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Emery to Philly | 1 year / $1.65M

Guest Jmdodgesrt4

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All the description you have for Bryz I'd say the same of Emery. Bryz's full year with the Flyers was better than any single year Emery had except this recent one behind the Hawks' defense. I think you guys are just being hopefull and trying to stay positive, which I can't fault.

Either way my opinion is clearly my own. Mason will be the key, and I've always thought he deserved a chance to be a #1 somewhere. Having said that, PLEASE dress Emery for every Pens game. We need the wins. ;)

Good luck Ray!

I believe Mason will be given every opportunity to win the starting job if for one reason alone Mason is younger.

Unless it's a no brainer that Emery truly outshines Mason....it Steve's job to lose.

Emery is more or less insurance.

And there is nothing wrong with being optimistic....you should understand the Bryz difference, hell you guys have the only guy i wouldn't trade Bryz for because he's worse...MAF.

This team will benefit just from not having to deal with the Bryz saga anymore...there are other horses we can beat!

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I believe Mason will be given every opportunity to win the starting job if for one reason alone Mason is younger.

Unless it's a no brainer that Emery truly outshines Mason....it Steve's job to lose.

Emery is more or less insurance.

And there is nothing wrong with being optimistic....you should understand the Bryz difference, hell you guys have the only guy i wouldn't trade Bryz for because he's worse...MAF.

This team will benefit just from not having to deal with the Bryz saga anymore...there are other horses we can beat!

Agreed. Lol

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But I'm expecting Martin or Orpik.

you gain nothing by getting rid of other players.....MAF needs a change of scenery...it helps sometimes.

Orpik i wish would leave i hate that dude.

Emery and Mason are like a ray of sunshine after watching Bryz.

I'm so glad you got rid of Kennedy seemed he only scored verse us.

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you gain nothing by getting rid of other players.....MAF needs a change of scenery...it helps sometimes.

Orpik i wish would leave i hate that dude.

Emery and Mason are like a ray of sunshine after watching Bryz.

I'm so glad you got rid of Kennedy seemed he only scored verse us.

I'm glad Kennedy is gone because it wasn't worth $2 million a year just to get a goal every Flyers game. I'd love to see Fleury gone but Ray says no. I'd like to keep Orpik and Martin but I dunno what Shero is up to... Something has to give!

Edited by Polaris922
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All the description you have for Bryz I'd say the same of Emery. Bryz's full year with the Flyers was better than any single year Emery had except this recent one behind the Hawks' defense. I think you guys are just being hopefull and trying to stay positive, which I can't fault.

Either way my opinion is clearly my own. Mason will be the key, and I've always thought he deserved a chance to be a #1 somewhere. Having said that, PLEASE dress Emery for every Pens game. We need the wins. ;)

Good luck Ray!

If Emery plays as bad as Bryz, we're still getting him AND Mason for less. Win.

We'll dress Ray as long as you promise to dress M.A. every game,

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I'm hoping Fleury goes! Lol. But I'm expecting Martin or Orpik.

Man, this guy was just arguing with me in another thread the other day when I claimed Fluery was "mentally fragile" and weak come playoff time....claiming I just started watching hockey during the playoffs becuase I thought Fluery was weak and crumbles in the face of adversity.....not the best attribute in a goalie.

Who are you.....Mitt Romney or something....FLIP-FLOP-FLIP-FLOP! Now you want him gone yourself??

On second thought.....don't anwser any of those questions cuz I could care less. You just won the honor of being the ONE AND ONLY person I have ever used the ignore function on.....including the old Philly.com forum. Heck....I even used to listen to Kuato....at least he was funny.....

Have fun watching your "All-star" roster underacheive AGAIN next year.....at least we loose in the playoffs every year with a mediocre team ...

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Actually Polaris is a good poster (even though he's a Pens fan) who gets his back up (and rightfully so) because of the constant abuse he takes on here, including from me.

Ya know....I thought the same thing for a while.... I even had a pretty decent "back and forth" with him once about the Pens/Flyers series 2 years ago. But he just rubbed me the worng way over the last week or so and I just CAN'T STAND having to come on to one of the BEST internet resources for my favorite sports team (big pat on the back to the forum here....LOTS of good info on here from many sources) and have to listen to this one Pens Fan (with WAY too much time on his hands) putting the "Pens spin" on everything.

It's like watching Fox News as a democrat....makes you wanna bash your head against the wall.

My point in case is when he "jumped down my throat" the other day claiming "I just started watching hockey during the playoffs" cuz I said Fluery was a mentally fragile goalie....It's like me going over to "police" the Pens board to make sure no one was talking smack about Giroux or something..... Then he's on here today telling another poster that he hopes Fluery is gone.....Why?!?! Maybe cuz he can't handle pressure and CRUMBLES in the face of adversity.....like i said just last week!!!!

Ah, whatever......I just simply have NO reason to listen to this guy or care one bit what his opinions are on all things flyers.......NOPE. IGNORE.

At least he threw the forum some Coin I guess..... :ph34r:

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Well, on the surface it looks bad, but I did some research before making the prediction....we have not shut out the Pens since Marty Biron did it in 2008. So, I'm betting were are due to shut them out.


If it doesn't work out, the board will of course close ranks behind you and come up with a suitable likeness of Crosby. The possibilities are endless.

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I feel more confident with these two question marks in net than I felt a year ago with Bryz and Leighton...at double the cost.

Ha! Oh yeah me too, about a thousand percent more confident. I may not love the idea of a platoon system but for the players and coaches it has to be a huge improvement over dealing with Bryzgalov every day. And when it comes time to actually do the job and stop the puck....we're much better off with either Emery or Mason.

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Man, this guy was just arguing with me in another thread the other day when I claimed Fluery was "mentally fragile" and weak come playoff time....claiming I just started watching hockey during the playoffs becuase I thought Fluery was weak and crumbles in the face of adversity.....not the best attribute in a goalie.

Who are you.....Mitt Romney or something....FLIP-FLOP-FLIP-FLOP! Now you want him gone yourself??

On second thought.....don't anwser any of those questions cuz I could care less. You just won the honor of being the ONE AND ONLY person I have ever used the ignore function on.....including the old Philly.com forum. Heck....I even used to listen to Kuato....at least he was funny.....

Have fun watching your "All-star" roster underacheive AGAIN next year.....at least we loose in the playoffs every year with a mediocre team ...

If you remember correctly I was arguing that at least Fleury does have a good regular season, which I've always defended him for. I've also said repeatedly something is in his head for playoffs that needs fixed, and I don't think he's worth $5 million per year.

If you find that to be inconsistent, I think you've not read enough of my posts to put that all together. But then again you've shown in the past you'd rather attack for my allegiance than read what I actually say, so no loss here.

Good luck to you.

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If it doesn't work out, the board will of course close ranks behind you and come up with a suitable likeness of Crosby. The possibilities are endless.

Tsk tsk! The bet wasn't a likeness! No injecting bad faith! Lol. I doubt we'll see it either way though. I'll be surprised if Emery gets two starts against the Pens. I think Mason will earn the #1 and Laviolette should be aware Emery has a horrible track record against the Pens.

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"This board IS better with more fans from other teams than the Penguins."

There. Fixed it for ya! ;)

I agree with that statement and would hate to come acorss as not welcoming fans of other teams on this board to post or comment..... although I personally come on here (Ya know.....the FLYERS board), to more or less talk FLYERS hockey with other FLYER fans.......NOT to have to be told "i just started watching hockey" by a penguins fan acting under the guise of "hey, I'm a good guy hockey fan.....just happen to be a fan of your ARCH VIVAL who spends more time on this forum than his own team's...., but I just want to "talk hockey" with some like minded fans.....right???

But ANYWAY. this is the internet after-all. I've already "bitched" too much, and I appologize to anyone who was unfortunate enough to have wasted even 5 minutes of their time reading this non-sense! Inlcuding you Polaris......hopefully your not mucking up this thread with too many responses to this.

(Picture a grown man in a Flyers jersey with his fingers in his ear's going, "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA.....I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!" over and over)

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As for the Emery Signing. I like it, especially at the price. Good team in front of him or not....17-1 is freaking unreal!!

I think we got some healthy competition in net next year....

Is it true thast these guys (Mason/Emery) have been working out together for the last 3 years?? Thought I heard that in an article somewhere. Hope that's true.....good chemistry right off the bat.....

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Is it true thast these guys (Mason/Emery) have been working out together for the last 3 years?? Thought I heard that in an article somewhere. Hope that's true.....good chemistry right off the bat.....

Well Emery stated the other day he asked for Mason's number so he could call and chat with him so that sounds good to me...what better way to make a good start for the team.

A healthy competition is a win win for the team...yet due to age you'd have to imagine Emery is just here for insurance.

Flyers are expecting Mason to take the reins and run with them (remember they have tried to trade for him a couple times before) it will basically be his job to lose...although no one will actually come out and say it.

Besides he is younger 24.....Emery 31...but if Mason falters he may not get another chance here.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Apparently they do work out together over the summers. I know I've read that somewhere. If I find it I'll post it.

Imagine if the Flyers had him (Emery) in the finals verse Hawks that year...it certainly would have been closer...wouldn't be no Bryz experiment....Emery went 39-12 916% since his last game with the Flyers...

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@OccamsRazor found it...


"Emery said he works out with Mason in the summer. "He's just around the corner from my place in Toronto. He’s a great young goalie," Emery said. Emery said he considers the Flyers' goaltending duo to be more of a "tandem relationship" instead of a competition"

Edited by jammer2
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