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Downie is Back!


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The move solves none of the Flyers problems.  But is it a short fix to win a few games... yeah.


I'll tell you what, if anything I'm now more inclined to watch the next few games, if only to see what effect adding Downie has on this stagnant lineup.

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Oh, I don't think this team is one player away from fixing the issues they are mired in.  I've never indicated, or even insinuated, that this is being the case.  And that's the reason I look at this trade as a can't-hurt type of deal only. 


As a matter of fact, I am not even sure that this would need to be about starting bringing some new players.  I am attributing the Flyers' problems to a flawed coaching system, because I refuse to believe that Giroux, Voracek, Simmonds, Hartnell, LeCavalier (although he has been more or less fine), B Schenn and others suddenly forgot how to play sound hockey.  I know this has been discussed to death, but thee is no way this team should have a record it has now.  No way.  Something is just not working.  Some fans don't buy that this is about x's and o's.  But than what is it about?  These are not some replacement players or a bunch of rookies who never played hockey before, yet this is how this team looks most of the time - lost.  Downie isn't going to fix it and as you mentioned, no one particular player would.


I agree. I don't think the problem is the players, or their effort. I think it's the "system" (or lack thereof). Which is why I don't expect a quick turnaround. It will take some time to get the players all on the same page. But I do think Downie, with his ability to play a puck possession type game and his hands and his passing, will help the offense. It's not a blockbuster trade, even though some people seem to be reacting like it is.

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I'll tell you what, if anything I'm now more inclined to watch the next few games, if only to see what effect adding Downie has on this stagnant lineup.



Just like a car wreck, I'm more inclined to watch the next few games just to see if a severed head rolls by.

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 Ha!  That is a cool idea for an autograph...a few years have passed, I can laugh now....!


Yeah that is kind of what I said to my brother after he signed it.  I will try and take a picture of it and post it here.  Max was really funny and joking around with the fans even though Lavi had just been fired a couple days before.  He was sitting next to Gus and was joiking with us that if only Gus got some playing time that they would be undefeated. 

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I am still trying to figure out who made the first call.


In all seriousness, I actually would like to know the genesis of this one.  It just seems so random that it would be interesting to know whose idea it was and what made either GM think of the player they ended up with.

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I thought this was an interesting read from the Denver Post:




Max Talbot-Steve Downie trade analysis

Posted By Adrian Dater On October 31, 2013 @ 6:26 pm In General Avs | 18 Comments


John Leyba, The Denver Post

DALLAS – Travel plans to come to this city were made a while ago, so despite all the hubbub around the Avs with their goaltender, Semyon Varlamov, I was on a plane to Dallas this morning. Of course, five minutes before the doors shut, the Avs also made a significant trade: Steve Downie for Max Talbot.

Why did the Avs move Downie, who seemed like he was playing well and a guy who added a lot of “jam” to a lineup that could use it?

I can only add my educated opinion at the moment:
- This is Downie’s final year of his contract, at a $2.65 million cap hit. After this season, he can be an unrestricted free agent. Talbot has two years left on his deal after this year, at a $1.75 million cap hit.
I don’t think the Avs felt Downie was in their long-range plans anymore, and weren’t going to pay some inflated new ticket to keep him after this year. So, yes, money-contract had a lot to do with this probably but …


- I think there was some concern with a slight decrease in speed with Downie, which is to be expected from a guy who had major reconstructive surgery on his right knee last year. He wore a brace and while I don’t think he is/was slow, I believe there was concern over that knee for the long-term.

- When Downie was moved off the line with Matt Duchene and Ryan O’Reilly at practice Wednesday, that was an obvious sign that Patrick Roy had some concerns. He had gone 10 straight games without a goal, despite ample ice time with two top-performing forwards.

- I sensed that Roy was growing a bit uneasy with Downie’s temper and occasional bad penalties. (Stop the Roy-temper jokes please).
In a game at Washington a couple weeks ago, Downie went ballistic over some fairly routine pushing and shoving from a couple Caps players. He started slamming his stick uncontrollably on the ice and generally going berserk. Roy walked the length of the bench to come over to Downie when he came back to it and spent about 25 seconds with his hand on his shoulder, talking with him. Then, in a game against Carolina last week at home, Downie punched the glass with his fist after another non-call he was upset about.

The on-the-edge, fiery demeanor of Downie can serve a hockey team well sometimes, but when you’re out of control over every call and maybe taking penalties over it, it doesn’t serve a team well. I just got the feeling that maybe Roy thought he couldn’t control Downie enough, that he was on something of his own island as a player. I could be wrong, but it’s my hunch.

There was a really nasty incident between Downie and captain Gabe Landeskog in a training camp scrimmage too. We noted it at the time. There was some serious profanity going back and forth between Downie and the team captain, which left an uncomfortable feeling maybe.

A lot of people think the Avs won this trade. Talbot is considered a tough, character player. And, heck, he was a Game 7 Stanley Cup hero for Pittsburgh in 2009. He’s been there in the biggest clutch game a hockey player can play.

Here’s some advanced stat analysis [1] of why the Avs won the deal.

I think Downie was always more comfortable in the Eastern Conference, and a move back to Philly might be the best thing for him too. It could be a trade that benefits both sides, but I know the Avs are happy to have Talbot on their side now.

I think Downie did many good things with the Avs too, and it’s possible the Avs might regret this deal. Hope he does well with the Flyers.

- – - – - –
About the Varlamov situation: I’m hearing he will start Saturday’s game against Montreal. But we probably won’t get any confirmation on that until tomorrow.
I am leaving a lot of the court-room stuff to our able news side reporters on the story [2], but will report what I see with him Friday.

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In all seriousness, I actually would like to know the genesis of this one.  It just seems so random that it would be interesting to know whose idea it was and what made either GM think of the player they ended up with.


Sources said many teams had inquired about Talbot over the past year, but the Flyers and Avalanche had spoken multiple times about this deal before pulling the trigger yesterday.




Sounds like teams have been interested in Talbot, so my guess is that the Avs initiated the discussion.

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After reading this and other assessments  I have to think the style may mean more than the substance. It is a classic Flyers move to bring back someone. And the style of hockey Downie brings to the table is "Broad Street."  I suspect the guy won't get resigned. His penalties and whatever will be a liability. Meanwhile, Homer does the SOS.  I might have been happier if Talbot went for a good AHL prospect or pick.  Instead we recycle someone whose merits and demerits will be tough to sort out.





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