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imo snider freaked over richards and carter partying


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Great post. 


I love this part of the Holmgren quote, after the Richards trade:


 I view Claude as sort of Mike Richards-like in his competitiveness and his ability to do a lot of things for us offensively and defensively."




Now, is it really hard to imagine the exact same quote with two different names?


 I view Mason as sort of Bobrovsky-like in his competitiveness and his ability to do a lot of things for us in goal."


They're just all over the map and unfocused.


Actually, let me rephrase that. They're hyperfocused on the Cup to the exclusion of the reality that surrounds them.

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When did everyone get so thin skinned?

i don't think anyone is thinned skinned so much as you went full retard and no one likes to deal with that.  have a point to make, make it.  just dial back the hysterics.  or, don't.  

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Oh how I missed conversing with Aziz.  I honestly didn't think this forum big enough for both you and that high horse you rode in on.  Oh well, fool me once, shame on me... fool me twice and well who gives a damn?


Honestly... I have no idea how everyone here and everyone associated with the team is not in complete hysterics.

Yes, I admit, I went full on Roman Cechmanek after the Canucks game... but seriously... the Flyers are now in serious competition for the record for fewest wins in a season.  The rate at which they are losing is staggering.  Our 8 million dollar kid can't find the net or the tape of anyone else's stick. 


Only the Devils are worse, but at least the Devils know how to tie, so they're outperforming our guys points wise.


I mean if no one cares about the team and are okay with them being miserable or if you all think discussing new line combinations is really the thing that's going to "make the difference" I guess that's okay.  That's your prerogative I suppose.  But I'm pretty pissed myself.  I don't like hating this team.  I don't like feeling no hope for them.  I don't like thinking that this is never going to end.... and yeah it drives me nuts. 


If no one likes to deal with someone getting upset about an absolute atrocity on the ice, then maybe they don't have to read it.  Or is there some magical power I have over all of you?


If so, cool... but I would like to have known.




i don't think anyone is thinned skinned so much as you went full retard and no one likes to deal with that. have a point to make, make it. just dial back the hysterics. or, don't.
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I'll chime in here. Just the fact that Flyer management had to dream up/concoct/ Dry Island is very telling. From the outside looking in, that appears like an outright act of desperation. Can you imagine what the Flyers players were saying to each other, when that bomb was dropped on the team? Just the fact they had to dream it up is downright embarrassing and Mike and Jeff had their priorities WAY out of whack. I would propose that if they were not traded, with their long term deals kicking into NTC's (at least for Jeff, forget Mike's status there) the situation would have gotten way worse. You don't let the inmates run the asylum. The only question is whether the Flyers management were blowing their partying out of proportion. Again, I would suggest they were not, that Jeff and Mike really were out of control.

To the posters suggesting Mike and Jeff = cup.....Pllllleasssseeee. Did you even watch the playoffs that year? Sure, they both played a big role, but that cup was 100% built on the outstanding goaltending of Quick. Mike and Jeff do not equal = cup, Quick = cup....they would have NEVER done it without him.

Who knows how much of Dry Island leaked out and put the Flyers at a disadvantage in those deals? At the least, they were dealing malcontents that did not respect authority. Considering those circumstances, they did quite well. I'd take Vorachek straight up for Carter anyday, credit the Flyers pro scouts for knowing what we were getting, when a lot raised their eyebrows. Was Coots a wise use of the pick coming back, time will tell, but I"m not thrilled with his start (pts wise).

I still wonder, why both of them had to be dealt. If Carter was shipped out, would Richards just break down, become a sobbing fool because his joined at the hip buddy was shipped out? Would that have solved the problem? Then, G is the first line center and Mike, much better suited for the 2nd line role, could have been doing that for the Flyers, and not the Kings.

I hated Carter at the end, most know that. I'm thrilled he's gone. He has so much raw talent, but never evolved. Does just enough to pass himself off as involved. Very, very frustrating player to watch. With his shot and skating, he could have been so much more. I'll never forgive him for the missed wide open net against Chicago...winners, they bury that, losers...they miss the gaping wide open net that could have certainly changed the tide of that series.

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I actually think it goes back much farther than that. The organization didn't want another Pelle Lindbergh tragedy. Management tried various ways to change their ways. Both Richards an Carter were the face of the franchise, players were brought in around them who made the situation worse, and one by one the supporting cast was traded, still they did not take to managements desires. The organization gave them the leadership roles to which they both failed, they brought in leaders around them, which divided the room.

To defend Holmgren he really had no other choice but to trade them before they became permanent fixtures.

They didn't want Richards crashing into a wall with the terrific car he got at West German BMW.

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It wasn't just the drinking and banging everything that moved that got Richards traded guys. I love Richards and when I think of him as a flyer I always remember the shorty against Montreal. However, when your using pain meds like a pez dispenser it's a problem. He got traded and got a wake up call. It helped Richards career which homer wanted. Nobody was more upset about the trade then him. So snider forced the move based on what the team knew.

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It wasn't just the drinking and the banging everything that moved and the using the pain meds like a pez dispenser that got Richards traded.   And you all know how much I loved the guy while he was here.   It was the hanging out in Episcopal church cemeteries wearing a Little Bo Peep outfit and sacrificing baby ducklings to Balaam, the three-headed demon king.  If this were not bad enough, he was known to hang the carcasses of the ducklings in his locker room stall to summon the legions of Beelzebub.   The truth about the partying and the banging was that this was also satanic ritual (this didn't work out quite as nicely for Richards because they needed the blood of virgins.  Since he found mostly UPenn girls, he didn't find a single one).  Of course Carter (who you know I also loved while he was here) was also in on it.


When Snider found out, he was livid because he is the favored son of Lucifer, to whom he sold his soul 40 years for two Cups, the deal being that after his two cups his team would never win another and that he would become the source of agony and frustration for millions in Philly and around the globe.  There could not be competition in the organization among the demonic legion so therefore Richards and Carter had to go.

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It wasn't just the drinking and the banging everything that moved and the using the pain meds like a pez dispenser that got Richards traded.   And you all know how much I loved the guy while he was here.   It was the hanging out in Episcopal church cemeteries wearing a Little Bo Peep outfit and sacrificing baby ducklings to Balaam, the three-headed demon king.  If this were not bad enough, he was known to hang the carcasses of the ducklings in his locker room stall to summon the legions of Beelzebub.   The truth about the partying and the banging was that this was also satanic ritual (this didn't work out quite as nicely for Richards because they needed the blood of virgins.  Since he found mostly UPenn girls, he didn't find a single one).  Of course Carter (who you know I also loved while he was here) was also in on it.


When Snider found out, he was livid because he is the favored son of Lucifer, to whom he sold his soul 40 years for two Cups, the deal being that after his two cups his team would never win another and that he would become the source of agony and frustration for millions in Philly and around the globe.  There could not be competition in the organization among the demonic legion so therefore Richards and Carter had to go.


There was that time he used the Necronomicon to summon Cthulu


And then Ed Snider walked into the dressing room...



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There was that time he used the Necronomicon to summon Cthulu


And then Ed Snider walked into the dressing room...




Well yes, but only because he, too, wanted an octopus head.   More arms hold more beer and feel up more women.   It's all about the lovecraft.

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