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Would They Waive People to Send a Signal?


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I am not sure about the new waiver gig after the strike but wonder if someone would get waived as a signal. I don't even know who would be wanted but to put a Coburn or other on waiver would be interesting. 


When the GM admits it was painful to watch...not only should he go but I have to wonder if a new architect would have any hope of rebuild with the contracts we have.





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I would be reluctant to waive anyone that has any trade value (i.e. Coburn). As hated as the Flyers are i could see many GMs putting a claim in on a waiver player just to spite Homer and Snider. Now if your talking about waiving a player like Hall or Rosehill, I dont think that would have any impact on the team.


What about putting our Captain in the pressbox with Gill for a couple of games?



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