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Regroup and Readjust: Expectations


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After Saturday's debacle I think it is a natural reaction (for Flyers fans moreso) to overreact. I understand the Flyers were outclassed and outplayed in just about every facet of the game on Saturday. The Bruins were relentless w/ the forecheck which is the #1 ingredient when it comes to easily beating the Flyers. The defense simply can't read the pressure to make a good first pass and the forwards are not in position to help defense on the breakout. This has been the issue since last year and with the current roster it will not get measurably better anytime soon.

I think the one thing that needs to be readjusted, or for some of us I would say regrouped, are the expectations this season. This Team is, at very best, barely a playoff Team in a weak Metro Division. Before the season started this roster, in particular the defense, was not going to be an above average or average Team. The defense has no mobility other than Coburn and Streit and the rest of the group are "stay at home" type defensmen that quite frankly are not very good defensive players on whole.

This Team is incapable of beating good Teams on a somewhat consistent basis: It took the second month of the season to beat the Pens to finally notch a win against a good Team. The next win against a good opponent was in December against the Wings. Looking at this years schedule they simply can not close out good Teams and have trouble maintaining a lead against bad Teams. Combacks are great but they have been against average Teams for the most part.

There are a number of issues that need to be resolved before this team is considered a legit playoff team:

  • #1 is defense.
    • There are no #1 dmen available via trade. The defense needs to be blown up and retooled so my hope is that Homer can retool the defense. Why Gus has been in the pressbox is beyond explanation. Give the kid some minutes and see what he can do night in and night out.
    • Fluke Schenn is and was not the answer. Give him some rest in the pressbox and let Hal Gill serve him some nice buttery popcorn and teach him what it means to be a professional.
    • Streit: Why we acquired him I understand but why is he on the 2nd line Power Play? Kimmo needs to be moved to the 2nd unit and give Streit some time to QB the PP with his shot.
    • Mezz: Although he has had a nice run I think he needs to be traded, or at worst, let him walk at the end of the year. He is a defensive liability. It is nice that he is getting goals but we need people that can play defense - let Streit and Gus be the offensive type defensmen.

    [*]#2 is Wing:

    • I am a big Jake fan and I would keep him on the top line but G and Jake need a pure shooter. Someone that can finish. Raffl is not that guy.

    [*]# 3 is the logjam at Center:

    • It is becoming more apparent that VLC really does not have a spot on this Team. Personally, I think VLC needs to be played at Center.
    • How many Centers does it take to fill a linuep? Why are we always drafting Centers? We have talented kids and talented vets that are continuously being asked to play out of position. While some think this may not be an issue w/ the way the game is played today it does take time to adjust and not as easy as X1, X2 and X3. Some adjust well and others do not.
    • What happens when Laughton comes up?

    [*]#4 is Coaching:

    • I do think Berube has done a very good job but why would you sit Mezz over Schenn when Mezz is finally playing with confidence. He is still a defensive liability but he is scoring goals. Schenn is a defensive liability and does not score.
    • The line tinkering to fit VLC in the lineup needs to be addressed. Have him Center the 4th line if it needs to happens.
    • Rosehill should not be in the lineup - period. End of story. I could care less if the other Team is dressing a goon. Like it or not that part of the game is no longer needed.

    [*]#5 is Intangibles:

    • What and where is the heart and soul of this Team? Someone that plays w/ smarts and an edge... Someone to lift the Team in a time of need. I hear all the same things from G and Kimmo. Where is the accountability when someone is not doing their part. IE: like Pronger getting in G's face for not playing the right way.
    • Youth: this is the #1 question and I do not think there is an answer right now. Is Cooter and Schenn developing at the right pace? Are they the future of this organization? Will the Flyers and fans have enough patience to let them develop?
    • Goaltending: Although I do not think Mason has played great over the past few weeks I think he is a product of an incredibly bad defense. With that being said he is going to have to be the best player on the ice each and every night for this Team to win.

I am not in favor of trading away the youth or Giroux. G is still a young Captain and I think he will be fine. The question is how do you retool the defense and add a legit scoring winger w/out moving some of the young core? IMO it is time for Homer and the Stooges to start building a team through the draft. Dare I say a new perspective?

Stop throwing away second round picks like used tissues and draft. In todays world of the salary cap and teams holding onto defensemen it becomes clear that drafting players is the most important aspect of any organization. I am okay w/ a losing season this year and honestly was not expecting the playoffs to begin the year. It takes years and patience to build through the draft but IMO is the only way to truly build a Team. Not treating Team like a puzzle every other year. The revolving door of players needs to stop. Create consistency in the Club by **building** a team. Is it easy? No but it works.

Just some random rambles from one murraycraven. Cheers.

Awesome post MC! I can't add much more. Totally agree with you. As I said before, this is a mediocre team at best. To think of this team any more is foolish. The big question is whether The stooges at the top get it? Or do the still have the blinders on and continually think we are only a player away. IMO I say they try to jettison some dead weight and try to gather as many draft picks as possible. In the process let the kids play. My only question is will the majority of Flyers fans accept this?

Great job MC!

Post of the year!

Edited by pilldoc
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Awesome post, you nailed everything when it comes to the Flyers this year. Holmgren and Hextall have to sit down during the Olympic break and figure out their next moves going forward. For starters they have to trade Timonen and Mez to teams who can use a veteran defenseman for a playoff run and get draft picks back. Maybe this off-season look at trying to get rid of Hartnell who seems to lost his edge when it comes to playing, maybe send him to Edmonton who could use some veteran leadership. Flyers fans have to realize that this team isn't close to being a contender let alone a playoff team. They have to start building thru the draft and make trades that will benefit the team now and long-term not just for a quick fix or because they need to trade someone for the sake of trading.

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@murraycraven - Great post. I know it probably sounds crazy based on the history of the organization, but I'm choosing to believe that management is finally "getting it". Why do I think that way? Well, there are the drugs of course. But there is also some recent history that is sort of kind of encouraging. Since the Carter and Richards trades the Flyers have mostly resisted the temptation to do things the way they've always done them. They could easily have traded Couturier, probably for a decent return. They could very probably have traded Coburn. But they have been holding on to draft picks and young players. They drafted defensemen in the first two rounds of the draft, something they've never done before.


It could all be a trick of course, just setting us up for more crushing disappointment, but at least us optimistically optimistic fans have something to hold onto. Retooling the defense will be the tough part, there are no quick fixes.

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Thanks guys... I appreciate the feeback.  Was more or less trying to type out what I have been thinking for the past few days.

Holmgren and Hextall have to sit down during the Olympic break and figure out their next moves going forward.


I think you nailed this down.  Homer has been very quiet so maybe they are looking to next year and just rolling w the current roster w/ the hope they will be able to shed some salary at the deadline.  It will interesting to say the least.   You never know with this organization!

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@Jack - it is funny you say that b/c I am almost thinking they way you are and eluded to that in my previous post.  Maybe, just maybe they see the error of their ways and are planning on being patient and building through the draft.  They have been quiet and there have been no panic moves so maybe there is a change in philosophy.   Trying to be optimistic about it and maybe it is taking place now...


I for one have been shocked that Homer has not made a move.  Not dissapointed by it at all and rather impressed that he has not.  There are no panic moves that will fix the whole issue.  Time to build through the draft and be patient. 

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Great post, MC. Pretty much sums up the state of the team.

I won't be convinced anything has changed until the deadline has passed. If you'll recall the draft over the summer, Snider put Homer and co on high alert that missing the playoffs was not an option.

I'm betting "job security" is high on Homer's list of things in his life that are important. That being said, if this team is on the playoff bubble, the types of moves made (if any) will give us a clue into how they are approaching things.

When is the trading deadline this year?

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I won't be convinced anything has changed until the deadline has passed. If you'll recall the draft over the summer, Snider put Homer and co on high alert that missing the playoffs was not an option.


Brel... I could not agree more.  I have to imagine that Homer is in the "cover your arse" stages of employment.  Trying to give him the benefit of the doubt b/c I want to believe badly that they are changing the philosophy.   Exactly what Poulin was eluding to... maybe there is a Hextall effect going on.  Or maybe they just try and trade away the farm wnd everything else.


The Olympic break could be interesting...

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I believe that Hextall was responsible for building up the farm system in LA and I think he has the responsibility with the Flyers. So it would make some sense.


Yes that is correct and if I think back to the STH townhall Hexy said that the farm system would be his project here as well but he did say too that he was not here to bring a culture change (even if he does want to bring one he cannot say that without raising the ire of Homer)

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Is there any type of freeze during the NHL break for the Olympics?

Found this:

There will be a roster freeze in place from 3:00 p.m. ET on February 7 to 11:59 p.m. ET on February 23. No trade activity can occur during that period. Shortly following the Olympic break comes the NHL's trade deadline, set for March 5 at 3:00 p.m. ET.

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Found this:

There will be a roster freeze in place from 3:00 p.m. ET on February 7 to 11:59 p.m. ET on February 23. No trade activity can occur during that period. Shortly following the Olympic break comes the NHL's trade deadline, set for March 5 at 3:00 p.m. ET.



wow... things after the Olympics could be insance.   Giroux is probably wondering what the hell is going to happen!  LOL....

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#1 is defense.

#2 is Wing:

I am a big Jake fan and I would keep him on the top line but G and Jake need a pure shooter. Someone that can finish. Raffl is not that guy.

# 3 is the logjam at Center:


Great blog MC!!


1.  I'm in favor of trading one of our defensive minded d-men (Grossman) and a pick if needed to acquire an almost NHL ready AHL defenseman.  Why wait for 17-18yr olds.  Why not at least look for one that has spent some top quality minutes in the AHL ?


2.. I disagree on this point of the need for a top line winger.  Raffl in a sense is a perfect compliment to Giroux and Jake.  His passes are spot on, and his work ethic is probably one of the best on the team.  I do think people forget he is a rookie.  Giroux and Jake need to be the ones scoring the goals, not Giroux and Jake setting up another talented winger.  Look at Pittsburgh for example of the Crosby - Kunitz - Dupuis line.  Raffl is a Dupuis clone - he is that guy who digs out the pucks along the boards and feeds them to his centerman.  It is up to Giroux and Jake to score the majority of the goals on this line.  Giroux and Jake just need to shoot the puck more.


3.  I really don't mind Vinny playing minutes at wing and center, yeah he has had some up and down moments throughout the year, but the team is far better off with him than without him.

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@murraycraven . In reply to your post...


The log jam at center- one of our young centers will be traded, as usual we are stacked at center and  try to move guys to the wing and IT NEVER WORKS, it didn't work with BrindAmor,  Gratton, Briere, Carter and its not working with Schenn or VLC. We have been making the same mistakes for 20 yrs. STOP DRAFTING CENTERS!!!!

There is NO DOUBT one of our centers will be traded, its just a matter of which one, and its going to come down to what we can get  for what guy.


Defense- heres my take


Timmo- retiring


Coburn, must keep - hes the only guy  we have with a combo of size and skating


Streit- were stuck with him and his contract, and without Timmo we now have only this stiff as our offensive threat on the blueline.


Mez-keep  that's right!! lets think about our other options... WE HAVE NONE, if he can be re-signed for 2-3 years at a reasonable rate that would a wise move until Haag or Morin are ready or a top  UFA is. . With Timmo retiring, we are going to need a veteran that has some offensive skill. We don't want to wait till the last minute and get burned like we did with Carle.


Grossman/Schenn- trade one of them, if we can sign Girardi as an UFA. Although he is no Pronger and not a no true no 1 dman, he instantly becomes our best shutdown defender and will make his partner a better player, team  him with Coburn.


Gus- keep , he is a good 6th/7th defenseman and nothing more, he is small and has been injured 3 years in a row, having defensive depth is key.


Give Lauredson, Bourdon and Alt a shot at camp, and see what happens, just because we re-sign Mez , it doesn't mean we cant trade him down the road if any of these other guys emerge.The biggest problem is none of these guys have shown much offensive skill except Bourdon, but hes certainly no Timmo.


Our biggest need is a defensemen with some puck rushing, shooting ,skating and PP skills, is there a young offensive style dman out there that is not yet fully established? A guy who is similar to Coots, B Schenn or Laugton in a sense, that hes a first rounder, highly touted, who has not arrived to his potential yet? t\That's the kinda guy we may have  to target in a trade for one of our centers. Lets face it, we are not gonna keep all of our centers and as far as trade bait goes, its gonna be either of our 3 young centers and one of two defenseman in L Schenn or Grossman, if we can sign a guy like Girardi that makes Schenn or Grossman expendable. Maybe we package the Schenn brothers  for a young dman and a pick if we sign Girardi.   I hear Chicago is looking for a center, they have a good young dman in Nick Leddy, maybe B Schenn for Leddy .

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Great blog MC!!


1.  I'm in favor of trading one of our defensive minded d-men (Grossman) and a pick if needed to acquire an almost NHL ready AHL defenseman.  Why wait for 17-18yr olds.  Why not at least look for one that has spent some top quality minutes in the AHL ?


2.. I disagree on this point of the need for a top line winger.  Raffl in a sense is a perfect compliment to Giroux and Jake.  His passes are spot on, and his work ethic is probably one of the best on the team.  I do think people forget he is a rookie.  Giroux and Jake need to be the ones scoring the goals, not Giroux and Jake setting up another talented winger.  Look at Pittsburgh for example of the Crosby - Kunitz - Dupuis line.  Raffl is a Dupuis clone - he is that guy who digs out the pucks along the boards and feeds them to his centerman.  It is up to Giroux and Jake to score the majority of the goals on this line.  Giroux and Jake just need to shoot the puck more.


3.  I really don't mind Vinny playing minutes at wing and center, yeah he has had some up and down moments throughout the year, but the team is far better off with him than without him.


The hole in your argument is that Giroux is not Crosby, he's not that type of player that can automatically make average players around him better.  Raffl while I agree is young and a rookie is not a natural goal scorer and he doesn't belong on the 1st line.   Trying to say that G and Jake need to be the ones scoring the goals is the square peg, round hole dilemmna.   G and Jake are natural playmakers.   It would be like the Flyers wanting Simon Gagne in his prime to be more of a playmaker when his strength is shooting.  Players need to be assigned roles and put in positions that play to their strengths.   Giroux while I think is a star in this league is not a superstar like Crosby and needs another star (ideally a goal scorer) on his wing to get the most production out of him. 

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outstanding post, MC.  


roster issues aside, something i noticed on saturday was how the flyers as a team play defense, specifically in those moments where they can't buy a clear.  i was watching schenn, and kind of marveling at how non-committal he was.  he was skating hard in the defensive zone, but wouldn't get in anyone's face, kept himself in passing lanes, but refused to ever actually commit to a puck carrier.  i started to realize the rest of the team was doing the same thing, and then the shape of it really hit me.  the entire team was playing a collapsing box.  while at even strength.  and then i was all, "well, of course you can't gain possession, you aren't even competing for it."  they essentially fall into a penalty kill formation and surrender the points and the walls in favor of preventing cross ice plays through the slot.  board battles are routinely lost because they are prioritizing staying goal side over winning the puck.  break outs don't exist and clearances are intercepted because the box is so conservative.  worse, since they've gone to a total zone coverage mode, it's really easy for the bad guys to find soft spots between coverages and get solid shots off.  two or three of the goals on saturday were exactly that, someone found a gap behind a flyer locked into his box and had clear looks at the net with time.


the roster needs some help, no doubt, but i think there is a good bunch of coaching that needs to happen, too.  this roster can play a tighter and more effective game than it has been playing.  i'm not knocking berube here, he has had a bunch of problems to work out.  there are more to deal with, though.  

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I've reached the point where I actually have no, as in zero, expectations.  I expect nothing from them.  It's like when Captain Ronald Spiers said in Band of Brothers -- "The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it."  


I've finally accepted the fact that this team is already dead.  At least for this season.  It's just too inconsistent.  They need about 4 more years from my perspective - on both offense and defense - to be truly competitive.  Maybe 3 if we're lucky.  Boston made them look like a bunch of schoolkids.  I fall for this false hope every time they go on a good run and start racking up some points.  It's the freakin' Charlie Brown and Lucy pulling away the football syndrome.


The good news is that we can only get better from here and I'm looking forward to those good years.  Trying to stay positive.  Just don't fritter away our young core on trying to win tomorrow.  We need to build on that.  I'd like to see a team that can be competitive year after year.


PS - It looks to me like their tentative play, especially on defense, could be the result of trying to avoid penalties (which they are invariably called for regardless) - despite the fact they are one of the most, if not the most, highly penalized team in the league.

Edited by OH1FlyersFan
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Thank you Murray that was awesome! Well said my man that is exactly what I have been saying but not including all the detail you put intro your post. I think with the lack of moves thus far this season Homer might just finally be getting it or should I say Hextall making sure Homer gets it *cough* *cough*. I am excited for this team, I know that sounds asinine but if we build though the draft and trade off some dead weight even it is for low round picks so what...just keep building through the draft. I will tell you this team could be something in 2 to 4 years...

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The hole in your argument is that Giroux is not Crosby, he's not that type of player that can automatically make average players around him better.  Raffl while I agree is young and a rookie is not a natural goal scorer and he doesn't belong on the 1st line.   Trying to say that G and Jake need to be the ones scoring the goals is the square peg, round hole dilemmna.   G and Jake are natural playmakers.   It would be like the Flyers wanting Simon Gagne in his prime to be more of a playmaker when his strength is shooting.  Players need to be assigned roles and put in positions that play to their strengths.   Giroux while I think is a star in this league is not a superstar like Crosby and needs another star (ideally a goal scorer) on his wing to get the most production out of him. 

OH I will agree, Giroux is not Crosby, but they are in the same role as #1 center.  Give Giroux some credit he made Hartnell look like a better player.  :)


While I won't disagree that both Jake and G are pass first players naturally, they also are most effective when ONE of them takes a shot on net.  Which is why they each need to shoot more often.  Crosby is a natural playmaker also, but he is most effective when he shoots to score letting Kunitz or Dupuis in front to pick up the garbage goal.


If you look at Giroux's success with Jagr it wasn't because Jagr was such a sniper, it was because he held onto the puck and set up Giroux and Jake for the shot on net.

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If you look at Giroux's success with Jagr it wasn't because Jagr was such a sniper, it was because he held onto the puck and set up Giroux and Jake for the shot on net.






no truer words have ever been spoken. Jagr controls the puck so well and uses his body to shield the puck better than 99.9% of players in the history of the game. I think a major factor that is really hurting the Flyers in the offensive zone is puck possession. This is where I thought Downie excelled when first traded back to Philly. He was the player that wne into the corners to retrieve the puck.


Now that I think about it puck possession and board play has been a big issue with this club over the past 2-3 years. I should have added it to my original post!

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Which is why they each need to shoot more often


Another great statement...  G and Jake need to shoot the puck more often.   Vision is great but a shot on goal is better IMO...  both know how to shoot an both players have great vision on the ice but there comes a time when simplifying the game leads to success.   SHOOT!!!!!

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