT game where you waste valuable emotional energy that will be needed in a Game 7.

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Howie... It was an unfortunate penalty for Akeson. He has to be better with his stick but putting penalties aside the Flyers were outmatched in every way last night...




Yes and to just put it into perspective a good read....




 Don't make Jason Akeson the scapegoat


Aside from the penalty, of course. He played most of the game with Sean Couturier andMatt Read -- that's the Flyers tough-minutes defensive unit, by the way -- and he seemed to make an impact every time he hit the ice. He out-skated the Rangers pretty consistently and created some offense.

While Akeson was on the ice last night, the Rangers didn't get a single scoring chance. He was the only Flyer who didn't face a Rangers scoring chance while he was out there. In addition, the Flyers had two chances of their own while Akeson was on the ice, at least one of which was directly caused by him.

Akeson did this without being given easy minutes. It's worth noting.


He had four shot attempts in the game -- three that hit the net and one that missed -- which was good for second-most among Flyers forwards. In terms of shot differential at even strength, Akeson was the only Flyer who finished as a plus player in Game 1. The only damn one.

And Craig Berube noticed it.

When Ryan McDonagh took a high-sticking penalty early in the third period to put the Flyers on their first (and only) power play of the night, Akeson was rewarded with time on the second PP unit. Nothing came of the power play -- it was pretty ugly, to be honest -- but for a kid in his third-ever NHL game, getting power play minutes is a good sign that you're doing something right.

Akeson had a really good game last night. That's not to absolve him for making a huge, game-costing mistake, because it's one of the first things you're taught as a hockey player: CONTROL YOUR STICK. But making him the scapegoat for this loss isn't fair, especially considering he's one of the only players who was a positive for the Flyers in Game


2. The entire team played like crap. This loss wasn't Akeson's fault.


If the team puts the blame on him -- and by that we mean if Craig Berube sits him in Game 2 -- it'll be a pretty crippling blow to a young player who clearly has the skill to help the Flyers more than he hurts them. Let him rebound on Sunday, and if he plays anything like he did on Thursday, we'll be pretty happy.


...so here is hope for a win in game 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

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