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same old **** in game 1

Guest murraycraven

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I don't think I saw anything that would remotely imply some issues with mental toughness or anything like that. But I'm curious in terms of a physical preparadeness and conditioning of this roster. By the third period, there were some signs of the players just looking tired and not having enough in the tank for shifting to that next gear,


You could be right MD maybe it was physical, they just ran out of gas... first real game in months....but to me it looked like the trouble was all mental because when the Flyers did find a line of attack they took it to the net. And I didn't see other normal signs of fatigue like giving up odd-man chances or taking a bunch of penalties. What I saw was brain cramps. The easiest place to see them was in the bad passing in the 3rd.


In the 3rd the passes started missing. Some of it was the passer some of it was the other players not moving quickly enough. What changed? The Leafs got quicker on puck pursuit. They tried double-teaming the puck-carrier and they succeeded (a lot) because we were too slow deciding where to go with the puck and because too often there wasn't anywhere to go with the puck. Result? Turnovers, more time in your own zone, fewer chances on Bernier...and the inevitable breakdown (or obstruction-type penalty) that gives them 2 easy goals (though their PP goal wasn't inevitable at all it was strictly Coburn being a dope)


If it was fatigue, if they really did "run out of gas" then I am worried.

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You could cut-and-paste this from my commentary last year. When "the goalie" was the reason that everything was wrong and bad and awful.
When I would say that the defense broke down or the forwards weren't back checking or the goalie - who, for the record, I am happy is gone - was hung out to dry, people would sputter and explain that it was all the goalie's fault because Bryzgalov.


and that will be entirely relevant when someone decides to rehash the whole bryzgalov thing.


to the extent we are talking about the game two nights ago, not posters' attitudes towards a former flyer, mason did a decent job.  if he can maintain that kind of showing, the flyers won't have to worry about goaltending sinking them.  it also won't carry them, but still.

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to the extent we are talking about the game two nights ago, not posters' attitudes towards a former flyer, mason did a decent job.  if he can maintain that kind of showing, the flyers won't have to worry about goaltending sinking them.  it also won't carry them, but still.


I can go with "decent job".


I take issue with "played good enough to win" because I think there's a wide gulf between that and "decent job."


Again, Mason wasn't the reason they lost. He also wasn't the reason they won.


He did a "decent job" that simply wasn't "good enough to win."

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it also won't carry them, but still.


what Mason gave us 2 nights ago "won't carry them" if you mean "regularly steal games" but it's certainly good enough to win more often than it loses don't you think?


We all know (as Rad likes to remind us) it's hard to win 1-0 in the NHL.

Edited by canoli
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what Mason gave us 2 nights ago "won't carry them" if you mean "regularly steal games" but it's certainly good enough to win more often than it loses don't you think?


oh, agreed.


goalies are kinda like getting paired with someone to do a project in highschool.  they'll either do nothing and you'll have to work extra hard to make up for it, they'll do it all and you get an easy ride, or they'll do their share and you'll do yours.  in that last one, success comes if both efforts are "good enough", because neither will cover for the other.  mason gave the flyers that one, but the team came up shy.

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@murraycraven  "I love G but I can't take the blind passes anymore... Honestly... The blind d passes result in the same transition as Carters high and wide shots...."



  I blame Lavi, he should step in and demand G does not try that anymore. Once in a blue moon, yeah, it's a nice thing to have in a bag of tricks, but it's a poor hockey play that hardly ever works. So many things can go wrong, so many variables...it's just not smart. This is Lavi's job to step in here, it's getting out of hand.

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  On the bright side, they looked active and energetic in the 1st period, been a long time since we saw that. Toronto skates better than us, was true last year and it's true again this season. Striet gave up the puck a few times in his own end, one of them resulted in a goal. He's gotta clean that up a bit. Thought Mason played a solid game, that's a huge positive moving forward.


  Should be Emery in Montreal. They skate well also, and their secondary scoring and 2nd line seems to have improved vastly...this will be a real test. It's the 2nd year for Gallager (sp...lol) but he looks like a seasoned vet out there. He's gonna be a good one!

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I must've missed them - I only half-watched the 2nd. But if he made any in the 1st and 3rd I missed them.


The main offender I saw in the blind-pass department was Andrej Meszaros. Aside from one nice offensive rush in the 1st he caused nothing but problems for the Flyers with those stupid blind passes.


Puck-staring star (on the PK no less) was Braydon Coburn.


Best imitation of an expensive statue (most of the night) = Matt Read.


Closest to decapitating someone in the N zone - as always = Zac Rinaldo.

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