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Jonas Hiller

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@Howie58 "My gut says, and I am no doctor, that we will not Mesz suit up again. That adds what...4 million on LTIR. "

I seem to recall somebody mentioning that you can only LTIR one guy at a time. Since ours is now used up till 2037 on Pronger, that would put us in a horrible positon....I hope and pray I'm wrong on this.

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Yikes...what do you do with a guy who is medically unfit? I feel sorry for the guy..he is a competent defender and hard worker. But I suspect he is falling apart.

You know more about this than I ever will.


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@murraycraven I don't mean to hijack the thread, but is it not funny how the Flyers are the only team that somehow equates goals = championships. They even go to the extent that as a org, they employ this dreadful run and gun to optimize goals. Only the Flyers can't grasp the simple concept that goaltending and a quick, mobile heads up defence = championship.

I would love to see a defense first system, a boring, in your face, force you into a mistake blood and guts kinda system, one where you get a few chances per game and the stars bury them. That's what this team needs right now....that's what fits our defense as it stands, they need more forwards coming back, more clogging up the neutral zone until our d is mobilie enough to handle something else.


That would mean Lavy needs to go...what you are describing is the complete opposite of the Lavy run-and-gun gung-ho style, which depends on a goalie standing on his head (like he had with Cam Ward).

I agree though, it would be nice to see a similar system implemented like Boston's.

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is it not funny how the Flyers are the only team that somehow equates goals = championships.

I'm not sure that this is the Flyers math.

I really think the equation for the Flyers is: Goals = attendance + ratings = revenue

The championships thing is completely incidental and the carrot in front of the jackass(es). I don't think it's cynical. I think it's obvious. And I think the Flyers have a good laboratory example right up I-95. The Devils win championships and cannot fill their building unless they play the Flyers or the Rangers. Even then, it's often not quite full. Why? Because while they play an effective style for winning championships (usually), they don't score much. They play a boring style which, despite winning, hurts gate and ratings. So, Snider looks at THAT math: (Defensive Style + Goaltending) - offense = Championships - revenue and thinks his math is preferable.


I don't care whether we bring Bobby Ryan or Bobby Flay. If Hiller were to come to the Flyers--and I honestly don't see any reason why this would be a legitimate pipe dream--the Flyers are set in goal for a bit barring a recurrence of vertigo or some other injury. Between he and Mason, goaltending would, for at least a year, not be a problem in Philly. Which leaves the defense. I actually would like one more piece back there, preferably on the top pairing. But short of that, if you move Mez (for money mostly) I think we're actually okay back there. If you don't move Mez AND he returns to the form of 2-3 years ago, I actually don't think you have a bad group given the goaltenders behind them.

But at some point I think you need to add a winger that can score somewhat consistently. At least in the 25-30 range. Now, maybe you add that simply by Hartnell returning to his 2011-12 form. I doubt that, but it's possible. But if not, you need to go get one. Ryan may be overkill given his salary and I might try to figure out if I can do it cheaper. But if it came to Ryan and Hiller coming, I think it would be a decent move depending upon what is going the other way.

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I will explain how Chicago will affect Flyer math. They'll see that the team that won the Cup was the second highest scoring team in the league. The fact they had the best GAA will be lost on them. They'll see Chicago won despite that their goalie couldn't stop anything with his glove. I'm not talking about reality. I'm only talking about the lessons that will be taken from their win and applied to the Flyer math.

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I have to agree with Rux on this one... While this is a copycat league Homer and crew will take this to the extreme. Streit and the draft will be the only thing that addresses defense. All the while we are spending big $$ to bring in Ryan and possibly another overproced free agent to play in the top 6.

I hope I am wrong but history pretty much assures us this will be the plan.

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I have to agree with Rux on this one... While this is a copycat league Homer and crew will take this to the extreme. Streit and the draft will be the only thing that addresses defense. All the while we are spending big $$ to bring in Ryan and possibly another overproced free agent to play in the top 6.

I hope I am wrong but history pretty much assures us this will be the plan.

I heard someone say that the Flyers are always trying to win last year's Stanley Cup. I think that almost perfectly sums it up.

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the first line still needs a vet winger that will help giroux's line like jagr, it's evident that giroux was struggling because he had no desent winger on his side, ryan will help that line alot with his size and speed.

Well, thank God the Flyers don't have a 31-year old winger signed at $4.75M for the next six years to fill that role already.

What? They do?

Who's the idiot that signed that contract?

Oh, right.

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At $5.1M for Ryan and $4.5M for Hiller, how do they make this happen without something significant going the other way? Even with Bryz's and Briere's money I don't think they can do this and keep money back for Giroux et al.

Would you do Ryan/Hiller for Hartnell/Mez? I can't imagine why the Ducks would do that so put your NHL'13 hats on for a second.

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I think Tim Pannaccio just mentioned this thread on CSN. He must have seen it and said "keep an eye out for a trade for Bobby Ryan to come along with Jonas Hiller"

That wasn't even the thread title it was a post within the thread.

Tpanatch, if you're reading this post let me say you're a hack.

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At $5.1M for Ryan and $4.5M for Hiller, how do they make this happen without something significant going the other way? Even with Bryz's and Briere's money I don't think they can do this and keep money back for Giroux et al.

Would you do Ryan/Hiller for Hartnell/Mez? I can't imagine why the Ducks would do that so put your NHL'13 hats on for a second.

I really don't want to lose Hartnell. He shows up well against the Pens and his grit would be missed. I think he just needs to keep his conditioning up.

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I think he just needs to keep his hair conditioning up.

You may have forgotten a word.

Hartnell has done some very cool things with charity and I love it when he is mic'd. If his role was to be simply a pest and was paid accordingly, I'd be okay with him. But he's looked to as a scorer and paid as such and I just don't see it (2011-12 not withstanding)

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You may have forgotten a word.

Hartnell has done some very cool things with charity and I love it when he is mic'd. If his role was to be simply a pest and was paid accordingly, I'd be okay with him. But he's looked to as a scorer and paid as such and I just don't see it (2011-12 not withstanding)

Oh I agree he is overpaid

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I meant their winning style. They have offense and defense, with complimentary goaltending.

I thought that's what you meant, but couldn't--still can't--figure out what that had to do with the point I was making. It had nothing to do with any generalized point that would involve any team other than the Flyers and their front office.

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unless the flyers have great defense, no goalie is going to surivive on this team, im not going to be surprised if any fa goalie will not want to come here, plus if it's heeter backing up mason, be prepared for a blood bath because you know lav will overplay mason and he will struggle and heeter comes in and stinks it up, he will play mason up the butt.

my problem with buying out bryz is that you are buying him out when there's no plan for a replacement, espcially the goalie fa pool is thin, it's going to be tough getting one through a trade, when you have give up assets and draft picks. i mean do you expect mason to play well if he's playing more than 70 games when your backup could an ahl goalie(worse case scenio)? if that's the case, i never heard of any goalie playing more than 70 games although lav played bryz for 40 games and have success. chicago had good goalies because joel splitted their playing time, they have two solid goalies and if homer doesnt get emery, it's going to be problem.

i agree bryz contract is bad and i dont mind him being bought out but what good goalies are out there and if they even want to come here after the media and fan beating on the goalies?

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i never heard of any goalie playing more than 70 games

Brodeur has played more than 70 games 12 times in his career.

my problem with buying out bryz is that you are buying him out when there's no plan for a replacement

Do you really think Holmgren doesn't have a plan? wow, not like it is his job or anything to put on the ice the best team he can for this organization.

it's going to be tough getting one through a trade, when you have give up assets and draft picks.

Yeah, and we got Mason for a third round pick and Leighton...... really that isn't that much. ONLY FA goalies have a choice to come here. Those that are traded don't have a choice. Philly is not as horrible of a place to play as you think.

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I thought that's what you meant, but couldn't--still can't--figure out what that had to do with the point I was making. It had nothing to do with any generalized point that would involve any team other than the Flyers and their front office.

Defensive play doesn't have to be boring or allergic to scoring goals. You also don't need elite goaltending, though it helps. I think I was asleep for that first post though, so I'm guessing what I might have been thinking.

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