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So....say somebody calls you about Emery


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  I'm in the "have to WOW me club. For the first time in EONS, we have a good solid tandem. My gut tells me we very could be in a playoff position, and as everyone knows from recent history, once you are in....anything can happen. Mason is a legit starter, and most likely the future in net, but Emery adds stability and excellent insurance for a potential playoff run.


  Here is my problem, if Mason did get hurt after Emery is gone, we call up friggin Heeter, OR Homer gets taken to the cleaners having to give up valuable assets to re-acquire a goalie. Nobody would help out Homer and feel sorry for him, the asking price for any tender would be outrageous because Homer would be dealing from a position of absolute weakness. We could conceivably end up paying more to re-acquire a goalie than we could get for Emery in the first place. There are simply to many scary variables.


 Of course, this is all dependent on the teams standing at the deadline. If we go back to sucking, I'd really work hard to trade Emery. If he stayed, A) we might lose him for nothing or B) he would help screw up our draft position, adding pts when we don't need them, like last years Leaf like winning streak which caused us to miss out on Seth Jones and a few other wicked potential stars.


 Emery would be the perfect throw in on a big time deal which could bring a really good solid player back, so yeah, I listen...just depends on playoff potential for this team....if we are anywhere close, you just don't deal him, simple as that.

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I could understand if it was March and the Flyers were out of the PO picture and one of the reasons was the backup goaltending. But Fan you talk like you want to shop him now. What is it about Ray Emery you don't like? You're bringing up his health? IIRC since he's recovered from the nerve thing - something everyone said he'd never recover from - he's been out of the lineup exactly once, right around PO time last season...somewhere around then.

A team's success depends a lot on intangible elements like chemistry and confidence. Why on Earth would you risk disrupting things now? For all we know (and hear) Emery is a solid contributor on and off the ice. A lot has changed in his life since the Ottawa days. What made him a good goalie then has gotten stronger - finding the will and work ethic to come back from an almost certain career-ending disease will tend to do that - and what made him a liability has diminished. Mason seems to be suffering no ill effects from his presence. Crawford loved the guy in Chicago. I can't understand your zeal to move him for ... what? who?

Whoa, deep breaths. All he was doing was asking if you're GM and you get that call would you?

Just a question and a little devil's advocate.

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Wow... that is a great question and great post.


I would have to be absolutely bowled over to make the trade.  Honestly, I would have to be bowled over to make any trade right now.   This Team is finding it's groove and if they keep the pace up they will be a tough Team to play against.   That is what I like more than anything right now - they are actually a tough team to play right now.   They have their flaws but to mess w/ the checmistry right now it near negligent.


I am willing to listen and it would take a whole lot.  I like the situation in goal - a lot.

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Wow how out-of-left-field is this? Let's take the 1 position that has absolutely no problems and cause some trouble. Take the hardest position in the NHL to fill - fill it beautifully - and then trade away 1 of them. Brilliant!



There is street wisdom in your point. My only concern that hasn't come up in the thread is budget bucks. With the cap increase I hope we can keep both. The question may be what each expects with a possible resigning. 


Visiting in the region...up in Boston now but flying in for Turkey Day...will be at Black Friday game with brother. Best to you...and lay off the the canoli and other chow...keep in battle trim.. (smile).




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haha! Thank you Howie for your kindness (as always) - I hope you are enjoying your trip up to the chilly Northern states... going anywhere near Vineland this time around? I haven't been to the old town in years but a few of us were reminiscing the other day about the family store on Landis Ave...way back in the '30s and '40s...Their claim to fame was offering the first color televisions in Vineland...back when folks would gather on the sidewalk for hours to see the modern marvel in all its broadcast glory!


I don't like the thought of moving Emery (or Mason) and I hope your concerns over the $$ don't hamper the Flyers too much. Solid goaltending - what we've all cried and moaned over for years...decades even! - we've finally got it and I would hope it's the Flyers' priority to keep it.


It's a day later now and I'm still astounded anyone would contemplate trading Emery.


Thanks again Howie! All the best to you and yours for the holiday!

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@EDI-Flyer  Ya know, I've seen enough, re-up both these guys before their price goes through the roof!!  It is time to start thinking about that. With each passing game, their prices will most certainly rise. I'm totally behind giving Mason the reigns and having Emery as one of the worlds best backups. The only drawback is what will Mason play like in the playoffs. That may determine how many years and how much cash he will inevitably get. Of course, the real danger is they both implode in the playoffs (growing more and more certain that we *will* end up in the post season!) and they are both signed to multi-year deals. Murphy's law applies the Flyers more often than not, what can go wrong, will go wrong.....lol.  Mason's skill set is terrific, he might go into a slump like most goalies, but he's so talented I can't foresee an extended slump. 


 If we jump the gun right now, Mason might be had for 10 mill at 3 years. If we wait and he kicks some serious ass in the playoffs, we are looking at 3 years 15 mill +. 

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I tend to agree, and certainly I'd be happy to lock Mase up on those terms. The only positive is that he's only RFA not UFA. Personally I try and sign Emery for two years at 2-2.5 per annum. I don't think he is going to command a whole lot more than that on the open market.


Like you I'm more and more confident that we will make the playoffs and would love to see how Mase plays there. I realise that the playoffs are different but can see no reason for him to suddenly implode. He has his confidence back and the form he showed in his Calder season. Amazing how a change of scene has revitalised him so completely.

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If we jump the gun right now, Mason might be had for 10 mill at 3 years. If we wait and he kicks some serious ass in the playoffs, we are looking at 3 years 15 mill +.

I would not be opposed to a 3 yr 10mil contract with performance bonuses that took it to 15 mil for stellar play. I like Emery and think he is doing a wonderful job as back up but my concern with him is his hip. If he were to start playing the lion's share of the games, would his hip hold up to the grind.

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