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Flyers have traded for Andy MacDonald


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   Hmmmm, perhaps I was to quick to rush to judgement on this one. I did say I will keep an open mind and only judge McDonald on his Flyer play, and throw out the Islander crap. Only caught one period of the Caps game, but yeah, colour me impressed. He helps keep my dream alive, a fast, mobile Flyer defensive core. It's way to early to talk about signing or not signing him (something the last 19 games should decide) but the thought of Kimo's 6 mill coming off the cap....which just happens to be close to what McDonald wants.


  With the cap going up at such a crazy rate, 6 mill is really like the 3.5 million dollar range we saw just a few seasons ago. Those 3.5 contracts were reserved for up and coming offensive d-man who usually ran the second pp and had upside on the offensive side of the ledger. Now these types (I'd put Andrew in this grouping) haul in 5 to 5.5 mill range. So in all actuality, McDonald might look like he's being greedy, but is only asking for close to the going rate. I like what I've seen thus far, hopefully his nice play continues.


 I want a mobile Flyer defense so bad it hurts.....and this guy appears to get us 1/6th closer to that goal.

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Darren Dreger tweeted that there was interest in Timonen but that he wants to stay in Philly. I think Bruins might be interested in Meszaros as a rental replacement for Seidenberg. The Chara connection works.


 Excellent call Straw-Man!

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   Hmmmm, perhaps I was to quick to rush to judgement on this one. I did say I will keep an open mind and only judge McDonald on his Flyer play, and throw out the Islander crap. Only caught one period of the Caps game, but yeah, colour me impressed. He helps keep my dream alive, a fast, mobile Flyer defensive core. It's way to early to talk about signing or not signing him (something the last 19 games should decide) but the thought of Kimo's 6 mill coming off the cap....which just happens to be close to what McDonald wants.


  With the cap going up at such a crazy rate, 6 mill is really like the 3.5 million dollar range we saw just a few seasons ago. Those 3.5 contracts were reserved for up and coming offensive d-man who usually ran the second pp and had upside on the offensive side of the ledger. Now these types (I'd put Andrew in this grouping) haul in 5 to 5.5 mill range. So in all actuality, McDonald might look like he's being greedy, but is only asking for close to the going rate. I like what I've seen thus far, hopefully his nice play continues.


 I want a mobile Flyer defense so bad it hurts.....and this guy appears to get us 1/6th closer to that goal.



But the cap isn't going up at a crazy rate. Not this year...at least according to recent predictions. I've only watched MacDonald play one entire game (meaning I focussed on him) and I was pleasantly surprised. But there's no way he's worth anywhere near $6 million a year. That's not to say Homer won't pay him that.

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 Excellent call Straw-Man!


Well, there was a lot of discussion about Meszaros in the Boston Globe so I can't claim any psychic powers on that one. I did see a friend of mine yesterday who is a Broons fan and he was pissed that we got MacDonald and they settled for our 3rd pairing trash. I told him Meszaros isn't really that bad and has been getting better since all his injuries, but I was smiling inside.

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But the cap isn't going up at a crazy rate. Not this year...at least according to recent predictions. I've only watched MacDonald play one entire game (meaning I focussed on him) and I was pleasantly surprised. But there's no way he's worth anywhere near $6 million a year. That's not to say Homer won't pay him that.

He turned down 4 on the Island, come at him with 4.75-5.25 X 4 or something and what's he going to say ?

He'll be under contract for his prime years at a good value.  

Keep in mind no one here though Matt Carle was worth what he got, until he got it.  The free agent market is a lot like real estate...no real rhyme or reason defines what "value" is.

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 I hope he turns out to be worth $6million. I doubt he is. I just Homer offers him what he's worth is all.


I don't think he'll be worth 6 and I doubt he'll ask for that. If the other night is an accurate reflection of his game then I would think as a UFA he would get a bit less than what Carle got, since he hasn't put up quite the offensive numbers that Carle did. If he continues to play at that level, then I think you have to go for that.

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Part of calculating "worth" is how much is he "worth" to the team in particular?

On this team, he's easily worth $4.5M. He would give us more than Mezsaros at $4M.

On Chicago, he's not even worth $4M because you have Keith ($5.5) and Seabrook ($5.8M) at the top end, then it drops to Hjalmarsson at $4.1M. I don't think Chicago would "value" MacD more than Hjalmarsson. And his $4.1M contract only starts next year, so it's not like it's an outdated valuation.

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Hmmmm, perhaps I was to quick to rush to judgement on this one. I did say I will keep an open mind and only judge McDonald on his Flyer play, and throw out the Islander crap. Only caught one period of the Caps game, but yeah, colour me impressed


Trust me you're not alone but that is all we had to judge him on, the Isles games i saw he really didn't stick out to me but also lets note i wasn't fixated on him like i did his first game in Philly.


Jimmy said he we would be happy with him, and i was skeptical at first but hey Jim was right he looked very good to me nothing superstar like just calm poise with and without the puck.


Damn good debut i must say. But its about consistency...lets see if he can keep it up. So far i likey!!!!  :D

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He'll sign a deal close to the 5.25 mill per Streit signed for i bet.....

Ouch. In that case it better be a 2-year deal max. That's crazy money for a 2nd pairing defenseman (or 3rd pairing if you believe the pundits).

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Ouch. In that case it better be a 2-year deal max. That's crazy money for a 2nd pairing defenseman (or 3rd pairing if you believe the pundits).



 What, you don't like having a mediocre defence be the highest paid in the league?

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Jimmy said he we would be happy with him, and i was skeptical at first but hey Jim was right he looked very good to me nothing superstar like just calm poise with and without the puck.


Only one game, but would like to point out that I was doing cartwheels when this trade was announced.  I think @mojo1917 was fairly happy, too.

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That's crazy money for a 2nd pairing defenseman (or 3rd pairing if you believe the pundits).


No more than the one dimensional Dman they already signed from the Isles, at least Amac is a better all around Dman and that really is todays going rate....

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Only one game, but would like to point out that I was doing cartwheels when this trade was announced.


I'll admit i was skeptical at first but just from one game i seen more from him than i ever seen from Mezz during his whole time here...but like you said its only one game. I hope he keeps it up.

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No more than the one dimensional Dman they already signed from the Isles, at least Amac is a better all around Dman and that really is todays going rate....

Are you telling me that if I took the time to actually look up 2nd pairing defensemen across the league on capgeek, that $5.25M would be the going rate??

I don't believe it. Not everyone overpays defensemen like Homer.

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Are you telling me that if I took the time to actually look up 2nd pairing defensemen across the league on capgeek, that $5.25M would be the going rate?


I looked on NHLnumbers.com just really very quickly.


It looks like the typical second-pairing defenseman is in the $2.5-$3.75M range (several even below that, but most in that range).


I think Columbus, Pheonix, San Jose, and St. Louis, Vancouver, Winnepeg (three above $5M) and Philly (four including Pronger) were the only teams I came across with a third defensman making in excess of $4M

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