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same old **** in game 1

Guest murraycraven

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Doesn't matter, you all are freaking out over the first game of the season. God forbid the Flyers lose a game, that's like the end of the world isn't it? World is still turning last I checked so suck it up and move on, it's not the playoffs yet...


You have a strange definition of "all" and "freaking out" because there is no evidence to support your position.

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Doesn't matter, you all are freaking out over the first game of the season. God forbid the Flyers lose a game, that's like the end of the world isn't it? World is still turning last I checked so suck it up and move on, it's not the playoffs yet...



Dude... why are you trolling (mildly as Rad says) the Flyers board? 

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I liked what I saw from the Flyers last night - for the first 40 minutes especially. Unfortunately in the 3rd somehow the Leafs turned it up and we didn't. We folded under the pressure a little and so the passes that were tape to tape earlier were just off the mark in the 3rd. Decisions had to be made quicker and they weren't - so Toronto was able to smother any sniff of a Flyers' forecheck...which meant the Leafs got to spend twice as much time in our zone as they did in the first 2 periods...which meant the chances on Bernier were too few, too far between. The Leafs deserved the win, not just because Bernier was so good but b/c they outplayed us in the 3rd - outscored us 2-0.


But I liked how the PP units clicked. The last 2 were forgettable but the first 4 or 5 PPs were excellent. The PK was good too but Coburn cannot turn his back on Lupul on the PP - that was just dumb. That left Mason alone facing 2, Bolland and Lupul and you know 1 of those guys is going to put the puck in the net. That mistake - puck-staring on the PK - was the backbreaker late. We mighta got 1 past Bernier in the 3rd but never 2.


As far as Mason I didn't see much to complain about. I can't rag on the guy for letting a point-blank shot get past him (Bolland's 1st). It woulda been nice if he hadn't kicked out Phaneuf's shot onto Kessel's stick (their 1st) but that was his only real mistake. Otherwise he played as well as I hoped he would. He looked focused, in sync with his defenders and he handled the puck really well. I'll be happy if he gives us goaltending like that every night.


[edit: so...what the hell like Richards used to say "it's only 1 game" lol]

Edited by canoli
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What is it that Mason did that has everyone so "Mason did a great job"?

OK, he's not Bryzgalov. That's a start. But an incredibly low bar to clear.

His ability to read the play coming at him and play the puck in a way that alleviated much of the mistakes we suffered while watching Bryz play. Coming out and playing the puck when he needed to, not tripping over his skates on the way to clearing a puck that he had no business trying to clear anyhow.....

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Well I certainly wasn't pleased with the result, that was a game the flyers could have won with a break or two. Specifically kicking the Phaneuf rebound right on Kessel's tape...Bernier played very well and stopped 5 or 6 really good chances in early PPs as well as some nice stops 5 on 5. The effort was there from the jump, and until they were stoned on the last PP carried the play.

Tronno doesn't suck any more and once they got the lead played smart road hockey.

Read played well and then stopped skating which was weird and I guess Voracek isn't 100% since he was MIA for most of the night and playing 3 rd line minutes ...

Not disheartened by that game at all.

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@murraycraven If Detroit had lost last night yeah I wouldn't be happy but I wouldn't be posting in a giant panic about how they have a lot of work to do and this and that...Please tell me again how pointing out that everybody seems to panicking is mildly trolling...Aren't forums suppose to encourage differing view points? I guess you have a problem with my view point. Doesn't bother me a bit.

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His ability to read the play coming at him and play the puck in a way that alleviated much of the mistakes we suffered while watching Bryz play. Coming out and playing the puck when he needed to, not tripping over his skates on the way to clearing a puck that he had no business trying to clear anyhow.....


Again, a low bar to clear. I don't care how many terrible, awful, no good, very bad goalies I've watched the Flyers put between the pipes - I know when a goalie is playing well.


I expect more from my "played well enough to win" goalie than a .880 SV%.


Lost 2-1 and saved 40 shots? "Played well enough to win."

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No one is posting in a panic cccp.... It is frustration and going onto another teams board accusing others of panic, overreacting and other nonsense is similar to trolling...

Post something about the Flyers other than your nuggets of knowledge about "the team that scores more wins..." serious analysis there and great pearls of wisdom.

Edited by murraycraven
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No one is posting in a panic cccp.... It is frustration and going onto another teams board accusing others of panic, overreacting and other nonsense is similar to trolling...

Post something about the Flyers other than your nuggets of knowledge about "which has team scores more wins..." serious analysis there and great pearls of wisdom.


I agree.

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It's one game out of 82. Give it at least ten games then we can see what we actually have


That sounds like a sensible plan.


But, this is a pro league.  10 games are a significant portion of an 82 game season.  Preseason is the time to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.  If you wait until the regular season to decide lineups, you're already behind.

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@trevluk I'll let the 11 cups that Detroit has do the rest of the talking for that one :)


It probably would be best if you did let inanimate objects speak for you. Detroit won 7 of their 11 Cups before the NHL expansion. Since the Flyers came in to the league the tally is Detroit 4, Flyers 2. Obviously I would prefer those numbers to be reversed but I hope werent expecting me to be impressed by your Cup count. If you were a Montreal fan you would have a leg stand on with their 9 Cups SINCE the expansion. 

Edited by radoran
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Edited by radoran, Today, 06:43 PM.



cmon Rad, . If he brings legit conversation to the board I am more than happy to engage in real hockey talk but I dont think that is what he was looking for.

Edited by ruxpin
Mod baiting/circumventing moderation.
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I expect more from my "played well enough to win" goalie than a .880 SV%.


you know full well things like save percentages are only applicable over a much larger sample than 25 shots.  if a dman manages to NOT blow coverage on one of those plays so mason doesn't have to see three shots in a half second from 6 feet, that percentage jumps to .916.  judging a goalie's performance in a  single game purely from the stat line misses pretty much everything.  mason comported himself well but found himself very alone in a few situations.  i didn't see any mistakes on his part.  that's "well enough to win", had the rest of the team been able to say the same.

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I liked what I saw from the Flyers last night - for the first 40 minutes especially. Unfortunately in the 3rd somehow the Leafs turned it up and we didn't. We folded under the pressure a little and so the passes that were tape to tape earlier were just off the mark in the 3rd.


Hiya canoli,


The sky certainly isn't falling and clearly the "it's just the first game" is the correct perspective.    But I'm curious how a team who hasn't played, is playing it's very first game, and is playing at home "folds under pressure" and allows a team that played the very night before and had to travel to "turn it up" in the 3rd period.


Change all the sweaters and you still would *think* that the home team who hasn't played should be the one turning it up.    The whole game felt like both teams were doing some freaky friday thing.  Because one would have thought the Leafs would have better legs than the Flyers early (new level of play from the pre-season for the Flyers and the [edit: Leafs]  were charged up from having won the night before) and then might falter later due to fatigue and due to the Flyers gaining their legs.    But it was all the opposite.


Nothing to necessarily be overly concerned with, but that reversal of typical circumstances is just kind of weird, don't you think?

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Please tell me again how pointing out that everybody seems to panicking is mildly trolling


Well, it's not necessarily trolling; would you prefer wrong?  There's no one panicking.  Simply people pointing out what went wrong in the game and what should be addressed.


It's called a hockey message board.   I don't think they break down things or apply any thought on One Million Moms facebook page, but we do here.

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No one is posting in a panic cccp.... It is frustration and going onto another teams board accusing others of panic, overreacting and other nonsense is similar to trolling...

Post something about the Flyers other than your nuggets of knowledge about "the team that scores more wins..." serious analysis there and great pearls of wisdom.




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you know full well things like save percentages are only applicable over a much larger sample than 25 shots.  if a dman manages to NOT blow coverage on one of those plays so mason doesn't have to see three shots in a half second from 6 feet, that percentage jumps to .916.  judging a goalie's performance in a  single game purely from the stat line misses pretty much everything.  mason comported himself well but found himself very alone in a few situations.  i didn't see any mistakes on his part.  that's "well enough to win", had the rest of the team been able to say the same.


You could cut-and-paste this from my commentary last year. When "the goalie" was the reason that everything was wrong and bad and awful.


When I would say that the defense broke down or the forwards weren't back checking or the goalie - who, for the record, I am happy is gone - was hung out to dry, people would sputter and explain that it was all the goalie's fault because Bryzgalov.


It wasn't Mason's fault they lost, no.


It wasn't Mason's fault they won, either.


Because they lost.


I have been very explicit - Mason played better than Bryzgalov.


Again, low bar to clear.


No excuses needed.

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Change all the sweaters and you still would *think* that the home team who hasn't played should be the one turning it up.    The whole game felt like both teams were doing some freaky friday thing.  Because one would have thought the Leafs would have better legs than the Flyers early (new level of play from the pre-season for the Flyers and the Canucks were charged up from having won the night before) and then might falter later due to fatigue and due to the Flyers gaining their legs.   


If there is anything that *would* get me worried after just one game, it's that.  Maybe "worry" is the wrong word; wonder would probably be a more appropriate word. The Flyers clearly came out charged up and ready to play.  I don't think I saw anything that would remotely imply some issues with mental toughness or anything like that.  But I'm curious in terms of a physical preparadeness and conditioning of this roster.  By the third period, there were some signs of the players just looking tired and not having enough in the tank for shifting to that next gear, while Toronto was playing its second game in as many nights and after a fairly physical and tough game with Montreal the night before. 


If anything that would at least warrant my concern after just one game, it would be that. And I would attribute some defensive lapses that led to the go-ahead goal to just being tired, which, again, is perplexing. We will know soon enough if these worries are substantiated or not.

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But I'm curious in terms of a physical preparadeness and conditioning of this roster.  By the third period, there were some signs of the players just looking tired and not having enough in the tank for shifting to that next gear, while Toronto was playing its second game in as many nights and after a fairly physical and tough game with Montreal the night before. 


Toronto had almost 2x the hits as the flyers... i bet that had something to do with the "wearing down"  Also, i remember from my competitive days when you're going good but not getting results and then a break goes against you it can be deflating, this happened last night, there is no question, it is the kind of thing that as a young player / new group you can work through but you do have to work through it.

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