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Not Ray's Night


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I think the D is slow but on two of the four goals I'd say that Ray's lateral mobility was a factor. But I have to say in general that the Blackhawks look alert and have tic-tac-toe offense ability...we are lucky to get a shot off. It is almost as if we are playing for a different league. Alumni Handzus and Versteeg scoring against us makes is even stranger to ponder.


It is apparent we have a .500 at best. The parts don't seem to click. And they are less than the whole...far less.





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Howie: There is no heart to this team. They are as you say playing like they are in the AHL and when the puck is always in your end chances are it can end up in your net. Penalties once again are killing the team,

It is hard to watch. The team I grew up with fought (literally and figuratively) hard. Cheap crap like Hartnell's push was bizarre. Homer, as others note, is largely responsible. Berube deserves credit for steadying the ship but tonight we see how talent is lacking. The D can't keep up with the Blackhawks. It is an ugly reminder of why we were runner-ups in 2010. 



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It wasn't anyone in Orange and black's night. The Blackhawks know Emery very well, and their SLOW, SLOPPY defense was getting beat to every loose puck along the boards the entire game. Oh and I'm tired of seeing Hartnell's overpaid a*s too. Time for him, Coburn, L. Schenn to find another team.  When you lose the battle along the boards against the Hawks, and let them have EASY access into the zone, you have ZERO shot to win. Tonight's game is a prime example.  Snider and Holmgren can now make a damage control appearance on TV tonight and tell all their season ticket holder's and delusional fans that they're in great shape and don't need to do a thing. I know Chicago's a really good team, but they got COMPLETELY EXPOSED tonight.

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FD:  I've said it before and will say it again. I understood why the 2006-07 team was bad. They were a bunch of bad players. And the management was unaware of how the "New NHL" would work. Now we have overpaid underachievers. Homer has a collection of poop with the possible exception of goal.  Raising the salary cap will mean little with current management at the helm.




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FD:  I've said it before and will say it again. I understood why the 2006-07 team was bad. They were a bunch of bad players. And the management was unaware of how the "New NHL" would work. Now we have overpaid underachievers. Homer has a collection of poop with the possible exception of goal.  Raising the salary cap will mean little with current management at the helm.







The team was old and slow in 2006-07, and they had no goaltending. In our current team's particular case, our defense is unacceptably slow and old, and they don't have the offensive firepower to compensate for it. Their goaltending couldn't have been blamed last year, and SURE AS HELL can't be this year. Berube stopped the bleeding with a band-aid for a while with a slight system change, but this team ain't making it anywhere anyway.  I said it before and I'll say it again, if Snider has any pride as an owner he'll fire Homer TOMORROW and hire from outside his buddy system.

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The team was old and slow in 2006-07, and they had no goaltending. In our current team's particular case, our defense is unacceptably slow and old, and they don't have the offensive firepower to compensate for it. Their goaltending couldn't have been blamed last year, and SURE AS HELL can't be this year. Berube stopped the bleeding with a band-aid for a while with a slight system change, but this team ain't making it anywhere anyway.  I said it before and I'll say it again, if Snider has any pride as an owner he'll fire Homer TOMORROW and hire from outside his buddy system.

Sadly, I think the team progresses once Snider is out of the picture...a little like the Blackhawks once the elder Wirtz got out.




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One thing the "Hawks" acquired was one Scotty Bowman, genius, which helps a lot! If Snider would stop hiring former Flyers for positions in management things might improve. He needs to run the Flyers like it Comcast corp.  It probably had something to do with Lukko leaving. He probably couldn't stand being surrounded by idiots!

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I think the D is slow but on two of the four goals I'd say that Ray's lateral mobility was a factor. But I have to say in general that the Blackhawks look alert and have tic-tac-toe offense ability...we are lucky to get a shot off. It is almost as if we are playing for a different league. Alumni Handzus and Versteeg scoring against us makes is even stranger to ponder.


It is apparent we have a .500 at best. The parts don't seem to click. And they are less than the whole...far less.



Howie, I think Ray's performance was the perhaps the least of the teams worries last night for all of the other reasons the others have posted ie. "d" getting exposed, underachieving high paid contracts, etc.  Scoring on any of the breakaways against an AHL goalie would have helped stop the bleeding.


I have said it before too, this is simply a .500 club at best.  Signing VLC (despide his decent play) and Streit is pretty much pointless in the long run.

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i believe you called it "returning to the mean"  .  The Flyers beat the really bad teams but lose to the really good teams.  This group as assembled is an average team. 

I think Chief is doing a good job with bailing wire and spit balls, there isn't one place where our team is better than anyone or among the leagues top performers .  We aren't fast, we don't hit effectively, we don't play great defense, we don't have the stone cold killers that capitalize on the oppositions mistakes.  The team is just , meh , with a forecast of more meh with a chance of extreme failure.

I say keeping stinking, Draft Ekblad this year, and McDavid next year .  Later i plan to flap my arms and fly to the moon.

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Greetings to all,

It is obvious to many that this team is limited in the skills department and especially the lack of speed. The D needs to be completely reworked and here is my suggestion. Entice the Oilers or any other team that drafted high and got good young D prospects to trade them to us. We seem to have no difficulty drafting wingers/centers but can't find a d-man with a google map and a flashlight. Built a new team from the goalie out by trading some assets that are underachieving. Perhaps a change of scenery will light a fire under them.

Just my humble "O"

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i believe you called it "returning to the mean"  .  The Flyers beat the really bad teams but lose to the really good teams.  This group as assembled is an average team. 

I think Chief is doing a good job with bailing wire and spit balls, there isn't one place where our team is better than anyone or among the leagues top performers .  We aren't fast, we don't hit effectively, we don't play great defense, we don't have the stone cold killers that capitalize on the oppositions mistakes.  The team is just , meh , with a forecast of more meh with a chance of extreme failure.

I say keeping stinking, Draft Ekblad this year, and McDavid next year .  Later i plan to flap my arms and fly to the moon.

Yep..regression to the mean. We started off terribly, had our "impressive" streak against the stink bombs, and now we are floundering below .500.  It is at a point where I wonder about the value of watching as entertainment. It becomes very frustrating. 


Sadly, I doubt much changes under current management. That is a bad thing.





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Greetings to all,

It is obvious to many that this team is limited in the skills department and especially the lack of speed. The D needs to be completely reworked and here is my suggestion. Entice the Oilers or any other team that drafted high and got good young D prospects to trade them to us. We seem to have no difficulty drafting wingers/centers but can't find a d-man with a google map and a flashlight. Built a new team from the goalie out by trading some assets that are underachieving. Perhaps a change of scenery will light a fire under them.

Just my humble "O"


The Oilers are fairly loaded at the forward position and are in dire need of defence. Not sure you'd pry a Darnell Nurse away from them without vastly overpaying...he's exactly what they're lacking on the big club.

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I was looking at last nights game as a test to really see what this group can do against a top NHL caliber team.  With that being said since preseason I think this team (at best) is nothing more than a .500 team - again, at best


Before the game started I said to my son the Flyers will lose 5-1 and they will get manhandled by the BHs.  He told me the Flyers "are playing better hockey" which I responded:  "I love your enthusiasm but just sit down and watch both Teams and you be the judge.."   After watching the game unfold he turned to me and said "Dad, this Team sucks."   My boy is 14 and has played hockey for a number of years and said the Flyers have "no heart."   A 14 year old kid sees it!!!


This Team is going nowhere quickly... too many players on this Team were overrated by Management (Giroux, Jake, Hartnell, Streit, L Schenn, etc...) and there is a gaping hole in this Team the size of Snider's ego from this Team's lack of heart.  I have no issue with the system they are playing and think Berube has done an outstanding job given the slop that is on the ice.   They Players simply are not good enough or are completely mismatched - to quote Brelic "this team is Frankensquad."  The parts do not add up and I wish to hell that the Flyers brass would see this.  


As fans I think it is important to understand this Team and where they are currently:  without Mason this Team would be worse off than the Sabres.   The Flyers did not play great hockey during that nice little winning streak.  They simply played mediocre hockey 90% of the time against bad teams on most nights.   All the while Mason was standing on his head.   This is how it will be all season - we better hope and pray that Mason stands tall all year or this could be a  doozey of a year.


There are some parts to work with such as Cooter and Schenn.  One would hope G would turn it around at some point and resemble a Top 20 player in the league.  But we are strapped with some of these ugly contracts and I have no clue (1) who would take them and (2) would some of the players waive their NTC to be traded. 


At the end of the day I can't believe that Homer really thinks this is a good team - a contending team.   Snider and Homer are fooling themselves if they believe this team can win.   They are fooling themselves and the fans... it is frankly a disgrace.   Let's hope for the # 1 pick next year.




One seriously apathetic MC

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What I find truly amazing is that heart and soul type players like Richards  and Giroux, guys I'd never thought would mail it in...appear to do so on this team. Is there a Club Med type of attitude going on in this franchise? Cause it sure seems like it sometimes. 

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FC... it really appears like it.   I have no clue and while I think they care I still say they have no heart.  


You can care all you want but come game time if you have no heart it wont matter.  You need heart to play hard and you need heart to go into the corners.  You need heart to be a Captain...   You need heart to score greasy goals...  I have Coached dozens of these types of players - they care but they have no heart.   Therefore I am absolutely fine w/ saying the have no heart.

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Giroux and Richards both made it to where they are because of their heart. Heck, Richards sure as heck didn't make it with skill, and Giroux was told his entire life he was too small. Then all of a sudden they seem to be becoming exactly what you want in Philly and it's time to take shifts and games and entire road trips off.

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The Oilers are fairly loaded at the forward position and are in dire need of defence. Not sure you'd pry a Darnell Nurse away from them without vastly overpaying...he's exactly what they're lacking on the big club.


We could definitely use some help up front - particularly on the top line - but I think help on the blue line is a bigger problem. You can make up for a lack of scoring with a good defensive system, especially if you have a good goalie. That leads me to my next point. Who exactly do we have on defense that is of any real value? Who would anyone actually want from our defensive corps?

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I take issue with all of this "no heart" crap.

They care, they're just not talented , fast or smart enough to making caring matter.

there is a difference.


I think the exact opposite. Take Giroux for example. We know he has talent. We've seen it. We've also seen him coast plenty of times this year. You don't score 76, 93, and 48 (in 48 games) if you are "not talented"

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What I find truly amazing is that heart and soul type players like Richards  and Giroux, guys I'd never thought would mail it in...appear to do so on this team. Is there a Club Med type of attitude going on in this franchise? Cause it sure seems like it sometimes. 


You might have seen this story as it's gotten national headlines, but some kid just got off with killing 4 people in a DUI case with a slap on the wrist. Not 1, but 4 people are dead because of this kid. His lawyers put for the defense that he was raised in a rich family, essentially spoiled, and didn't know getting behind the wheel drunk was wrong. He's 16., not 5. 


These guys are grown men. They're young men, but they're men. If they don't know that you have to try hard and put forth a good effort at work, that's on them, even if management does spoil them. There comes a point you have to be an adult and take responsibility for your own performance.

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I know Chicago's a really good team, but they got COMPLETELY EXPOSED tonight.

As Timonen said before the game, it was a measuring stick game. See where they stack up.

Well, as we can all plainly see, that was the difference between a Stanley Cup champion *team* against a random assembly of guys who didn't make the playoffs last year.

There's a pretty big difference, I'd say.

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Who exactly do we have on defense that is of any real value? Who would anyone actually want from our defensive corps?

Coburn probably has the highest value among our active defensemen.

Luke Schenn probably has decent value because of his age (though certainly not JVR-value).

Meszaros can get you a middle-round pick (3rd-5th).

I think those are the only 3 that might *realistically* get traded.

Personally, I think it would be a mistake to trade Coburn. I don't care much about the other two, but I think Luke Schenn will be a solid 2nd pairing defenseman in his career, and every team needs that. Plus, he's young and his brother is here, so I'd keep him too. I think he has more value to the Flyers than what you could get in return.

What about Morin or Hagg? They are both unknowns, potentially 2nd pairing defensemen... but rumour is Montreal has a hankering for Morin.

Other than that, it's unlikely that Streit ot Timonen will be moved, even though it would be nice to move both of them at the deadline. Depending on the market, you could get a really nice return for Streit.

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