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same old **** in game 1

Guest murraycraven

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You can't blame him for 2 of those.  


So, they lost. The goalie put up an .880.


And "played good enough to win."


So that's moral victories: 1-0. Actual record: 0-1.


Could be a long season, but at least there will be moral victories.

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Apparently signing Lecavalier isn't going to solve your woes in Philly lol


My Red Wings won last night and a talented Maple Leafs team beat Philly. Have to say I'm quite pleased with how last night turned out.


Are you just ribbing us or something?


Otherwise your glee makes no sense as Toronto is in your division.  Shouldnt you want the Leafs to lose? :wacko:


Just sayin...

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Apparently signing Lecavalier isn't going to solve your woes in Philly lol


I don't remember many people on this board saying it would solve things.  In fact, most knowledgeable Flyers fans didn't like the signing or the contract.


You are either trying to rewrite history, or simply trolling.  I vote for number 2.  

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Honestly, I didn't think it was all that bad. They certainly looked better than they did in any of the preseason games I saw. Mason played well, Bernier played better. I think that was the biggest factor in the game. Not to say there aren't things that they need to improve, but it was a game they probably should (and definitely could) have won.

Edited by JackStraw
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Ah well... I am cooled off now.  They should have won this game and I am sorry but no more excuses about the opposing goaltender.  For Christ's sake we can make any goalie look great.   Bernier played outstanding but you have to find ways to win.  As soon as the Leafs dropped back the Flyers could not get through the neutral zone...  same thing we saw last year.

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Great start tonight boys... Love the fire.

Then comes the age old issue of being able to break out of our own zone... Then comes the perimeter offensive play... Then comes being outnumbered in the offensive zone along with sloppy neutral zone play.

Same old ****! Sorry boys but I need to vent... We cam out flying and then regressed... All the while mason is playing very well...



MC step back from the ledge, it's only one game and i understand your frustration but they did bring the effort last night they just didn't get the results on the scoreboard...it will come with more practice time.


If they just could have went 25% on the powerplay they win that game but it's a start and yes there was a lot of old problem that this group and yet to kick like sloppy play in their end, blind drop passes that lead to turn overs and bad outlet passes that ended in the net. It will get better i believe, but we'll have to remain patient...easier said than done i know.


But they had great effort in saw for 40+ minutes just weren't betting the bounces and that will change too.


Mason was solid in net and really can't be blamed for the break downs in front of him, Harnell and Simmer bury their shots Flyers win...like the puck handling by Mason great needed.


They have time to iron out something before the next game. They need to keep it simple and try to generate more shots just getting them on net and stop looking for the perfect shot all the time....


Keep . It . Simple . Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



....and no that is not a kiss directed at you it's towards the players!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

Edited by OccamsRazor
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This team has no idea how to play from behind...


See i don't agree with this i think it's the opposite they don't know how to play with a lead, i think they play better from behind and than a lead this group is still prone to taking their collective foot off the gas....that remains an issue that better get fixed.

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I could be crazy, but I don't find just under 3.00 and .880 SV% as "good enough to win"


You're right if you're just going to look at the box score it don't look good but that don't tell the story, they should have had better results if they could find away to finish...it will get better.


But the number don't reflect that the effort was there but also remember theses forwards have a tendency to make goaltender look good...and that remains, no need to lose hope over one game.


Also if you're going to just look at the numbers then it don't look good right now they are dead last in the East!!!!!! 



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The "SHY" is falling!  LOL...


Look, I am nowhere near the edge and I dont even think this group will make the playoffs.  More like frustrated w/ the effort and execution after the 1st period.   I played hockey my entire life and coached at all levels and understand it is one game.  They wont have 10 games to feel out the process and need to get off to a good start.

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The "SHY" is falling!  LOL...


Look, I am nowhere near the edge and I dont even think this group will make the playoffs.  More like frustrated w/ the effort and execution after the 1st period.   I played hockey my entire life and coached at all levels and understand it is one game.  They wont have 10 games to feel out the process and need to get off to a good start.


That. Don't make any huge changes. They played relatively well. Get it going for 60 minutes and the result should be better.


Go with Emery vs. Montreal and see what we've got.


Nobody's on the ledge.


But there's no need for a big pitcher of Kool Aid to come bashing through the wall. They're 0-1 and if they "played well enough to win" they would have.

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Apparently the first game of the season means its time to panic...81 more games...calm down people.


So far your first 2 posts on the Flyers board this season have been very informative. Clearly you are one of the great hockey minds that Detroit has to offer. Bring something to the table or go away. 

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@trevluk I'll let the 11 cups that Detroit has do the rest of the talking for that one :)


While an impressive achievement, I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with your personal input to a thread on a discussion board. :)


I don't think anyone can blame Flyers fans for being upset at this game (or last season), but there were definitely positives (especially Mason and Lecavalier). I'm of the opinion they will be better this year.

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@trevluk I'll let the 11 cups that Detroit has do the rest of the talking for that one :)


Folks should remember that the team-specific forums are for team-specific chatter. Try to avoid even mild trolling.


Have at it in the General Hockey Forums. :)

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While an impressive achievement, I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with your personal input to a thread on a discussion board. :)


I don't think anyone can blame Flyers fans for being upset at this game (or last season), but there were definitely positives (especially Mason and Lecavalier). I'm of the opinion they will be better this year.


OK, I saw the whole game. Watched almost every minute.


What is it that Mason did that has everyone so "Mason did a great job"?


OK, he's not Bryzgalov. That's a start. But an incredibly low bar to clear.

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OK, I saw the whole game. Watched almost every minute.


What is it that Mason did that has everyone so "Mason did a great job"?


OK, he's not Bryzgalov. That's a start. But an incredibly low bar to clear.


I don't know about great. But he was pretty solid for most of it I thought and I'd consider it a positive.


And it's a low bar to clear, but an important one to clear early on.


Biggest positive for the Flyers was certainly the amount of pressure they sustained early on.

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