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Am i the only one who does not care about the olympics?


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  I really do not. I secretly, guiltily hate the three week shut down every four years (My wife loves it).


 I am as patriotic as the next guy but I feel put out by not having the NHL for three weeks. Slovakia versus Beckybeckystan does absolutely nothing for me, seeing Luongo and Mike Smith battling for Canada's goalie job does zip for me either.

  I am an NHL fan. I watch more than my fair share of big ten hockey, I love picking out a player or two such as Brendan Smith and Nick bjugstad to follow but if given a choice between a game between the Buckeyes and Wisconsin or watching a meaningless NHL game between the Flames and the Panthers, give me the NHL any day of the week.

  I try to pretend to care just to be trendy and because my wife loves Olympic Hockey (As well as curling but that is another story) and I need to keep marital bliss within the home so she does not put me in the penalty box.

  It is here to stay, I know. It is unbelievably popular and good for growing our sport, I know. It is only three weeks every four years, I get that too.

  But those big rinks and players in strange uniforms almost give me an aneurism and the lack of fighting and in some cases even a lack of contact for almost an entire game bores me to tears.

  So God bless America, both Canada and the USA and you can call me a commie if you want but give me my NHL back.

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I really do not. I secretly, guiltily hate the three week shut down every four years (My wife loves it).


 I am as patriotic as the next guy but I feel put out by not having the NHL for three weeks. Slovakia versus Beckybeckystan does absolutely nothing for me, seeing Luongo and Mike Smith battling for Canada's goalie job does zip for me either.

  I am an NHL fan. I watch more than my fair share of big ten hockey, I love picking out a player or two such as Brendan Smith and Nick bjugstad to follow but if given a choice between a game between the Buckeyes and Wisconsin or watching a meaningless NHL game between the Flames and the Panthers, give me the NHL any day of the week.

  I try to pretend to care just to be trendy and because my wife loves Olympic Hockey (As well as curling but that is another story) and I need to keep marital bliss within the home so she does not put me in the penalty box.

  It is here to stay, I know. It is unbelievably popular and good for growing our sport, I know. It is only three weeks every four years, I get that too.

  But those big rinks and players in strange uniforms almost give me an aneurism and the lack of fighting and in some cases even a lack of contact for almost an entire game bores me to tears.

  So God bless America, both Canada and the USA and you can call me a commie if you want but give me my NHL back.

No you're not I care about a little about the hockey but that is it. I don't expect USA to medal and Sweden to take gold...just a guess.

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yeah...kind of feel the same way.  Plus that it does not help that depending where you live, it can be 9-12 hr time difference. For whatever reason, I have a hard time getting psyched for this years olympics. 

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Right now I am watching the Stockton Thunder play the Alaska Aces in an ECHL game, when it is over I am going to watch the Hamilton Bulldogs take on the Marlies

  Tomorrow I am DVRing the Beanpot tournament.

  It is making me feel like the lockout all over again. And it is only day one, lol

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I enjoy the Olympics, but not with NHL players. I'd much rather be watching the Flyers fight for a playoff spot and then flip the channel to watch our best juniors face off against the other best juniors of the world at the Olympics. 


The NHL is the best league in the world, but they're not acting like it. 

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  I really do not. I secretly, guiltily hate the three week shut down every four years (My wife loves it).


 I am as patriotic as the next guy but I feel put out by not having the NHL for three weeks. Slovakia versus Beckybeckystan does absolutely nothing for me, seeing Luongo and Mike Smith battling for Canada's goalie job does zip for me either.

  I am an NHL fan. I watch more than my fair share of big ten hockey, I love picking out a player or two such as Brendan Smith and Nick bjugstad to follow but if given a choice between a game between the Buckeyes and Wisconsin or watching a meaningless NHL game between the Flames and the Panthers, give me the NHL any day of the week.

  I try to pretend to care just to be trendy and because my wife loves Olympic Hockey (As well as curling but that is another story) and I need to keep marital bliss within the home so she does not put me in the penalty box.

  It is here to stay, I know. It is unbelievably popular and good for growing our sport, I know. It is only three weeks every four years, I get that too.

  But those big rinks and players in strange uniforms almost give me an aneurism and the lack of fighting and in some cases even a lack of contact for almost an entire game bores me to tears.

  So God bless America, both Canada and the USA and you can call me a commie if you want but give me my NHL back.


Nope. I'm with you.  Haven't cared since the 1980 boycott.  I was only 12, so I'm not sure how long the caring would have lasted anyway, but it definitely shut off then.

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I enjoy the Olympics, but not with NHL players. I'd much rather be watching the Flyers fight for a playoff spot and then flip the channel to watch our best juniors face off against the other best juniors of the world at the Olympics. 


The NHL is the best league in the world, but they're not acting like it. 


Well said.  I think that's where I am on it.  I said above that it was 1980, which is true.  But any hope of eventually drawing me back was the admission of "professionals."  I know the arguments about how other countries--the Eastern Bloc, in particular--had an advantage there, etc. etc, but I never cared and still don't.


I'd like to go back to amateurs. 

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Nope. I'm with you.  Haven't cared since the 1980 boycott.  I was only 12, so I'm not sure how long the caring would have lasted anyway, but it definitely shut off then.

  I get that it is good for the game, but my god I am watching Hamilton versus the Marlies right now. Ugh.

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I get that it is good for the game,


I don't even buy that argument.   I know that's the one put out there and you're just citing it, but I don't acknowledge it. 


I'm not sure how it is good for hockey in general.  I'm certain it's not good for the NHL. Especially when the Olympics are being played on a larger European ice surface.  No one in North America is NOT watching NHL hockey but tuning into the Olympics and seeing that hockey and saying to themselves, "you know?  I think I'll check out this NHL hockey thing I've ignored my whole life." 


Even if they do, they're tuning in to see an entirely different game on a different size surface.  If they were actually attracted by the Olympic game to check it out, they likely won't even LIKE the NHL product.


So it's absolutely not helping the league.  Not when you add the fact that they are shutting down their season right in the middle and subordinating their "best league in the world" to another tournament.  No, it doesn't help the league.


As for the sport, I guess it's supposed to encourage kids to suddenly like hockey enough to go play?  How does that work in the Czech Republic, for example?  Which would encourage 5 or 10 year old Johnny to take up hockey more:  watching a bunch of 18-24 year old kids play their heart out or watching their current team with an average age of 52 play and lose handily?


I argue he's more inspired by the kids 8 years or slightly more older than him.  He, in turn, would arguably inspire those coming behind him.  It would bring about a faster improvement of the country's program.  I don't get how playing a bunch of pros who have already made it inspires anyone.  Watching those trying to make it and succeeding would be a lot more inspirational and so much better for the game.


I don't like the pros in it on any level.

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I cannot top anything you said. Essentially you nailed it, bring the kids back, let the juniors play, OMG I would watch every second with a chance to see Anthony Mantha or Tyler Bertuzzi to study their game (A couple of Wings draft picks still in juniors). That would be worth watching. I keep hearing about ooooow what is going to happen with guys like Kane and Toews, are they going to hit each other if they get the chance? Absolutely asinine. My wife LOVES the NHLers in the game and I cannot swing her over to my side no matter what, and I know there are others like her or they would not do it but it disrupts the flow of a season.

  The advantages are:

  More games per week. With a three week shutdown the league has been forced to play more games a week. I do like that.

  The Wings are a beat up club. It gives guys a chance to rest and recharge their batteries. Honestly it carried us to the playoffs a few years ago. It might do the same this time around.

  Other than that nothing about the NHL shutdown for three weeks does anything for me.

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I don't even buy that argument.   I know that's the one put out there and you're just citing it, but I don't acknowledge it. 


I'm not sure how it is good for hockey in general.  I'm certain it's not good for the NHL. Especially when the Olympics are being played on a larger European ice surface.  No one in North America is NOT watching NHL hockey but tuning into the Olympics and seeing that hockey and saying to themselves, "you know?  I think I'll check out this NHL hockey thing I've ignored my whole life." 


Even if they do, they're tuning in to see an entirely different game on a different size surface.  If they were actually attracted by the Olympic game to check it out, they likely won't even LIKE the NHL product.


So it's absolutely not helping the league.  Not when you add the fact that they are shutting down their season right in the middle and subordinating their "best league in the world" to another tournament.  No, it doesn't help the league.


As for the sport, I guess it's supposed to encourage kids to suddenly like hockey enough to go play?  How does that work in the Czech Republic, for example?  Which would encourage 5 or 10 year old Johnny to take up hockey more:  watching a bunch of 18-24 year old kids play their heart out or watching their current team with an average age of 52 play and lose handily?


I argue he's more inspired by the kids 8 years or slightly more older than him.  He, in turn, would arguably inspire those coming behind him.  It would bring about a faster improvement of the country's program.  I don't get how playing a bunch of pros who have already made it inspires anyone.  Watching those trying to make it and succeeding would be a lot more inspirational and so much better for the game.


I don't like the pros in it on any level.


Excellent points Rux!  Now that you mention it, the Olympic game IS different than the NHL. For a who host of reasons you mentioned.  I will admit it was nice several years ago when they first let NHL players play (Salt Lake City I think).  There were some exciting games, but as you both mentioned, the novelty has worn off and now it is more of a hindrance to the NHL season.

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I have mixed feelings.  I've always liked the Olympics, but they last too long.  The expense to putting on these games is beyond ridiculous.  Most athletes receive money to train to represent their countries, thus the definition of amateur vs pro is flawed, imo.  It costs too much for athletes deemed as amateurs to get the training they need on their own financial burdens.    I also get that each country should be able to choose it's best athletes representing each sport.  Thus I don't mind each nation sending it's best players, NHL or otherwise. 


I do really like the larger Olympic ice surface and wish the NHL would play on this larger surface.  Personally I like the faster skilled game.  It would probably be an easier transition for collegiate players.


I don't like the NHL shutting down for the full two weeks and I think there are ways to modify the length of break.  Maybe have a single elimination tournament based upon the ranks from the previous "World Cup"  That tournament say could only last 1 week. Or  Maybe have a limit as to how many players an NHL team can send, thus if that number were 5 or 6, AHL players could play with their parent teams for a couple of games in a modified  1 or 2 game / week schedule in a format where waivers and roster size didn't matter.  Thus the NHL wouldn't need to shut down.  Whether you are send NHL, Collegiate, or Junior players - someones competitive season is broken up.  


Basically Ice Hockey doesn't work well in the Winter Olympics as it unfairly breaks up some teams schedule and it also doesn't fit in the Summer Olympics but the game and nations best athletes deserve to be there.

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Maybe have a limit as to how many players an NHL team can send, thus if that number were 5 or 6, AHL players could play with their parent teams for a couple of games in a modified 1 or 2 game / week schedule in a format where waivers and roster size didn't matter. Thus the NHL wouldn't need to shut down.


This would be even worse than it currently is, IMO.   You wouldn't be replacing 3rd or 4th line players with your AHLers.  You'd be replacing almost exclusively top line people.   Pretend the race were a bit closer this year, it could cause a huge problem for a team like Pittsburgh that has sent Crosby and Kunitz playing a game during such a week against, say, the Flyers who would maybe be missing Raffl and Timonen.


Not a terrific example, but I don't know that NHL teams would want to be playing a couple games with their very best players' spots being filled in by AHLers.  And 5 or 6, there better be a price cut for the best third of the team being elsewhere.


It doesn't matter if it's the college season or AHL or juniors' seasons being interrupted.  NONE of them are charging $110/game and marketing themselves as the very best in the world.  For all of those examples, you would expect the Olympics to be a higher competition level.


I'm sorry, but the best in the world doesn't shut down so its players have the opportunity to play somewhere better.  It just belies the argument.  In fact, it doesn't just belie it.  It mocks it. 


And don't forget  "We're going to shut down the professional league you have a contract with so you can go play for free elsewhere and, oh, by the way, we'll have to suffer the consequences of the injury you risk while you're at it."


They've done this since when, Albertville 1992?    The winter Olympics were played for decades without NHLers, so it's not like it hasn't been done before.  I don't think anyone in the states gives a rip roaring ass about the Miracle on Ice if that had been won by NHLers.  It was special and memorable because it was largely a bunch of no name kids who worked their tails off.  Not some all star team that happened to beat another all star team.


I hated the whole idea when they switched to pros, so it's not just "oh, the good old days."   I'd love to return to that, though.   I really dislike it.  

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This would be even worse than it currently is, IMO.   You wouldn't be replacing 3rd or 4th line players with your AHLers.  You'd be replacing almost exclusively top line people.   Pretend the race were a bit closer this year, it could cause a huge problem for a team like Pittsburgh that has sent Crosby and Kunitz playing a game during such a week against, say, the Flyers who would maybe be missing Raffl and Timonen.
Not a terrific example, but I don't know that NHL teams would want to be playing a couple games with their very best players' spots being filled in by AHLers.  And 5 or 6, there better be a price cut for the best third of the team being elsewhere.


It might be, but then still it would only be a game or two, especially if the Olympics had a single elimination tourney.  Chances are the schedule could be set so there is inter conference play for all the teams.  Yeah, some teams may loose  their first lines, but that may even out also if say Pittsburgh were scheduled to play Anaheim.   It would have to be set so that there was a maximum number of players a team could lose.  Chances are if you called up your first line of AHLers they would still play together on now the 2nd or 3rd line.  Teams and Fans would also get a quick look at how well their AHLer's fit in the NHL.


Even if the US and Canada were to send amateurs do you really think Russia would not send players from the KHL?   Or the Swedish league?  Unless there was an age limit set, I don't think there is any way to even amateur vs pro thing.


The NHL has nothing to gain by going to S. Korea in 4 years.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

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I love the winter games! I'll watch anything and everything except for the figure skating. I like to watch all the sports that I don't get to see on a regular basis. And I don't really have a problem with the NHL shutting down for a few weeks. Its not like there isn't any hockey during that time.

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@AlaskaFlyerFan  I'll even watch the Figure Skating. The one sport I can't stomach, and this might sound odd coming from a Canadian, but Curling SUCKS. Never, ever got into it. I have no will to learn the damn rules either, it equals paint drying in my mind.

  That is so funny because my wife loves it! She has even drug me to a Curling club in Columbus and we have tried it a few times, it is a lot more fun to play than to watch, lol. I cannot remember the name of the guy, the skip of the Canadian club in the last Olympics, the Bear is his nickname, my wife even purchased his autograph on ebay. We always joke that we are Canadian stolen from our cribs at birth. We love everything about the great white north. Except snow. Snow sucks. Snow sucks a lot. At least as much as we have had this year.

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@yave1964  When I was in Grade 3, we moved from Windsor to Calgary for a year, as my Dad switched jobs. Talk about a nightmare of a culture shock...those kids out there were Curling CRAZY!!!  I had never played before, and basically had to learn on the fly or not play with anyone at recess time. That is literally all they did, it was amazing how much they loved it!  It's supposed to be engrained in Canadians to love Curling, but I never liked watching or playing it...boring as all hell.

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AFF -- sorry.   I won't comment on it any more.   Obviously there are far more people that enjoy the Olympics than don't or they wouldn't spend the money they do.  I'm glad you like it.  For whatever it's worth, if I have to watch either the Winter or the Summer Olympics, I prefer the winter.


It sounds horribly unpatriotic and probably is, but I think the biggest problem for me is that I really don't care who wins.  The personal stories don't really do it for me.  I think largely because just about everyone there has a personal story of overcoming adversity or they probably wouldn't be there.  So that levels the playing field for me in terms of who to cheer for.  I think I'm supposed to "cheer for the flag."  I think that was easier for me when we were all caught up in Cold War drama.  It hasn't had that--for me, anyway--in a long time.


I guess it's not just that way for the Olympics for me.  I know going into this past Super Bowl I couldn't care less about either team.  I didn't even hate either of them enough to make that a cheering point.  So it was boring going in for me (and then, of course, the game itself ended up being uncompetitive).


If it's on anyway, I'll end up watching it and get a little caught up in "will THIS person beat the gold medal time or the Olympic/world record or whatever."  But I really don't even know 99% of the names outside of hockey so for me it's just watching a disembodied clock trying to beat another disembodied clock. On one hand, I used to kind of like watching the figure skating and the ice dancing when my wife would sit and watch it.  I think over time I grew bored and she stopped watching over irritation with the judging (me too on that one).  So it's not even on for that.   I had it on briefly last night, but even NHL hockey is becoming less fun watching by myself (which is what has made the in-game chat room kind of cool for me) so watching something I'm not naturally "in to" is even harder.


I really wish I could get into it because as it stands, it's MY loss.   All this to say I'm not trying to dump on it to ruin it for someone else.  It's just that--for me--it's interrupting something I really enjoy with something not so much.   For me, it's kind of like years and years of shows I enjoy being preempted for several months by incessant American Idol episodes.  So, I guess I'll just shut up now and count the days until the NHL resumes. 


In the meantime, I can always spend the time railing on Steve Downie.   :)

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I think that curling is underrated, my wife mentions to her friends at work who are talking about the figure skating and what not how much she loves curling and then sits back and loves the look of horror. Curling is a lot like Hockey in that you either get it or you don't, you either like it or you don't, there is not a lot of middle ground. BTW Jammer if you don't like curling you have to turn in your Maple Leaf card......

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I have a similar feeling about the Footy world cup, I watch the Premier league and Championship season on season, and whenever England play I just want to see club football again! Although I'm looking forward to watching the Olympics It is cool when the you see all the different nations playing sports in peace together, makes you realize that not everything with the world is all bad. After a few weeks break it will make the next NHL game even better as you have been anticipating it for so long. 

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