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Weekend Home & Home with the Pens


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Well, that was a serious spanking. Great game by the Flyers. They did everything right... excellent special teams play, excellent 5 on 5, and excellent goaltending.


Granted, the Pens are the walking wounded and no doubt this would have been a different game with Letang, Kunitz, Neal, and Martin. That's a lot of firepower on the sidelines.


Regardless, we still get 2 important points. Tomorrow should be an interesting rematch.


With that many regulars out of the lineup, it's hard to call this a measuring stick game.


Still, if I were a Pens fan, I wouldn't want to draw the Flyers in the 1st round.

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For whatever reason we own the Pens in their barn so it is to concievable for us to come out flat and lose 6-3 in our building and then go to their place and win 6-4 after being down 3-1 and get the final goal as an EN. So we get 2 out 4 points. 




I'll admit when I am wrong.  Thought they might come out flat, especially after the Devil's game.   Glad I was wrong.  Great 60 min effort! Finally!  They jumped on the Pens early and never let up. Now lets see if they finish the sweep tomorrow.


Well, that was a serious spanking. Great game by the Flyers. They did everything right... excellent special teams play, excellent 5 on 5, and excellent goaltending.


Granted, the Pens are the walking wounded and no doubt this would have been a different game with Letang, Kunitz, Neal, and Martin. That's a lot of firepower on the sidelines.


Regardless, we still get 2 important points. Tomorrow should be an interesting rematch.


With that many regulars out of the lineup, it's hard to call this a measuring stick game.


Still, if I were a Pens fan, I wouldn't want to draw the Flyers in the 1st round.


I don't care if the Pens were missing players. So were we in years past and we were never afforded that excuse.  However, I do recognize that the aforementioned players do make a difference for them.  Like you said, I will take the 2 points any day. 


Read the Pens message boards, alot of them DO NOT want to face the Flyers in Round #1 of playoffs.

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LOL!!!! Great find!


Here is a great post from a Pens board....so do we sound this bad after we lose?


That was just a total arse whoopin!  The Pens never really got to their game LOL.


The Flyers are in Sids head rill rill bad.  The whole team turns into a bunch of limp wrists when we play the flyers.  They intimidate and frustrate the Pens.


Im not expecting much tomorrow because this team doesnt have much heart.  They turn into 15 year old whiney punks when someone pushes them around.  Changing lines, switching goalies, and sitting certain players wont make a difference if they dont grab their sacs and compete.


The Pens just need to stop being a f__cking dinosaur and get a job

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Nice total domination of a team that's obviously hurting. Sid and Malkin both mailed it in(Malkin likely knew Couturier was going to take him out of the game anyway) , a collecive -5 and owned in the faceoff circle.


Oh, and Luke Schenn is starting to look like a good defenceman again.

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Wow here is a real beauty...a Pen fan being real about Crosby....




Re: The Anatomy of an Undisciplined, Poorly Coached Hockey T

icon_post_target.gifby shmenguin on Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:53 pm

I don't expect perfection from Sid, but it's disappointing that he has just no clue whatsoever with this Philly business. Cross checking coburn cause he made a nice play, doing a big swan dive when he trips over someone on a play that wasn't even illegal and then sitting on his butt complaining.

He really isn't the guy I hoped he would be in the cup run years.
Gotta give some of the Pens fans props, they recognize their team has faults and it seems to be pointing at their coach and leader aka Crosby.  Seems some are not overly impressed with is style of leading.  Some are giving props to the Flyers for putting out solid effort.  One is even going as far as saying that Giroux could be a candidate for the Hart. (hmm?)  Anyway, I'm getting the impression injuries or not, some of the Pens fans really think the Flyers are in the Pens heads and really want no part of a possible 1st round match-up with them.
Let's finish the sweep tomorrow.
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LOL!!!! Great find!

Here is a great post from a Pens board....so do we sound this bad after we lose?

That was just a total arse whoopin! The Pens never really got to their game LOL.

The Flyers are in Sids head rill rill bad. The whole team turns into a bunch of limp wrists when we play the flyers. They intimidate and frustrate the Pens.

Im not expecting much tomorrow because this team doesnt have much heart. They turn into 15 year old whiney punks when someone pushes them around. Changing lines, switching goalies, and sitting certain players wont make a difference if they dont grab their sacs and compete.

The Pens just need to stop being a f__cking dinosaur and get a job

We sound like that after a WIN. Except we don't say "till till." What the hell is that?

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I was happily surprised when I checked the score after "getting my hillbilly on " and burning some yard waste... damn is that fun.


So no Kunitz , Neal, Martin and Letang.  I am not feeling like we need to be crowing about the win, If our guys are a good team and I think the bones are there to be a good team, they win a game where the opposition is missing 3 of their top six forwards and two best defensemen.  


I think the fashion in which they did it is good though,  seems as though the Flyers never let the Pens get anything going and beat a team they should beat with a solid effort.  


I hope Crosby's post game comments have more to do with hockey effort than running around like assholes for tomorrows game.


Good win , nice to see our team growing during what has been a season that has caused quite a bit of concern among our group here.

Edited by mojo1917
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I have questioned Sidney's leadership abilities since his concussions.

I feel pretty certain that his brain injury has diminished his ability to respond in a (i want to use mature, but i'm not sure of the word), appropriate manner when he is challenged physically.  

We saw it in the playoffs for the last two years , he melted down vs the Flyers and then led his team right down the sewer via the gutter vs the Bruins, he wasn't able to find the resolve to rise above; take the penalties and subsequent power plays and win the hockey games.  

Last year vs the Bruins I never thought the Pens would win after those first two games. 


It seems that Pgh has a little bit of a curse when it comes their superstar players too, imagine had they had a healthy Lemieux for his prime.  I would have thought that with the age of the team assembled the Pens would have played for and won a few more championships by now.

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This was the best 60 minutes of hockey I have seen them play all year.  The D was keeping the play in front of them, the O was making smart passes and not shooting into closed lanes, and Mason made the tough saves when needed and did not allow any softies.  I know they don't have the horses on D to play this way every game, but it is such a preview of what this team could look like if their young D-men develop.  We already know that this offense is capable of putting up goals and we know that Mason is a capable goalie, especially when he has good D in front of him.  Hopefully Morin, Ghost and Haag turn into good NHL players.


Besides the 4-0 shut out, my favorite part of this game was the turnovers by Cindy and Jenny.  They seemed to be trying to do everything themselves and the D was playing them so well.  The only thing I was ticked about in this game was Orpik running Coots.  Would have liked to see some retribution for that, but I know they didn't want to wake the Pens up.  Maybe tomorrow!


Good hitting and smart hockey today!

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I have questioned Sidney's leadership abilities since his concussions.

I feel pretty certain that his brain injury has diminished his ability to respond in a (i want to use mature, but i'm not sure of the word), appropriate manner when he is challenged physically.

We saw it in the playoffs for the last two years , he melted down vs the Flyers and then led his team right down the sewer via the gutter vs the Bruins, he wasn't able to find the resolve to rise above; take the penalties and subsequent power plays and win the hockey games.

Last year vs the Bruins I never thought the Pens would win after those first two games.

It seems that Pgh has a little bit of a curse when it comes their superstar players too, imagine had they had a healthy Lemieux for his prime. I would have thought that with the age of the team assembled the Pens would have played for and won a few more championships by now.

You bring up a very interesting and valid point. Yes, put away all the joking around, tom-foolery, and name calling aside, Crosby undisputedly is an NHL hockey super star with super star NHL hockey skills. However, does he have the leadership capability to lead his team to another SCF victory? Does he have the mental toughness for a grueling playoff run. I don't know. For the first time, I am hearing other Pens fans starting to complain about his whiny attitude. For the first time I am see other Pens forums, where posters are questioning him. Does this encompass all Pens fans? Of course not, there are those blind pure homerism fans that think Crosby does no wrong...ever. Every team has those types of fans.

As I posted before, IMO, the Pens lack a mental toughness. For the short comings the Flyers have, and that has been addressed ad nauseam here, I truly believe the one thing they are constantly try to achieve is mental toughness. WE certainly don't have the most talent of any team, we all complain about the blue line, we pick on Hartsy, hate the LVC signing, dissected every move Giroux made in the first 10-15 games of the season, was ready to through in the towel after blow out losses to the Caps and Sharks plus many more and yet this team still finds ways to win in the 3rd period. That is a mental toughness brought on by our coach aka "the Chief."

I don't see none of that with the Pens. Yes, the Pens have talent, not going to argue that, but do they have a true leader to get them through the tough times? I really don't think so. They traded away some of those players. I don't see that mental toughness within Crosby.

For the complaining we as Flyers fans, especially some on this board, the Flyers have found ways to win in tough times and develop that mental toughness. IMO, the Pens think they can get by on talent alone and they can't. For the first time, I see many Pens fans questioning their super star players and especially Crosby's continued whiny ways.

Just my 2 cents........

PS .. After reading several post from various Pens forums, a vast majority of those posters DO NOT want to face the Flyers in the first round of the playoffs.

Edited by pilldoc
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They always come out flat after a long break, and I'm sure the injury bug didn't help. They've been doing well with so many man games missed. (360 now is it?), but you can't win them all. Unfortunately the game wasn't on where I am, but I'll hear tomorrow's on the radio.

Honestly? My view on all of it is let men heal up, give maintenance days, and think playoffs. If love to see Neal, Martin, Bennet, and Kunitz all back by playoff time. Dupuis and Letang won't make it, but I like our odds none the less.

Glad you boys got a game to smile about. Just sucks it was at my team's expense!

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Unfortunately the game wasn't on where I am, but I'll hear tomorrow's on the radio.


Hey Polaris- Not sure where you are, but I am a 20 hour plane ride away from the game and I watched the game. A long time ago, I posted several good streaming sites on here. If you have a good internet connection, you can watch online. I have my PC hooked up to my big screen via HDMI and its crystal clear (running 7mbps internet connection).


Let me know if you want some sites. 





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They always come out flat after a long break, and I'm sure the injury bug didn't help. They've been doing well with so many man games missed. (360 now is it?), but you can't win them all. Unfortunately the game wasn't on where I am, but I'll hear tomorrow's on the radio.

Honestly? My view on all of it is let men heal up, give maintenance days, and think playoffs. If love to see Neal, Martin, Bennet, and Kunitz all back by playoff time. Dupuis and Letang won't make it, but I like our odds none the less.

Glad you boys got a game to smile about. Just sucks it was at my team's expense!

Are you on vacation or was your inability to watch job related?

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Thanks gents...

@Ruxpin Desert storm reunion. Spending time with my long lost brothers and trying to stay out of trouble.

@Vanflyer. I'd gladly take some links though for future use.

@doom88 Tomorrow I'll be on the highway at game time heading for home but I'll listen!

Edited by Polaris922
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Hey P922- 


While a bit outdated, here is what I use (three sites). The first has the least amount of pop-ups / spam / garbage. The other two have allot, but I have found if I choose a later link (9 instead of 1), there is less garbage. Also, if you see the stream start to work, go to full screen and all the garbage goes away. 


Let me know how you make out. 


Game on t minus 5 hours. 











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I have questioned Sidney's leadership abilities since his concussions.

I feel pretty certain that his brain injury has diminished his ability to respond in a (i want to use mature, but i'm not sure of the word), appropriate manner when he is challenged physically.  

We saw it in the playoffs for the last two years , he melted down vs the Flyers and then led his team right down the sewer via the gutter vs the Bruins, he wasn't able to find the resolve to rise above; take the penalties and subsequent power plays and win the hockey games.  

Last year vs the Bruins I never thought the Pens would win after those first two games. 


It seems that Pgh has a little bit of a curse when it comes their superstar players too, imagine had they had a healthy Lemieux for his prime.  I would have thought that with the age of the team assembled the Pens would have played for and won a few more championships by now.



 While I still think goaltending is the Pens achilles heel, Crosby's sense of entitlement is probably a big reason he still only has one cup on his resume. His work ethic is unquestioned. His desire, skill, he has all that. But though he's better than he used to be he's still a diving whiny suck.


 Watching him wear the C on Team Canada was a joke. Half the guys on that team were better leaders. I loved when Selanne chased him down and gave it to him for diving...he was relentless. The guy is a great hockey player. I just don't think he's great captain material in the NHL.



Part II of what could possibly be a playoff opponent...let's see if they can put back to back full games together...even if it''s against a hurting team - they have to show some sort of pushback today.

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Thanks gents...

@ruxpin Desert storm reunion. Spending time with my long lost brothers and trying to stay out of trouble.

@Vanflyer. I'd gladly take some links though for future use.

@doom88 Tomorrow I'll be on the highway at game time heading for home but I'll listen!

Thank you for your service

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