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Couple of things


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You have no idea where I come from or how long I have been following the game.



You read as though you're new to Flyers Hockey and Philly Sports in General.  Your general positive and hopeful outlook suggests youth.


Certainly you seem new to these sort of message boards, the kind of place where hyperbolic letting off of steam is completely commonplace and often expected.


Am i really the first "blow it all up" poster you've ever read?  I can't imagine so.


I bring intelligent discussion to this board and have to this and others for years.  I've been angry too.  I'm the one who was discussing before this seasons started my uneasy feeling about this team that I couldn't place.  I had hope, but did not feel good about it and I couldn't figure out why.


If you have been a fan of Philadelphia sports for more than a few years than the concept of being used to failure but unable to tolerate complete incompetence should be very familiar to you.


In the case of the Flyers, they have failed for 38 years to win another cup... BUT they have not been so completely incompetent as to miss the playoffs more than a handful of years within that stretch.  And missing them twice in a row is nearly unheard of.  It only happened once as I recall.


I'm sorry, but missing the playoffs for a Flyers fan is completely unacceptable.  Missing it twice in a row is so far beyond unacceptable that I shouldn't need to be explaining this.


My questions for you are: Who are you to suggest that a disgruntled Flyers fan can't blow off steam about how terrible his team is this year on a Flyers discussion board?


How the hell are you okay with the level of play they've been showing us.


And if the answer to the second question involves some delusional explanation of how the Canucks game was actually a pretty good effort, don't bother typing it.


They played a bad game desperately enough to keep it close and they very appropriately got beat by mediocre execution of a far superior game plan and system.  Plain and simple.   It wasn't an unlucky bounce.  It was the consistent application, execution and dedication to an organized game plan.  The Canucks had one and they worked it.  Our guys didn't.

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There is nothing wrong with missing the playoffs. Missing the playoffs leads to cup wins. How you ask? High draft picks equals guys like Crosby, Mckinnon, Hall, Weber...guys you build around and need to win. You keep retooling and signing free agents and trading young guys away to win now you will never win as proof its been 30 some years since our last cup because of our win now mentality. Sometimes you need to take a step back to take two steps forward. You as a long time follower of the game should know that. The Penguins missing the playoffs more then two years in a row has won them the cup and has the best player in the world on there team.


Also  I never said I was okay with the way we are playing....

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There is nothing wrong with missing the playoffs. Missing the playoffs leads to cup wins. How you ask? High draft picks equals guys like Crosby, Mckinnon, Hall, Weber...guys you build around and need to win. You keep retooling and signing free agents and trading young guys away to win now you will never win as proof its been 30 some years since our last cup because of our win now mentality. Sometimes you need to take a step back to take two steps forward. You as a long time follower of the game should know that. The Penguins missing the playoffs more then two years in a row has won them the cup and has the best player in the world on there team.


Also  I never said I was okay with the way we are playing....

In terms of building a winning team through the draft, you need to be skilled at it too. Detroit is excellent at that. Edmonton is not.

Just for kicks, I took a look at the Bruins SC roster of 2011, and 11 players were drafted and developed by the Bruins. By contrast, there are currently 5 players on the Flyers that were drafted by them. Two other guys (Read and Raffl) are UFA signees, and because I didn't look at that for the Bruins, I'm excluding them from the Flyers count as well.

Not sure what that proves, but it was an interesting thing to do over lunch.

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