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Weekend Home & Home with the Pens


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Easy now, that was just part one of two.



Thanks Dad... :D


I think it is all in good fun Doom considering some of the pics Polaris and B21 have been posting.  I expect the game today to be totally different!  No way the Pens play that poorly today.


Could Fluery be back to his playoff self?




Edited by murraycraven
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Thes are 4 point games here need them points...


If you mean each game in this home/home against the Pens is a 4 point game, I don't think so; assuming the Flyers win today (it makes the math easier and my heart happier,) the Flyers will be 15 points behind the Penguins with 15 games to go.  Unless the Penguins completely fall apart, and the Flyers win twice as many games as they do, the Flyers aren't competing for 1st place in the division.  Getting 4 points total out of this weekend means more with regards to just keeping up with the Rangers and Blue Jackets, and ahead of the Caps and Devils.

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Thanks Dad... :D

I think it is all in good fun Doom considering some of the pics Polaris and B21 have been posting. I expect the game today to be totally different! No way the Pens play that poorly today.

Could Fluery be back to his playoff self?


Oh, by all means, go ahead. Just wait until part two looks good. Imagine the misery if we get high and then lose game two. They'll be merciless.

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It's not just because they're Flyers fans. Nobody is allowed in with anything deemed unfit for family environments. Seen plenty turned away.

@Vanflyer thanks for the links! I bookmarked them.

@doom88 quite welcome my friend. This is my weekend to act 20 again.

Listened to the game in the car on iHeart radio. Sounded like the Pens were in the box a lot that game. Deserved or otherwise. But no Flyer fan can complain. I managed to watch the 2nd and 3rd, and after Hall's Oscar performance in the diving pool, and Downie's reckless elbow to Megna's face, I don't wanna hear any BS whining. ;). Though I'll grant you that last push was offsides by 3 feet.

Seemed like a good game overall from Flyers perspective. I don't understand our special teams issues this weekend. 2 PPG against and a SHG again? That decided the game.

Bortuzzo needs a long vacation in Wilkes-Barre. He's not ready yet.

No more Flyers fans picking on players refusing to fight after Downie wouldn't go with Engelland. Especially with his Marchand like antics.

Overall good win by the Flyers. And honestly, with all our injuries, I'll take the majority of the Pens effort as well. They seemed to start playing hockey again after spotting a 3 goal lead.

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It's not just because they're Flyers fans. Nobody is allowed in with anything deemed unfit for family environments. Seen plenty turned away.

@Vanflyer thanks for the links! I bookmarked them.

@doom88 quite welcome my friend. This is my weekend to act 20 again.

Listened to the game in the car on iHeart radio. Sounded like the Pens were in the box a lot that game. Deserved or otherwise. But no Flyer fan can complain. I managed to watch the 2nd and 3rd, and after Hall's Oscar performance in the diving pool, and Downie's reckless elbow to Megna's face, I don't wanna hear any BS whining. ;). Though I'll grant you that last push was offsides by 3 feet.

Seemed like a good game overall from Flyers perspective. I don't understand our special teams issues this weekend. 2 PPG against and a SHG again? That decided the game.

Bortuzzo needs a long vacation in Wilkes-Barre. He's not ready yet.

No more Flyers fans picking on players refusing to fight after Downie wouldn't go with Engelland. Especially with his Marchand like antics.

Overall good win by the Flyers. And honestly, with all our injuries, I'll take the majority of the Pens effort as well. They seemed to start playing hockey again after spotting a 3 goal lead.

Didn't the Pens win 3 games in a row with this lineup?

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Listened to the game in the car on iHeart radio. Sounded like the Pens were in the box a lot that game. Deserved or otherwise. But no Flyer fan can complain. I managed to watch the 2nd and 3rd, and after Hall's Oscar performance in the diving pool, and Downie's reckless elbow to Megna's face, I don't wanna hear any BS whining. ;). Though I'll grant you that last push was offsides by 3 feet.

Seemed like a good game overall from Flyers perspective. I don't understand our special teams issues this weekend. 2 PPG against and a SHG again? That decided the game.



Pens had the 1st 3 penalties, Flyers had the last 4.  Total of 7 all together.  In a nutshell special teams killed you guys and before being pulled MAF kept the game close. Should have been 4-1 or 5-1.  He made some brilliant saves.  Pens had no D in the 1st period.

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@B21 now that's playoff quality trolling right there.


Talk about bad timing. I had it in my head all week that the game was at 8.  I would get to watch Pitt/Virgina at 1. Pens/Flyers at 8.


Glad I missed that debacle.

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I thought that Gibbons had a pretty nice day for the Pens...he had some jump and has pretty good skill at top speed.


Dowine is a disgrace, I will not be sorry to see him off to greener pastures.  I hope he is allowed to find employment elsewhere.


I think our young guys are coming along nicely, and at this point does Berube belong in the conversation as a Jack Adams candidate?  From 1-7 and dead in the water to the thick of the playoff race.  There has been some good fortune but for me these guys have worked hard and are really getting the most from their abilities.

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Sounded pretty lopsided... You guys had momentum to start, we had it the second and third. I'm hoping the Pens woke up and just fell a bit short. If these injuries are going to last, we need to find a push to at least go .500 till the playoffs.


I watched the 1st period while on my lunch break.  Listened to the 2nd and 3rd via the Flyers app on my iPhone.  The Pens certainly appeared to play better in the 2nd and 3rd.  Just as soon as the the Pens got to within 1 at 3-2, the Flyers scored yet another Shorty.  The Pens did get it back, but it was the adverbial too little too late.  They did clink one of the post as time expired. 


I blame your coach and captain for this debacle.  After getting their collective asses handed to them yesterday, they SHOULD have played much more inspired hockey in front of your own fans and what does MAF do, but give up 3 goals and gets yanked.  In fairness, he had no D in front of him and he kept the score from being any worse.  IMO, if the score would have been 4-1 or 5-1 at the end of the period, the Pens go down without even a whimper. 




Reading the comments, its sounds like the native are getting restless. I'm hearing more and more how the Pens have shrivel up at the sign of adversity.  You pay your captain and Head Coach the money to perform and really the troops and it appears neither is happening.  The Pens on paper when healthy might have the better overall talent, but I think the Flyers get them on heart and as you know, to go deep in the playoffs, you need both.  Then Pens IMO, just don't have the heart the Flyers do or how to respond to adversity.  Again, just my opinion.


Also, in fairness most of us on here realize, that the Pens are severely undermanned and our team should should beat them when they are down.  With that being said, now you know how we felt last year with all the injuries to our blue line.


I stated this several times all over, after reading some of the Pens message boards, alot of posters really do not want the Pens to face the Flyers in round #1 of the playoffs.


I think the following post from one of your fans sums up the weekend for you guys....




This team is soft. Physically and worst of all mentally. It starts with the owners down to the GM down to the coaching staff and right down to the guys on the ice. There are no repercussions for playing poor, stupid hockey for 95% of the guys on the team. It seems the same guys i.e. Depres, Megna, Bortuzzo, get put in the dog house by the coaching staff where the rest of the bottom six is even more worthless and guys like Engelland and Adams have just brutal games constantly like today.


Hockey is supposed to be 75% work, 25% fun, around there. Not 90% fun and 10% work. This coach has this team thinking that they simply don't have a job to do. As long as they show up and make an appearance then it's just fine. And it is most nights against vastly inferior teams or If you get a few lucky bounces. Doesn't cut it in the playoffs though. This team is a joke.


I would say that I hope that they lose every single game until Bylsma is let go, but they might go winless the rest of this year and 0-82 the next before they let this moron go. Those lines? Are you kidding me? The powerplay especially...Malkin at the point, Engelland at the point, which lead to an awesome SH goal by the way. Bylsma just doesn't have the mind for hockey. Well, correction, he has a fourth liners mind for hockey because that's all he is, ever was, and ever will be. No system. No adjustments. Penguins hockey. Night in...and night out. They should add golfing by May to that tagline.


Missed you in game chat.  Hope you enjoyed your reunion with your service buddies and thank you for serving this country.

Edited by pilldoc
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I missed the game today because of work. About to fire up the DVR, how upset was the NBC crew about today's result?



 Emerick is unlistenable. Other than making fun of his constant made up verbs and adjectives that have absolutely nothing to do with hockey or sports for that matter. Half the game chat was spent repeating his comments with a ? following it. Jai Lai or however you spell it was his latest moronic attempt to rewrite hockey play by play. Oh, and swallowdge. (OK,rux made that one up)


 Who hired this idiot in the first place?

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Great weekend for the Flyers to beat the top dog twice. Today's effort wasn't nearly as dominant as yesterday, but I think that has less to do with the Flyers and more to do with the Pens finding their compete level in the 2nd and 3rd.


Two stars of the game, for me, were Simmonds and Couturier. They both had excellent games and Coots in particular was a defensive monster. Man, the small little moves and picks here and there to strip players of the puck, intercept passes, clear the zone, you name it. That kid's been in playoff mode since February as his beard can attest. 


I also thought that, 5 on 5, Brayden Schenn's line generated the most pressure and played really well as a unit today. I still think Hartnell needs to take a break from the top line because the play will generally die when he gets the puck.


Oh, and as @mojo1917 says, Downie is just bad. His nonsense penalties put this team in trouble and back on their heels. I can't see the team re-signing him.


I thought MacDonald had his first shaky game as a Flyer, but his partner Luke kept up his strong play.


All in all, this is a fun team to watch. So much depth, and they're such a young team. It's fun to think of the kind of damage they could do in 3-4 years.

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