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Trade Deadline: Effectively February 8 rather than March 5th


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Well I figured he was talking about Patrick that's why I was kinda like huh??? Kane a power forward? Yes Evander is going to be and already is a hell of a hockey player.


 Ahhhh, that explains it...I know you know your stuff, so I was puzzled at the comment you made.

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Even though the stated deadline is March 5th, the Sochi games and ensuing roster freeze make for an effective February 8th deadline.

I'm coming in way late on this. I don't necessarily agree with this. There is a week between the end of the roster freeze and the trade deadline. While there might be a few trades happen before the freeze, I think most action will happen in the last couple days before the deadline.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Even though the stated deadline is March 5th, the Sochi games and ensuing roster freeze make for an effective February 8th deadline.


So here is my plan Flyers technically have 3 games for auditions before the deadline....before a trade so wiave someone most likely Gill or Mezz bury them in the A.


They get 30 days they can move around with out having to go back threw waivers so that gives you a month there.


Call up Ollie and maybe even Alt if they think he can handle it.


They even played together on the Phantoms i think. 




Just see if these guys can contribute first maybe Ollie and Streit.....maybe have a look see first. I'm scared of what Homer can do to damage more than help.


Give that a 3 game look before doing some crazy desperate roster altering trades go down.


I'd even be ok waiving Downie and calling up Akeson up to play with Coots and Read they could use the scoring he can't play worse than Downie without the puck. 


Just want to look within first. There are a lot of young kids playing around the league. Why not?


Homer is looking at something. Isn't that the Ides of march???? No that was the 15th. Hope it isn't the hockey version...

Edited by OccamsRazor
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I am hoping we see some call ups but the closeness of the playoff race may preclude it. Meanwhile, they need to get help on the blue line. 






I dont see many call ups honestly... As Howie mentioned this is a very tight race and the Flyers are in the mix.  I dont think it is on Eddies and Homers DNA to not try and win this year.   They wil go all in and use the "once you are in the playoffs anything can happen" excuse.  I just hope they do not blow up the Team again and acquire some fancy named 35 yr old that is on a multiyear deal!

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@OccamsRazor.... as far as callups go...


Akeson, wil be a career minor leaguer, we don't need another tiny non physical winger, he will be of no help at all.. even though Downie is up and down in his play, when he is on, his forechecking and puck battling really helps his linemates.. Akeson will not help. We really don't have any forwards in the system worth talking about other than Laughton.We have nothing but mediocrity and third/fourth liners down there.


As far as defense goes....we have a bunch of guys in the AHL, who are nothing more than third pair guys, none of which can provide what we really need on the blueline, which is skating, rushing the puck, passing skills and PP skills. If these guys cant even score in the AHL, what do you think they will do in the NHL? Defense is the hardest position to play and when a mistake is made its very costly at this point Schenn and Mezz ,although overpaid, are better than any of these guys you mentioned.

If anything I would call up Bourdon, he has the most offensive skill of anyone, that is if he is still OK in March. Manning has the most points, but who knows what his all around game is like. The best time to work in a new guy is when you can pair him with a real good veteran, problem is after Timmo is gone, Coburn becomes our best dman.

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@RonJeremy  I agree, Bourdon has the most offensive upside of any of our guys at the AHL level. He has the best shot and the best chance of helping out the offense. I do think Oliver Lauridsen has the upside to be a legit 3-4 guy, despite being void of any real offensive prowess. I see him being a steady, dependable blue liner, but he won't be making anyone's jaw drop. Really excited to see what Oliver has to offer. Bourdon brings what the current team really lacks, a honest to goodness mean streak. This kid really needs a break, he's had some rotten luck. If *only* he was a step quicker, we might have a legit NHL "banger" on our hands. I hope his positioning helps him make up ground for the lack of foot speed.  I suppose Ghost will be the real offensive dynamo of our kids, with the possibility of handling the top pp in a few years.....we can only hope!

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So does this mean not to expect much in the way of trades with the Flyers. (It is past February 8th.)



That is for the freeze the trade deadline is the march 5th timeline. As far as what Homer has up his sleeve i get nauseous trying to envision... 

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So does this mean not to expect much in the way of trades with the Flyers. (It is past February 8th.)


impossible to say.  the article that spawned this thread was pretty off in its logic.  there is a full week between the end of the freeze and the deadline.  given that most deadline deals happen....at the deadline, i don't see how that has changed at all. 

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Akeson, wil be a career minor leaguer


Funny you can make that call and the kid has played a grand total of 1 NHL game.....dude i think you missed your calling you could have been a NHL scout.......and they wouldn't have wasted that contract on him. :ph34r:


Seriously the things people will say makes me laugh.


Ron if i were you i would stick to your porn movies....really.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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@ocams razor... you wrote


Funny you can make that call and the kid has played a grand total of 1 NHL game.....dude i think you missed your calling you could have been a NHL scout.......and they wouldn't have wasted that contract on him.  :ph34r:



Seriously the things people will say makes me laugh.


 @Ocams...It doesnt take a hockey genuis to make that call, although I am an astute judge of talent, not only in adult films , but in the NHL as well. Dont you know anything,The AHL roster has to be filled, the Flyers have to carry a certain number of contracts. Not everyone signed is considered a legit prospect, players are signed to fill out the AHl team, of course you hope they can all be NHlers or fill in for injuries, but the MAJORITY of the Phantoms current roster will NEVER be NHL players, especially the forwards, we have a few prospects on defense and Heeter in goal looks good,we have one or two potential third liners ,other than that the forwards are mediocre career AHL guys.

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the MAJORITY of the Phantoms current roster will NEVER be NHL players


We agree but the real reason is they are holding onto Gill.


They would have to waive someone (Gill, Rosehill, Mezz) and Akeson is a top 6 forward, they would rather have him playing top 6 in the A than 3rd or 4th in the NHL.


But if not for too many people i would bring him up in heartbeat to replace Downie with Coots and Read.


If Downie and Mezz are moved then they might bring him up if needed.

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What would folks think about raiding my backyard Panthers...one of our forward prospects...or perhaps...a tough guy like Hartnell + a 2nd rounder for Dmitry Kulikov. 



The guy is mobile.  He has a good shot from the point. He may not be a banger but I see some potential.  This team needs mobility. I am not sure Tallon would part with the dude but I have to believe the new ownership has to field a more competitive team soon.  Come to think of it--they might want a guy like Ray Emery.  Markstrom may or may not be the man. Thomas is 39.  Clemmenson may not be what he used to be.





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Howie, can we have Gudbranson instead?

I would love to obtain his services. He is the real deal from what I know. I just wonder if they would part with him. Kulikov has had ups and downs. People wonder about commitment but not talent. Maybe he is depressed playing for a chronically bad team. 


The Panthers will be sellers. The new ownership is disgusted and seeking a cut in their payments at BB & T.  I think they need field a respectable team ASAP.  I think a character guy like Hartnell (Tallon loves that) would be a commodity but he has a NTC, I think.  


It will be interesting.




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@RonJeremy  I saw Gudbranson listed in the RFA players that rad listed for next year. I thought about him, and wondered how we could go about securing his services. We know the Panthers don't have a lot of money, so a RFA poaching would not be out of the question. Of course, Guds is a defensive -man, so pegging his value salary wise and or trade wise would be tricky. His skill set is similar to Schenn or Grossmann, just with better size and skating. Not sure how much it would take for the Flyers to make an offer that the Panthers would have difficulty matching. You don't want to grossly overpay for a defense first type, but with his size, physicality and skating, he could me a real solid foundational pick up.


 I'd be really interested in inquiring about Guds. In a trade scenario, guys like Giroux or Vorachek would be far to much to pay, but I believe the asking price would be more than a Hartnell type. With these defense first types, it's hard to pinpoint their true value, but you would have to pay for potential growth since he has not yet peaked. He also reminds me of Ken Morrow, which a big compliment. If he develops properly, he could end up very close to what Adam Foote was in his prime, which would make him very valuable indeed .


 Guds would be a perfect guy to pair with Ghost in a few years, he could stay behind as Ghost does some free wheeling and dealing, and not many would mess with the smaller Ghost while the beast is playing beside him, their skill sets seem to be perfect for each other, with just the right blend of offense and defense.

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Here is his bio from Hockeys future... it also says he has a booming shot, maybe his offense will pick up   History

2007-08: Chosen by the Kingston Frontenacs fourth overall at the 2008 OHL Priority Selection.

2008-09: In his OHL rookie season, Gudbranson scored 3 goalsicon1.png and added 19 assists for 22 points in 63 games.  He was a -16 for the season, and totaled 69 penalty minutes.  Named captain of Team Ontario for the U-17 Championships and was a member of Team Canada for the U-18 Championships.

2009-10: In 41 games for the Frontenacs, Gudbranson scored 2 goals and added 21 assists for 23 points.  He finished with a +11 rating and 68 penalty minutes in a season that was shortened due to a bout with mononucleosis.  In 7 playoff games, Gudbranson scored 1 goalicon1.png and added 2 assists for 3 points.  Gudbranson was supposed to play in the 2010 CHL Top Prospects Game but missed it due to his illness.

Watch this HF video of Erik Gudbranson from the 2010 NHL Draft Combine

Watch this HF video of Erik Gudbranson from the 2010 NHL Draft

2010-11: Gudbranson played well enough in Panthers’ camp to earn an NHL spot but was returned to juniors when a contract agreement could not be reached. Gudbranson played 44 games for the Kingston Frontenacs (OHL) missing time due to both team and league suspensions as well as his participation in the 2011 World Junior U-20 championship. When on the ice, Gudbranson had his best season to-date and proved to be the dominant, physical force that the Panthers envisioned when they selected him with the third overall pick in the 2010 NHL Draft. Gudbranson scored 12 goals with 22 assists and was -1 with 105 PMs. for a Frontenacs squad that was under .500 yet finished third in the East Division. In Kingston’s five-game, first-round playoff loss to Oshawa he had 1 goal (on the power play) with 3 assists and was -3 with 10 PMs. Gudbranson was one of the top players for silver medal-winning Canada at the WJC, scoring 3 goals with 2 assists and finishing +8 with 4 PMs in seven games. Gudbranson signed a three-year, entry-level deal with the Panthers in July 2011.

Talent Analysis

Gudbranson is a skilled, punishing defender who worked diligently on his offensive skills during his 2010-11 season in Kingston. He is a natural, vocal leader both on and off the ice. He has a booming shot, and has built up his offensive effectiveness through intelligent decision-making with the puck, improved up-ice passing and a better sense of when to pinch up into the offensive zone. His play in his own end is top-level, and his physical presence means that opposing forwards must always be on their toes. He is a complete defensive package, with improvingicon1.png offensive abilities.


Gudbranson signed a three-year entry level contract with the Panthers over the summer, and all indications are that he will be playing in south Florida this fall. The Panthers also signed unrestricted free agent defenseman Ed Jovanovski, ostensibly to be a mentor to their young cornerstone defenseman. Jovanovski, the veteran defenseman who started his career in Florida, should be considered a perfect model for Gudbranson, a big presence at both ends of the ice, and a player that can control the flow and tempo of a game.

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@RonJeremy  Sounds like the Panthers made a very astute signing of JovoCop to mentor young Gudbranson. I really like that scouting report....it was good, almost to good. It lead me to think...why would he even be available then?  I'd be shocked if the Panthers let him walk. You don't pick a guy 3rd overall, watch him evolve and grow and then let him walk, it makes no sense. If he was a liability, sure let him leave, but all accounts say he's solid and improving.

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You guys are bringing up Hartnell and his contract for a cash strapped org.. Don't see that happening


Didn't really want to do this but...


Why is Hartnell waiving his No Movement Clause to go to Florida for the next five years?


Not happening - and that's regardless of whether the Panthers want to spend the money.

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