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Claude (the one year wonder) Giroux

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 What's with this guy? Why does he wear the C?


  Since Dec 11 he's barely scored more than anyone else in the entire NHL. Other than he's good on faceoffs, throws bodychecks, kills penalties, makes incredible passes and dangles and has a deadly accurate shot I really don't see anything impressive about him. So what he's now 4th overall in NHL scoring and only 4 points out of 2nd...the guy should have been playing great to start the season, injured wrist or not. it's not like his hands matter to his style of play. If only we'd had a shot at Sanguinetti.

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I'll be the first to admit I was ticked about his play in the beginning of the season.  I'll eat my portion of crow.  Part of me still feels like he his contract a bit to high, but it looks like he his finally getting on how to be wearing the "C" and and showing it on the ice.

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It's clear the injury hindered him in the beginning, and the rest of the team just didn't put it together without him at 100%.


And FC, I'd most definitely agree to what professional athletes make. It's just that nobody wants to pay me that much.

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I think we can see now that his hand - and maybe a knee - really bothered him through December.  And I have been guilty myself of critisizing him.


But the guy has been playing some fantastic hockey lately.  And maybe the fact that Yzerman didn't invite him to the Team Canada actually did wonders to get him som emuch-needed rest.


The Flyers will need him for the playoff push and, hopefully, in the playoffs.

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Claude is a special player. Forget about the top players on the other teams for a moment. On this team, Giroux is king - he's the top guy on this team, and he took them on his back and is willing them into a playoff spot. They survived a coaching change, and Giroux has them believing in themselves. He's got me believing in him. I've always thought he was a very special player, but I questioned his ability to lead because he hadn't done it before. Seems I was happily wrong. :)


He has elevated his game, his leadership, and his entire team. They have a lot of fight in them, a swagger to their play. Not *every* night mind you. But for what it is - a huge step forward in the growth of this team - it's great, and it's been really fun to watch once they started to play with a purpose. This is how *teams* are built, folks. It's great to see it in action (reminds me of the early Richards/Carter days when they had the team firing on all cylinders).

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  It is time that Giroux starts to be mentioned in MVP talk. He won't win, because of the horrible start, but he should at least be discussed. If he dominates like he has until the end of the season and leads us to the playoffs, he should at least be top 3 in the voting, with an outside chance to win it....he has been that great.

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He has elevated his game, his leadership, and his entire team.


Not to derail the topic, but seeing what Mason says in post game makes me really impressed. Many goalies speak in "me-isms". But to listen to Mason, not only does he display "leadership" qualities, he also displays and articulates a knowledge for the whole game that I have not seen before from a goalie. 


I was a HUGE Bobs fan (and still am). I hated the eff-up that happened with the Bryz signing / Bobs trade. But if I am reading Mason right and he can stay more consistent, I will be okay because of the leadership qualities he seems to bring and the calmness in net. 

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 Most people forgot about his injury, or just plain ignored it. I still think he'll be overapid, but I'll never agree to what most pro athletes get paid.


You mean, like the Flyers management and the player himself? Good point. :D


Obviously, I'm happy with Giroux's play and want him to succeed. He's been a monster on the ice and has been doing the things we need him to do. The team seems to be coming together at the right time.


That said, I'm not a fan of "since this arbitrary point in time specifically chosen to make this statement" type of stats though. :)

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You mean, like the Flyers management and the player himself? Good point. :D


Obviously, I'm happy with Giroux's play and want him to succeed. He's been a monster on the ice and has been doing the things we need him to do. The team seems to be coming together at the right time.


That said, I'm not a fan of "since this arbitrary point in time specifically chosen to make this statement" type of stats though. :)



 I figure Giroux took his lumps when he deserved them, and now I'll give him props, when he deserves them.

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 I figure Giroux took his lumps when he deserved them, and now I'll give him props, when he deserves them.


For me, it's just more evidence that if a player is "injured" then he should take the time he really needs to get better.


If a player is on the ice, to me, he should be able to perform at the level expected. If he can't perform at that level, sit him until he can.


What would have been the harm? 0-8 instead of 1-7?


We heard incessantly that "there was nothing wrong with Giroux" - and that was coming from the player himself and management. It's hard for me to give a retroactive "pass" when the "best case" in that situation is that we're just being outright lied to.


Not that being outright lied to is surprising - I just don't particularly like it :)

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 I guess there's a big difference between healthy enough to play and healthy 100%. I'm no NHLer, but I dislocated my shoulder a couple of years ago playing hockey. Even after almost a year of physio and still doing exercises it's stiff most of the time and I've never got my accuracy back on my shot. If Claudes hands or wrists weren't functioning the way he was used to having them, I can see his passes and dangles being off.

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 I guess there's a big difference between healthy enough to play and healthy 100%. I'm no NHLer, but I dislocated my shoulder a couple of years ago playing hockey. Even after almost a year of physio and still doing exercises it's stiff most of the time and I've never got my accuracy back on my shot. If Claudes hands or wrists weren't functioning the way he was used to having them, I can see his passes and dangles being off.


For me, "healthy enough to play" and "healthy enough to be effective" are two very different things.


IMO, Claude needs to be effective - not just "playing" - because when he is effective, he's a very dangerous player.


VLC, for example, is "healthy enough to play" - but certainly isn't the effective player the organization needs him to be.

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For me, "healthy enough to play" and "healthy enough to be effective" are two very different things.


IMO, Claude needs to be effective - not just "playing" - because when he is effective, he's a very dangerous player.


VLC, for example, is "healthy enough to play" - but certainly isn't the effective player the organization needs him to be.



I think we agree on this.

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I'll be the first to admit I was ticked about his play in the beginning of the season.  I'll eat my portion of crow.  Part of me still feels like he his contract a bit to high, but it looks like he his finally getting on how to be wearing the "C" and and showing it on the ice.


For what? Dude was playing like sh!t at the beginning of the year for the 2nd year in a row. Given that, I don't know what you or anyone else feels like they have to apologize for.


He's playing great now and we should all be happy about that rather than lecturing other fans on having an honest opinion. That is amateur imo.

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For what? Dude was playing like **** at the beginning of the year for the 2nd year in a row. Given that, I don't know what you or anyone else feels like they have to apologize for.


He's playing great now and we should all be happy about that rather than lecturing other fans on having an honest opinion. That is amateur imo.


Exactly. It would be nice, for example, if the captain of the team and the engine that makes it go had stats we could cite "from the beginning of the season" instead of "since this arbitrary point I've chosen in order to be able to make this statement." Because, honestly, "fourth in the league in points since the beginning of the season" isn't such a bad thing.


But, the slow starts are an issue. This year he had six points in his first 11 games (3-8). Last year - when he had no "wrist problem" to "explain" it - he had seven in the first 11 (4-7).


I made this point in another thread, but even two more early season wins puts them in a Much Different Position in the playoff chase. They'd be seven points up over the 8 seed instead of three and may not need - to take VanFlyers' point about the schedule - to play .600 hockey in the toughest part of the schedule.


To their credit, they've worked hard to put themselves in a position to overcome the slow start this year, but the slow start last year killed them. If there's another slow start next season you're not looking at a few outliers, you've got yourself a definite trend.

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For what? Dude was playing like **** at the beginning of the year for the 2nd year in a row. Given that, I don't know what you or anyone else feels like they have to apologize for.


He's playing great now and we should all be happy about that rather than lecturing other fans on having an honest opinion. That is amateur imo.


Because I don't want it to be perceived that I am flip flopping on a player.  To be honest, I was ticked as hell on how he was playing. I wanted him bench and I certainly was not disappointed he was not playing in the Olympics.  Now he is playing very well.  Hell, I 'm happy as a clam that he has picked up his game and acting like a true bonafide captain both on and off the ice.  So yeah, I feel a bit humbled now that he has picked up his game.  i was highly critical of him several months ago and I don't want to be perceived that I am now gushing all over him now that he is playing extremely well.  He is now doing what he should have been doing all along I get.  I get your point.

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Because I don't want it to be perceived that I am flip flopping on a player.  To be honest, I was ticked as hell on how he was playing. I wanted him bench and I certainly was not disappointed he was not playing in the Olympics.  Now he is playing very well.  Hell, I 'm happy as a clam that he has picked up his game and acting like a true bonafide captain both on and off the ice.  So yeah, I feel a bit humbled now that he has picked up his game.  i was highly critical of him several months ago and I don't want to be perceived that I am now gushing all over him now that he is playing extremely well.  He is now doing what he should have been doing all along I get.  I get your point.


It's not flip flopping if what is being said about him is actually true though. He was playing like crap in the beginning of this year and it was the second year in a row he did that. Calling him out for that is in no way, shape, or form wrong.

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