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Typical Hitchcock

King Knut

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After the JVR fiasco, that would Shock me.

And piss me off.




I dont disagree... does anyone else think it is odd that Schenn is still w/out a new contract?  All of the Core players received their's yet Schenn is still a RFA.  

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I don't think it's odd at all.


Doesn't the pro rated total count against this year's cap?  Didn't we go through all this elsewhere?


If I'm Schenn and his Agent, and I know the cap is going up next year, why would I sign a new contract before I've completed the year (and hence my career high stat totals) and had a chance to do any damage in the playoffs?


Simmer resigned and got himself a great deal.  Schenn doesn't want to snucker himself.  The other guys who resigned don't have the hype he does.   He stands to make the most on a new deal and fitting that in under the cap now just doesn't benefit him and would just be a headache for the Flyers.

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I don't think it's odd at all.


Doesn't the pro rated total count against this year's cap?  Didn't we go through all this elsewhere?


If I'm Schenn and his Agent, and I know the cap is going up next year, why would I sign a new contract before I've completed the year (and hence my career high stat totals) and had a chance to do any damage in the playoffs?


Simmer resigned and got himself a great deal.  Schenn doesn't want to snucker himself.  The other guys who resigned don't have the hype he does.   He stands to make the most on a new deal and fitting that in under the cap now just doesn't benefit him and would just be a headache for the Flyers.



Schenn also does not have the stats they do either...


I get your point but Simmers deal is better for the Flyers than it is for him.  That is Exhibit A of what Homer should be doing.  Same thing w/ Read and Cooter...  If Schenn wants a huge payday now then I am seriously thinking he is going to be gone.   Homer should not be looking to spend a fortune on this kid right now - he has the potential but has not put it together on a consistant basis.  He should be signed to a contract that is a bridge for 2-3 years.  Similar what they did w/ Cooter...

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The good: we got a point.

The bad: The Rangers got two.


Assuming we make the playoffs (we have a 98% chance of making it), who would you rather face? 






Honestly, I would rather face the Pens. The Rangers are playing some excellent hockey, and the Pens are sliding/coasting. They haven't been healthy, so that's a consideration, but it seems we match up better against them than either the Rags or Bruins. 


A few notes on last night's game:


1. Ok, you're the NHL's 3rd top point getter. You're on a breakaway in a scoreless game against the best team in the NHL. Do you: 

a. Go in for a deke and try to fool Miller

b. Try to beat Miller on a shot and hope for a rebound if it doesn't go in

c. Slow down, and wait for an undrafted 3rd liner who has 21 points to catch up, dish off the puck to him, and skate away from the net.


If you answered C, you win the Giroux Questionable Play of the Night Award. 


He did that a few other times last night, where he chose to force a pass when a great shooting lane existed. For all that Giroux does right, this is one area where I wish he were more selfish. 


2. It seems MacDonald is being misused as a left handed shot playing on the left side. He has a much better shot and more offensive acumen than Schenn, and I wish they would switch spots. To any defensemen out there, how difficult would it be for Schenn to adjust to the left side? I've noticed on more than a few occasions missed opportunities because MacDonald couldn't get off a good shot being on the left side. 


3. Emery saved their bacon more than a few times last night. Nice to see him turn in an excellent performance.


4. I thought Brayden Schenn looked great out there. He was skating hard, cycling well, and creating chances.


5. McGinn, on the other hand, looks overwhelmed. If they need a guy for the second line, I'd like to see Akeson or Straka get a shot. 


All in all, strong game by the Flyers. It's impressive that in 2 games against the Blues, they've snagged 3 points. 

McGinn is absolutely out of his league and Rafl has some great chances that he needed to elevate the puck and he would have a couple of goals last night.

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