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They're just getting worse and worse

King Knut

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As each game goes by now.

Before they were getting better and better.

It truly looks like they've given up on the season already.

Can't blame them. The math at getting back into it is already pretty impossible.

I can't believe how I'm not getting over it either. Each night I think, maybe now is when they turn it around and start looking like professionals

It's just not going to happen. They're just amateurs. That's all there is to it.

Shameful. Can't boo these schmucks enough as far as I'm concerned.

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What the hell is happening out there?

When is someone going to take reaponsibility for this **** storm and apologize to us?

Holy hell! I just can't... I mean losing is bad by holy Jesus. What the hell was that? Seriously,


The hell

Was that?

You are spot on... This is beyond embarrassment and a total meltdown of a team. Why I keep watching this garbage is beyond me...

It is time to do something... Trade someone, fire Homer, take the C away from G (yes, I said it)... Anything!

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The devils didn't even have to show up tonight.

This team is so inside out they will beat themselves senseless at this point.

I can't even fathom this level of atrocious hockey.

Plain and simple they SUCK and NO HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worse problems is you can't trade now cause you'll be ripped off. Have to suffer till Christmas! Homer must go whole change through out. Want outsiders LOL!

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The sad part is I have no clue where to even go from here. There is seriously something wrong here. How this team is this bad is beyond logic. Berube is not the answer and it obviously was not Lavys fault.

Someone, anyone needs to step up and face the music on this team. Call players out... Do something!

What a bunch of pansies

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Fire all Things

Berube (my phone's autocorrect keeps changing his name to bend) could very well have been a problem all along. At the very least he was clearly a horrible choice. Time to go.

But fire Holmgren first and let the replacement find the coach.

If you have time, put Drano in Snider's brandy. Got your culture right here, ass hole.

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It really is baffling. Not enough high end talent on this team, Ed and Homer think the Rinaldo's, Rosehill's and Downie's are still the key to championships. Oh well should get a high draft pick and tons of money to go after some UFA's in the off season, if Homer doesn't sign Kimmo to another $6,000,000 contract.

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There is nothing wrong with tough-guy hockey players,as long as they can play and they get a regular shift. Mel Bridgeman for example! Players who are just handed the job seem to be the main problem right now. Cooter,BD Schenn,Read,Mezzo,Timmonen,Giroux,Hartnell,etc. somebody needs to tell these guys this is a body contact sport,60minutes long,and both offense,and defense is required from all the players on the team,every game.

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Cooter,BD Schenn,Read,Mezzo,Timmonen,Giroux,Hartnell,etc. somebody needs to tell these guys this is a body contact sport,60minutes long,and both offense,and defense is required from all the players on the team,every game.



Add the rest of the skaters' names too, every one of them. That game was the worst I've ever seen from the Philadelphia Flyers, even worse than some of the crap we saw in the Barber era. I can't even find words to describe how bad that was.


Embarrassed and disgusted - fans, players and owners. Well at least we're all on the same page now.

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Berube (my phone's autocorrect keeps changing his name to bend) could very well have been a problem all along. At the very least he was clearly a horrible choice. Time to go.


i don'y know if he has been THE problem all along, but he is definitely the same problem.  i've finally decided that the issue is 90% coaching.  players just aren't where they are supposed to be, and it seems like they don't know where that is.


with 1:02 left in the third last night (i know, because i paused it and just stared, shaking my head), with the goalie pulled, ALL FOUR FORWARDS were at or below the offensive goal line.  all four.  lecavalier was at the goal line on the far boards, giroux (i think) at the goal line on the near boards, with the other two spaced between then behind the net.  the were working the puck side to side, with not a single person standing off the boards -much less in front of the net- to actually accomplish anything.  just, work it along the boards, back and forth.  the two dmen were ON the blue line, so it wasn't even like they had sneaky support creeping in from there.


the one place you CAN NOT score a goal is behind the opposing goal.  you can set up a play from there, but the puck has to go to someone standing in front for that to work.  someone.  if everyone is committed to possessing the puck behind the goal, you will literally never score a goal.  


blew my mind.  how there wasn't a communicated system for how to create an overload with an extra skater and get a good chance on goal is completely beyond me.  that kind of thing is just 100% on the coaching staff.


that doesn't explain why meszaros has taken to kicking pucks into his own goal, or why the entire team thinks opposing sticks and skates are soft and porous and able to be passed through...but beyond execution, the team's play is structurally a disaster.

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Berube is not *the* issue. But he is not a solution either.


I said this when he was picked and say this again. My fear was that the guy only knows "play hard", "play as a team", "play disciplined hockey" bravados and nothing else. OK, this is all nice and good, but you still need to know how to actually COACH, you see. I would agree when some people say that x's and o's get overblown a little bit today. OK, fine, I don't think the coach-nerd will necessarily lead the team to the Stanley Cup. But he should at least possess some rudimentary ides how to coach.


I don't see this from Berube - not much to my surprise. I see the same stuff from him as I saw from Cashman, Barber, Stevens, Lavy (although of all of these guys he had at least *some* idea... may not be the best idea, but at least he had a style of play).


I also have to wonder how much respect the players actually have for Berube. We have been told at the press conference when Berube was introduced to the media that players respect him. I am not so sure this is true. I don't know, for one, why players would feel admiration and respect for the former pugilist who knew nothing about the actual game and only knew how to beat somebody senseless. I just can't imagine how this would elicit much of players' respect, honestly.


The bottom line - this team is a total, complete, utter embarrassment.  They may be the worst team in the league right now.  The team has no clue.  And it begins with their despicable and arrogant owner, the old fool who has been steadily DESTROYING this team for decades and finally reached his ultimate goal now.  The Old Man killed this franchise. 

Edited by Mad Dog
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Berube is not *the* issue. But he is not a solution either.


I said this when he was picked and say this again. My fear was that the guy only knows "play hard", "play as a team", "play disciplined hockey" bravados and nothing else. OK, this is all nice and good, but you still need to know how to actually COACH, you see. I would agree when some people say that x's and o's get overblown a little bit today. OK, fine, I don't think the coach-nerd will necessarily lead the team to the Stanley Cup. But he should at least possess some rudimentary ides how to coach.


I don't see this from Berube - not much to my surprise. I see the same stuff from him as I saw from Cashman, Barber, Stevens, Lavy (although of all of these guys he had at least *some* idea... may not be the nest idea, but at least he had a style of play).

O also have to wonder how much respect the players actually have for Berube. We have been told on the press conference when Berube was introduced to the media that players respect him. I am not so sure this is true. I don't know, for one, why players would feel admiration and respect for the former pugilist who knew nothing about the actual game and only knew how to beat somebody senseless. I just can't imagine how this would elicit much of players' respect, honestly.


The bottom line - this team is a total, complete, utter embarrassment.  They may be the worst team in the league right now.  The team has no clue.  And it begins with their despicable and arrogant owner, the old fool who has been steadily DESTROYING this team for decades and finally reached his ultimate goal now.  The Old Man killed this franchise. 



Cheers, well said MD...  


I do not see The Chief being part of the solution and still have no idea why he was hired.  Lavy was obviously not the problem with this group.  I am not sure what *the* problem is but until then we will continue to be embarrassed. 

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Cheers, well said MD...  


I do not see The Chief being part of the solution and still have no idea why he was hired.  Lavy was obviously not the problem with this group.  I am not sure what *the* problem is but until then we will continue to be embarrassed. 


I think the problem is multi-fold, unfortuntely.  But one of the most obvious issues I see is the lack of structure and direction that coaches are supposed to be providing to their players.  There is no methodology or clear sense as to how this team plays.  There is no identity.  One thing that *has* been constant with this team even going back to teh last season is chaos in all three zones.  Last season people were blaming it on Bryzgalov and that the players had no confidence in him and, as a result,  were playing scary.  Well, we both know Bryzgalov has been long gone.  Yet they still are playig like they have no clue what they are doing on the ice.


I refuse to believe that these players can do no better than their records and, more importantly, their play shows. Giroux, Voracek, Simmonds, Hartnell, Mez, Timonen, B Schenn couldn't suddenly forget how to play fundemental hockey. 


I put this squarely on the coach.

Edited by Mad Dog
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nothing else makes sense.


And I am trying to be analytical and simply don't see any other explanation for this disaster.  If it was a team of AHLers, I would throw my arms up and say, "Well, what else are we supposed to have expected" It would be bad, but at least it would be explainable. 


But as I mentioned, this team features some really good players with demonstrated success, beginning with one unquestioned star.  Why all of a sudden they look so terrible and inapt? 

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And I am trying to be analytical and simply don't see any other explanation for this disaster.  If it was a team of AHLers, I would throw my arms up and say, "Well, what else are we supposed to have expected" It would be bad, but at least it would be explainable. 


But as I mentioned, this team features some really good players with demonstrated success, beginning with one unquestioned star.  Why all of a sudden they look so terrible and inapt? 

MD..totally agree.  This is a disaster of historic proportions.  I know all of us on here are banging our collective heads trying to figure this out.  I have watched hockey for almost 30 yrs now.  Never have I seen such ineptitude by a collections of players ever assembled on the ice.  When does somebody finally stand up and say "The Buck Stops Here!"

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