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Dreger reports Vinnie to Flyers

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I love Vinny. He's a consummate professional, big, plays well in big moments. He's a perfect addition to mentor Giroux, Schenn, Couturier as he's been a long time NHL captain and winner. I couldn't be happier. This is one of my favorite players moving to my favorite team :)

Sorry if what I said is a repeat of someone else. The contract isn't horrible but cheaper than I thought.

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I hate this. Absolutely hate this. I want Holmgren fired and I want Snider to choke on his dinner. He doesn't have to die. A nice lengthy coma or stroke would be fine.

So much for a plan. So much for building the right way. I knew Holmgren would screw it up. I knew it. I almost allowed myself to believe the impossible. Stupid, stupid, ruxpin. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a damn pig.

Holmgren/Snider just cannot help themselves from doing everything and anything possible to prevent this team from ever winning a cup. They both need to go.

They were both just given a chance to erase mistakes (okay, $40M+ eraser) and learn from it. Well, that lasted less than a week. Dumbest damn owner/GM combo there is.

There will not be a parade in Philly in at least the next 5 years. Enjoy misery kids.

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I'm thinking coburn in package for ryan, then coots for young dman, which wouldn't be a bad turn around imo

In other words, a make-over and lingering question marks in net. Just what we needed. lol

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That is a nice lineup...how does the cap look though????? And drop McGinn and Talbot to the fourth and insert Gagne...if there is no room i could live with that.

I hate it. We have centers on wing on TWO lines. God, I hate this ####ing "management." I haven't been to a damn parade in 38 years and I'm not getting any younger. The utter idiocy of this franchise is so completely ticking me off. It's really not even fun anymore.

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My take...I kinda of agree with bits and pieces of everyone here.

1. Luxury player we really don't need

2. potentially does not let the kids grow

3. we need a solid goalie/goalie back up if mason fails

4. growth on blue line. we need bodies that actually play defense...not aging vets / a player made of glass/ and another who is just lost in space

5. stupid contract. - is this not what got us trouble to begin with

6. agree he does add a unique dimension to this team. - however we have too many centers

7. totally agree with rux...where is the goddamm plan???? are we rebuilding and letting the the kids grow...or are we going for broke again...literally

homer / snider have no clue...i want to see their short term and long term plans for this team. this signing to me just seems like a chicken with its head cut off...it makes NO SENSE......

carry on.....

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I'm thinking coburn in package for ryan, then coots for young dman, which wouldn't be a bad turn around imo

Jesus Christ. No offense but it is exactly this kind of thinking that will absolutely guarantee no cup before I die. It's exactly why we've had no cup since I was 6 years old. Stop mortgaging everything for washed up overpriced used-to-bes.

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It is on SI.com and ESPN.com...

I just don't get it...Five years and a NMC. Shoot, can't we learn our lessons? Now the question is who the hell get dumped? I think Mez is a possibility along with our friend Coburn. But there may be more to this madness. Meanwhile, we need a backup to Mason.

I am getting out my pads...They can sign me cheap...and I will not require a NMC.

So much for youth and patience.


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I read a lot of people saying one of the bennies here is his size... Are we talking Lecavalier from the Lightning? The guy has size, but plays a pansy game that you guys always hate on so much. He had a great scoring touch, but he always got and still gets pushed around on the ice.

I admit I'm shocked at this signing. It doesn't make any sense to me either. Especially at five years... That's just stupid. I support the Streit signing because he's the puck moving d-man you need. This?? This makes no sense... One bad season and panic alarms are ringing.

Polaris... I see where you are coming from as Vinny does not use his size to hit but he does protect the puck very well.

I have to see what other trades come to truly grade this one but they did add skill and they added a player that can add to the face off circle and power play unit. The Flyers can now throw out two pp units that are deadly.

I am baffled by this move but we did get better up front Imo... More moves to come...

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Buncha Debbie downers here. Vinny is still a premier player in this league. Almost PPG with a good FO % these are both things the flyers gave struggled mightily with. At a $4.5 AAV... It's a good deal. Does it solve our more pressing issues!? Goal and D... Noooo, but this is not the end of the dealing... Obviously.

So get your nanny pants changed and be patient.

no offense, but f### everyone who has "patience" vomit out of their butt on this. I've waited 38 years. How long before it's not IMpatient? It's AGAIN the same thing we've been kvetching about for a decade. The same EXACT thing.

An old regressing vet

Attention to a position we DON'T need at the expense of those we do

A long NMC

Etc etc etc.


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One bad season and panic alarms are ringing.

If it was an isolated reaction to *one* bad season, I would live with that. Would probably have a puzzling look on my face, but still would understand it.

What makes this maddening and ridiculous is that this sort of things is what this team has been literally THRIVING on for years and years and years.

When they bought out Bryz and Briere, some of us (including myself) were naive and gullible enough to think they finally learned something. Alas, no such luck.

And it would at least soften the blow if it made sense hockey-wise. But this acquisiton just makes no sense hockeyc-wise; forget the money and NTC and everything else. This just makes you shrug and shake your head. The Flyers need a premiere goalie and possibly a defensemen (although, as I noted in previous threads, I am more or less OK with our D right now). But why add a center to a team which really seems to be all set in that position? There is no room for LeCavalier on this current roster.

I was not particulay happy about Briere and Hartnell deal 5 years ago, but it made sense why they did it. I was enraged about giving up so much to get Pronger, but it made sense why they did it. I absolutely HATED trading Bob, but I could undertsand the logic. This deal makes just no sense... None.

We have an irresponsible fool running the team.

To what do we owe this fate?

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no offense, but f### everyone who has "patience" vomit out of tbeir ass on this. I've waited 38 god damn years. How long before it's not IMpatient? It's AGAIN the same damn thing we've been bitching about for a decade. The same EXACT thing.

An old regressing vet

Attention to a position we DON'T need at the expense of those we do

A long NMC

Etc etc etc.


Rux... I feel your pain man but I think we need to see what happens here with fa and trades. You are right as this is absolutely the same M. O. every year... The signing does not bother me bc I think Vinny has plenty left in the tank but the length and NMC leaves me scratching my head again...

Things are never easy as a Flyers fan... This statement is as proof positive as death and taxes

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I think it is funny that people are complaining in about players playing out of position bc I brought this up numerous times and was bashed for it...

Not by me. You were right then and it's a justifiable concern now. It's actually not my primary concern but it's A concern.

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It is on SI.com and ESPN.com...

I just don't get it...Five years and a NMC. Shoot, can't we learn our lessons? Now the question is who the hell get dumped? I think Mez is a possibility along with our friend Coburn. But there may be more to this madness. Meanwhile, we need a backup to Mason.

I am getting out my pads...They can sign me cheap...and I will not require a NMC.

So much for youth and patience.


agreed Howie....however Mez is like a piece of china/glass in a shop where an impending bull is about to storm. I already was thinking his days were numbered.....

no I hate to agree with TF83 for once...but he might take some pressure off Roo.

Other than that...this leadership has learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes...and that is what pissssses me off the most.....

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If it was an isolated reaction to *one* bad season, I would live with that. Would probably have a puzzling look on my face, but still would understand it.

What makes this maddening and ridiculous is that this sort of things is what this team has been literally THRIVING on for years and years and years.

When they bought out Bryz and Briere, some of us (including myself) were naive and gullible enough to think they finally learned something. Alas, no such luck.

And it would at least soften the blow if it made sense hockey-wise. But this acquisiton just makes no sense hockeyc-wise; forget the money and NTC and everything else. This just makes you shrug and shake your head. The Flyers need a premiere goalie and possibly a defensemen (although, as I noted in previous threads, I am more or less OK with our D right now). But why add a center to a team which really seems to be all set in that position? There is no room for LeCavalier on this current roster.

I was not particulay happy about Briere and Hartnell deal 5 years ago, but it made sense why they did it. I was enraged about giving up so much to get Pronger, but it made sense why they did it. I absolutely HATED trading Bob, but I could undertsand the logic. This deal makes just no sense... None.

We have an irresponsible fool running the team.

To what do we owe this fate?

sorry MD i'm out of agrees right now....but I agree with everything......I have tried to be the patient fan for years..trying to make some sense out of this madness...however this one literally takes the cake. I sure hell hope that Homer has something else up his sleeve.

what do we owe this fate.....we are Flyers fans...plain and simple ....

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agreed Howie....however Mez is like a piece of china/glass in a shop where an impending bull is about to storm. I already was thinking his days were numbered.....

no I hate to agree with TF83 for once...but he might take some pressure off Roo.

Other than that...this leadership has learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes...and that is what pissssses me off the most.....

PD--I posted on another thread that our Weiss would be an OK add on if they wanted a younger dude who is versatile. But I suspect Homer will be giving out Depends soon at this rate.

Peace,and it's only a game, right?


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Somewhere @radoran is smiling and preparing to type something along the lines of..."you didn't expect the management team to actually learn from their mistakes now did you?"

these @ruxpin outbursts confirms they are not the same person....but where is Rad...*shifty eyes*

Edited by mojo1917
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I seem to remember the same kind of reaction when Jagr was signed. I'm sitting here laughing out loud at all the "sky is falling" posts!!

What made Jagr deal much more amicable is 1) low salary cap hit, 2) short term, 3) there was actually a place for him on a roster as the team lost Richards and Carter and needed infusion of scoring.

Not even comparable.... Sorry.

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