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Where is the Love?


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Sorry Digity, lol! I could be wrong entirely. Seriously. They could somehow catch fire and overachieve this season. At the end of the day, it's really up to them how they perform. I mean, I know we have a very high *individual* talent level on this team.


Mason and Emery could very well play lights out, playing off their camaraderie. SHowing they have something to prove. Playing for their next contract.


And maybe Coburn regains his defensive stability paired with Timonen. 


We sneak into the playoffs as the 8th seed, get a few favourable matchups, and face the Hawks in the SCF... oh wait. 




That's the beauty of actually having to play 82 games... it makes some of us armchair GMs look like fools! drinking fools!

there...fixed it for ya! ;)  (in honor of DGG)

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The whole team plays with a defense first vigor




Would you do Carter / for Jake, Coots & Cousins?


Would you do Richards / Simmonds and Schenn?


Would you do JVR / Schenn?


Would you do Grossman / 2012 2nd and 2013 2nd?


I think we can all agree that Homer screwed the pooch on Bobs and checkmanek v2. But he has made deals that are very strong. The issure I have with him is that he can not valuate goaltending at all. The problem for me is that he does not know how to build from the net forward AND that he has a coach of the same (red line forward) mentality. Love the forwards, hate the defence / goal.

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Would you do Carter / for Jake, Coots & Cousins?


Would you do Richards / Simmonds and Schenn?


Would you do JVR / Schenn?


Would you do Grossman / 2012 2nd and 2013 2nd?


I think we can all agree that Homer screwed the pooch on Bobs and checkmanek v2. But he has made deals that are very strong. The issure I have with him is that he can not valuate goaltending at all. The problem for me is that he does not know how to build from the net forward AND that he has a coach of the same (red line forward) mentality. Love the forwards, hate the defence / goal.


Yes, yes, no, no.


Interesting that you "hate the defence" while apparently maintaining that the trades for 1/3 of the defense were "good moves." Apologies if I am misreading.


Would you re-sign Timonen? Would you sign Streit? Would you go with Hall Gill over, say, Lauridsen? Would you sign Bruno Gervais to a two year deal? Would you let Carle walk?


(Yes (but I'm a huge Timonen fan), no, no, no, no.)


The issue with the Flyers is continuity. The Blackhawks and Bruins got to the Final and built around the core to improve the team and stay at the top of the game. The Flyers got to the Final and traded the core away. Again, I liked both moves - but it does set you back a few seasons. And while the Hawks and Bruins were back in the Final, the Flyers missed the playoffs.


The real game isn't a fantasy roster that can be just thrown together. There isn't an example of that strategy working. And it is the strategy that the Flyers have followed under Clarke and under Clarke's protege.

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I have not spoken much so far but after looking at predictions from so many sites that I lost count, I don't see anyone giving the Flyers much of a chance at all. Some even had them near last place. I know the pre-season was bad to say the least but is was just the pre-season. I might be wrong, but I think they are gonna surprise many. Maybe I'm just being optimistic but that's what I'm feeling. And no, I'm not going to panic if they lose the first 1-2 games (if 3 then I go on yellow alert)... Anyone else disagree with all the predictions? Heck, Philly.com even said they need to be stronger at center! Really? Giroux??? Vinny??? Couts??? Many teams would like that. Not saying they will win the division by any means but they are better than all the "experts" are saying. What say you?


Couturier is a nobody dude. He is very young and has plenty of time and I'm not calling him a bust, I'm just saying the kid has done virtually nothing so far. I wouldn't be throwing his name into a conversation and scoff at people's notions that they need more help at center. He has proven nothing at this level so far.


Vinny is nothing to get excited about either. I'm not saying he's terrible, but just ok. There was a short time he was an elite player, but he never sustained that for a long period of time. He's also on the latter part of his career. He's not bad, not great. He's ok.


Giroux is great, but I don't really get your confusion over someone's opinion that the team isn't very strong at center. It could be worse, but it's not exactly the kind of thing that makes you go "Wow!"


What exactly is it that you think should be acknowledged that isn't? As always, they have so-so goalies, they were a non-playoff team last year, and some of their young talent stagnated last season. I do like Giroux, Read,  Voracek, and Simmonds, and think the team could make some noise is Schenn and Couturier stepped up. But that's the thing, they have to step up. I think the team has potential, especially up front, but it's unrealized at this point.

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But that's the thing, they have to step up. I think the team has potential, especially up front, but it's unrealized at this point.


i'm in this boat.  the time for these guys to make progress is now. Schenn and Couterier both need to show improvement or this team will be going nowhere fast, if they do improve, i think people's outlooks will change drastically. 


personally i think Schenn is ready to take the next step , for me he just needs some confidence around the net and to start potting some goals because i feel he does put in the work , going to the scoring areas , making plays, getting open, he just needs to find "the touch" around the net, I thought he was stronger on the puck as the year went on too which was a concern for some around here.


Couterier is a confident kid and that comes from being good, i think there is no way he sucks this year like he did last year, i think he improves as well, i wonder if he was hiding an injury or something because damn was his skating bad especially his first step, i  think he's the type of kid that will work to improve his weak areas so i will be surprised if he plays like last year.


they have to do it though.

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I dunno about you, but the thought of facing Bob 5-6 times a year scares the jeebus out of me. Good chance he gets 2-3 shut-outs against us, every season for the next 12-13 years or so.


Dammit Jammer, I had managed to put the fact the Flyers traded him away, eventually into their own division, out of my mind.  Sigh.

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I have not spoken much so far but after looking at predictions from so many sites that I lost count, I don't see anyone giving the Flyers much of a chance at all. Some even had them near last place. I know the pre-season was bad to say the least but is was just the pre-season. I might be wrong, but I think they are gonna surprise many. Maybe I'm just being optimistic but that's what I'm feeling. And no, I'm not going to panic if they lose the first 1-2 games (if 3 then I go on yellow alert)... Anyone else disagree with all the predictions? Heck, Philly.com even said they need to be stronger at center! Really? Giroux??? Vinny??? Couts??? Many teams would like that. Not saying they will win the division by any means but they are better than all the "experts" are saying. What say you?



I guess almost 40 years of the Flyers not winning anything has left a lot of fans pessimistic and I for one fall into that category.  It's hard to get excited for a season when you look at the Flyers management and it seems they don't know what direction to take the team in (go with young players or try their luck with older players). As much as I don't feel the Gill signing is a bad thing for depth on D, I would have loved to see Gus and Lauridsen get a chance to learn the ropes on the big club because the Flyers can't keep depending on Timonen to keep coming back. Over the years I don't get excited for regular season but if they do make the playoffs then I'll get excited. I really hope Mason regains his rookie form otherwise it's going to be a long season with lots of disappointments.

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i'm in this boat.  the time for these guys to make progress is now. Schenn and Couterier both need to show improvement or this team will be going nowhere fast, if they do improve, i think people's outlooks will change drastically. 


personally i think Schenn is ready to take the next step , for me he just needs some confidence around the net and to start potting some goals because i feel he does put in the work , going to the scoring areas , making plays, getting open, he just needs to find "the touch" around the net, I thought he was stronger on the puck as the year went on too which was a concern for some around here.


Couterier is a confident kid and that comes from being good, i think there is no way he sucks this year like he did last year, i think he improves as well, i wonder if he was hiding an injury or something because damn was his skating bad especially his first step, i  think he's the type of kid that will work to improve his weak areas so i will be surprised if he plays like last year.


they have to do it though.


Neither one of them has really impressed me to be honest, but they are very young and still have time. That being said, they have to show something this year. They have to take a noticeable step forward.

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Yes, yes, no, no.


Interesting that you "hate the defence" while apparently maintaining that the trades for 1/3 of the defense were "good moves." Apologies if I am misreading.


Would you re-sign Timonen? Would you sign Streit? Would you go with Hall Gill over, say, Lauridsen? Would you sign Bruno Gervais to a two year deal? Would you let Carle walk?


(Yes (but I'm a huge Timonen fan), no, no, no, no.)


The issue with the Flyers is continuity. The Blackhawks and Bruins got to the Final and built around the core to improve the team and stay at the top of the game. The Flyers got to the Final and traded the core away. Again, I liked both moves - but it does set you back a few seasons. And while the Hawks and Bruins were back in the Final, the Flyers missed the playoffs.


The real game isn't a fantasy roster that can be just thrown together. There isn't an example of that strategy working. And it is the strategy that the Flyers have followed under Clarke and under Clarke's protege.



Truthfully, at this juncture- I am talking out my a-hole. That is how far removed I am from the team, league. 

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Love? This is philadelphia flyers we are talking about. Not the freakin islanders or nashville predators where people dont give a ####. High expectations here! and im glad it is. Very poor GM the last two years cause this situation. 


I think there is plenty of love here on the board but folks here is critic and they are right. 

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