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Mason UBI - Emery to start Game 1


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thanks. I was praying it was not a leg / knee.  But WTF emery??? 


Yeah, Emery was bad. He absolutely should have had the Neal goal. The Letang goal was a little tougher, but he looks so slow in his lateral movement.

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Yeah, Emery was bad. He absolutely should have had the Neal goal. The Letang goal was a little tougher, but he looks so slow in his lateral movement.


Agreed. There was a few games back he looked stellar, but these last (Tampa) and today, he looked like shite. 

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The gif of the crosscheck & interference is right at the top of this page, and yet still you insist on being delusional?!?

Ted you're always so kind! I see Megna push your D back into Mason. He does get hit solid in the midsection, then drops backwards like he got shot by a taser. Never seen a man's body lock up like that falling down so stiffly without electric current applied. Delusional? Only if I expected you to watch that same video with an unbiased eye.

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Yeah Mason dove what player wouldn't love to possibly give himself a concussion. That's...that's brilliant polaris...lol I know your joking though just trying to get some laughs and a rise out of us Flyers fans I know your not oblivious like regular pens fans are ;)

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Yeah, Emery was bad. He absolutely should have had the Neal goal. The Letang goal was a little tougher, but he looks so slow in his lateral movement.



I am beginning to wonder if the guy's lateral movement is impaired. He just can't seem to move fast enough. I think his days in the NHL will be numbered.  I can't see him being re-signed. The word has to be out.




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Ray's chronic hip ailment is def. showing it's effects imo.  He was always known as a 'battler' and while he wasn't the quickest goalie, he wasn't statuesque like he is now.   I'm sure Chi-towns defense made him look better last year, but I think he's also just physically not able to perform like last year either b/c of his hip.  Def. time to hang them up.  I don't want to sound like 'that guy' but I kinda wanted the flyers to look for a 3rd 'decent' goalie at the deadline.  Hopefully Mase is fine.

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Emery is always slow laterally. But I'm calling Mason for the dive!!



 Emery is slow laterally.


 And I know you guys are a lot more familiar with all the nuances of a dive than we are, but when a player is driven back into you and you're crouched over.....

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I am beginning to wonder if the guy's lateral movement is impaired. He just can't seem to move fast enough. I think his days in the NHL will be numbered.  I can't see him being re-signed. The word has to be out.







I think his lateral movement is definitely impaired. That being said, he has still managed to put together some very strong performances this year, especially down the stretch. 


Some teams have a lot of faith in their backups because they're young, developing goalies. In this case, I wouldn't feel comfortable if Emery had to take over several games due to injury.

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I don't think Emery's movement has been much of a problem. The bad goals he's given up this year have looked exactly like the bad goals Mason has given up: more about sloppiness, lack of focus, being unprepared and nothing to do with movement or agility. I don't recall Emery getting beat on tons of wraparounds or other types of goals that show him struggling to move.


Watch Neal's goal again. Emery sees the play - the TO by Jake at the blue line...he tracks Crosby till Crosby loses the puck, watches it slide to Neal...Emery adjusts left...he's still ahead of the play, he's square to Neal when he shoots...but...he doesn't set himself properly for the shot. Why not? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Good observation. My thought was his squaring was slow but that is my old set of eyes. Good to hear from you.. It is a long time since the strange days on Philly.com.  


Peace, and now we see if King Henrik can be tamed.



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