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why all the hate on the Vinny signing

Guest trevluk

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TGIF83' you brought up some clean points, and appreciated. Vin isn't a glaring present need, but a need none the less.* His defensive liability is my question mark on him, and if he plays the wing, like is rumoured, then we can have our cake and eat it too. Not at the expense of Gagne, if Homer comes up with that BS, then I recant this trade, I want him to retire a Flyer, dammit Jim! Make it happen.

*As posted in the origanal Vinny thread.

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I wouldn't want ANY of those guys NOW...let alone a year from now.What do those guys all have in common?

Playoff underachievers (except maybe marleau).

So, how many of them does Homer target next offseason?

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Four years from now when our young guys are coming into their own, that noise you hear is the wheels falling off the LeCavalier/Streit wagon. Just like they fall off every other past their prime "this time it's gonna work" stupid ass signing with a NTC that Holmgren/Clarke has felt was the final piece and chased on this and every other Groundhog Day.

In 4 years you let Tampa take vinny back for his last season and unload streit for a bag of pucks (or depending on whether he's producing like kimmo did last season, for a bag of pucks and a pick)

What matters is that we have 2 excellent stop gaps signed at affordable annual cap hits for at least the next 3 years until morin, ghost, hagg, lauridsen are looking ready to step up. And we can still sign giroux, Schenn, couturier (mason maybe) up longer term.

Nothing wrong with either of these deals except the current logjam at center. Moving coburn or mez could happen, but its not a necessity right now.

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I don't understand all the hate for this signing, either. Unlike some of the overpaid, way past their prime stiffs they've signed in the past in free agency just to put asses in the seats, this guy clearly can still play at a high level. He had 32 points in 40 games last year and in his last full season where he played 64 games in 2012, he had 22 goals and 49 points. I know he played with St. Louis who got him the puck a lot of the time, but that's pretty good for a player his age. He's not a guy like Dale Hawerchuk or Adam Oates, who couldn't really play anymore by the time they got here. Now they need to sign Tim Thomas and get an offensively-skilled d-man and this would be the best off-season since trading Jeff Carter.

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Nothing wrong with either of these deals except the current logjam at center. Moving coburn or mez could happen, but its not a necessity right now.

Moving Mez is a necessity I think, basically just to "get out from under" a contract for a player that's likely never going to give us a full season again. Trade him for cap space and that's the best we can hope for with Mez. Even right now, with Mez we're not anywhere near "cap hell" but trading him will only help. I never liked that Mez deal and it's time to cut our losses.

So there's this big concern about the "logjam at center" and how Vinny's going to kill the young guys' growth...man is that way overstated. So Schenn moves to wing. Is that really such a calamity? No. It's not. Stop worrying about "natural centers" and OMG they may have to skate wing. Guys like Couts and Schenn, Laughton all can play wing and do just fine. What's a "natural center" anyway? A guy who stood out as the best scorer, best puck-handler growing up. That's all.

The way to look at Vinny is to think of him as a (huge) upgrade to Briere at a better price. He's 33 so 5 years isn't horrible. Of course we'd all prefer Vinny for 3 years but I trust that just wasn't happening. Yes he'll slow down in a few years; he already has, but don't think his tank is empty. He's not going to hurt anybody's growth he's going to be a solid FO man, a great PP threat and he'll provide leadership and winning experience. I can hear the LOLs now but guess what? The Flyers aren't exactly loaded with veterans anymore, esp at forward if they don't re-sign Gagne. By all accounts VL is a great team guy on and off the ice, he's no head case or primma donna.

The Streit signing I don't get, I hate it and that's because Mark Streit at this point is only marginally better than Gus imo. But LeCav? We get a helluva good player for a good price.

Edited by canoli
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i can appreciate the need for some veteran leadership since Daniel Briere was bought out there is Timmonen , and.... and.... there are guys that have been around but maybe aren't the steadying voice necessary in a room full of young 20 somethings.

Hartnell is a great follower and team guy but is not a leader, Giroux is growing into it, Coburn.... he can skate, Talbot was missing most of the year last year, has high character but doesn't have the credibilty that Jagr or Lecaviler will have.

i can appreciate the siging from that perspective.

I don't hate all of the Streit signing either, i do hate that he's 35 but i think he will be a nice bridge from Timmonen until Schenn or one of the young guys is ready to be the lead dog.

i really do think there is merit to what @aziz , @canoli and some others are saying regarding having a skilled winning veteran presence around young talented players. i think the Oil are a good example of talent without a rudder. I think last season for us was similar to the Oil's experience... plus i like calling that team "the Oil" that's fun.

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@mojo1917 Everybody is talking about the veteran presence Vinny will bring. That's kind of forgetting he is lazy on defense, is always a career minus player and Metzler added "takes entire games off mentally". Is this the kind of veteran presence we want the kids to learn from. The pts are more important than all round play. Vinny reminds me a lot of Jeff Carter on defense. Does just enough positioning wise so people can't call him out, but will not take the big hit to maintain possession, will not sacrafice his body on defense, does not help much at sustaining the cycle. In short, there is no sense of desperataion when chasing down loose pucks....when Flyer fans see what he is really all about, he will be universally hated by the fan base, much like Jeff Carter was. Flyer fans are smart, they can see a slacker from a mile away, and that is just what he signed.

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