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Horrible call costs the Flyers at least one point


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On HockeyCentral at Noon today.....


 Devils coach Pete DoBoer: "Well I think the officials got it right"


 Doug Maclean : "Ya, when I was coaching I always thought the calls that went my way were right too!"


I guarandamntee that if DeBoer was on the other side of that call, he has a 180-degree opinion on it.


It was not the right call from the whistle. It was the "right call" from Tronno because you can't review that play.

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If the Flyers miss the playoffs the 1-7 start has a heluvalot more to do with it than that blown call. Team can't keep digging holes in October and planning to "flip a switch" in March.

In case anyone thought the switch flipper was dealt to Los Angeles...



words of wisdom!  great post.

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the Devils get their first goal on a PP after an glaring embellishment by Brodeur. I can't wait until the guy finally retires because no goalie in the league gets away with as much crap as he does.


I agree 100% - its like watching Jordan get every call the last few years of his career.  


The worst was their stretch in the late 90's when they clutched, grabbed and trapped their way to stanley cups all the while watching Marty skate out of his crease, time and time again to clear the puck completely free of any concern or worry -  he'd just skate behind the net and disrupt the dump-in every time, whether there were players closing in or not.  I know Hextall did similar things, but not the extent Marty did - it was just a completely bullshit style of play that essentially gave them a third D-man.


It was a joke, and man I always wished  just one time a that a player would come in and smash his skull into the glass one of those numerous times he would just skate in front of them and clear the puck.  It made beating that trap even more impossible. 

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I've of two goals. Fleury being the other



I almost posted this earlier but figured people would think I was mocking the conversation  ;)  


Honestly, the Devils clutch and grab style is what sucked.  I don't really give a darn about Brodeur one way or the other.   He doesn't do any more or less what Hextall did, or Barasso, or all of the other goaltenders throughout history.  I see FLeury and the officials talk all game long, usually laughing and joking.  Is it because he's twisting their minds into calling the game his way?  Or is he just one of those guys who talks to everyone around him and has a good sense of humor that others enjoy engaging in conversation?  Does it matter?.  


The officials are supposed to be impartial in their work.  To blame anyone or anything else is just deflecting the accountability.  

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I almost posted this earlier but figured people would think I was mocking the conversation ;)

Honestly, the Devils clutch and grab style is what sucked. I don't really give a darn about Brodeur one way or the other. He doesn't do any more or less what Hextall did, or Barasso, or all of the other goaltenders throughout history. I see FLeury and the officials talk all game long, usually laughing and joking. Is it because he's twisting their minds into calling the game his way? Or is he just one of those guys who talks to everyone around him and has a good sense of humor that others enjoy engaging in conversation? Does it matter?.

The officials are supposed to be impartial in their work. To blame anyone or anything else is just deflecting the accountability.


It was a grotesque call. That's the beginning and end of it for me. It's not about Brodeur or Fleury or whatever. A human ref screwed up a call.

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First try to imagine a call like that happening in the NFL, the NHL officiating doesn't get near the scrutiny of the professionals leagues,more along the lines of the NBA.(lot of bad calls)  If the Flyers had been up 4-1,no controversy. What happen to the team that looked like a power house in LA and San Jose? Where did that team go? The Flyer's need to give 110% for 60 minutes,every game for the rest of the season. Whats the chance of that happening ?

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Not only that, they went to review, Toronno said "Yeah, you messed up, but it's not a reviewable call" and the atrocity stood.


If they can create a rule on the spot for Avery waiving his stick in Brodeur's face (and then later misapply that rule to Pronger, costing the Flyers THAT game), they can immediately begin to review bogus goalier interference calls. 

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Not only that, they went to review, Toronno said "Yeah, you messed up, but it's not a reviewable call" and the atrocity stood.


If they can create a rule on the spot for Avery waiving his stick in Brodeur's face (and then later misapply that rule to Pronger, costing the Flyers THAT game), they can immediately begin to review bogus goalier interference calls. 


This league has already given away the Championship trophy of the league after creating "a new rule" practically on the spot. It certainly wasn't a rule they had told the paying customers about.


The problem the league has - as with the Tronno game the night before - is that once the ref blows the whistle, while some guys might "keep on playing" other guys drop their guards and back off. You can't have a situation where the entirety of both teams are just expected to completely ignore the whistle as a matter of course. That's a complete disaster waiting to happen.


What the league needs primarily is more competent officiating - starting with officials who don't have good views deferring to officials who have the better angle.

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@radoran -- I get where you're coming from, but I disagree.  Here's why.  The Flyers did get off to a bad start and those losses meant points we didn't get that we could definitely have used.  But then so does every other loss.  Like the three losses in a row at the end of January against Boston, Columbus, and Carolina.  Heck, I'd argue that the losses against Columbus alone mean more than the losses suffered at the start of the season.  Each loss results in points that we didn't get that we need.  If we were to weight for losses, the losses that happen at the end of the season, in such a tight playoff race count for more in terms of how critical they are. 


The other point I'd make is that we actually dug ourselves out of that early season hole and played well enough to put us into contention for a playoff spot.  So, as far as I'm concerned that debt has been paid and we're back to square.  We need to look at where we are right now and what happens to us from this point forward, not necessarily where we were last October.  This blown call has more of a negative impact in the right here and now than losing six games did to start the season - again, an obstacle we've already overcome.  Would it have been nice to have those points?  Yes.  But it doesn't really matter because the team worked hard and played itself back into contention.  Now that we are in contention, it's bogus calls like the one on Tuesday and the resultant lost points that could actually determine our future.


All credit to the team for getting out of the early season trouble it put itself into but when it also must overcome this type of officiating, it hardly makes it worth the effort.

Edited by OH1FlyersFan
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@radoran -- I get where you're coming from, but I disagree.  Here's why.  The Flyers did get off to a bad start and those losses meant points we didn't get that we could definitely have used.  But then so does every other loss.  Like the three losses in a row at the end of January against Boston, Columbus, and Carolina.  Heck, I'd argue that the losses against Columbus alone mean more than the losses suffered at the start of the season.  Each loss results in points that we didn't get that we need.  If we were to weight for losses, the losses that happen at the end of the season, in such a tight playoff race count for more in terms of how critical they are. 


The other point I'd make is that we actually dug ourselves out of that early season hole and played well enough to put us into contention for a playoff spot.  So, as far as I'm concerned that debt has been paid and we're back to square.  We need to look at where we are right now and what happens to us from this point forward, not necessarily where we were last October.  This blown call has more of a negative impact in the right here and now than losing six games did to start the season - again, an obstacle we've already overcome.  Would it have been nice to have those points?  Yes.  But it doesn't really matter because the team worked hard and played itself back into contention.  Now that we are in contention, it's bogus calls like the one on Tuesday and the resultant lost points that could actually determine our future.


All credit to the team for getting out of the early season trouble it put itself into but when it also must overcome this type of officiating, it hardly makes it worth the effort.


But two points in October are worth the same as two points in March. The two points in March can be made more important by the failure to pick up points in October - and that's the situation they are in. The debt hasn't been paid because the debt hasn't been called yet. We won't know what the debt created by the failure in October means until the end of the season.


Give them even two more wins - four more points - and they're three points up in second place in the Division (4 seed) with a game in hand on both the Rangers and the Blue Jackets. And that means a 3-5 start instead of 1-7. Still a hole to climb out of, but an entirely different situation than being in fourth place clinging to the 8 seed. Go 4-3 and they're the 3 seed. Go 7-1 and they've practically guaranteed themselves of a spot.


And that means there's a lot less damage that a stupid blown call by a ref can do to them.

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I take your point.  The only point I'd continue to argue is that the debt WAS called and it was called as soon as they played themselves back into playoff contention.  At that point, all was even and it was up to the team to play well enough to maintain that position.  Like when the score is tied - new game.  In this case, new season.  That's the snapshot in time that matters going forward.  I agree that two points in March can be made more important by the failure to pick up points in October.  Well said.  But that's true too of the failure to pick up points in March because of a blown call when there is even less time, especially given the teams on the remaining schedule, to make up those points.  That's why, to me, such a failure is even more critical.

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