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Eating some Goalie Crow here.....


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.... The mason trade to me initially "thanks for Bobs" deal. I still really like bobsky. Mason has had some rough patches, but he stole that game tonight against the blues. While he won't be a Vezina winner yet (not this year), I love his level of play / compete. I also love what he says post game (no wear wolves of bears coming from him.


All I want in my goalie is steadiness, and steal of a few games or two and some sense of sainess.



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@Vanflyer  He's getting red hot when the team really needed him to, through this stretch of multiple games against the best teams in the league, he has been stellar. Maybe just conincidence, but this team has been killing it ever since McDaddy arrived, he has had a real positive influence on this team....Giving Mason some help on defense was just what the doctor ordered!

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Well this is prolly the best news we can get at this point in the season. The team is playing with the best in the league and doing well. I was worried we would lose some of these games and find ourselves out of the playoffs. I could see at that time in the offseason a coots or b Schenn being moved for a mid teir dman in a knee jerk reaction. Let this team go and let the young d in the system show what they have next training camp.

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  It's being a bit picky, but the team seems to be peaking a tad early. The absolute best case scenario would be playing like this in 2 weeks from now.....but a few losses are to be expected in the near future, a bit of a letdown after smashing the leagues top teams would not be a huge surprise. You can tell they are really believing in themselves and their teammates, a great sign moving forward.

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My big fear is more global. Are we getting a head fake or is this team beginning to gel? Is this another Homer Fluke? Or is the collection of forwards coming of age?  If it is the latter, and the D improves and Mason is for real, we have a lot to look forward to over the next few years.  This is a balanced attack.  Heck, maybe the D is even improving.  It may be the first 15-20 games of next year before we know if this is a new era or just another blip?



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I could see at that time in the offseason a coots or b Schenn being moved for a mid teir dman in a knee jerk reaction.


Not for nothing, but I don't see Coots going anywhere- not even for a d-man. I know you have to give to get, but center-iceman of his skill do not come around that often. The O numbers are not there (yet), but they will come. He is 21 years old (not to be 22 until mid season next year). Wait until he is 25. 


On the Schenn thing, maybe. Its kind of weird to think he is riding shot-gun to what Simmonds brings regarding the trade. But Simmonds is 26 years old. Schenn is only 22. For me, I would prefer to give up a Laughton + 1st rounder to get a 2-4 d-man, or just wait the UFA. I like how this team has jelled and for whatever reason, the Macdaddy / Mesz trade seems to be a lynch-pin. 


For once, Homers limited moves seem to be paying dividends. I just hope we can get macdaddy signed as it will silence the lambs up there in Toronto re: JVR / L Schenn. 


While I would not believe I would be saying this, people have to start acknowledging Berube regarding his ability to evaluate, motivate and use players correctly to their skill set. Hitch never played a game of ice hockey in his life- but he knows hockey. While Berube as a player did not have allot of skill, he has demonstrated that he is smart at the aforementioned.  

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My big fear is more global. Are we getting a head fake or is this team beginning to gel? Is this another Homer Fluke? Or is the collection of forwards coming of age?  If it is the latter, and the D improves and Mason is for real, we have a lot to look forward to over the next few years.  This is a balanced attack.  Heck, maybe the D is even improving.  It may be the first 15-20 games of next year before we know if this is a new era or just another blip?





 Great questions Howie, ones that of course, we have no answers to. All I know is this.....everytime I think we have turned the corner and are headed in the right direction, this team acts like Lucy and pulls the football back once again!  They look legit, but for my own emotional health, I try to temper my expectations a bit, I can't stand another bitter disappointment, this team has crushed me many times this year alone! Seems like the whole season is little pockets of awesome, to boring, to outright putrid....rinse, lather, repeat...


 For the first time, I'm starting to see the formation of a team identity, something that was sorely missing this whole season. They are kinda finding themselves, and appear to be having fun doing it....a very positive sign. Guess what I'm trying to say is....they are starting to believe in each other.

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Not for nothing, but I don't see Coots going anywhere- not even for a d-man. I know you have to give to get, but center-iceman of his skill do not come around that often. The O numbers are not there (yet), but they will come. He is 21 years old (not to be 22 until mid season next year). Wait until he is 25. 


On the Schenn thing, maybe. Its kind of weird to think he is riding shot-gun to what Simmonds brings regarding the trade. But Simmonds is 26 years old. Schenn is only 22. For me, I would prefer to give up a Laughton + 1st rounder to get a 2-4 d-man, or just wait the UFA. I like how this team has jelled and for whatever reason, the Macdaddy / Mesz trade seems to be a lynch-pin. 


For once, Homers limited moves seem to be paying dividends. I just hope we can get macdaddy signed as it will silence the lambs up there in Toronto re: JVR / L Schenn. 


While I would not believe I would be saying this, people have to start acknowledging Berube regarding his ability to evaluate, motivate and use players correctly to their skill set. Hitch never played a game of ice hockey in his life- but he knows hockey. While Berube as a player did not have allot of skill, he has demonstrated that he is smart at the aforementioned.  



 Nice post.


 I see the team a 1st line LWer and a #1 D away from being a true contender. The way we sit we can put the fear of God in most teams. But realistically I don't see us beating the Bruins AND St. Lou/Anaheim/Chi over a 7 game series.


 Normally I hate trading 1sts, but I'd rather do that for either of the 2 pieces we need than deal Schenn or Couturier. At their age they carry more value, as their already "in".

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They look legit, but for my own emotional health, I try to temper my expectations a bit, I can't stand another bitter disappointment, this team has crushed me many times this year alone! Seems like the whole season is little pockets of awesome, to boring, to outright putrid....rinse, lather, repeat...


Whatever happens from here, I would not call this season a disappointment. They've showed a lot of resiliency this year, and there a number of really positive themes that emerged - our 3rd period comeback ability, Giroux's dominance over the past 4 months, the .661 clip we've been playing at since going 1-7, the emergence of Mason as a legit starter who still has room to grow, the stability of our blueline in general and Schenn/MacD in particular, the emergence of Simmonds as a true power forward, Michael freakin' Raffl, Couturier's epic beard (and shutdown dominance), Berube as a stabilizing force.


I'd say this is a team headed in the right direction. It would be awesome if they win it all this year. But if they don't, that's ok because I think they're building a team that can dominate for years to come.



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Mason has had some rough patches


So has Bob just listening to the columbus game the other night that is all their announcers where saying is about Bob struggling after returning from his injury and him fighting the puck so they are all human and can be prone to it.....it's a team sport and it happens still much happier with no Bryz...and feel the right move was made the good thing to is Mase and Bob are real close in age so it's not like they traded youth for some aging vet.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Normally I hate trading 1sts, but I'd rather do that for either of the 2 pieces we need than deal Schenn or Couturier.


Yes this is how the good teams you mentioned above got good.


They held onto their young talented guys and just let them grow and take their lumps together.


And are now reaping the benefits and if Homer follows suit holds onto the nucleus they have assembled so far, this team can collectively take the next step together.


What ever may lye ahead they can get through it.


So if they are to trade some of the young kids who haven't made the jump yet to fill the needs...i'd be ok with it.


I however do not want to trade any of the top D prospects...no to moving Morin, Hagg and Ghost anyone else i'll listen to offers....

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 Great questions Howie, ones that of course, we have no answers to. All I know is this.....everytime I think we have turned the corner and are headed in the right direction, this team acts like Lucy and pulls the football back once again!  They look legit, but for my own emotional health, I try to temper my expectations a bit, I can't stand another bitter disappointment, this team has crushed me many times this year alone! Seems like the whole season is little pockets of awesome, to boring, to outright putrid....rinse, lather, repeat...



Completely agree, Jammer.  Being a Flyer fan for decades tought me to stop investing any emotions in this team, which, of cousre is very hard to do when you are a true die-hard fan of a given team.  But the Flyers betrayed us way too many times for years, every time finding a new way to disappoint, which invariably follows by Snider coming out and making a long list of excuses.


They *do* look legit and picking at the right time, but again, we saw it way too many times before. 

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We have to hope that nucleus gets kept and the D is rebuilt with youngsters. Agreed that a sniper and puck-mover D would help the puzzle. Meanwhile, even the players comment that they know each other after three years together--Simmonds has said that twice in recent weeks on TV.




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Whatever happens from here, I would not call this season a disappointment. They've showed a lot of resiliency this year, and there a number of really positive themes that emerged - our 3rd period comeback ability, Giroux's dominance over the past 4 months, the .661 clip we've been playing at since going 1-7, the emergence of Mason as a legit starter who still has room to grow, the stability of our blueline in general and Schenn/MacD in particular, the emergence of Simmonds as a true power forward, Michael freakin' Raffl, Couturier's epic beard (and shutdown dominance), Berube as a stabilizing force.


I'd say this is a team headed in the right direction. It would be awesome if they win it all this year. But if they don't, that's ok because I think they're building a team that can dominate for years to come.




 Totally agree with this post, no matter what happens the rest of the year, this was a nice growing year for the Flyers, and things appear to be headed in the right direction. I'm happy with that, but expect much more in the future.....as long as it involves patience and through planning. So to sum it up, I expect the team to evolve, but don't want it to be a forced evolution.....this means no trading of the youngsters to speed up the process....we will see if Snider is even capable of this type of patience in the very near future. I'm *SO* sick of this roster turning over 20-30% in a very short span....let's keep some continuity and some faith that at least some of the right pieces are in place.


  I'm wondering how messed up is the Isles organization to give up McDonald for such a cheap price....and why not resign this guy, considering his play and relative value, they should have been all over an extension. He's one of the building blocks a fairly young org should have identified as untouchable, or very close anyways. You simply don't let dependable guys like that walk. That tells me either Snow can't rate talent properly, or Charles Wang tied his hands, either way it's UGLY for the Islanders season ticket holders, who are already dealing with the team pulling up stakes and leaving for a different city.....WHAT A MESS....LOL!

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I see the team a 1st line LWer and a #1 D away from being a true contender. The way we sit we can put the fear of God in most teams. But realistically I don't see us beating the Bruins AND St. Lou/Anaheim/Chi over a 7 game series.
 Normally I hate trading 1sts, but I'd rather do that for either of the 2 pieces we need than deal Schenn or Couturier. At their age they carry more value, as their already "in".


I agree. But lightning can always be caught in a bottle come playoff time. Generally the best team wins. This year, there are a couple of monsters. I like the david / goliath factor. This team is reminding me more and more of a couple of 80's teams. 


On coots and schenn, yeah, why eff with it if its not broken. I don't give a rats a s s if Lecavielier is unhappy playing wing. FWIW, Schenn is playing / producing equally, if not better than richards at all 200 feet, while playing a couple less minutes a night.  I thought Simmonds was a throw in on that deal. Not to mention the 2nd rounder we got was Grossman (for what its worth). 


As an aside, I found this a particularly funny quote from Coburn regarding richards in todays philly.com pregame column: 


""They're great players and it's a good challenge," said defenseman Braydon Coburn, the longest-tenured Flyer. ". . ..We had a lot of great memories, obviously, with these guys, and they're good friends. They know the city well, they know the fans really well."


I will leave the innuendo up to you and others, but it made me laugh. 

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So has Bob just listening to the columbus game the other night that is all their announcers where saying is about Bob struggling after returning from his injury and him fighting the puck so they are all human and can be prone to it.....it's a team sport and it happens still much happier with no Bryz...and feel the right move was made the good thing to is Mase and Bob are real close in age so it's not like they traded youth for some aging vet.


I agree. A few points to add on: 


1) This year, Bob and Mason are almost identical in stats. 


2) I am a huge Bob supporter, but I love what I hear out of Masons mouth post games. He demonstrates an acumen for the game (not to say bob does not have that). What I hear out of Mason is leadership & responsibility. 


3) Next year, Mason will be the 9th highest paid goalie in the league. Bobsky is 5th (1.5 m differential). The other 7 goalies paid more are 30 or older or nearing 30 years in age (with exception to Varlamov, who is the highest paid goalie next year). 


I will take Mason. I think he is maturing and the change has done him wonders. 

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I agree. A few points to add on: 


1) This year, Bob and Mason are almost identical in stats. 


2) I am a huge Bob supporter, but I love what I hear out of Masons mouth post games. He demonstrates an acumen for the game (not to say bob does not have that). What I hear out of Mason is leadership & responsibility. 


3) Next year, Mason will be the 9th highest paid goalie in the league. Bobsky is 5th (1.5 m differential). The other 7 goalies paid more are 30 or older or nearing 30 years in age (with exception to Varlamov, who is the highest paid goalie next year). 


I will take Mason. I think he is maturing and the change has done him wonders. 



I agree. Mason fits here but Bob would have won here too. It's water under the bridge i'm happy with Mason and his leadership. The ship is headed in the right direction. A few more pieces and they have a legit contender.

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I agree. Mason fits here but Bob would have won here too. It's water under the bridge i'm happy with Mason and his leadership. The ship is headed in the right direction. A few more pieces and they have a legit contender.


Not to derail (too much), I read a comment re: todays LA game we should have started Mason. I don't agree. I would rather have Mason against the Rangers. I didn't see the game, but it looks like the Flyers were not at their best. 44 shots by the kings. .928 sv % by Emery. You can not allow that many shots and expect to. It your goalie is giving you .920 or better, you will win most nights. 

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