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Carchidi's Take on the Team in Inquirer


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I know many here feel Carchide and the gang are not that great. That said, I don't think he pulls any punches in this piece.




We are mediocre by beating the "low life."  We are 3-11 against teams that would currently make the playoffs. His comparison with the Blackhawks since the 2010 finals is particularly interesting and raises a lot of questions (we have been asking for years here and on the old board) about management.  In point-of-fact, his comparison reminds me that what most of us thought was the beginning of a Golden Age for the franchise has really been the onset of further deterioration. And he also notes that only four players are left from the 2010 squad....compared to eight on Chicago.  





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I concur with the assessment: There is nothing revolutionary in the article. But it is mass media post, not a post among the knowledgeable folks here who don't have to worry about backlash from owners/management.  I get very depressed thinking about the trajectory of this team.  It is not pretty. And I suspect that with Snider and Homer at the helm, we are not in for good times. 





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I get very depressed thinking about the trajectory of this team. It is not pretty. And I suspect that with Snider and Homer at the helm, we are not in for good times.


Relax Howie, remember according to Snider, it's a culture and they dont need a new one, LOL!


Hope you have a great holiday season, Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year!

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Relax Howie, remember according to Snider, it's a culture and they dont need a new one, LOL!


Hope you have a great holiday season, Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year!



I certainly wish you and yours the best as well. And I will try to stay positive about the team.  




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It is possibly forgotton that the year the Blackhawks won the cup, they won their division by 10 points over Detroit, with 112 points.  We had to beat the Rangers in the shoot out the last day of the regular season and had a mere 88 points (24 less than the Hawks) yet we still managed to make a miracle run to the cup final (beating Boston 4 strait after losing the first 3), and we had journeymen as Goalies.  So...my point is...Charchidi is right about us going in different directions now, but my contention is that we were never really going in the right direction in 2010 anyway.  So aside from a shoot out win (which we stink at anyway) and an historic 4 game run in Boston, our team seems to be playing the same way we did in 2010...not very well.  The playoffs and a cool playoff run make everyone forget the regular season, but there are two seasons in the NHL...the regular one...which we stink at...and the playoffs...where we do a little better.  Overall, we have not changed much over the past couple of years, just spent more money and traded a bunch of guys that are wearing rings.  (Sharp, Eager, Carter, Richards, Carcillo, Gagne, Williams, Recci are the ones I can think of off the top of my head).   Just saying...

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It is possibly forgotton that the year the Blackhawks won the cup, they won their division by 10 points over Detroit, with 112 points.  We had to beat the Rangers in the shoot out the last day of the regular season and had a mere 88 points (24 less than the Hawks) yet we still managed to make a miracle run to the cup final (beating Boston 4 strait after losing the first 3), and we had journeymen as Goalies.  So...my point is...Charchidi is right about us going in different directions now, but my contention is that we were never really going in the right direction in 2010 anyway.  So aside from a shoot out win (which we stink at anyway) and an historic 4 game run in Boston, our team seems to be playing the same way we did in 2010...not very well.  The playoffs and a cool playoff run make everyone forget the regular season, but there are two seasons in the NHL...the regular one...which we stink at...and the playoffs...where we do a little better.  Overall, we have not changed much over the past couple of years, just spent more money and traded a bunch of guys that are wearing rings.  (Sharp, Eager, Carter, Richards, Carcillo, Gagne, Williams, Recci are the ones I can think of off the top of my head).   Just saying...




In prior posts I've made the point that our most successful years since the strike have been bolts from the blue. On occasion, Homer's opportunistic team building (no long-term strategy, collect other teams' first rounders rather than develop your own), will yield a surprisingly good team in the playoffs. That was 2008 and 2010.  So I agree with you. But sadly, the strategy only seems to work on occasion. And Homer's LTCs and NTCs may prevent his "genius" from working in the next 3-5 years. 




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Spot on Howie,  maybe we could see how the youngsters are doing in the AHL and Juniors, bring them along slowly and develop a team that way, since we are basically locked into this team for a while.



Fred: Go to www.thn.com and compare the Flyers with any other team--they break down draft versus trade versus free agent, versus other. We are built by trade and some FA. Most teams are primarily draft and a few trades. 



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