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Hagg signs with Flyers


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Well it sounds like the ball is in his court hell you know Homer finger is itching he is ready and waiting to load the Phantoms up.


May not be room for everybody wow didn't see that coming.


1 Alt/2 Ollie


3 Manning/4 Hagg


5 Konan/6 Lamarche


7 Larsson???/8 Vasiliev???


9 Ghost???


Unless Alt or Ollie start out on the BIG club next year.....but in who's place


On the big club you could have



Gus/Ghost or Alt or Lauridsen


Provided you can move Grossmann.


Of course, Timo might decide to play another year, in which case there's really no room for a young guy to crack the lineup. I'm even skeptical they'll keep Gus around. He really doesn't seem to be in their plans and hasn't shown the consistency we were hoping for.

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On the big club you could have



Gus/Ghost or Alt or Lauridsen


Provided you can move Grossmann.


Of course, Timo might decide to play another year, in which case there's really no room for a young guy to crack the lineup. I'm even skeptical they'll keep Gus around. He really doesn't seem to be in their plans and hasn't shown the consistency we were hoping for.



Yes Kimmo coming back could change everything....i guess Homer has his homework cut out for himself. I guess its a good problem to have a log jam of TALENTED defenseman.....certainly a nice change several guys with potential.


Funny how it seems Larsson is the almost forgotten one in all this going one...wonder where he fits in.


Ghost is in the championship game today.


He and Union beat Reece Wilcox (another Flyer sophomore blueline prospect) and Cornell yesterday 5-2.


Anyhow its seems Homer is stockpiling talent in the A.


Phantoms should without doubt return to the AHL playoffs next year.


First with Larsson they have to sign him to a ELC first and i think they have to decide by june on him, certainly don't think they'll let him walk he is only 19.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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On the big club you could have



Gus/Ghost or Alt or Lauridsen


Provided you can move Grossmann.


Of course, Timo might decide to play another year, in which case there's really no room for a young guy to crack the lineup. I'm even skeptical they'll keep Gus around. He really doesn't seem to be in their plans and hasn't shown the consistency we were hoping for.


My guess is that Kimmo comes back for one more year to mentor one or two of the kids.

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  Looks like the Trenton Titans of the ECHL will get at least a few talented players next year, there is just not enough room for all the prospects we have coming. Agree with the other statements, I don't recall a time when the Phantoms defense looks so stacked, at least on paper....a TON of talent down there for the end of the year and the coming season! Very promising Vasilev and Hagg are coming over so quickly!!

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Interview with Hagg, in Swedish:




From google translate:


He has made ​​it clear with an NHL contract with Philadelphia, and will finish the season with the Flyers farm team in the AHL Adirondack . What happens next season knows Robert Hägg not yet , but it is clear that he does not give much for the rumor that puts him in Brynäsgatan .

- I was just laughing about it , saying back talent to hockeysverige.se .


Just over ten days has passed since Modo's season abruptly ended after it lost a 4-0 line in the second Play In meeting at home against Linköping. Robert Hägg has the worst disappointment subsided, but the way the season ended on is still something he grieves over .

- It's still hard that we lose the way that we do, it will not go . But a hockey game stretches over 60 minutes and we as a team showed throughout the season that we did not manage to play well throughout the match , said Hägg to hockeysverige.se .

- Then had Linkoping in all honesty a gruesome power play that decided the whole match series.


For Hägg was the collapse against Linkoping not the first leaden loss this season. Modo The dollar was also lost and JVM - final against Finland , but feel after all no frustration that his crew failed when it came to the most.

- It's always fun to get the opportunity to play big games , since they had always been able to wish for better outputs the matches , said Hägg.


Although the 19 year old does not always received excessive ice time in Modo this season , he has made the most of the opportunities he has received. Back Promise has made ​​great strides in his defensive game and feels he through it has more strings to his bow than he had before .

- I have developed my defensive much. I had such a role in the JVM , where I was matched against the opposing stars , and it's something that worked really well , says the 19 year old .

- I have not produced as much as before , but if you want to become a better hockey player you have to start from the back. I myself think that I have all the tools to become a good two-way back , since it takes time to learn everything and it does not happen overnight.



Some who are very positive about Häggs development this season is Philadelphia's club management . Flyers drafted Modo Hill in the second round last summer and opted for the Swede's progress to contract him Friday. Or sign contracts and contract , the signature is not on paper yet.

- I fly over on Monday and will then sign the contract and make the Flyers game in the evening . The reason I am now signed with Philly is that the club gives me new perspectives and I just want to find a way to become as good as I can get, says Hägg.

- It's all about getting the chance to develop.


How was it to get clear with your first NHL contract ?

- It was obviously a sick feeling. It's a dream you 've had since you were little . At the same time we must continue to look forward and now we need to set new goals . To begin with , it will be a good step for me to now come over and teach me how to play the game over there.


After a quick turn to Philadelphia containing contract and to see a Flyers- match from the stands Hägg is expected to be in place to start training with the NHL club's farm team Adirondack Phantoms on Thursday next week. Adirondacks playoff hopes are long out there, but despite the fact that only a few matches remaining will Hägg stay in the U.S. for a month.



- I see this as a good opportunity to come over and get to know the organization. It's a different culture over there and it might be good for me to see how everyday life works. Then you do not I get a shock when I go over to the Flyers camp this fall , said reversing the talent.

- If it runs out before April 21 with Adirondack , I will go to Philly to train with the club's fitness coach and just learn hallways and more.


How will you otherwise before the next season ?

- I will , as I said go over to the camp and then we will see what the Flyers take the decision. I have received some indications that they want me to play a prominent role in the Adirondack in the AHL next season , but then we will see if it becomes so , or if I am on loan at SHL one year.

- Anyway , I have tested the game on the small rink with the national team and I think it suits me very well . It is much faster and happens much more .


It has been said that you 'll be on your way to Brynäsgatan , what do you say about that?

- I just laugh about it. Neither I nor my agent has heard from Brynäsgatan and there has not been an issue at all. I saw that MrMadhawk wrote about it, but I do not know where he got it from. It's probably just about to get some readers and I laugh as I said just ate it .



Hägg myself feel that right now he is at a crossroads in his career and says he does not even yourself to be sure what is best for him.

- It varies from individual to individual, it is better to stay extra in Sweden or go over and take the chance. I do not know if it's the right decision for me , but I'm at a crossroads and must make a decision. It's about to go on their gut feeling .


Just Flyers have for several seasons had defensive as his big Achilles heel has long been in search of reinforcements on the back page. To eventually settle into their formation thus see no way out impossible for Hägg, but himself knows he is still that the competition is tough.

- Although the reverse side is the team's strongest position right now, the Flyers draftat how many defenders any time in recent years. I who have been over the development camp knows how many good backs there are in the pipeline and can safely say that the club will not be short of great slopes in the long run .

- I do not know if it's me who will succeed, but I am sure that any of all of the club back promises 'll be really good in the long run .

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I watched the Phantoms game last night and Hagg looked good. Excellent skater and very solid defensively. Early on he had a little trouble on a couple of plays handling the puck deep in his own zone- looked like a combination of some jitters combined with not being quite comfortable on the smaller ice. But he seemed to get more comfortable as the game went on and didn't have any other problems. He got plenty of ice time paired with Alt, including some PP and PK time. He got a few SOG and even had a semi-breakaway in OT going for the GWG but Springfield's goalie made the save. If he does stay in North America next year I could see him on the Flyers at some point during the season.

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