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Cleary is NOT joining the Flyers?

Guest Mad Dog

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I will never argue with Briere's contract.

Think about it in context.  Do you remember that summer?  We had no stars.  Richards and Carter had yet to emerge.  No one really had a handle on what Hartnell, Kimmo or Coburn meant to the team and there were three big names in Free Agency.



Aldo there were three big names that summer in Free Agency.  Gomez, Drury and Briere.  Briere's deal was without a doubt the most effective and beneficial of the three of them.  The rangers ended up screwed when it came to Gomez and Drury.


It just made sense.


Not in my books. We'd just finished dead last. I was in the "have patience, we've got some nice young talent" corner. If Homer doesn't go all 'win now" which is the Flyer way, we may very well have Steven Stamkos on our team right now, instead of buying out Briere.  Or Doughty. Or Pietrangelo. We wouldn't have to worry about a #1 defenceman for a decade


The Bryz contract was Moronic, you are right.  It's length and it's size were just ridiculous and made ZERO sense.




Hartnell's contract I'm actually fine with and so was everyone else the year he signed it.  He had a bad year last year and was hurt a lot.  If he'd played like he did the year before none of us would be complaining abut his contract now.


I don't hate Hartnell. He's a useful player and when he's on he's valuable. The term on his contract is bad. It's the problem with a lot of Homers contracts...they're just too damn long.


The thing with Bob wasn't just the trade (because the trade was essentially necessary for cap and roster space issues) the thing with Bob's trade that was MORONIC was letting Laviolette play in in those playoffs the year before.  It was obvious that changing the goalie wasn't going to help the team score more goals, both goalies were doing just fine keeping it out of the net, it was the offense that was stymied.  We all knew that playing Bob meant that he couldn't be sent to the AHL the next year (which is what he needed so he could build up his stamina over a full season and to continue his training in the ways of the North American goaltender).  Why didn't Homer?   that summer Homer had little choice but to trade him because he was making so much more than even a capable vet backup would make.  Trading him for no return?  STUPID.  Playing him in the playoffs forcing you to trade him later?  MORE STUPID. 


We finally get a goalie prospect who has great reflexes, quickness, skill, a willingness to learn and is liked by his teammates...better get rid of that!



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Than *somebody* must be misrepresenting the facts.  Where did the numbers, the longevity and the NTC come from? If those details were made available, they must have come from somewhere. 


There is a clearly a disconnect.


The whole story is just bizzare.



 Excellent point, just where did these numbers come from?  Something smells bad in stinkville.

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We wouldn't have Giroux, Couts or Schenn either your way.

Not sure Stamkos was going to happen as even when we had finished dead last we missed out on Kane and I doubt we'd have been that bad again.

I see what you're saying about being forward thinking, but I'm more agitated by other decisions than I was or am by briere.

Pronger deal for instance (loved having him but we'll be suffering for few more years still) and that cost us more than briere.

Spending all that cash for Bryz instead of trading for younger cheaper an better in Quick or Bernier in LA was something that annoyed me senseless.

I still say trading Bob was all but necessary, so I'm far more annoyed with the the mishandling of circumstances that made that the case -not to mention the absolute lack of return for the guy.

Plenty of mistakes to go around, but like I implied before... Could be worse. We could be the rangers. (Though at least they managed to hold into their young top goaltending prospect).

I will never argue with Briere's contract.

Think about it in context. Do you remember that summer? We had no stars. Richards and Carter had yet to emerge. No one really had a handle on what Hartnell, Kimmo or Coburn meant to the team and there were three big names in Free Agency.


Aldo there were three big names that summer in Free Agency. Gomez, Drury and Briere. Briere's deal was without a doubt the most effective and beneficial of the three of them. The rangers ended up screwed when it came to Gomez and Drury.

It just made sense.

Not in my books. We'd just finished dead last. I was in the "have patience, we've got some nice young talent" corner. If Homer doesn't go all 'win now" which is the Flyer way, we may very well have Steven Stamkos on our team right now, instead of buying out Briere. Or Doughty. Or Pietrangelo. We wouldn't have to worry about a #1 defenceman for a decade

The Bryz contract was Moronic, you are right. It's length and it's size were just ridiculous and made ZERO sense.


Hartnell's contract I'm actually fine with and so was everyone else the year he signed it. He had a bad year last year and was hurt a lot. If he'd played like he did the year before none of us would be complaining abut his contract now.

I don't hate Hartnell. He's a useful player and when he's on he's valuable. The term on his contract is bad. It's the problem with a lot of Homers contracts...they're just too damn long.

The thing with Bob wasn't just the trade (because the trade was essentially necessary for cap and roster space issues) the thing with Bob's trade that was MORONIC was letting Laviolette play in in those playoffs the year before. It was obvious that changing the goalie wasn't going to help the team score more goals, both goalies were doing just fine keeping it out of the net, it was the offense that was stymied. We all knew that playing Bob meant that he couldn't be sent to the AHL the next year (which is what he needed so he could build up his stamina over a full season and to continue his training in the ways of the North American goaltender). Why didn't Homer? that summer Homer had little choice but to trade him because he was making so much more than even a capable vet backup would make. Trading him for no return? STUPID. Playing him in the playoffs forcing you to trade him later? MORE STUPID.

We finally get a goalie prospect who has great reflexes, quickness, skill, a willingness to learn and is liked by his teammates...better get rid of that!

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this is getting into conspiracy theory territory here boys... stop reading too much into it.   Here is what has been presented so far:


  • Homer denies any offer was made w/ the exception of a PTO
  • Somewhere someone "leaked" information about a contract
  • Cleary does not report
  • Cleary signs a one year deal to stay w/ the Wings at a very low cost compared to said ridiculous contract


The guy chose the RWs b/c he was only offered a PTO with Philly...   I want to believe he was a great guy and "his heart is always in Detroit" but NO pro hockey player of Cleary's ilk is going to walk away from a guaranteed contract in excess of 8M and a NTC as a 34 yr old (most likely his last contract) 3rd liner.    Just my 2 cents anyway...

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The guy chose the RWs b/c he was only offered a PTO with Philly...   I want to believe he was a great guy and "his heart is always in Detroit" but NO pro hockey player of Cleary's ilk is going to walk away from a guaranteed contract in excess of 8M and a NTC as a 34 yr old (most likely his last contract) 3rd liner.    Just my 2 cents anyway...


The real point here is that he could go into camp and risk injury and, if he "makes the team" then he *might* get the contract which, it appears, was at least discussed beforehand.


Or he can sign the actual contract with real money on the table with the team he really wanted to play for.


It's a tempest in a teapot at this point and water under the bridge, but the concept that Homer comes out of this smelling like a daisy is a little overstated...

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Questions...this whole think is murky.



Murky is the PERFECT word... for me this is the season of the see saw.



Regardless of how good or bad i will watch. The goal tending could be either really good or rock bottom (havent we hit it yet). The defense if healthy could be one of the top units in the league or if not healthy worse then last year (how is that possible). The youngsters could regress and play like their age or become breakout stars. The vet forwards could slump and vanish for a majority of the season or guys like giroux vlc and hartnell could have all star/mvpish seasons. We could trade all the kids for aging veterans or stand pat and let them develop and step up.


I see every one of these thoughts/questions with every post on here.


I am very excited regardless of how fast they get out the gate or how bad they start...but either way this will be a season we will never forget or wont be able to forget

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My goodness this is starting to sound like a choose your own adventure book. 


You're (Holmgren) sitting at the office, minding your own business, when someone knocks at your door...


What will you do:

(1) Answer it

(2) Hide under your desk


-----> Answer it (turn to page 27)


There is an unemployed NHL forward at the door. He is limping from his knee issues

What will you do:

(1) Slam the door shut and hide under your desk

(2) Invite him in and see what he wants


-----> Invite him in (turn to page 4)


You motion to invite him in to see if he can be of service to you, but suddenly Ron Hextall rushes in your office and bites off your arms off with his ferocious mandibles. This prevents you from signing anymore bad contracts.

Then it eats you, burps and starts to walk off, sideways, the way giant crabs do.


The End....

LOL...good one Bert...had me laughing all the way......

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Murky is the PERFECT word... for me this is the season of the see saw.



Regardless of how good or bad i will watch. The goal tending could be either really good or rock bottom (havent we hit it yet). The defense if healthy could be one of the top units in the league or if not healthy worse then last year (how is that possible). The youngsters could regress and play like their age or become breakout stars. The vet forwards could slump and vanish for a majority of the season or guys like giroux vlc and hartnell could have all star/mvpish seasons. We could trade all the kids for aging veterans or stand pat and let them develop and step up.


I see every one of these thoughts/questions with every post on here.


I am very excited regardless of how fast they get out the gate or how bad they start...but either way this will be a season we will never forget or wont be able to forget



You really have captured what many think. But there is a sense of optimism in the experimentation...not a sense of gloom.  I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out.



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I loved in elementary school when we would have a book fair (or whatever they called it, R.I.F. Reading Is Fundamental). Anyhow, I would always go for the Choose Your Own Adventure books. I think I may still have a few sitting at the parents. 


What I wouldn't give to be 9 again. 

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I loved in elementary school when we would have a book fair (or whatever they called it, R.I.F. Reading Is Fundamental). Anyhow, I would always go for the Choose Your Own Adventure books. I think I may still have a few sitting at the parents. 


What I wouldn't give to be 9 again. 

Every friday you could bring in a 2 page book report in grade school and get a Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza....i read a lot of books

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