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Timmy P's Thoughts on Emery

King Knut

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For the last time - (if you don't get it by now you never will) - if you're challenged to fight you fight. Period. End of story. If you don't, if you chicken out and run away, or worse try to talk your way out of it .... well what do you call a guy who does that?


I--and apparently others here--don't agree with that premise.


And if you don't get it by now you never will, but the problem was before that.  There was absolutely no need--with exactly ONE fight going on between two "typical" (and willing) combatants--for him to leave his net to go all the way down there.  None.

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Posted · Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic
Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic

No.  Not recently.  I don't remember the last time I saw a goalie skate the length of the ice because ONE fight was going on and pummel another goalie that clearly wasn't engaged in any of it and clearly didn't want to fight.  So the above statement really is just flat out fantasy land crap.


**Well that's because you don't watch much hockey**



You know what, Mr. 12 posts?  You don't need to tell me or anyone else what to watch or not watch.   No one in this thread or elsewhere is saying "don't watch it."  If your posts are going to be that incredibly ignorant, please stop at 12 posts.


**I only have 12 post because I don't resort to name calling and calling other posters ignorant.  **  Not agreeing with me is one thing, we all have that right, but you sound like one of those people who are doing the same thing you accuse Emery of.  **

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Posted · Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic
Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic


No.  Not recently.  I don't remember the last time I saw a goalie skate the length of the ice because ONE fight was going on and pummel another goalie that clearly wasn't engaged in any of it and clearly didn't want to fight.  So the above statement really is just flat out fantasy land crap.


**Well that's because you don't watch much hockey**



You know what, Mr. 12 posts?  You don't need to tell me or anyone else what to watch or not watch.   No one in this thread or elsewhere is saying "don't watch it."  If your posts are going to be that incredibly ignorant, please stop at 12 posts.


**I only have 12 post because I don't resort to name calling and calling other posters ignorant.  **  Not agreeing with me is one thing, we all have that right, but you sound like one of those people who are doing the same thing you accuse Emery of.  **


I'm accusing you of being wrong because you are.


I'm accusing you of being ignorant because you are.  To you, telling people simply disagreeing on the aspect of A game to not watch is what, exactly?  I'll help you:  it's ignorant.


This is the last I'll discuss this with you.  

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**Well that's because you don't watch much hockey**


know what?  name one.  just one time a goalie went the length of the ice to get at another goalie who was not involved in anything at all.  bet you can't.

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that's right K - he embarrasses himself at first by whining, "oh no, please, not lil' ol' me...I'm just a-standing here minding my own business."


ray: "toughshit pal you're wearing the wrong sweater tonight. Put up your dukes and let's go."


and then Mr. Holtby gives it a shot. He gets creamed quickly, falls to his knees - and I agree that's when Ray should've quit. But he didn't, he added a few more chops to the back of his lid for good measure. Big deal. None of those shots hurt Holtby, no way.


@ruxpin - I totally agree with you - the Emery thing was the exclamation point on a night full of stupidity out of the O&B. Well said.


[edit: @ruxpin - but you're way off on the Downie thing. Vopatti clocked him good right in the face and according to everything I read that's when SD said "whoa I'm hurt" and V knew he wasn't kidding. A classy move by Volpatti to hear that and immediately quit hauling off. A terrible fight by Downie, who didn't protect himself at all against that shot.]


So he deserved it because.....he didn't want to fight? Yeah, that makes sense.

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Posted · Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic
Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic

I'm accusing you of being wrong because you are.


I'm accusing you of being ignorant because you are.  To you, telling people simply disagreeing on the aspect of A game to not watch is what, exactly?  I'll help you:  it's ignorant.


This is the last I'll discuss this with you.  



 It's my opinion alone and that doesn't make me wrong.  You're the ignorant one who resorts to name calling.  Enough said.

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Posted · Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic
Hidden by ruxpin, November 4, 2013 - Off-topic

 It's my opinion alone and that doesn't make me wrong.  You're the ignorant one who resorts to name calling.  Enough said.

What opinion did you espouse?


What happened vs the capitals has been played many many times before by all NHL team.


This was your conclusion to your statement, which I disagreed with on it's merit.  You're welcome to respond to back it up.  I think it's wrong on merit.  Feel free to cite an example.  THAT would be discussing your point.


And, like other posters have stated, you're in control.  Don't like it don't watch it.  Pretty simple.


This is not an opinion and is unnecessary and is actually counter-productive to the discussion at hand.  If you don't like "ignorant," I'm sorry I didn't have a better descriptive term at that moment.  Perhaps "unnecessary" and "counter-productive" would have been better on my part originally.


In any case, try to argue on the merits of the discussion and stay away from the "don't watch it" stuff.  No one else is doing that.

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So...youze guys don't see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery, one of the last guys anywhere you're going to talk out of anything let alone fighting.


It's hard to converse with people who refuse to even attempt understanding the opposing viewpoint. I've gone as far as I can seeing your "side," I've acknowledged the Emery/Holtby "fight" was, as Rux said an "exclamation point" to the stupidity of the Flyers' game that night. That implies I believe it as stupid and unnecessary. I've reiterated too many times now that it did nothing for me as a fan.


But if you can't see how Holtby embarrassed himself in that situation then you're either being deliberately contrary or else you are all women. It's got to be one or the other! LOL. (and for those of you playing at home here is the obligatory "jk" addendum: JK)

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So...youze guys don't see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery, one of the last guys anywhere you're going to talk out of anything let alone fighting.

It's hard to converse with people who refuse to even attempt understanding the opposing viewpoint. I've gone as far as I can seeing your "side," I've acknowledged the Emery/Holtby "fight" was, as Rux said an "exclamation point" to the stupidity of the Flyers' game that night. That implies I believe it as stupid and unnecessary. I've reiterated too many times now that it did nothing for me as a fan.

But if you can't see how Holtby embarrassed himself in that situation then you're either being deliberately contrary or else you are all women. It's got to be one or the other! LOL. (and for those of you playing at home here is the obligatory "jk" addendum: JK)

I'm just gonna reiterate that Holtby isn't embarrassed. He pitched a shutout and finished after Rayzor imploded.

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But if you can't see how Holtby embarrassed himself in that situation then you're either being deliberately contrary or else you are all women. It's got to be one or the other! LOL. (and for those of you playing at home here is the obligatory "jk" addendum: JK)


i'm just putting myself in his shoes.  i'm standing there, an NHL goalie.  my job is to stop pucks, don't get involved with the rough and tumble stuff that goes on in the game in front of me.  i'm a goalie.  just isn't part of the job description.  so, in this game, we are absolutely killing the other team, and a fight breaks out.  typical, these guys can't hang with us, so they start punching instead.  what ever, just gonna stand here.  oh, hey, the other goalie coming down the ice.  i wonder if he's a nice guy outside of the rink, he has some cool tattoos and apparently dresses really well.  and two lambos!!  so, yeah, wonder what he wants.  oh, hey, what?  no, i don't want to fight you, why would i want to fight you??  i saw how backstrom gave you that extra shot when you covered the puck a little bit ago, not cool, but that wasn't me!  he's standing right there, go talk to him!  what?  defend myself, what?  why?  i- OW!  HEY, CUT THAT OUT!  WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM?  JESUS CHRIST, YOU TRAIN FOR BOXING IN THE OFFSEASON, WHY ARE YOU COMING AT ME??


i dunno, man.  it's just crap.  dude doesn't want to fight, has done nothing he needs to "answer" for, imo, that should be the end of it.  emery trying pathetically to save face after his ECHL performance is the thing that sticks out, not that a goalie isn't real interested in fighting with the other team's backup.

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Why are you guys bullying 88


I've gotten destroyed in here for supporting Bryz last season and Snider this year when everyone piled on the guy, and once again this 88 poster is getting killed and banishment threats for disagreeing with naysayers and suporting his team/players.  Seems if you're not part of the mob with pitchforks and torches you are a problem here.


How about having some respect for others who don't share your perfect opinion? 

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So...youze guys don't see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery, one of the last guys anywhere you're going to talk out of anything let alone fighting.


It's hard to converse with people who refuse to even attempt understanding the opposing viewpoint. I've gone as far as I can seeing your "side," I've acknowledged the Emery/Holtby "fight" was, as Rux said an "exclamation point" to the stupidity of the Flyers' game that night. That implies I believe it as stupid and unnecessary. I've reiterated too many times now that it did nothing for me as a fan.


But if you can't see how Holtby embarrassed himself in that situation then you're either being deliberately contrary or else you are all women. It's got to be one or the other! LOL. (and for those of you playing at home here is the obligatory "jk" addendum: JK)


Well, if it helps, I can absolutely see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery.  I mean, it's fairly clear how well that worked out.  It's nothing if not ridiculous.  I'll give you that he needs to drop his gloves there.  He apparently ended up with a 5 minute major for being pummeled, so there's absolutely no point in not dropping and trying to do SOMETHING.  Or, as king knut said, just turtle.  Or run like hell.


So, yes, ridiculous.  Almost laughably so.


Of the two, though, I'd rather be Holtby with the shutout and be embarrassed for not fighting rather than be the guy embarrassed for skating the length of the ice for not particular purpose other than at least a misdemeanor (anywhere else) followed by being embarrassed for my actual play.

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banishment threats


hey, i have no banishment powers here, no threats, just a friendly heads up.  not because he disagreed with anything, just that his last 5 or 6 posts had been one line trolling without any on-topic content.  my understanding is that doesn't last real long here.

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How about having some respect for others who don't share your perfect opinion? 


That, sir, is a two way street.


"Just stop watching" is a comment with no respect for "others who don't share your perfect opinion."


It wasn't an "opinion" that was being disrespected. It was the "just stop watching" comment.

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Well, if it helps, I can absolutely see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery.  I mean, it's fairly clear how well that worked out.  It's nothing if not ridiculous.  I'll give you that he needs to drop his gloves there.  He apparently ended up with a 5 minute major for being pummeled, so there's absolutely no point in not dropping and trying to do SOMETHING.  Or, as king knut said, just turtle.  Or run like hell.


So, yes, ridiculous.  Almost laughably so.


Of the two, though, I'd rather be Holtby with the shutout and be embarrassed for not fighting rather than be the guy embarrassed for skating the length of the ice for not particular purpose other than at least a misdemeanor (anywhere else) followed by being embarrassed for my actual play.


works for me - and thank you! Seriously that's really all I've been trying to say - the whole damn time! What was so incredibly hard about acknowledging the fact that once "it's on" you don't back down?


Aziz - I like that story a lot better. The only "but" I'd add is what I just said to Rux.


So you're Holtby, standing there minding your own net, your team is all over the Flyers on the scoreboard...oh **** here they go, typical Flyers' crap...and now what? what's this? Emery is striding down ice with a mean, nasty look on his face? Oh wow what a dick... Guess I better quit daydreaming, he's obviously not a "cool guy" now - better meet this idiot in the only way I can (the way men do, the way hockey players do). What a drag, I didn't ask for this...but this mother is obviously intent on hitting me...can't just stand here...no point in talking .... = Goalie Fight!


That's all. No huge difference except in my scenario Hotby acts like a man and not a wuss. Other than that I agree with everything else you wrote, and what Rad wrote, Rux, MadDog, etc. The truly embarrassing act of the night was the Flyers - all Flyers.

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works for me - and thank you! Seriously that's really all I've been trying to say - the whole damn time! What was so incredibly hard about acknowledging the fact that once "it's on" you don't back down?


Aziz - I like that story a lot better. The only "but" I'd add is what I just said to Rux.


So you're Holtby, standing there minding your own net, your team is all over the Flyers on the scoreboard...oh **** here they go, typical Flyers' crap...and now what? what's this? Emery is striding down ice with a mean, nasty look on his face? Oh wow what a dick... Guess I better quit daydreaming, he's obviously not a "cool guy" now - better meet this idiot in the only way I can (the way men do, the way hockey players do). What a drag, I didn't ask for this...but this mother is obviously intent on hitting me...can't just stand here...no point in talking .... = Goalie Fight!


That's all. No huge difference except in my scenario Hotby acts like a man and not a wuss. Other than that I agree with everything else you wrote, and what Rad wrote, Rux, MadDog, etc. The truly embarrassing act of the night was the Flyers - all Flyers.


If I'm the "wuss" with the 7-0 win and the ejected, embarassed goalie who is the laughing stock of the league on the other side, I'll take that 11 times out of 10.

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That's all. No huge difference except in my scenario Hotby acts like a man and not a wuss.


i get it.  and i'd hope any flyers goalie would respond rather than not.  but....goalies are different than skaters.  the whole tough guy hockey player thing is kind of optional for them;  the responsibilities, skill sets and expectations are different.  of the 30-ish starters in the league, there really are probably 15 or 20 that are "wussies" by the standards of a skater.  ryan miller is their leader, with lunqvist as his second in command.  i guess i expect that, and am not shocked that one of them would do just about anything to get out of the way of a trained boxer beating them in the face.


points to goalies like marty biron answering the call when asked, he isn't even kind of a fighter but had the balls to step up...but i don't get real bothered by a different goalie trying to take a pass on it.  my guess is mason probably would duck and cover if ray emery came at him.

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Ah good point, I hadn't consider that at all but goalies are a different breed no question about it. Your point is well-taken, I probably shouldn't have been surprised to see a goalie back away from a fight, especially against Ray Emery. But I wasn't surprised at all to see Emery skating the length of the ice to start one. It was a little corny seeing as how the other fights were basically done by the time Ray got down there...


A bad night for the Flyers all the way around.

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I'm wondering what Bryz's response would have been had Emery been baring down on him.


"Hi Ray.  Consider this:   Of the stars I'm about to see, what percentage do you suppose are still there and what percentage have burned out but we don't know because the difference of light hasn't reached us yet?"   BOINK!

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So...youze guys don't see the ridiculousness of Holtby trying to talk his way out of fighting Ray Emery, one of the last guys anywhere you're going to talk out of anything let alone fighting.



Sorry, but I just don't understand this whole point of view AT ALL. And no, I am not being a contrarian. I just genuinely don't see why and how a goalie (or really any other player) rejecting a challenge to be fought is embarrassing himself?


Let's say there are two guys in a bar starting a fight. You just happen to be a companion of one of these guys. You had nothing to do with the fight and when the fight broke up, you continue sitting at your table, sipping your nice Guinness and eating your burger. From nowhere, I come to you and say, "Hey man. You are wearing a wrong short. Stand up and fight me like a man". So if you refuse to fight me, you somehow embarrassed yourself?


Now, if, on the other hand, you are actively getting in the middle of the fight trying to protect your pal, that's a completely different story. But you are seating at the table, peacefully eating your juicy burger, minding your own business, clearly showing no interest in the fight. And here I am, coming all the way from the other end of the bar asking you to fight me.


I am sorry, but this is one of the most absurd things I have ever heard. Nothing personal, but this is just plain idiotic.

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