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Snider "is in the locker room after every game" ! ? !


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exactly. And when you read the quotes from Alberts he says it like it's nothing - meaning he's not "exposing" anything - he's only saying what's already widely known, that Ed Snider is a total control-freak when it comes to the Flyers.



Yeah, it sounds completely like a throw away line that wasn't meant to imply anything.  I think it's quite telling, though.

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Pope Francis, murray, no - but I give solid, hard evidence for my opinions. I don't just say "a ton" and leave it at that, then complain someone whizzed in my wheatabix when my point of view gets challenged (while still providing no actual "evidence" to back up my assertion). And, no, I don't like seeing my favorite sports franchise run into the ground by a bunch of self-important know-it-alls that haven't won a Cup since 1975 and have a worse record in the Final over the past 20 years of anyone who has been there more than twice.


Owners on the sidelines - and none of the owners you cite are what could be called "a good example" - are a bad idea. Always have been, always will be.


Snyder in Washington? Have you seen the Redskins? A bigger disaster of an owner-meddled franchise you will be hard-pressed to find. Jones in Dallas? Seriously? The more he's been involved, the worse the team has gotten. Al Davis? Terry "hasn't been to the playoffs" Pegula? 


Jeff Lurie rarely is seen in the Eagles dressing room. 


I gave you direct quotes from Wirtz. What have the Blackhawks done lately? Has Jeremy Jacobs gone down to the locker room after every game? If it is such a usual occurance, why is it notable enough to be mentioned by a player and reported? Why can't you just provide a series of links to - I'll be generous - ten other NHL owners who are in the room "after every game"?


Having "a say" in day to day operations is different from sticking your nose into the players' business. And the locker room is the players' business. For the record, having someone like a Mario Lemieux lacing them up for a practice isn't a comparable. Neither is having your owner in a first row seat instead of an owner's box.


Note the term "owner's box".


Snider is in "the room" "after every game"? Really? Odd that having changed players, coaches, trainers, goalies, skate sharpeners, dressing room configurations, stall assignments, third jerseys, alternate logos and lace counts that the coach still seems to "lose the room" with regularity.


Coincidence isn't causation, but if there is a common thread it might be more than just coincidence.


Culture of winning.



First, it was reported by one player who was here for a small cup of coffee so I would not put much credence into Alberts accounts. Your solid hard eveidence is based on one speculative statement of a has-been pylon. I provided a few examples (Cuban, Lurie, Steinbrenner, Jones. etc...) that counter your argument but I guess you just ignore the facts. You can say they all suck but last time I checked Cuban won a championship, Dallas won a bunch (albeit a while ago) and the Yankess have won more rings than any other team in baseball.  And BTW, Lurie and his X Wife are usually right at the locker room in the halls of the Linc after every home game.  But then again maybe his toes never crossed the threshold leading into the locker room. 


Therefore I ask: You really think an owner is sticking their nose into players lives by walking in the dressing room? Who cares if he goes into the dressing room? What does that direclty have to do w/ a Flyers team playing like ****? Awww.... is the Team feeling too much pressure? Boo f'ing Hoo! If that is the excuse than each on of these guys should be called out on the carpet for being a "meow."


Here are the cold hard facts about every post you made in the past month summed up into a few words: You hate Snider, You think the Flyers suck, You think management sucks, You think no matter what they will never get it right - after all that is typed out you throw a "Ninja" ( :ph34r: ) or two in for good measure. Look, I have the same issues w/ this Team and usually agree w/ most of what you post but looking for things to bitch about -- well it really does live up to the Flyers/ Philly sports fans reputation. Your "favorite" franchise or is it your "favorite" whipping boy?


You really think one Player saying that he is in there every night is proof positive? It seems to me that most Players that come through Philly LOVE the organization. In fact, a large number of them come back to work for the Flyers (a different argument indeed) after they hang up the sweater. If it is so terrible and Ed is constantly bothering the Players in the locker room why are the Players coming back? For Christ's sake Lindros came back and is now doing events and most thought that relationship was beyond repair.


Again, there is no proof here - your argument is based on speculation from one Player. Looking at the group of Players that stick around the organization long after their playing days are over... I think it is fair to assume they were all not bothered by Ed coming in the dressing room.


Argue the strategy or lack thereof... to say Ed being in the room is of no issue to me... and the hundred or so Players that come back to the Org.

Edited by murraycraven
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You really think one Player saying that he is in there every night is proof positive?


I would be skeptical myself, except that it came out as such a throw-away line.  In fact, he almost said it as if it were a positive (hey, Snider cares).  


I think there's some merit to the idea some of us are looking for things to criticize, and this may be a fair example of that.  But because of the above, I actually doubt it's not true.

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Snider only goes into the locker room after every game to introduce himself to the new players :ph34r:


I feel like I'm sitting in a bandwagon that's up on cinder blocks with the wheels and horses having been stolen and the blind driver keeps cracking the whip and yelling "yeehaw!"




Also, too, that's one heluva photo of Sestito... Did he date the sister of one of the Inky assistant sports editors or something?


Haha. That's an awesome mental picture you painted there. I can just see him yelling "Everybody hang on!"


But hey, the blind driver sure has a passion for carriage driving!

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I think there's some merit to the idea some of us are looking for things to criticize, and this may be a fair example of that. But because of the above, I actually doubt it's not true.


Rux, I agree...  I jsut think this is being completely blown out of proportion.  When it rains it pours...   This team is in such shambles that of you are not down on this team something is wrong.  But, I do think this type of things is a bit ridiculous.   Just "Pope Francis'" opinion...

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The man is 80 years old. There's a lot of walking between the owners box and the locker room.


I'm almost 80.   The distance of the walk isn't the problem.   It's whether or not there are men's rooms along the way. 

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Rux, I agree...  I jsut think this is being completely blown out of proportion.  When it rains it pours...   This team is in such shambles that of you are not down on this team something is wrong.  But, I do think this type of things is a bit ridiculous.   Just "Pope Francis'" opinion...


Does that make me Jesus? ("Jesus, rad...")


Because, you know, you don't mess with the Jesus.



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Most of my life I've been saying "Jesus Christ" and today I find out I should be saying "Jesus Rad".


Well, I am the son of Mary, so I got that going for me.



If I am the pope and you are Jesus... I gues that makes you the boss ;)


and don't you forget it! :D

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well Murray ... You can list players who've cycled and recycled through the organization but that doesn't prove they love the Flyers; maybe they just need a job. Or maybe...let's look at the obvious - the contracts Homer/Ed give away! LOL. Seriously it's no wonder players love the organization so much.. 25 year olds get NMCs, players get paid in advance of accomplishment. I know every team does that to some degree, it's the NHL way, but the Flyers really excel at it.


Is the topic overblown? Maybe it is. All I know is Ed is fullofshit when he tries to portray himself as an owner who only "approves" what the GM does. Even if Alberts was exaggerating by half that's still a LOT of interaction for a corporate boss to have with his employees. In any case please don't do the ol' strawman thing and pretend anyone said the players feelings are hurt by it or whatever. Nobody knows what the players' reactions are. But we can make an educated guess that it's not exactly a welcoming sight seeing Ed Snider's mug after games. Take a look at your avatar for crying out loud! LOL

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Most of my life I've been saying "Jesus Christ" and today I find out I should be saying "Jesus Rad".


Actually, I'm the Messiah.


I walk into the beer store and the guy says "Jesus Christ,  are you here again?".


I know, it's an old joke.

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well Murray ... You can list players who've cycled and recycled through the organization but that doesn't prove they love the Flyers; maybe they just need a job. Or maybe...let's look at the obvious - the contracts Homer/Ed give away! LOL. Seriously it's no wonder players love the organization so much.. 25 year olds get NMCs, players get paid in advance of accomplishment. I know every team does that to some degree, it's the NHL way, but the Flyers really excel at it.


Is the topic overblown? Maybe it is. All I know is Ed is fullofshit when he tries to portray himself as an owner who only "approves" what the GM does. Even if Alberts was exaggerating by half that's still a LOT of interaction for a corporate boss to have with his employees. In any case please don't do the ol' strawman thing and pretend anyone said the players feelings are hurt by it or whatever. Nobody knows what the players' reactions are. But we can make an educated guess that it's not exactly a welcoming sight seeing Ed Snider's mug after games. Take a look at your avatar for crying out loud! LOL



Canoli... I just respectfully disagree...   and the avatar was a joke too.  I hate Snider and I am not arguing for him.  All I am saying is that I dont see how it is an issue.   I think when you read the article Alberts was sayig that in a positive way - the Flyers always are trying to win.   Is it good strategy?  I dont know and I dont know if anyone knows what they are actuall talking about.  Maybe Ed is just genuinely concerned for his players... maybe they are discussing their children and just having a general conversation.   None of us know what it is b/c it is speculation. 


*If* he is in there critiquing the game as he is talking to players than I would say he needs to keep his arse up in the luxury sweet.   Again, none of us know what is really taking place in that room.   Personally, I think it is blown out of proportion but if it is the case than I would agree...


So, If I am the Pope, Rad is Jesus Born of the Virgin Mary, are you Mathew, Mark, Luke or John :D  Jesus Rad might be able to canonize you into Sainthood!!

Edited by murraycraven
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So, If I am the Pope, Rad is Jesus Born of the Virgin Mary, are you Mathew, Mark, Luke or John :D  Jesus Rad might be able to canonize you into Sainthood!!


I can assure you that my parents consummated the marriage before my birth.


And I will give Ed credit for founding the Flyers in 1967 which was a necessary precursor to my birth in 1968, however.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Saw Garcia as a 14 year old with my older brother and was hooked. The rest is a long strange trip...

I was on the down end of the dead and saw them for years but then hit the upswing of PHISH. Different band in every way musically but good times..

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