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Upcoming Schedule Scares Me to Death

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I realize the Flyers were not a Jagr away from winning the Cup.  This was just one in a series of multiple stupid decisions.  Yet Homer chased Zach Parese and, rest assured, if Parese would have signed with the Flyers, Homer would give him a NMC/NTC and a salary which would severely cripple the cap situation.


They are not a Lecavalier away from winning the Cup either.  At least Jagr would only be signed for 1 more year and at a half of Lecavalier's salary.

I have no idea why Lecavalier was signed. None. Really, since the Carter and Richards trades that's the only move that makes no sense to me.

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 Um, how soon we forget, *this* deal was signed after the Richards deal...




Obviously Homer saw Shelley's previously hidden (and un-guessed at) goal scoring talents and pounced.


On a more serious note, when the Flyers start a season without a goon on the roster then I'll know that the culture really has changed.

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@JackStraw  I'm so sick of always having a goon. I guess no one in the whole upper management group realizes that employing a goon on the 4th line gives opponents without a goon an automatic mismatch. I'm more than happy with Simmonds and Rinaldo, who actually serve a purpose on the roster. I don't think Homer gets this little nugget of knowledge, huh?

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What I am scared of is Homer's reaction to losing...and how much of the future he will mortgage to secure his job for one more year.


Truthfully, if he did not mortgage anything at the trade deadline, I doubt he (homer) will in the off-season. The worst he will do is throw some money at some washed up UFA (see Lecavielier). But I don't see him trading.  

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At one point in time, people thought Rinaldo was just a goon. I'm glad to see his perception and role expanded.


At one point in time, he was. We had him here in junior...I never dreamed he could keep his head on straight long enough to play in the NHL. He was a headhunting lunatic cheapshot artist. He's learned to play on the edge for the most part, not over it. And become a valuable member doing it.

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