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Homer: "Closed the door on Gagne"


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So this is what it's like to be a flyer fan..........were already pissed off with so much to be angry about. I'm ready for a terrible fu**ing season, what about you??? I even got my waffles ready cause I got tickets for the game on the 16th.




I look at this season and *think" they are a playoff Team.  I guess the positive side of me thinks there is no way the defense can go through the injuries like last year but then I have fear of the unknown.   I do think the goaltending will be much better and to have two goalies that can handle the puck well is a huge plus.  


On offense I have to believe they will be fine.  Although it is against popular thought I think Hartnell returns to form and Cooter takes a step forward in his progression.  My wildcard for this year is Schenn (B Schenn) and I expect he takes a major step forward and becomes a serious threat.  I love the kids game but it is time for him to contribute on a game by game basis.   For this club to be a factor I think B Schenn is the key...  


Simmonds, Read, and Jake will produce as usual but I think Vinny is another person that I hope comes as advertised.   The PP will be very good and the addition of Streit will not only help the PP but also help our transition game incredibly.   Having Talbot healthy will help the PK...


All in all I think it comes down to some simple yet tough questions:


  1. Does Giroux reclaim his superstar status?
  2. Can the defense remain healthy?
  3. Are the young kids ready to take the next step?  (Schenn and Cooter)

I believe they are a playoff Team...   Once in the playoffs you never know what can happen.  Like every Team they will need a little luck but I am excited about this year. 

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Shouldn't have told the guy bit to take offers because they were going to sign him. That was very bad form.

Gagne brings a LOT to this team. I am very pissed he will not be here next year. He instantly made the young guy he was playing next to better last year.

He deserved better treatment than this. Really inappropriate.

I agree with you about saving the cap space in case on an injury. The Flyers are the type of organization that are going to do that. We are always going to have very little or no cap space. Get used to it.

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Which is exactly why his is so puzzling.

They were nothing but respectful to Briere leading up to his buyout by all reports.

Everyone has mostly good things to say. Playing for this organization seems to have it's own appeal.

Gagne clearly Wanted to come back and be a part if the organization. That alone says something... This seems really strange to me.

Homer's having a really weird week.

This thing with gagne is really turning my opinion on him.

I excuse an understand a lot of his questionable moves. This gagne thing seems way off to me.

Oh okay - well I see what you're saying, it's easy to get the impression the Flyers kept Gagne dangling all summer then said "Uh never mind we don't really need you after all." But I trust what I've heard (since the '70s) about the Flyers being a classy organization when it comes to dealing with their players. There's been some ugly exceptions of course but all in all the Flyers' reputation is a good one, of a player-friendly club.

Frankly I thought they treated Gagne worse, disrespected him more when they traded him for Matt Walker. !

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I can't say it hurt his chances of getting signed, but it totally screws him in terms of getting a decent deal. Instead of listening to offers he's gotta go hat in hand lookin for them.

This is just way bad form and quite frankly, I think Homer should hear about it at games.

He should apologize... Publicly. NOW. Gagne isn't the guy he use to be, but I'll wager he's more beloved in Philly than HOmer is.

Probably not, unless they promised him a spot on the roster... which, I suppose, we now will never know whether did or not.

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I think Gagne has the wrong build and plays the wrong game for that third-line left-wing spot. I think Cleary's game worked great for that. (That doesn't mean the Flyers needed to offer him a fully-funded retirement program.) I do see Laughton as a much better fit for that role, and expect him to embrace it and do well. As Simon said himself, he rocked and rolled on the top line last year, with skill players. Except the Flyers aren't accepting any applications for the top six right now. 


Did the Flyers lead him on? Well, I for one remained under the impression that Gagne would get that "Cleary offer--" hang out in camp until Pronger's LTIR kicks enough money into the kitty to pay him.. Were I Gagne, I would taste some sour grapes right now if I were him, too. But, that whining and $5 will get him a caramel macchiato, so... How much did Holmgren imply versus how much did Gagne read into what he said and infer--I don't know. 


Would I like a little better treatment for Simon, the man? Yes. The hockey player? Not sure all of the past and his current abilities warrant a roster spot for him on the Flyers today. Thankfully, no line formed to sign him after the Flyers passed, although Sauve would maintain that he fended off all other interested teams.


Recchi 2005, deja vu all over again.

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@rickmac19  Nice post. I'm not even sold on him being the right player for the Flyers at this point, and more than a little worried about the injury scenario. Just wanted some more respect for the man and what he has done here. He deserved a better fate.



 I should not have jumped so quick without hearing an official Flyer statement, but my guy says Gags got a raw deal.

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