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Flyers going all-in?

Guest brelic

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The thought of having to add a young player into a potential Mez deal, just so you can relieve yourself of his cap hit....things should never be that tight that you are forced into a deal like this. This brutal type of asset management gets right to the heart of what's wrong with homer. This type of deal is what happens when you spend yourself into a corner. It's the *real* price that is paid for bad long term deals and bad contracts in general. I couldn't even imagine Holland being in that kind of a bind. He wouldn't let it happen. I'm nauseous just thinking about this. sickening.

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I think you're overstating the weakness of the Flyers defensive corp.

They will be able to dress 6 quality NHL dmen each night. Are any of them all stars? no

But, they're all nice players.

You need to have a backup for each starter in the NHL. 12 guys minimum :ph34r:

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im not set with this roster, defense is still a major problem, adding streit is good signing for offense but the defense needs to be fixed, there's no way any goalie will survive with this defense.

What specifically don't you like about this defense? These will likely be our starting 6:





Luke Schenn


This leaves Mez, Bourdon and Lauridsen out of the lineup. If Mez doesn't get traded, he will bump somebody out of the lineup - not sure who. I would really like to see Oliver making the squad, but I see him and Gus fighting for that last 6th spot.

Coburn may get moved purely for a cap relief, which will pretty much gurantee Lauridsen a spot...

So, assuming everybody stays healthy, what problem do you have with this squad?

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@Mad Dog The defense looks good on paper, it really does....but that *somehow* does not translate into an efficient defense once they actually hit the ice. The Flyers were better when most of those guys were hurt at the end of the year. I think the problem is this, there are 5 (or six counting Mez) on that list you made that have to play, purely because of money committed. However, those five don't necessarily represent the best defense we could potentially put on the ice. I don't know if it's awkward pairings or what, I can't put my finger on it.

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I think I understand what you are saying. But minus complete overhaul of the entire team, what options do we have? For better or worse, Homer was putting these pieces together over time. The team as a whole is pretty much set as well... I hope. Plus, I think if these players stay healthy and Lavy can figure out defensive pairings, these starting 6 can be a suitable unit. And that's what in my opinion plagued this defense last season - health. There was a laughable amount of games in which everybody was healthy. What could we reasonably expect? Of course on the ice they looked terrible; they hardly had time to even practice playing together.

Remember, this year there will be no bums like Gervais and Foster. Those two would make *any* team look horrendous. And I truly believe that skaters will feel more comfortable playing in front of either Mason or Ray, now that they don't have to worry about Bryz letting in a softie.

These are decent defensemen. Not great by any account, but they should be able to hold their own. And that's where a good coach should be helping his team to succeed, which is a whole different topic altogether.

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<br />I don't know if it's awkward pairings or what, I can't put my finger on it. <br />

one, I think it's because they are all second pair players. there is no real first pairing at this point. which isn't the worst thing ever, because while there is no real shutdown top pair, there also isn't a crappy third pair you have to carefully get the safest 14 minutes per night possible. but it does make things a little weird.

the other, I really really think bryzgalov effect made things look a lot worse than it was last season and the one before. I think there will be a way calmer blueline next season, and tighter coverage as a result.

I don't see the flyers' defense as a weakness at this point. it certainly isn't a strength, but it isn't going to kill them.

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