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same old **** in game 1

Guest murraycraven

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Great start tonight boys... Love the fire.

Then comes the age old issue of being able to break out of our own zone... Then comes the perimeter offensive play... Then comes being outnumbered in the offensive zone along with sloppy neutral zone play.

Same old ****! Sorry boys but I need to vent... We cam out flying and then regressed... All the while mason is playing very well...

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I know it is the first game... I get it honestly but this was the same old story... A f'n terrible showing after getting down by a goal. Giroux was not impressive and how many blind passes can the best player in the world make?

No transition, no offense on the pp, no neutral zone play and perimeter play...

I don't want to hear that we got beat by the goalie... Time to stop the bs excuses and get the puck in the net. Find a f'n way...

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great energy in period #1 and 2....just slowed down in the 3rd....


and for the love of god...they go 1 for 7 on the PP.....give credit where credit is due. .... Bernier made some outstanding saves....BUT you need to score a PP goal every now and then.......the Leafs where ripe for the picking and they let this one slip away......errrrrr (pounding head on keyboard)

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Did the momentum of the game shift on the missed penalty shot?

i  thought about that.....maybe i should have mentioned that in game chat...but could be. Certainly not an excuse...but what if they go up 2-1 going into the 2nd intermission....3rd period could have played out differently.

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Amen brother doc... Bernier was great but mason played very very well... So frustrating bc it is the same thing over and over. This team has no idea how to play from behind...

Just an ugly effort in the second half of the game. They need to execute... No excuses... No bs... Get it done and find a way to win tough games.

Giroux needs to get over himself and start playing smarter... Stop the blind passes! Please!

A ****... I am going to bed... F!

Have a hood night boys... F me...

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He played well enough to win.  After the adrenaline wore off the preseason team showed up.

Lavy needs to stop with the line juggling and let them gel a little bit.

Bingo!! And there you have.it..for the love of God let them gel and play together.....does any other coach juggle  lines as much as lavi?......

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Digity... If we are blaming line juggling for the first game then we are screwed. This team continues to have trouble playing from behind. At some point they need to figure out these games...

And as you said... Mason deserved that win. I just am annoyed bc it is the same pattern over and over again. If they get down they lose...

I love G but I can't take the blind passes anymore... Honestly... The blind d passes result in the same transition as Carters high and wide shots....

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I agree with all that was said. I felt badly for Mason...the guy was darn good and we broke down around him. The PP sucked. But worse still, are we in for a bad five-on-five. This schedule will reveal a lot early on.  




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I disagree with the title, "Same old ****"  on at least two levels.  First and least significant is the censoring of words by this site.  Most of us are adults, we should be able to handle "adult" language, even if the irony is that immature people are more likely to use such language (OP definitely excepted, his use of such words is correct and warranted.)


Second is that the Flyers were notorious for coming out slow last year, and having to play catch up too often.  This game was the exact opposite of a typical Flyers' start.  After such an onslaught, how does a fresh team lose to a team travelling to play the second night in a row?

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I am with TedZep here. I thought it was a solid effort with an absolutely outstanding performance by Bernier to steal this game. Mason played well enough to win tonight and that combined with the effort from the team is going to result in far more wins than losses. This was something we have not seen from the Flyers for the last 2 years, Effort and Energy. I for one hope this game is an omen of the season to come as I can watch this kind of hockey without burying my face in the pillow and trying to suffocate myself.

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I really hope that the only reason Voracek was on the 3rd line was because of lingering issues from his recent injury. Otherwise, I just shake my head at Laviolette him moving off the top line after he had such obvious chemistry with Giroux and had a breakout year. Voracek deserves much better than Couturier and Talbot.


I was impressed with their energy in the first half of the game. Mason, Lecavalier, and Streit made me eat some crow for the way they were playing.


But then the familiar Flyers showed up. After much buzzing, the Leafs finally got a goal and the Flyers never looked threatening again. They were no longer winning races, they were making bad passes on low percentage plays. They would rush toward the opposing blueline, only to have the puck mover move the puck *backwards* way too often for my liking. 

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First the bad:  Giroux was brutal in this game.  I am hoping it is just rust from a lack of a preseason.  He seemed ok in the faceoff circle but the blind passes were frustrating.  Also did anyone else look at Hartnell and think he looks even slower than before? I must have heard how he lost 7% body fat at least half a dozen times but he looked slower than I remember. 


The Good:  Mason looked good! If he can keep playing that way then we at least have found one piece of the puzzle.  Vinny made me eat a little crow.  He was forechecking and going into the boards hunting for the puck.  I did not expect that of him. 


We'll see where this team is after the first 10 or so games.  If Lavy can control himself and keep consistent lines I think they will be good.  I also hope that Lavy doesn't burn out Mason as he has a tendency to play the hot goalie.

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This didn't help either:

c5404l.jpg Mr. Scott Hartnell and his concrete hands.


I too was wondering why Hartnell was on the 1st line. Should be:



Giroux didn't have the best game, but it is early. Read didn't look great and had a tough time dishing the puck to Simmonds. Enough with the cross ice passes!


For the positive: VL looks great, he has such great moves and plays big on the puck. Rinaldo looked like he was hanging with Theo Fleury circa 1988 (sniff sniff :ph34r: ), he was buzzing all over the ice. Mason looked solid and competent playing in net. Shame his D hung him out to dry on the 1st goal, well the second too. The defense wasn't too bad and Coburn actually looked good, as did Striet. Shenn scoring and dropping the gloves was great and shows a lot of heart. Granted it was bong hit Lupul that he fought, I still like the heart. 


All in all, I was happy with the game. Not happy that they lost, but happy that they look like a competent squad. Next game I would see what Laughton has to offer. I think Cooter needs to watch a few from the press box. 

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He played well enough to win.  After the adrenaline wore off the preseason team showed up.

Lavy needs to stop with the line juggling and let them gel a little bit.


I could be crazy, but I don't find just under 3.00 and .880 SV% as "good enough to win"

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