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Guest AlaskaFlyerFan

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"It may appear that way, but it is not the case. I don't have individual problems with people on here unless they are Pissburg fans. Since I have been tattled on and had my pee-pee smacked, I can not address those individuals in a manner I feel is appropriate. With that said, let's move on."

That's fair enough. Moving on.

"In an attempt to clarify (yet again), my point is not that the Flyers are doing everything right, or that Rad, you or FC are wrong. What I am trying to say is it gets old that no matter what move they make it is met with a barrage of criticism tainted with self righteous indignation."

I thought you moved on?

"Briere is gone. Bryzgalov is gone. Did either of them cost us Giroux, Couturier, Simmonds or Schen? Was Richards or Carter lost due to these siginings? Is the team cap strapped and not able to make a move? the answer is no. My point is more about negativity being the predominant feel and emotion. Its exhausting!"

Yes - Briere and Bryz are gone but only through the good fortune of the compliance buyouts. In short, Homer was very lucky. No buyouts and they are still here siphoning $11 million of our cap space and likely impacting extensions for Giroux, Courturier, Read, etc, down the road. You also need to ask yourself what other moves we could have made had those players not been signed. Where the negativity comes from is that once again - despite a "get outta jail free card - two actually - Homer does the same thing again with Streit and Lecavalier. Those are short term fixes with little chance of long term success. If we were ** this ** close to a Cup I'd be all for them but this team is not a serious threat as they are built right now. If you are happy with "good - not great" then I can understand your reasoning but there is nothing wrong with taking a step or 2 back now so we can take 3 or 4 steps forward in a few years. Moves like Pronger, Briere, Bryz, Streit, Lecavalier - even Hartnell - are 1 step foward now and 2 steps back in a few years and still no Cup.

The Cup should be the organization's ultimate goal. Not just contending every year. That's easy.

Wise words bro, wise words.

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Moving on meant, back to the topic at hand, not to another subject altogether

About the compliance buy-outs... as i understand it, the buys out were offered i the the new CBA by the NHLPA. I say that just as a matter of information and I guess it isn't particularly relevant. I don't see any way Homer could forsee that coming. However, I have to belive that the Flyer organization saw the writing on the wall and how it could fit their situation. Was it lucky? Sure. But the result is the same regardless of the way it came about. We have no way of knowing how things would have worked out if the buy out was not possible. Just like we had no way to know Forsberg would have been injured and the same with Pronger. You say Streit and Vinny offer "little chance of long term success". You are most likely right, but how do you know? How can you be sure that these two don't shape the franchise over the next few seasons that have a positive over negative impact? You offer speculation (which players in place of Briere or Bryzgalov, or what would have happened to Giroux if no buy outs) as positive arguments for your why your POV is right. Then, as I just quoted you about Vinny, negative speculation on how terrible the Flyers are to prove your POV.

Whether Homer uses compliance buy outs, shrewd trades (Zhitnik), or forunate injuries, he manages to find ways to unload these players that casue so much grief on within the forum. And that really is all mypoint is about. We have no way of knowing what the Gm will come up with in a few years, so why take a "sky is falling mentality" ALL THE TIME? In the end, the team is looking better now then it did last year and if you make it to the play-offs, you have a chance. As a fan, I am looking forward to the season now.

I agree the Cup should be the goal. I agree with you again, that their approach has proven time and again to not work. I don't know how else to say it. When it comes to the Flyers TODAY, I choose to think the glass is half full

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You get reprimanded for calling them names and making it personal. We're not 12 years old...I think. And whether you agree or not, a hockey board is better with a variety of fans. That includes you, and Pen fans.

It's funny to see posters upset with opposing fans coming into the Flyers area giving their two cents from their teams perspective, cause that is exactly what we are trying to promote. It's the goal to have all kinds of different fans commenting in all the respective team areas. I won't pass up a chance to stick up for the Pens posters, their opinion matters to me, and they are some bright hockey minds....we are lucky to have them here.

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Then we disagree. I would trade the entire phantom's team, give up all of our draft picks if it got us a SC. That IS why they play the game right? To win it all...

Isn't that what I said?

IF just once this non-plan of just buying the most expensive, oldest guy in free agency year in and year out had won us a cup, I wouldn't argue. If trading away all those first and second round picks, and young players and prospects had just one time resulted in a win on the last day of postseason, I'd be fine with it. But we've been watching this same thing for well over 2 decades. And it HASN'T won us a cup.

If you're happy with telling your grandchildren "ya, I saw the Flyers lose SEVEN times in the finals", or SEVENTEEN for that matter then have at 'er. I'd like to see them win another. And if the strategy they've used for the past 25 years hasn't got them a single cup, why the heck not draw up a new gameplan?

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It's funny to see posters upset with opposing fans coming into the Flyers area giving their two cents from their teams perspective, cause that is exactly what we are trying to promote. It's the goal to have all kinds of different fans commenting in all the respective team areas. I won't pass up a chance to stick up for the Pens posters, their opinion matters to me, and they are some bright hockey minds....we are lucky to have them here.


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