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Come on. On this site? Really?

There's only about five of them and us Flyers fans go on the Pens board just as much or there would be no discussion. And the "new content" link doesn't differentiate. It just lists thread topics.

Sorry but the "why do other fans post on our board" may work on piss poor sites like Philly.com but here? You need a little better than the loser "my ovaries can't take an opposing view" whine.

This isn't meant strictly for you or as a personal attack, but I've seen this a few times recently (don't recall whom but I don't think it was you) and it bothers me.



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I shouldn't have to defend a hockey play just because it was gold on orange instead of orange on gold


that wasn't a hockey play and you know it.  i don't care if hartnell and simmonds do it ten times a game (interestingly, i didn't see them do it even once in that game, but that is probably just my bias), shoving a defenseman onto a goalie who is down in the butterfly is A)how you effectively remove the goalie from the play for the next 5 seconds, and B)how you destroy the goalie's knees, as he fall backwards with 200lbs of dman on top of him and his leg twisted underneath.  it's a penalty for both reasons, regardless of how much mason dressed up the falling backwards into the goal.  


i don't like seeing flyers do it any more than i like seeing penguins do it.  and then to actually call it a hockey play, and get indignant about having to defend it....

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I never argued that he got hit. I said he embellished it, which in the rules is also a dive. I didn't say Mason deserved a penalty, I just said Megna did no worse than players on your team, ours, and every other team in the league do game in game out.

If calling him "precious" is really name calling in your book, perhaps I can point you to threads saying "we've got your number" etc etc implying a Cooke-Rinaldo grade cheap shot. Something this definitely wasn't. I don't care if its your team or ours, this was hockey being hockey.

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this was hockey being hockey.


Yes.  And it deserved a 2 minute minor and that's the end of it.  No double minor.  No 5. No suspension.  No one phone call for bail money.  A two-minute minor.  And it should be a two-minute minor if Hartnell or Simmonds or Megna or Neal does it.  It's not always called, but it should be. 


I forget which Pen it was in the second period who flopped on the ice and drew two minutes.  Pens really shouldn't talk about flopping in that game (full disclosure: there was a play not long before that in the Flyers end where the Flyer full on mugged someone and nothing was called, so possibly a make up for that).


I always wonder about goalies flopping as they do, though.  I'm aware they have a lot of padding, etc., but they are quite spry in other instances.  Yet, if an opposing player sneezes near them they look like they've been shot.    Mason was hit fairly solidly--enough for a penalty--but you can't tell me the flying into the net was a proportional response to the hit.  I think it's possible he embellished a little to get the call and hurt himself in the process.  But I'm not betting the house on any of that.


I just think it's possible the embellishment claim is kind of an extreme response to some of the insanity going on on the opposite side of the equation.  It's a player knocking a defender into the goalie.  It happens.  It's part of the jostling in front of the net.  It's a penalty.  No big deal.  The goalie got hurt.  That IS a big deal for the Flyers, but it wasn't like Megna pulled a gun on him or something.  And by all accounts he'll be fine.


Nothing to see here.  Move on.

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If calling him "precious" is really name calling in your book, perhaps I can point you to threads saying "we've got your number" etc etc implying a Cooke-Rinaldo grade cheap shot. Something this definitely wasn't. I don't care if its your team or ours, this was hockey being hockey.


i can't agree with that.  you're right, it isn't a hugely uncommon thing, but to my mind it is one of the worst things in the game that is casually accepted as "normal".  a goalie's job requires him to focus on the puck almost to the exclusion of the specific things happening around him away from said puck.  this means he isn't a position to notice an offensive player isn't slowing down and is going to drop a dman on his lap.  to do his job, he almost can't be prepared for that kind of thing.  beyond that, his job requires he contort him body in ways that are not conducive to suddenly having 200lbs falling on him.  a goalie in the splits or the butterfly or any number of other situations where he is stretched out making a save or tracking the play is in a really terrible position if someone flies into him.  mason with his left leg tucked under and back, and then being push down and back, that is how MCLs get blown.


beyond all that, a goalie on his ass with a player laying across his legs is essentially out of the play.  a shot on net is a goal, until the goalie can extricate himself.


yes, the flyers do it, too.  worse, dman throw forwards on top of their own goalies all the time.  no matter what team is doing or who they are doing it to, i cringe every time i see it.  it is never ok.  the chance for injury is high, as is the chance for a momentary but significant shooting advantage.  it doesn't rise to the level of a knee to the head, but it is close.


as for the dive, yeah, i think mason made it look...more spectacular than it was.  i don't know that it was a draw-a-penalty dive, i saw it as a get-a-whistle dive.  he was on hit butt with macdonald in his lap, and the rebound was in front of the goal line with a penguin closest to it.  he was in no position to make any kind of play on any shot, and needed play to stop quickly.  i'm not going to hold that against him, but i'll give you he made a show of it.  


it was a must-call, regardless, to me.  it should be called every time, against the flyers or anyone else, and no matter how effected or not the goalie actually was.  the position has way too many other things going on to be worried about bodies being thrown into him.

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I'm aware they have a lot of padding, etc., but they are quite spry in other instances.  Yet, if an opposing player sneezes near them they look like they've been shot.


on this one, see my above.  he played it up.  the falling onto his backside was real, his flopping into the net was not.  and, imo, the "UBI" explanation is a decoy, if the flyers are worried about anything, it is the left knee.  look at the gif in that other thread, it goes in a not good way.  hopefully he's ok, but i got real worried when he didn't start the third.  and i'm a little concerned that he didn't even dress today.  we'll see.


other times, though, goalies go down "easy" for other reasons.  goalie skates are completely flat front to back.  no rocker at all.  it makes for great control if you are expecting to shift your weight around, but if you aren't expecting it, it's really tough to recover.  a small push to a goalie's leg that he isn't expecting, the skate will shoot right out from under him.  add in the weight and bulk that a goalie carries around, and unexpected contact has way more effect on them than a foward.  9 times out of 10, if a goalie gets happy feet and then falls down, he was doing his damnedest to stay up, but the ship was sunk.

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To those of you who don't like us Pens fans posting here, well tough.  If I am disrespectful, ask an admin to ban me, if you don't like what our opinion is, please let me know what you disagree with using facts, and I'll admit when I'm wrong.. 


And by the way, you're welcome to come over and spend time with us.   We'll make you an honorable Pens fan(but just for a minute, we do have our standards).

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on this one, see my above.  he played it up.  the falling onto his backside was real, his flopping into the net was not.  and, imo, the "UBI" explanation is a decoy, if the flyers are worried about anything, it is the left knee.  look at the gif in that other thread, it goes in a not good way.  hopefully he's ok, but i got real worried when he didn't start the third.  and i'm a little concerned that he didn't even dress today.  we'll see.


other times, though, goalies go down "easy" for other reasons.  goalie skates are completely flat front to back.  no rocker at all.  it makes for great control if you are expecting to shift your weight around, but if you aren't expecting it, it's really tough to recover.  a small push to a goalie's leg that he isn't expecting, the skate will shoot right out from under him.  add in the weight and bulk that a goalie carries around, and unexpected contact has way more effect on them than a foward.  9 times out of 10, if a goalie gets happy feet and then falls down, he was doing his damnedest to stay up, but the ship was sunk.


Yeah, that's what I thought when I saw it live and still when I saw the replays.  When they said UBI I thought maybe whiplash or concussion or he fell on something weird so I stopped thinking knee.  You may be right.


Fair enough explanation of goalies v. balance, etc.

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Going to say this again without directing it at anyone in particular.


This site is intended to be one big community of hockey fans.  Topics are broken up into categories (by teams, etc.) for ease of categorizing themes.  It is not intended to be like hfboards, for example, where God-forbid you accidentally walk into someone else's yard and get shot under stand your ground laws.


And to Flyers fans:  On a board that lists "new content" indiscriminately by title, it may be best not to name your topics using another team's player's name if you're not intending on attention from that other team's fans. Also keep in mind that we are still a growing site and blocking contingents of fans from individual child boards (or simply dismissing their views because of that status) is counterproductive to that growth.  Read Lord of the Flies if you want to know what happens when subgroups become closed and self-aggrandizing.


So long as we all agree to keep it on topic and discuss our views, etc., it is perfectly fine to disagree and to even "flame" back and forth (while remaining on topic and within reason) but all registered members in good standing are invited to share their views wherever they see fit.  There's no need to question that nor is there need to feel that one must defend it.

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I couldn't tell if Mason was limping or not when he came out to accept the Hart Award today, looked like he might have had a slight hitch, but that could just be me worrying that his knee got screwed up.

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@all comers

I honestly think Mason would sit this game to rest for the playoffs. IF he truly got an UBI I don't know how unless he cracked the back of his noggin going down. And as I said about embellishing, he'd really only be able to blame himself. But I don't see how he could've done any damage as he appears to hold his head up pretty well in the fall. Maybe just resting him and stirring the rivalry a little? Honestly, Holmgren and Shero could very well be talking on the phone going "What else can we say to make this hatred grow?" Because both teams profit from it. Lol

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To those of you who don't like us Pens fans posting here, well tough.  If I am disrespectful, ask an admin to ban me, if you don't like what our opinion is, please let me know what you disagree with using facts, and I'll admit when I'm wrong.. 


And by the way, you're welcome to come over and spend time with us.   We'll make you an honorable Pens fan(but just for a minute, we do have our standards).


Please don't let one bad apple ruin your stay.  You know who the regular posters are and you and the other pens fans are always welcomed here with open arms.  I'm sorry there was a rude and underserving comment thrown at you guys.


Sorry @ruxpin..did not see your post when I posted mine.


totally agree with you!

Edited by pilldoc
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Agree. But what you are saying is very different from that Mason dove.

Yes, it's a run of the mill play where the goalie got hurt.

It wasn't axe murder and it wasn't a dive.

Perfectly stated... Personally, I enjoy the Pens fans as much as the Flyers fans on here.

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We know most of you guys are open to discussion and a little prodding along the way. There are only a few malcontents along the way, just forgive us for pointing them out here and there. ;)


Who are we kidding?  They are all a bunch of douchebags. :D

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@B21   I guess it comes down to how much someone actually reads a post before taking opposition and returning smarm. It looks especially funny when the comment is actually pro Pen that is being rebutted. ;)


@Polaris922     2 minutes for the goalie interference was the right call. No whining. You should really stop trying to say the play happens all the time without being noticed or called(quite the opposite.).

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